Cubs make planets and send them to the country

Chapter 73 They have been resisting all their lives

Accompanied by whimpers that seem to exist and become more and more ethereal, clusters of gray-white energy fluctuate in the chaos.

They change in various forms, and occasionally human facial features flash past.

Grandpa said that everything has its own laws of operation, and the consciousness of a planet cannot be forcibly destroyed, and these gray and white energies are the remaining energy of the planet.

The aura that belongs only to the intelligent race.

What is needed to create a smart race is this aura. In the simulation space, he tried several times according to his grandfather's teachings, but the smart race he created had only a form, but no spirit.

That is fools.

Xiao Xu's fingertips trembled uncomfortably, then he folded his palms together and slowly pulled them apart. Intertwined rays of light entwined between his fingers, and a cloud of misty flocs gradually changed in the center, turning into the shape of a fetus in the blink of an eye.

The fetus closed its eyes, clenched its small hands, turned over from time to time, waved its hands and kicked its legs, punched a set of fists, and flipped flexibly between his hands.

Like being in the warm and safe body of a mother.

With a gentle breeze, the giant tree in the center climbed up and grew again, startling countless birds and beasts, flying in the sky and galloping on the ground. After a while, the dense and green canopy of the giant tree covered the entire central area.

So towering and towering, the trunk alone could not be hugged by a hundred people holding hands.

The thin wings behind Little New Year's Day fluttered slightly, tilted his head, and looked at Xiao Xu's hands. The fetus inside was becoming clearer and clearer. His forehead was sweating finely, his face was pale, and only his lips were a little bit pale. Bloody, with a stubborn arc, trembling slightly.

There was a hint of guilt and distress in Xiaoyuandan's eyes, and he stretched out his hand, but before he could help, 099 sounded a gentle warning in his mind.

"Little New Year's Day, no, he is the planetary consciousness, and he can only come by himself. If you help him, even if the task is completed and the planet recovers, he will not be able to complete it. The lack of planetary consciousness will be very fragile, so, Do you still want to help him?"

Hearing this, Xiao Yuan Dan gritted her teeth, slowly withdrew her outstretched hand, waved her thin wings, and circled around Xiao Xu in boredom.

Flying birds and animals, clear wind and water, faint thunder, but the edge of the sky trace cloud is dyed with a faint fiery red, like a magnificent fire cloud.

It's great weather, and the planet is rejoicing for the upcoming darling.

"Beloved..." Little New Year's Day pouted, and flew to Xiao Xu, hovering cross-legged, looking quietly between Xiao Xu's hands.

He could feel that Xiao Xu was injecting more and more energy into that fetus.

Looking at it, Xiao Yuan Dan's expression was a little erratic. It wasn't that difficult when he created it before, as long as he abides by the established rules, he can do whatever he wants.

I said let there be light, so there were sun, moon and stars.

I said there must be wind, so there will be wind, rain, cloud and thunder.

I said I need someone, so a person jumped out...

What you think is what you get, the world evolves automatically, you don't need to work as hard as Xiao Xu, but Xiao Xu is an acquired planetary consciousness, he was originally just a human being.

After all, it should have been his responsibility.Little Yuan Dan propped his chin and let out a long sigh.

099 smiled and said: "Don't worry, Yang Zai has done a good job, but he is much more suitable than your rambunctious temper. Maybe it is as you said, he is very suitable."

"That's not true, Shi Yangyang..." Xiao Yuandan narrowed his eyes, remembered Shi Yangyang who was still a human, and smacked his mouth, "Grandpa also mentioned that he is more suitable for planetary consciousness than me."

Planetary consciousness has a very important feature—I am the planet, I am the world, and I am the rules.

And the planet, the world, and the rules are me!

Little New Year's Day can't do this kind of commonality. He has a very weak perception of everything on the planet. He loves to play and make noise, and yearns for a lively world, but Xiao Xu is just the opposite. He is quiet, patient, and sensitive. , he was born to be able to hear the struggle of the human heart, the roar of heroes, the wailing of the dead, and the expectations of people with lofty ideals for the country...

In such a complicated environment, Xiao Xu, an ordinary human being and a cub, did not become blackened!

