Xiao Xu's pupils were a little dizzy, and he obviously had a psychological shadow of yesterday's sequelae. The audience's hearts were suddenly seized, fearing that he would have an accident like yesterday, and bullet screens were quickly brushed out.

"Zai Zai is going to start digging up trash again, the system is installed, can't you equip him with some tools?"

"I'm going, it's because all the garbage in the world is piled up here, no wonder Zaizai was tired like a dog digging up garbage yesterday. Is this digging garbage? This is moving mountains!"

"I'm so worried, Zai Zai, I can't save more carbon points, and I will reward you with a luxurious meal, Zai Zai, remember to recharge!"

Xiao Xu shook his head vigorously, and muttered in a low voice: "Yangyang is a little soldier, not afraid of anything!!!"

Saying that, he took a deep breath, dragged the trash can, and hula rushed to the place where the trash was dug yesterday.

A hole has been dug there, forming a small hole, about two meters deep, in the shape of a cone, which should be left over after pulling out some garbage yesterday.

The garbage around the hole is loose and not stable.

Xiao Xu stretched his neck curiously, and looked into the hole, it was pitch black, like a monster with its mouth wide open.

It's a little, a little, a little scary... Xiao Xu felt a chill in his heart, and subconsciously moved back, avoiding the entrance of the cave quietly, and secretly exhaled.

"Grandpa said, children, you can't go to dark places, you will be taken away!" Xiao Xu raised his small eyebrows at Guoyundandan, "Dad, Yangyang has always been obedient."

Guoyun Dandan: "Yangyang is right, dark places are very dangerous, so, Yangyang, let's start demolition from the edge of the cave, take your time, and remember to stop and rest when you are tired."

"I know, I eat fruit and meat when I'm tired." Xiao Xu threw the trash can on the ground, and then began to dismantle the trash from the edge of the hole.

He grabbed a corner of the garbage, like pulling a carrot, holding his breath and pulling it back.

Based on yesterday's experience, Xiao Xu made a desperate effort at the beginning, sank to the bottom of his breath, and suddenly backed up and pulled back, a strange polygonal garbage flew out.

The entrance of the hole shook, tearing open a bigger hole, and the light shone in, and we could vaguely see intertwined rubbish piled up together, and at the same time there was a sizzling sound.

[Discover... hair, hair, discover... life, life, life... energy...]

The rubbish in Xiao Xu's hand hit the ground with a bang, and he jumped back, pointing at the hole and shouting: "There is, there is someone in the dark hole!!!"

He squinted and stared at the hole.

Guoyun Dandan: "Yangyang, don't worry, you can ask who he is first."

System: "...It's not a human being, it's just a scrapped machine. There's nothing to be afraid of. Pull it out and throw it in the trash."

"But, but it can talk..." Xiao Xu wrinkled his face, hesitated for a few seconds, and clenched his fists, "I'm going to save it, it can talk, it's still alive."

As Xiao Xu said, he closed his eyes and burrowed into the garbage hole. While crawling in, he shouted, "I am Yang Yang, a little soldier, not a bad guy. Don't move, I'll save you."

[Confirm...life, life energy, can, can communicate...]

When Xiao Xu heard the voice, he subconsciously opened his eyes.

The hole is very small, just enough for Xiao Xu to walk through, and the light inside is very weak, and he can only vaguely see the garbage piled up around him.

It seems that there are no villains and monsters that eat people.

Xiao Xu loosened his clenched fist, let out a breath, and whispered to the surroundings: "Yangyang came in, where are you?"

[Beep beep! ]

A beeping siren sounded next to his ears, Xiao Xu followed the sound and saw half of the rusty iron bumps at a glance.

It is a human figure made of geometry, with a hemispherical pot head and three gray round "eyes" embedded in the front, with a faint light flickering in the middle.

Xiao Xu:? ? ?

what is this?Xiao Xu touched the iron skin on it curiously: "What's your name? Are you injured?"

The light in Iron Pimple's eyes flickered faster: "D13, damaged... lack of energy, energy."

As he said that, the flickering light in its eyes gradually dimmed.

"D13? Is that your name? You look different from Yangyang, how can I save you?" Xiao Xu moved closer to its eyes.

However, the D13 never made a sound again.

Xiao Xu pushed it in a daze, and the surrounding garbage trembled: "Brother, why doesn't it talk? Is it going to die?"

The system randomly scanned, and clicked: "It's lucky, it's so old, and the main energy core is not broken, let it recharge and restart."

"Charging energy? Like Yangyang." Xiao Xu quietly realized, and took out a bottle of red and blue juice with a serious face, and was about to pour it on it, but he didn't see its mouth when he opened it halfway, "Brother, It has no mouth, how can it drink juice?"

System: ...i*%&(#&%

The system picked up its long hair angrily: "It's a robot, not a human! It can't drink! Move it out, let it lie down, and it will recharge by itself."

Scanned by the system, this robot is mainly powered by light, light in any sense.

Although Xiaoxu's planet is gray, without sun, moon, day and night, it does have light, but this robot is also unlucky, buried deep under the garbage mountain, and can't see any light.

"If you are sick, you will get better when you sleep." Xiao Xu said that he understood, and patted his little chest, "Yangyang will take good care of it."

As he said that, he wanted to move D13 out.

But only half of D13's body was left, without one arm and two feet, and the damage was very serious. Xiao Xu was afraid that it would get worse, so he didn't dare to pull it out like before, so he had to clean up the external garbage first. Move it out little by little.

About half an hour later, Xiao Xu successfully dug out D13 by relying on props to continue the battery life, and carefully placed it on the open space.

