Harry took a shower in the back room of the office and dried his hair. He lay on the sofa and remembered the conversation he had with his teacher.


If there was ever a place where Harry had ever felt at home...

"You actually want to say it's Prince Manor... How ironic..." Harry wiped his face and pulled the corner of his mouth.

"Bang bang bang-"

Harry turned over and sat up, stroked the wrinkled hem of his clothes and said loudly, "Come in."

The person who came was a man who seemed to be no more than 35 years old, but according to Harry's information, this man was already [-] years old, his hair was not long, and the flaxen color of his hair looked soft, and the brown eyes set off the whole person. It sounds very mild.

Harry bent the corners of his lips: "Mr. Brison, I didn't know until I met you that there is really such a kind of person in the world who makes others fall in love with him the first time they see him."

"But I personally think that there are even a few people who can't help but admire at first sight, Professor Sieber." Bernie Blixon smiled softly, and was not surprised by Harry's unexpectedly young brown eyes. In the midst of admiration.

"Actually, you should know the purpose of my asking you here today." Harry shrugged, "Since we are not familiar or even met."

"Ah, of course, as a Slytherin, I still have some brains." Bernie Blixon continued calmly, "But to be honest, I really can't refuse the persuader invited by the dean. .”


Harry raised his eyebrows and exhaled softly: "Well, if you don't tell me, it's really hard for me to guess that you were born in Slytherin at Hogwarts, you know, thanks to a certain man, Slytherin Leitlin's students have a bit of a... venomous tongue."

"Hahaha, I agree [-]% on this point, but Professor Snape is definitely a good dean, isn't he?" Bernie Blixon seemed to confirm something while speaking, and after scanning around Sitting on the sofa opposite Harry, "Maybe I should call you... Junior?"

"Of course, Senior Brison." Harry raised his eyelids, "But I prefer to listen to stories and the like before I recognize my relatives. Patients, and because of this, they have been restricted in their actions, and I am very upset now."

"Oh, understand, it's always like this when you're a doctor, especially a doctor with a better reputation." Bernie Brison leaned back on the sofa, his hands on his knees, fingers interlaced, " You should have heard of the medical accident in Saint-Germont half a year ago, right?"

"I would like to say that I have, but the fact is that in the past two years I have selectively ignored any news related to Saint-Germain." Harry said with a corner of his mouth.

Bernie Brison looked at Harry in surprise: "This accident has never happened in more than 100 years. The news is so loud that you haven't heard of it?! Everyone should have heard of it, right?"

"Are you surprised? Just pretend that I went to live in a primitive society for two years." Harry snorted. If you really want to ignore something, it's very simple to do.

"Well, it doesn't matter." Bernie Brison put away his surprise and continued, "There is a problem with the laser supply organization, and laser equipment cannot be used in an area including St. Within hours, I was having heart surgery."

"Actually, from the first day when I became a doctor, I was prepared to be powerless to my patients under certain circumstances that cannot be changed by humans, but when that moment really came, I was prepared for myself. All the reasons for the preparation were overturned, and all I could feel was incompetence." Bernie Brison closed his eyes and looked up, "Especially at that time I knew one thing: there was a doctor in Saint-Germont who was used to not Use laser equipment to treat patients unless laser equipment is more beneficial to patients, and this doctor’s surgery has never failed. Not only do I think every day and night, but I think every minute and every second, if I stood at the surgery at that time Next to the stage is this doctor. Does this mean that this person doesn’t have to die? Then the more I think about it, the more I feel incompetent. In the end, I even... Even when I pick up the scalpel, my hands will tremble uncontrollably .”

Harry knew that the doctor in front of him was Professor Sibley, but he only spoke lightly, with a sarcasm in his tone: "I thought Slytherin wasn't so fragile."

"Students in Slytherin are all aristocrats, at least - they must have noble blood." Bernie Blixon said suddenly.

—Brisson is obviously not a noble surname.

"Bastard?" Harry said bluntly.

"Well, an illegitimate child." Bernie Brixen said sullenly, "My father is the current head of the Parkinson family. As for my mother... I didn't know who it was half a year ago."

half year ago?What a sensitive time.

"The woman who died on the operating table because of my incompetence was my mother." Bernie Brison's tone was full of self-mockery, "I don't have much impression of her and I don't have much affection for her, but after that, the biologically provided The man who gave me sperm to make me appear in this world told me that all my living expenses and tuition fees have been borne by this woman for so many years. And this woman is doing the worst job in the world."

"Should I say something bloody?" Harry's performance was a little cold-blooded, but Bernie Brison didn't care, and even Harry's reaction should be said to be within his expectations.

"I also think it's bloody, so, after listening to the story, how are you going to reply to the dean?" Bernie Brison rubbed his cheeks, and put away all the things that shouldn't be said in just a few seconds. expression, but can't laugh.