Thinking of this, Xiao Yuan Dan felt even more distressed, and wanted to pinch his face with his hand, but just as he stretched out his hand, he abruptly withdrew it.

"Shi Yangyang, come on, Huaxia is standing up now, don't fall down, I plan to take you out for a ride." Little New Year's Day touched his knees and jumped up, "I'll make some equipment for you, Make it easy for us to go out."

Although the planetary consciousness can go to any place, sometimes it has to rely on legs. For example, when looking for a flower umbrella this time, it can only walk with two feet.

Little New Year's Day plans to get a tailor-made vehicle as a small gift for Xiao Xu's upgrade.

Making technological products is more interesting than reviving the planet.After Xiao Yuan Dan finished speaking, without waiting for Xiao Xu's response, she ran away with thin wings.

With the system in place, he wasn't worried that something would go wrong for Xiao Xu.

Little New Year's Day went straight to the direction of the research room. He knew that the garbage mountain next to the research room was full of reusable garbage, which just saved him digging through the garbage. Who made Xiao Xu not level enough to create minerals and other resources.

As soon as Little New Year's Day left, 099 followed in his mind, while the system stayed where it was with Xiao Xu.

Xiao Xu continued to perfect the first human being between his hands, and gradually, another fetus appeared next to that fetus!

Perhaps because he was proficient, Xiao Xu was faster, and one fetus after another was formed.

The light intertwined between Xiao Xu's fingers became more intense, and the hazy shadow between his palms expanded a circle.

The system's body was stiff, clutching a tuft of long hair, staring gloomyly, its face was so smelly that it owed it tens of billions, and next to it was a small panel with the attributes of the host.

Following Xiao Xu's movements, the energy points kept beating and falling, shockingly.

The system scratched its head in heartache, and when it was just learned that Xiao Xu had handed over the treasure house of inheritance to the main system, he was filled with regret, anger and anger, and his heart ached to the point of bleeding.

Thanks to him thinking that the main system is righteous, he is a good leader!Now, hehe.

The shopping mall dedicated to the system, the products in it can add up to rebuild the unified world!The system didn't know why it cared so much about that treasury, just thinking about it, it made the mood agitated, and the eyes glowed red, wishing to run to the main system to match up immediately.

But now that Xiao Xu is breaking through, the system can only endure it temporarily.

It rubbed its long hair vigorously, waiting with a sullen face.

Not only was the system heartbroken, but the audience also looked dignified watching the energy points drop like crazy.

"Just selling the national account is worth hundreds of billions. I thought it would be enough... I never expected that Zai Zai's people are so expensive, more expensive than gold."

"I have to sell the national account to make a fortune, otherwise Zai Zai would not be able to create people at all."

"Zai Zai, pay attention when you create, separate men and women! When the time comes to let them create their own humans, it will save a lot of money."

"Is that a sum? That's [-] million!"

"I'm going, why is it still falling... This speed makes me feel like I'm going to have a heart attack."

The audience was terrified, but Huaxia officials were worried.

Wang Shuo frowned. Ever since he took over the studio, his smiling Maitreya face was full of sorrow.

too difficult!According to Xiao Xu's method of flowering, China alone cannot afford to support it. Fortunately, now that other countries have been brought into the water, it should be possible for the entire Blue Star to supply it together, right?

However, Blue Star is only so big, and the improvement and protection of the environment has reached a limit, and the speed of earning carbon points will definitely slow down.

Wang Shuo watched the live broadcast, Xiao Xu lowered his eyebrows and lowered his eyes, the light from his fingertips continued to twine with his movements, and one fetus after another appeared.

Obviously, this technique was taught by Grandpa himself.

Others may create them one by one, but grandpa is used to doing them together, and there is always a feeling of "rude" and tolerance.

Wang Shuo clasped his hands together, watching Xiao Xu's data drop again on the live broadcast panel, pondered for a moment, got up abruptly, and left the office quickly.

Recently, the country has set up a special environmental protection department, and he has to go around to remind everyone.

At this time, between Xiao Xu's palms, there were already 100 fetuses. They elongated their bodies and turned into 100 small people, and finally grew up into adults, both male and female, with good looks.

These looks are all grown up by themselves.

They still have their eyes closed, like dolls without souls, but the energy points have finally stopped dropping!

