
"You have more than one seal on your body." He simply stated.

"I know this, my memory and spiritual power have been sealed."

"Apollo sealed your memory, because this memory was not conducive to your survival at that time. Daphne sealed your spiritual power, because you are not strong enough to be able to control your huge spiritual power. And Proseus, His seal is not worth mentioning, it has been untied long ago, otherwise you would not know that your memory was sealed."

There are actually three? !He actually knows more about my situation than I do. How can he achieve this with his strong perception and deep understanding of the magic circle?I don't know, maybe among the blood race of our generation, no one can match it.

"Apollo and Daphne, who are they? Why are they always mentioned?" The nobles in Zmixi talked about them as if I should know about them, and now it's Oston again!What kind of medicine are they selling in their gourds!

My heart is a little anxious.

"Let's talk about the curse seal first. I believe you are in pain, right?"

I'm extremely annoyed at his behavior of changing the subject.

"Actually, the superficial function of the curse seal is to absorb a large amount of spiritual power, so that you can't easily use the magic circle, which is beneficial for me to use the shadow double to disappear. But it also has another function..."

He leaned close to me, wishing he could shoot two lasers from his eyes and shoot me all over my body, I couldn't help trembling.

It's not a good feeling, it's still comfortable with my human girl.

"Continuously gather your spiritual power, and finally gather it at the center of the seal, thereby unlocking the seal."

Apollo and Daphne, who I don't know, can the seal set on me be untied in this way?I only know how to use the anti-seal magic circle to break the seal.

That is to say, Oston let me unlock my own seal through such a magic circle that absorbs and gathers spiritual power!What a genius he is!After all, at that time he and I wanted to maintain a confrontational posture, so it was naturally impossible to unseal the seal for me with my own hands.He's such a man of all plans. I'd rather marry McGee than be with him, because I can't beat him at all.After all, at least I have a way of dealing with McGee.

"That is to say, in fact...you unlocked my seal?"

"It can be said this way, my dear Grand Duke. Come, appreciate your own memory, all doubts will be answered; all confusion will disappear..."

My nerves are in a state of high tension, and I know that everything will be revealed.

He stretched out his hand towards me, his fingertips radiating blue light.I felt hot all over my body, his spiritual power began to flow through my whole body, and then——

Dazzling silver lights lit up around me like an explosion, and the overwhelming images kept pouring into my mind. That feeling... Maybe Leng Xing will experience it, after all, she has been memorizing to the point of madness these days—yes, it is the brain It feels like it's about to explode.

As if time stood still, the surroundings became extremely quiet.Alston looked at me silently, and I was lost in memory.

Chapter 39 Inside and Outside of Dreams (Part [-])

It's like a flick of a finger, and a hundred years have passed.

——Red Doujun

Auston looked at the Duke who was lost in memory, and remained silent.The Duke stood where he was, with a blank expression on his face.

The first picture she remembered was in Fei Lengcui, the city of flowers in Italy.Of course, it is better known as Florence, yes, the birthplace of the Renaissance, where she was born.

However, at this moment she is already a child who looks to be six or seven years old, even though her real age is more than five times her apparent age.After all, the growth of the blood race is extremely slow, especially after adulthood, accepting the first embrace will make the appearance stay at the age of about 16 to 25 years of human beings, even if time passes, the changes are extremely subtle.

The Duke, who was still a child, was looking at the blood clan in front of him with arrogance and arrogance.

"Your Highness Qiangwei, I hope you will not meddle in the affairs of our clan."

"What if I insist that you let her go today?"

The duke's blue eyes were staring straight at the vampire on the opposite side.Behind him, two guards were holding tightly to a girl with golden brown hair and chocolate eyes. The girl was trembling for the death she was about to face.

"Children, don't meddle in the affairs of adults!" A guard responded in a bad tone.

The elder of Lei Funuo did not speak, and looked at the little girl who was not even as high as his chest.

The Duke slowly walked up to the guard. She raised her chin, spoke politely but looked extremely proud: "Please pay attention to our identities."

Her voice is immature, but her attitude is not casual at all, she does not look like a child at all.

The elder of Lei Funuo looked at the guard, and said in a cold voice: "I apologize to His Royal Highness Qiangwei."