Da da da ran to the garbage mountain and dug out a piece of soft material that I didn't know what it was, like a piece of cloth, and directly covered D13.

"Sleep obediently. When you wake up, your illness will be healed. Just like Yangyang, don't be afraid, sleep at ease, Yangyang will protect you." Xiao Xu touched the smooth iron head of D13.


It needs light, why cover it!

The system said with a wooden face: "It's a robot, it won't be cold, don't cover it, if you can't see the light, it won't wake up."

Xiao Xu looked at it ignorantly: "If you are sick, you need to cover yourself with a quilt?"


The system explained for a long time, and finally let Xiao Xu know that robots are different from humans!It cannot be measured by human standards.

Xiao Xu knew it, but he didn't agree, but... Xiao Xu pursed his mouth: "Brother knows a lot, then listen to my brother, if it doesn't wake up, then Yangyang is right, you have to cover it with a quilt By."

Reluctantly, Xiao Xu lifted the "cloth" covering D13's body.

D13's eyes began to flicker faintly again.

Xiao Xu didn't notice, just looked at the dilapidated D13, shook his head, and sighed: "Brother, you may be right, it is really not a human, it has a hard shell, no flesh and bones, There are only many, many lines, but why does it talk?"

If you don't talk, D13 is no different from other garbage.

Thinking of this, a flash of light suddenly flashed in Xiao Xu's mind, other rubbish?

He jumped up all of a sudden, and quickly ran to the front of the garbage mountain to carefully remove them, and occasionally wiped the dust off them with his hands, so that he could vaguely see some of their original appearance.

"Wow..." Xiao Xu exclaimed involuntarily, what he saw now was a box with interlaced blue lines and a blue light embedded in the middle.

Very beautiful and very technological.

This kind of perception is interconnected, even if Xiao Xu is still young, he still knows that this thing is amazing.

These rubbish are super powerful!

A sense of enlightenment rose in Xiao Xu's heart. No wonder the elder brother of the system had to pick up garbage, and his father had to pick up garbage when he grew up, because... these garbage are very powerful!

Good things to share!

Dad, brothers and sisters were so kind to him and gave him many small gifts, and he wanted to give them gifts too.

Just send garbage!

No, no, such a powerful thing is definitely not rubbish.Xiao Xu stared at the garbage mountain with burning eyes, he must choose the most beautiful and best-looking one!

Xiao Xu looked like he had been beaten up, and immediately pounced on the garbage mountain, like a wolf and a tiger, picking up the garbage and not letting it go.

"Zai Zai, you, you, what's the matter, your eyes are a bit fierce."

"I feel that the way Zai Zai looks at garbage has changed. He used to smoke randomly, but now he looks at each one. Is he looking for something?"

"Don't turn over the bottle again... Cub, these rubbish are really worth more than bottles."

"Zai Zai, why don't you take a break and pick it up after D13 wakes up?"

However, Xiao Xu is obsessed with digging garbage and cannot extricate himself, and it is impossible to rest.

What can the audience do, they can only give a reward, let him make up more!

The atmosphere of rewards is getting higher and higher, and what follows is-the carbon points are not enough to spend!

It was already eight o'clock in the morning for Blue Star, which was the peak time of people flow. After a while, there were endless posts about "live broadcast room" and "carbon spot" on various microblogs and forums.

There was a lot of commotion yesterday——

#shock!Who installed Live Streaming on my phone? #

#Zai Zai Dangerous!Where are the biological parents? #

#Analysis Xinghai Live Privacy Security#


Overnight, all these things were suppressed and replaced by——

#Live Revision#

#Eggs!Country Dad#

#Carbon Raiders#


The popularity is getting higher and higher, and people with unique visions have left to catch the heat. Most of them choose the carbon point with high safety factor and quick response.

"live streaming!My aunt chased and killed the liver carbon points in the experiment of picking up garbage"

"Big News!Planting trees and vegetables in flowerpots without increasing carbon points! "

"Personal experiment, control water use, the carbon point has risen!" ! "


In order to obtain carbon points, many people in Bluestar Huaxia began to unlock various postures to protect the environment.

Wang Shuo saw that Xiaoxu had already found his own rhythm in digging up trash, so he waved behind him without disturbing him.

It was a young man dressed as an elite, with an unruly smile on his mouth. When Wang Shuo was about to speak, he raised the document in his hand and said first: "The precautions are written here. In short, don't mess around. For his safety For the top, personal ideas are the main thing, and assist him to complete the task."

"...Meng Gaoge, this matter must be treated seriously. You have to remember that every speech you make represents our Huaxia." Wang Shuo patted the young man on the shoulder and put on a Maitreya-like smile again, "During communication, you must call yourself Huaxia, father, me and the like can't do it."

As for the reason... this is a hard requirement of the system.

Wang Shuo glanced at Eggy in the live broadcast room who could post facial expressions by himself, his thoughts sank, and he said instead, "Work hard, I have arranged for education experts to come over, and they will cooperate with you."

The corners of Meng Gaoge's mouth twitched, and he finally understood that people would stare at everything he said in the future.

Only then was Wang Shuo satisfied, and he left in a hurry. He still had to adjust the communication, such as "problem of cooperating with the system", "investigation of Shi Xu's identity", and a series of issues.

At the same time, Xiao Xu was still buried in the garbage, muttering in his mouth: "This is not beautiful... This is broken... This is so ugly, no way..."

finally!Xiao Xu's eyes suddenly lit up: "It's red! It's beautiful!"

He rushed towards the corner, where, surrounded by a lot of rubbish, there was a smear of red stuck.

Just give this to Dad!The red one is the prettiest!

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