The system took a long breath, sat down slumped, and let go of its paws. The long hair that had been scrunched up before was rough and curly, and still wet.

Just when it was completely relieved, Xiao Xu casually touched one of the women's foreheads with his fingertips, and the energy points were enough to remove 2 million.

system:! ? ?

It covered its heart, choked its breath in its throat, its paws trembled, and 2 million was gone!

Xiao Xu was immersed in the breakthrough, and didn't notice it. After clicking, he loosened his hands, and then grabbed into the void, and 100 strands of off-white energy were thrown into the 100 "dolls".

Human beings are born with cries.

Filled with this strand of off-white energy, their eyelashes trembled slightly, and they slowly opened their eyes.

I only saw a tall phantom, as if it was shrouded in thousands of rays of light, and I couldn't see its appearance clearly.

They knew that this was the god who gave them life, and at this moment, their eyes became unable to be fiery and devout.

Xiao Xu blinked, recovered from the mystery, noticed their gaze, shook his hand, and threw 100 people into the forest.

At the moment of landing, 100 people turned into entities, fell into a ball, and their eyes were dazed.

Xiao Xu suddenly felt a little guilty, and quickly glanced at them, his expression froze, he blinked, and asked involuntarily, "Brother, how strange."

"What are you curious about? Don't they all look like humans." The system rolled its eyes, turned off the host attribute, let out the breath that was blocked before, and cursed three words in its heart: prodigal son!

[-] million can create two more people.

Xiao Xu scratched his fingers awkwardly, avoiding the fate of the country, lowered his voice, and said very softly: "Brother, I looked at them, and felt that if I thought about it, they would die immediately... Yangyang seemed, seemed to become Some are broken."

He raised his eyelids, glanced uneasily at the live broadcast room, and immediately looked back.

He didn't express it clearly, but the feeling of controlling life and death and modifying thoughts at will is really wonderful...horrifying.Xiao Xu lowered his head, the anxiety and panic in his eyes were about to overflow.

The cubs are innocent and cruel. They may not understand life and death, and they will torture life for fun, such as pouring hot water on ants, breaking the insects' four legs and wings one by one.

But these do not exist here in Xiaoxu.

He is special, he is constantly witnessing life and death from the moment of birth.

No matter what he thinks or what his grandfather taught him, he is told that his destiny is in his own control, but looking at the 100 people he created, Xiao Xu was confused.

He could feel that their fate was in his hands.

Xiao Xu clenched his hands involuntarily, pursed his lips tightly, and said intermittently: "Brother, I thought that the people I created were my good partners, no, they were not shadow puppets, they were not bad guys who bullied Dad, Yang Yang didn't want to kill them."

This is a dead end.

The system hates iron and steel: "Controlling life and death, mastering thinking, this is what many people dream of! Why don't you have a snack!"

In order to prevent being slapped in the face, it did not say that it cannot be killed. After all, if it is too disobedient and destroys the mission of resuscitating the planet, it is better to kill it all.

"Impossible..." Xiao Xu hesitated to speak, but couldn't explain why, his face became even paler with anxiety, and he was very weak and pitiful.

The audience was so distressed that they kept posting bullet screens to ask what was going on, and Huaxia officials hurriedly asked.

Xiao Xu spoke out his feelings intermittently, and finally said with his mouth pursed in a muffled voice, "Anyway, Yangyang doesn't want a shadow puppet."

Audience & Huaxia: ...

To be reasonable, with this item, they feel more at ease, but they didn't expect Xiao Xu to be so repulsive about this.

Guoyun Dandan asked warmly: "Since Yangyang doesn't want to, then don't do it. This is just a constraint. It depends on yourself. You don't have to manipulate them, don't affect them, don't take back their lives. You treat them as ordinary things." ordinary people, let them live on their own."

As for the specific arrangement, Huaxia will hold a meeting to discuss it!It's not something that can be decided by a microphone like Meng Gaoge.

After hearing this, Xiao Xu quietly breathed a sigh of relief, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, he said obediently, "Thank you, Dad."

Then, he looked at the 100 people created.

Those people were thrown a little far away, blocked by several trees, one piled up one by one, helping each other to get up.

Guoyun Dandan: "Yangyang, why don't you like..."