"..." The guard stiffened his neck, but refused to speak.

"It doesn't matter if you don't listen to me, because I am not your elder, but there is a difference between high and low. You shouldn't talk to me like that, let alone reject the elder's request."

"I'm sorry, Your Highness, please forgive me."

"No problem." The Duke waved his hand, "His Royal Highness, can we talk?"

The elder looked down on this child who was only of high pedigree, but after seeing that the Duke at such a young age was as calm and rational as an adult, he agreed to the proposal.

After the elder of Ravono stayed alone with the young Duke for more than an hour, the elder announced his release and left with his guards.No one knew what was going on between them.

"Get up, you're fine."

The Duke helped the girl up, turned around and prepared to teleport away.

"Please wait!"

The Duke turned his head.

"My name is Alice."

"Well, I see." She turned her head uninterested, and was about to leave again.

"Please allow me to be your subordinate."

"I'm just a child, Alice." She's not really a duke yet, just Apollo's daughter, the princess of Ventrue.

"Please allow me to be your subordinate." Alice repeated resolutely, her chocolate eyes full of earnestness and sincerity.

The Duke stretched out his hand, and the fingertips radiated silver light. She was identifying Alice's spiritual power attributes.

"You are not from Ventrue, you are from Ravono."

And you are of mixed race.She didn't say that.

"Do you know why the elder must execute me?"

The Duke shook his head.

"Because I'm a hybrid of vampires and humans."

"Well, mixed blood, and it's from another family. Well, come with me."

Even now, the Duke still thinks from the bottom of his heart that except for the pure blood race, other blood races and human beings are mostly inferior existences, not to mention that the Duke was still a pure bloodist at that time, and believed that all mixed blood races and human blood races should not come. Since she came to this world, she naturally doesn't like mixed races, and she also quite rejects strangers.It's just that when she saw Elder Lei Funuo inexplicably going to kill the lovely and pitiful girl in front of her, maybe it was because long-term loneliness was like death, in short, she saved the girl in front of her.

The girl more than 500 years ago is Alice, who is now the captain of the Duke's Guards. She has an outstanding talent and can easily manipulate amazing illusions.

However, she didn't want to entangle the young girl's resolute behavior any longer, so let her go, anyway, it's just that there is one more person who works hard.

The Duke at the time didn't know how much her unintentional act had changed the entire blood race.

The memory flashed back again——

The Duke shouted: "No!"

There was chaos all around, explosions everywhere, and the green light of the magic circle slowly flowing.

Not only was the huge imprint of the magic circle spinning under his feet, but the surrounding guests were knocked down one by one by the dazzling red light.Everything changed, the terrified cries pierced her ears like a drill, and the shrill shouts filled the entire castle.

A hellish scene, a massive influx of soldiers in uniform.

Their red and black military uniforms are brand new and neat, the swords in their hands are shining, and everyone has the expression of a wolf about to hunt.

The Duke couldn't help being frightened for a while. The spiritual power in her body was extremely chaotic after she had embraced her for the first time, and she couldn't exert any power at all.

Proseus was surrounded by the backbone of the army, the green light was rushing, and the magic circle enveloped the castle.

"Brother... don't blame me for being cruel."

Those generals surrounded Apollo, each of them held a spiritual weapon and surrounded him with a look of wariness.

"Your time is over, my dear brother Sun God." A storm surged in Proseus' usually empty blue eyes, and pride and unexplained hatred intertwined on his face.

"If I don't resist, can you not hurt my daughter?"

don't want!The Duke yelled in his heart, but everything in front of her eyes was blurred at this moment, and she couldn't even say a word.

"Well... for her sake, I'll spare Xiao Qiangwei's life. After all, Xiao Qiangwei is also her daughter..." Proseus smiled, and the cold breath disappeared a lot. At this moment, her uncle It's like a teenager in love.

"However... how can I trust you, brother?"

"The blood contract is proof, as long as you don't hurt my wife and daughter, you can do whatever you want."

"Okay, don't worry, brother, it's too late for me to love her."