"At first, I didn't know how to...ah, open solution? Let's just use this word—I never knew that I had the potential to be a bosom brother, so unfortunately I didn't feel much after hearing the story." Harry stood up and flexed his arms, then took off the top layer of your doctor's gown, "It's okay if you can't be a doctor. It's better to quit this hospital as soon as possible than to force you and harm the patients, but—see For the Head of Slytherin's sake, Bernie Brixen, would you dare not discredit that Head?"

Harry carried the doctor's robe and walked towards the door: "If a Slytherin's behavior is like this, then I can only say that I would like to advise Dean Prince to eliminate the embarrassment of your school record."

Hanging the doctor's gown on the rack at the door, Harry opened the door and paused: "Do you know why I'm used to not using lasers? Because I was in the same situation as you, and because of my incompetence The death of the person who taught me medical skills, so I am not trying to show my maverick, but lasers have never been life-saving in my eyes."


Bernie Blixon looked at the closed door, expressionless for a while, and suddenly showed a wry expression: "Such extreme and willful words, he can say it without reservation in front of others, I really don't know Are you too confident or have no brains..."

"Hey, what on earth am I here for today, just leave me and go?"

Speaking of Bernie, he stood up and walked towards the door, with the same smile on his face as when he entered the door, but something in his eyes was quietly disintegrating and changing, and the contradictions were tumbling and struggling.

"Sibyl...or...Harry Potter..."


Walking in the corridors of Hogwarts, Harry recalled the surprise when the doorman opened the door just now and the doubt and fear in Dumbledore's words after receiving the news, the sarcastic expression on his face flashed away.

He came to Hogwarts in the fastest way, just to meet the man.

He wants to see him.

Impulsive for unknown reasons—wanted to see him.

Using the most violent way to "open" the door of Head Slytherin's office, Harry threw himself into the man's arms at the moment when the man raised his head with a tense face, and then recklessly buried himself in the drug-filled room. In Xiang's embrace.

Severus froze for more than ten seconds because of the person who suddenly fell into his arms, and then the veins on his forehead popped out, he gritted his teeth and said, "Harry Potter, what medicine did you take wrong again?! Get out of here immediately !"

"No. Master owner, didn't you push me away just now, just ignore me and continue to critique papers, I'll just lie down for a while." Harry buried his face in Severus' neck, breathing greedily The air with a little bitter taste.

Severus frowned, God knows he was just scared by this little bastard just now!Look at it, since when did the Snake King of Slytherin become a sanctuary for children? !

"..." Communicating with this bat is absolutely useless.

Severus decided not to talk nonsense, and squeezed Harry's collar with one hand and was about to force it——

"Professor, I'm hungry."

Movement stagnates.

Harry's tone contained seven points of grievance and three points of dependence.

In all the past 20 years of Severus Snape's life, no one had ever spoken to him in that tone.

Severus loosened the hand that was holding Harry's collar, and pressed Harry's head on his neck as if he had been bewitched: "Just this once."

Harry looked up in surprise, and then his head was pushed back by the man so that he couldn't see the man's expression: "If you move around again, get out."

The man's voice was no longer deep and silky as usual, but a little more hoarse, which made Harry's throat move and he opened his mouth to bite Severus' neck, who had just used his hunger as an excuse.

Harry could feel Severus's body shudder, but the blood pouring down his throat through the hollow fangs was so delicious that he wanted to throw his head away.


Harry pulled out the canine tooth little by little with difficulty, but his lips didn't want to leave the man's neck, biting Severus' Adam's apple while he was moving, which made Severus, who was already immersed in the pleasure of being sucked blood, wake up and push away Harry, with blood on the corner of his mouth, seemed to have experienced an extremely difficult war, and Severus, whose chest was heaving violently, looked deeply at Harry, closed his eyes, and said in a hoarse and low voice, "Enough."

Severus lifted Harry to one side of the sofa and strode into the bedroom, closing the door without looking at Harry again.

Harry stuck out his tongue to lick the blood from the corner of his mouth, and lowered his eyes.

But... I still feel... not enough...



malfoy manor

Draco looked at the deacon who was pulling the quilt for him, and suddenly said, "Angus, who are you from?"

The deacon stood up and smiled slightly: "Does the young master think this is important?"

"Important. Because I don't have the ability to guard against you all the time, I think it's better to ask you directly." The eyes of the platinum nobleman reflected the tall and straight body of the deacon, and then the man in the blue-gray eyes lowered his body and held Draco Hands on the quilt, eyelashes drooping.

"The deacon is loyal to the master, my young master."

"Good night."

Draco stared at the softly closed door, swallowing the next question he couldn't ask.

I am your young master, but—who is your master?

The author has something to say:

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