Meng Gaoge, who was in charge of communication on the other side, hesitated for a few seconds before uttering a word - manipulation.

Guoyun Dandan: "Why don't you like to manipulate them? You are on a distant planet. If they have evil intentions, Huaxia can't fly over to rescue you in time. If you manipulate them, you don't have to worry about your safety."

Hearing this, Xiao Xu suddenly looked up and looked at Guoyun Dandan in disbelief, not believing that this was what his father said.

"Father, no one has the right to control other people's lives and decide their life or death."

Xiao Xu pursed his lips tightly, his expression gloomy: "Grandpa said that there is a definite number in the world, and that is a predestined life that cannot be changed, but there are thousands of people who just want to change the definite number."

As he talked, Xiao Xu's eye circles became watery, and the corners of his eyes were a little red.

"I'm going to find Sansan to make skin care products." Xiao Xu was not in the mood to enjoy the happiness brought by the upgrade.

He turned his head away from the 100 new humans, picked up the remaining third of the flower umbrella on the ground, and sent it directly to the research room through the map.

Meng Gaoge, who was in charge of communication, felt his heart skip a beat, and turned around subconsciously. Behind him was a team dedicated to serving Xiao Xu. Since he was forced to rest for a few days last time, and then came back, any decision or word Meng Gaoge said would be true. It is a collective decision made by a group of people.

Asking Xiao Xu why he doesn't like manipulation is also a decision after discussion.

They thought that by probing and asking, they could understand Xiao Xu's heart better, but they didn't expect such a result.

Meng Gaoge was no longer as unrestrained and unrestrained as he was at the beginning, he pinched the bridge of his nose, thinking that this time he might not be able to come to Taiwan without a [-]-word self-criticism.

"What should we do next?" Meng Gaoge asked them.

A female colleague was holding a pen and scratching the table: "It's not quite right. Zai Zai mentioned the shadow puppet twice. Everyone knows that the shadow puppet is controlled by humans. Then he mentioned changing the fixed number. I think he may be deep Suffering from 'manipulation', or he witnessed it."

"Create human beings and decide their life and death like gods...Yang Yang seems to dislike this." Another older colleague whispered.

They discussed in low voices, Meng Gaoge sighed, took the initiative to admit his mistakes to Wang Shuo, undertook the review, and informed his colleagues of the doubts discussed, and finally asked softly: "Leader, do we still want to interfere?"

Wang Shuo suddenly wanted to smoke. He had believed in science and opposed superstition all his life, but now he was confronted with "metaphysics" that he couldn't explain what it was. What a fuck.

"Don't interfere, let Yangyang handle it by himself." Wang Shuo twitched his mouth, "You have to remember that the creation of human beings is to confuse the Xinghai people outside the planet, and the second is that human beings must be created among all things. Everything else is unnecessary.”

Meng Gaoge opened his mouth, wanting to ask if there is any new clue to Xiao Xu's identity?It's better to know his experience.

However, thinking of the confidentiality agreement, Meng Gaoge still kept his mouth shut, hung up the phone and continued squatting in the live broadcast room.

Wang Shuo on the other side looked at the barrage in the live broadcast room with a heavy expression and heaved a long sigh.

The barrage was very lively, and the audience didn't understand why Xiao Xu's mood changed. Congratulations to Xiao Xu for breaking through level 40.

"Cub, what's your displeasure, tell me, brother and sister will help you solve it."

"Just like our country's father said, that's a constraint, baby, if you don't use it or think about it, then the constraint doesn't exist. Don't think too much about it."

"Zizai, you created them, just like playing games, creating characters, creating NPCs, it's normal to be able to control them."

"Don't talk nonsense upstairs. Intelligent creatures have their own thinking. Whoever can stand being manipulated can be killed at any time, although I believe Zai Zai will definitely not do it."

"I don't understand, it's such an awesome thing! It's just like the Chuangshi God, how cool it is, you need to be more domineering."

The more Wang Shuo watched, the more frustrated he became, and he sighed again: "Game, God of Creation..."

High above the ground, he never regarded the human beings created by Xiao Xu as independent individuals. Of course, this is human nature, and there is nothing to criticize. After all, who doesn't have a crazy second-school dream, but Xiao Xu is obviously different.