The golden light gradually lit up with Apollo and Proseus as the center, the light was like the scorching sun at noon, extremely dazzling.The Duke almost fell to his knees, and the surging storm of spiritual power made her as weak as a newborn unable to resist, but she still supported her body and her self-esteem with her palms.

She will never kneel!

No one could see it, Apollo's left hand was cruising with a faint blue light, even Proseus, who was staring at him, couldn't see it.

The strength in the Duke's body drained away like water, and her consciousness also became trance.Everything becomes blurred...

The silver moon hanging high in front of my eyes at the moment of birth...

Mother's long silver hair and smile in her emerald eyes...

After her spiritual power erupted, the lifeless city was devastated, and she was drenched in blood and trembling...

And now, the scene where the dazzling golden light flows...

Her memory is being largely sealed by Apollo, leaving only some irrelevant scenes, knowledge necessary for blood races, and some small loopholes...

Under the beautiful night with the silver moon in the sky, the roses in the garden are in full bloom, fiery red and enchanting.

Finally, the light in Apollo's eyes disappeared, and the Duke's consciousness fell into darkness.

The memory is still flashing back--

"Hector!" No one could hear the muffled low cry, just like after a meteorite hit the moon, although the sky fell apart, everything remained silent.

"You... are dead..." The blood-red cloak on her body was inflated by the exploding spiritual power, and all the elders showed unbelievable expressions, as if their dignity had been violated and their status was challenged .

"Little Duke...you dare to commit the crime! Don't think that we dare not kill you just because you are a hero!" An elder shouted sharply. He took the lead and threw a destructive magic circle directly.

The cyan light was brilliant, and it was extremely dazzling under the iron gray clouds.Seeing the magic circle approaching the Duke, he had a triumphant expression of revenge after his dignity was violated.

The speed at which the elders built the "array" was unimaginable.


Before the engraving with light flowing in the air touched the Duke, it was bounced back to the instigator by a violent spiritual force.


He screamed continuously, his voice was shrill, and he waved his hands wildly, which sounded creepy.The other elders saw with their own eyes that he was twisted into a pile of flesh and blood by his own magic circle, and the smell of blood immediately spread on the rooftop.

"How dare you!" Another elder rushed forward, wanting to strangle the Duke in a state where his spiritual power had not yet fully exploded, but Yinyue suddenly appeared and chopped off his head with a sword!


His head rolled down and stopped at the feet of the other elders.

Elder No.2's death condition was not much better than the former one. His eyes were wide open, his muscles were tense, and there was an expression of disbelief on his face.

Splashes of scalding blood sprayed the Duke's snow-white pajamas, and her silver boots were soaked with blood, only—not her blood.



Two lines of blood and tears flowed quietly from the Duke's face, her eyes were misty, as if in a dream.There was another loud bang, and a storm-like wave of spiritual power spread, and the upper half of the castle collapsed.The flying dust rushed straight into the sky, echoing the iron-gray clouds rolling overhead, and the five elders who were about to drive the instantaneous transfer of spiritual power fell to the ground one after another.The two who believed that Hector was innocent were only slightly injured, because the Duke finally gathered a sliver of reason and blasted them out of the range, while the remaining three die-hards—only the stumps and fragments.

They didn't even leave a whole body behind.

"Hector..." She murmured softly, her eyes were as gentle as water, and no one could hear her voice amidst the loud noise.Those two lines of blood and tears had condensed into blood-red ice marks on her face, making her face paler, and that solid ice would never melt like Niflheim's eternal world of silver and snow.

The cold gust mixed with goose feathers and heavy snow was blowing on her body. In the snow-white world wrapped in silver, there were only the ruined Niflheim Castle and the enchanting blood rose blooming on the snow.It was as if time stopped and this moment became eternity.

When she regained her sanity again, the hellish scene in front of her made her shiver uncontrollably.

It's an explosion of spiritual power!

She carefully looked at the surrounding scene, recalled the previous memory, and finally understood everything.

The elders inhumanely tortured Hector to death, who could have offset the merits and demerits, but she exploded with spiritual power in anger and killed all the witnesses!

etc!Where is Lord Camdis? !The body of the culprit was never found.

The Duke walked down the roof with a cold face, not caring about the dust and blood on his body.Now her only thought is to find Lord Kamidis and make him pay the price he deserves.As for everything just now?Who would have believed that she, who was only the Duke, could kill the elder?

She strode down, and finally found the unconscious Lord Kamidis on the half-collapsed third floor.

When the Duke broke out, the scumbag felt that something was wrong with the Duke, so he ran away quickly.

However, the influence of the Duke's spiritual power was so wide that even after he escaped to the third floor, he was still affected by the Duke's terrifying spiritual power and passed out directly.

The Duke kicked him hard in the face, and he opened his eyes with a groan.

"You killed Hector, didn't you?"

Before he could answer, he was kicked again.

"Please, don't...

"Ah...I don't dare anymore...Please forgive me...Ah!

"Ah—! Wow——!"

The Duke wiped the blood from the dagger carefully with his robe, and then went back to her chambers underground, put on new clothes, and burned all the blood-stained clothes.Afterwards, she lay quietly in the soft velvet quilt and fell asleep.

When the guards finally came to their senses and went up to the rooftop tremblingly, all they saw was a heinous scene.The body of Lord Kamidis was intact, except that the skin had been peeled off, revealing muscles and eyes that stared like copper bells.

She finally understood why she was so tyrannical and cruel that night. Just because of a mouthful of blood, she launched a mad revenge on those bloods who dared to offend Leng Xing.It turned out that the bloody factor has long been hidden in the body, even if the memory is lost, it cannot be changed.

The extreme protection of those who are cherished, and the cruel revenge after losing them.

Countless pictures flew past her eyes like snowflakes, and finally, her eyes became clear again.

The pitch-black castle was as silent as a tomb, and there was no sound in the surroundings, only the wind whistling past.

There was a chilling smile on the corner of the Duke's lips, while Auston in front of him showed a satisfied expression.

The author has something to say:

Chapter 40 Inside and Outside Dreams (Part [-])

The morning of January 1, 4:9.

Leng Xing sat in the examination room, had already answered all the questions, and was checking over and over again.

However, her heart was still restless, beating violently like a drum, making every inch of her body tense.

Not just for exam reasons.

"Please write down the composition and function of the lacrimal apparatus."

The lacrimal organ is divided into the lacrimal gland and the lacrimal duct, the functions are respectively...

Her eyes swept over the first question, and after confirming that the answer was correct, she began to check the second question.

"Please state the general visceral motor nucleus and the associated cranial nerves, and the organs controlled by them."

She carefully examined every word in the form, then breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at the third question.

"The composition of the pupillary light reflex pathway."


She continued to check, but every word was correct, but she gritted her teeth as if she had deep hatred, as if someone owed her 1 yuan.

It was her dream, plus her test anxiety.

Although it is true that Leng Xing has a high IQ, it does not mean that she is omnipotent.She went to school early, and after family accidents, she skipped grades repeatedly in order to save money. As a result-she was only 14 years old and entered the second year of high school.

This is of course not a good thing, no matter how smart she is, she cannot violate the laws of nature.Those child prodigies can enter the juvenile class at the age of 12 because they have their parents and teachers to take care of everything behind them, and they don't need to worry about anything else except their studies, but Leng Xing is different.

The lack of solid knowledge caused by skipping grades, coupled with the huge pressure of the harsh environment, Leng Xing's grades dropped like a jumping off a building. When she first entered high school, she could still be ranked in the top ten of her grade. The point of failing.

Now Leng Xing became ruthless, and stayed up all night just to catch up with her grades to get a scholarship. However, even though her grades improved, she suffered from test anxiety since then because of the previous few pass-through experiences.Whenever it was time to take an exam, Leng Xing either had a cold or a fever, or had a stomachache until he died. His mental state was extremely poor, his face was pale, and he had dark circles under his eyes. He was completely lacking in his usual lively and cheerful image.No, something is wrong with her again.

Before the mid-term exam, Leng Xing spent one night memorizing all the words, and the next day, because of poor breakfast, and the school bus accelerated rapidly, she started to brake rapidly, and her exam anxiety and physical discomfort finally came to an end. Mixed burst.Half an hour before the exam, Leng Xing vomited so darkly in the bathroom that he almost poured out all his internal organs.Therefore, she finished the exam with dizzy eyes, and even "seeed the fundus of the uterus as the supraspinatus muscle".