Wang Shuo became more and more anxious, and hurriedly called Kuang Zheng, the leader of the task force who had been tracking Xiao Xu's identity.

"Have you found anything?" Wang Shuo asked.

"The great still visiting. You know, the time has passed, and many heroes who survived are also old, and even... It's hard to find out. We don't know who Xiaoxu came to the cemetery to see, but it must be one of them. One, we can only check a little bit, which requires a lot of time to check."

Kuang Zheng took a deep puff of his cigarette, he shouldn't have investigated such a patient and trivial matter, he should have gone to investigate the murder case!

But when Xiao Xu was involved in this matter, he had to do it.

"It's not a waste of time. After a thorough investigation, there are still 12 people who were in the air strike area." Kuang Zheng said in a low voice, "However, we need to investigate further."

Xiao Xu's age will definitely not appear on the battlefield, he should be arranged in a safe post-war area, and according to Xiao Xu's reaction in the past, he should have escaped the air raids, and the cities under the air raids are nothing more than those few cities.

This kind of elimination method is not difficult, but the difficulty is that in that era, there were gunfire everywhere, many things were lost, and there are not many heroes who are still alive, and the descendants of the martyrs only know things by word of mouth. .

Thinking of this, Kuangzheng said in a low voice: "There is another thing. When chatting with the 'Tomb Keeper', he said that Xiao Xu once showed off to him that his grandfather is very powerful and has many chapters."

"This chapter should be a medal. I think it can be checked in this area, but it's a bit trivial. Can Jinwu help?" Kuang Zheng asked.

Wang Shuo pondered for a few seconds: "I will report it to the higher authorities. It shouldn't be difficult."

There are records of awarding medals, but there is more than one kind of medal.

However, Kuang Zheng's proposal was just right, to scan and upload the records for Jinwu to investigate, which really saves trouble.

"We can't let go of more in-depth investigations." Finally, there has been some progress. Maybe in the near future, the identity of grandpa will be revealed.

Wang Shuo relaxed a little, leaned on the back of the chair, and chatted with Kuang Zheng if he felt like it.

At this time, the system was also watching the barrage.

The discussion on "manipulating life, death and thoughts" on the bullet screen is still going on. For most people, this is definitely a powerful weapon. If they can have it, they will wake up laughing from their dreams.

The system had the same idea, it subconsciously looked at Xiao Xu.

Xiao Xu walked around a few times holding a large bouquet of flower umbrellas, looked around, but didn't find D13, and was about to open the map to look for it, but when he looked over, he happened to see the bullet screen, and was stunned in place.

He stared blankly, his lips tightly pursed, and the breath around him became more and more dull. It was an obscure and rotten breath.

Like a corpse buried in the ground, slowly decomposing.

The system wrinkled his face, he hated Xiao Xu's half-dead look the most, and said irritably: "Shi Yangyang, what are you throwing your temper at, don't talk about it, don't use it if you don't like it, don't care about that group of people, let them grow freely, you What else?!"

"I didn't lose my temper." Xiao Xu suddenly raised his head, wanted to say something, but closed his mouth again.

The system was so angry that it wanted to hit someone: "Say what you want, if you don't tell me I know nothing!"

Hearing this, Xiao Xu clenched his hands tightly into fists, his nails pinched his palms so painfully, after a while, he suddenly stretched out his hand and quickly turned off the live broadcast room.

system:? ? ?

Just when the system was puzzled, Xiao Xu raised his head, showing his red eyes, pursed his mouth, burst into tears as soon as he opened his mouth, and said aggrievedly: "Brother, they have changed, they are different."

This they refer to the audience.

"They didn't accept their fate at all before. Like grandpa, they want to change history and destiny. They hate being controlled the most. They have been resisting all their lives, but... they want Yang Yang to control those people."

His expression was a little vague, but the system understood it.

The system talent time and space, he has been in and out of many plane worlds, and he knows the "fate" better than anyone else. It is an unchangeable track, just like the life and death book in the Chinese legend. You will die as soon as you want to die.

This "fate" is a node, and the torrent of time will push everyone to this node. This is the established "history" and cannot be changed.

The system suddenly stretched out its tiny claws, which was not at all majestic.

It held its paw and chuckled lightly: "Since you don't want it, then erase it. After all, 'fate' is for changing."

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