For the final department exam, she was pretty sure and in a good mood, but she had a lot of nightmares the night before the exam, which caused her to wake up still immersed in nightmares.Even though all the questions were answered successfully, she was still restless.

Even after a long time, Leng Xing still clearly remembered that dream, as vivid as a movie scene.It's just that she sees everything in the dream from the perspective of a bystander, and the protagonist—yes, she and the Duke.

Like all dreams, Leng Xing doesn't remember the beginning, but only remembers that the scene started in a rose garden in full bloom, and there was a tall girl in front of her with a haughty expression.

The silver-haired girl has blue eyes and a tall nose, and every line of her body is extremely delicate.

So beautiful~ Even in the dream, Leng Xing couldn't help but admire.

However, the girl looked at her coldly, her eyes had no warmth: "A...human being."

After finishing speaking, he licked his blood-soaked red lips.

Leng Xing couldn't help tightening his body, and there was a shout not far away: "Esther! Where are you?!"

Leng Xing looked at himself in the dream and turned his head away, his brown hair and eyes were covered with a layer of warm golden light under the sun.

The silver-haired girl looked at herself in the dream running away playfully, and whispered to herself: "But it seems to have a good taste."

I saw the silver-haired girl again at an incomparably luxurious banquet. She held a wine glass and was talking with the princes and nobles around her. In her dream, she was just hiding in a corner, hoping not to be dragged away to dance by those noble men.

Suddenly—the silver-haired girl turned around suddenly, and her eyes met Leng Xing in the corner.

There is a sly light in the blue eyes, and the look of finding the prey.

"Your Highness Qiangwei, who are you looking at?"

Seeing that the girl's attention was not on him, the courteous man beside the silver-haired girl hurriedly asked.

"It's nothing." She sipped the wine in the glass, and Leng Xing could even see wine-red liquid flowing slowly under her pale, almost transparent skin.

And Leng Xing who was hiding in the corner was found——

"Esther, I found you!"

She hastily lifted the hem of her skirt and ran away, because she didn't want to dance with those gentlemen who looked elegant but were incomparably romantic.

Under the moonlight, the silver-haired girl turned her back to her, and the scene was indescribably lonely.

She is wearing a blood-red cloak and a black robe, holding a lily in her hand.

It was her favorite flower, flawless and pure.

The lily petals are pure white and delicate, but they are stained with little blood.The deep dark red gives the original pure lily a different charm.

She kissed the lily petals in her hand softly, as tenderly as a lover.

Leng Xing looked at the brown-haired girl and couldn't help walking towards her step by step.However, for some reason, the surrounding roses ignited raging flames, and the figure gradually became transparent in the flames of the roses until it disappeared.

After the flames were extinguished, only the scorched and withered rose petals remained.

The lily lay quietly on the ground, and it had turned completely blood red.

The moonlight was like frost, and it was extremely cold.

"What should I do, what should I do?" The silver-haired girl held her head in pain and trembled all over.

"What's wrong with you?" She saw the brown-haired girl holding the silver-haired girl's face and rubbing it gently.

"It's nothing... I'm just... so scared..." She curled up in her arms, the girl really looked exactly like her, except that her hair and eyes were slightly lighter in color.

"Don't be afraid, I will be with you, I will always be with you." She hugged the girl, and clearly felt the biting cold all over her body, as if her whole body was immersed in ice water, but she still hugged her tightly, Never let go.

"What should I do, Esther..." the girl whispered in her dream.

"Your Highness has won again!"

"Great victory on the front line!"

She looked at the silver-haired girl in military uniform surrounded by cheering crowd, but felt extremely sad.

There was no smile or joy on the girl's face, her eyes were as empty as a puppet, a marionette manipulated by others.

"Your Highness, spare your life!"

"Get out!"

There was a loud noise, followed by figures fleeing in a panic.

She watched as the silver-haired girl became more and more surly and irritable, kicking over the table at every turn, or tearing up the official documents in front of her.

The surrounding area seemed to be shrouded in terrible low air pressure, where the silver-haired girl glanced, the water vapor could directly freeze into ice.Everyone was trembling, not even daring to look at the silver-haired girl.

Sometimes those blue eyes would turn into scarlet, staring like a drill, sending chills down one's spine.

However, the silver-haired girl often unconsciously wipes her hands with a silk handkerchief, as if there is something unpleasant dirty on her hands.

Later, when she heard her sleep talk, she realized that she was wiping the blood on her hands, but she always felt that the blood was very sticky and couldn't be wiped off no matter what.

She is not as arrogant and cruel as she was when she first met, and she is extremely contemptuous of human beings. She is just killing people coldly and crazily, while hiding in her arms and weeping nervously.She knew that she had no good or evil, but she had given her so-called humanity.

However, the "humanity" he gave her almost drove her crazy.

She said to herself over and over again, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

The dream continued to jump, and the last clip was that the girl who was very similar to him was covered in blood, and the silver-haired girl was surrounded by the dazzling red light brought by the flow of blood.

There were two tear stains on her beautiful face, and then her body fell down as if she had lost all strength, and the silver-haired girl fell to her knees.

Suddenly, the blurry face became extremely clear, but the hair turned black.

It was the Duke's face, with her familiar gentleness and a trace of unfamiliar coldness, which seemed to be suppressed and hidden by her efforts, but could be revealed from her deep eyes.

The flames soaring into the sky became the last scene in my mind.Leng Xing sat up abruptly, and then the alarm clock rang.

She had a splitting headache and felt like she had just been run over by a truck.

Leng Xing shook his head, and refocused his energy on the paper in front of him, and there were 10 minutes left to hand in the paper.

"Please describe the outflow and inflow sites of the cavernous sinus, and explain their role."

"Please write the difference between somatic motor nerves and visceral motor nerves."

She took a pen to revise the answer, crossed out a few words that she thought were not well written, and started to read the explanation of terms again.

"Spermic cord, pharynx, mitral complex, carotid sinus, mastoid chamber, gray matter, cauda equina, cerebellum, globus pallidus, epidural space."

As she read silently, the nib of the pen continued to walk on the roll of paper, making a rustling sound.

"Candidates are asked to stop answering questions immediately and stand up."

She stretched her waist, picked up the mobile phone under the table—actually, she just sent a text message to the Duke just to check the time.

"I'm done with the exam and I'm so sleepy."

She yawned again and was on the verge of tears.If it wasn't for her strong willpower supporting her, she might have fallen asleep with the sky as her bed and the ground as her bed.

"Where are you?" The Duke replied in seconds.

"I'm walking out of the examination room. I'm so sleepy that I can hardly stand still."

"Forget it, you go to bed first."

"Are you okay?" Leng Xing wobbled and walked out slowly with his roommate, his eyes darkened.

A few minutes passed without a response, and the people in the examination room were almost gone.

She raised her hand and dialed the phone directly -? "Are you okay?"


The Duke's voice was cold and tired.

"All right? Well, come to me. I haven't had an exam until the morning of the 7th."

"Go to bed first." She heard Leng Xing's voice vaguely, as if she would fall asleep anytime.

"I'm waiting for you in the study room. If you don't come, you will be responsible for my cold. Hang up."

She felt that something was wrong with the Duke.

Leng Xing found a study room, put his bag away and fell asleep on the table.It wasn't until more than an hour later, when the long bell rang in the campus, that she opened her eyes and saw the clothes she was wearing, and the Duke next to him who was approving official documents.

"What happened?" She rubbed her eyes, eyes blurred.As she was still sleepy, she laid a pillow on the Duke's shoulder.

"I found my memory."

The Duke spat out a few words like squeezing toothpaste, his masseter muscles tensed, and his breath was terrifying.

The author has something to say: "She said to herself over and over again, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

You can understand her as the Duke, or as Este, the perspective is different.

This chapter can be regarded as a transitional chapter. In fact, the next chapter will be about His Excellency being hit.Her first reaction was anger, and her second reaction was helplessness. After all, she is now in a desperate situation of Catch-22. If she rebels, Proseus has a reason to kill her. If she does not rebel, Proseus and The posture of McGee's transaction is clearly that she is not reconciled to not killing her.

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