Death is coming GL

Chapter 36 Honkai Rules

Sometimes I also think that if the god of death also has his own principles, then he must be so angry now.Because what we are doing now is totally against His will.Whatever the three of us can do, we will do our best, because it is too cruel to watch lives die in front of our eyes. I can't do it, and neither can Feng Yu and Jiang Wu. .

"Have you got the call yet?" Jiang Wu hung up his phone, looked up at Feng Yu and me and asked with a frown.

"I have called, but there are three people here who have not been able to get through. They are Su Minqi, Chu Chen, and Tian Si. Tian Si's cell phone has been turned off. It should be that the injury has been serious. Not awake." I pointed to the three names on the list that I circled to show them both.

"I also have them here, Lu Mo and Tao Jing from Class [-], and Yuan Linlin from Class [-] Accounting!" Feng Yu hung up the phone and answered anxiously as soon as my voice finished.

I looked at Jiang Wu, she looked straight at me and nodded: "Yes, I was not spared here either, there were two people who couldn't be contacted, and a girl from Class [-] scolded me... Hehe. Those who couldn't be contacted People are also from the second and third classes of accounting, one is Hu Ran and the other is Jin Le."

"Normal, a few girls on my side have been asking me what's going on, because everyone has seen what happened in school recently, and the recent things are not normal, which makes people panic, and everyone is secretly guessing. What's going on, although the reason of the matter is too unbelievable to tell, but most people believe it." I stood up from my seat and circled the unconnected names on the list with a pen. .

"Then let's find out if the person who can't be contacted has left other contact information." Feng Yu put the phone in his pocket and put away the files spread out on the table one by one.

"It's not too late, let's go now." Jiang Wu also stood up and said neatly.


"Okay." Feng Yu and I responded at the same time.


At this time, on the train tens of kilometers away from the school, Su Minqi and Chu Chen were lying leisurely on the hard sleeper of the train and chatting.

Because they were bored when they first got on the train, the two played with their mobile phones for a long time, so that at this time their mobile phones were turned off because they were out of battery.The two of them who had each slept for a while, finally woke up now, chatting casually.

Su Minqi bought the middle bunk, and Chu Chen was lying under him. He stretched out his head and asked Chu Chen, "Hey, Chen'er, you said that when you come down from the mountain, which scenic spot should we go to first? How about going to Sifang first?" Play around the amusement park?"

The two have known each other since junior high school, and their friendship took a step further after they became classmates in high school.It may be because they are often mixed together, so the results in the college entrance examination are not bad, so the two discussed and applied to the same university.

Although Su Minqi has always said that being with Chu Chen would be misunderstood by some girls that he is not interested in girls, but he was just talking about it. The two have similar interests and hobbies, so they have a similar feeling when they are together. After so many years It's almost never separated.

The reason why I booked this trip is because the two boys are very fond of sports, but playing basketball and football at school all day is nothing new, so when the department proposed to go to Panlong Mountain Villa to escape the summer heat Both of them went happily, but they didn't expect that such an unpleasant accident occurred in the middle, so the plan of the two of them fell through.

But after returning to school, the two did not settle down because of this, and the summer vacation money paid by the family did not move. Instead, they made plans for vacation play.

Of course, the plan for this time was fully finalized long before the exam week. When the two informed the family, the family did not fully agree, but they didn't stop it, so they told the two to play early and return early and let it go.After all, if there is no disagreement at home, and the holiday is so long, every time they come back, they will just stay at home and play games day and night. They're off to play.

Chu Chen lay down on the lower bunk and thought of something, and said maliciously: "Let's not talk about this first, by the way, don't you like Yan He from the second class of accounting? Report to your buddies, how is the progress? Have you confessed?"

"Who said that? Who did you hear say something so unreliable?" Su Minqi was taken aback by Chu Chen's question, and then felt his face start to heat up, and quickly retracted his head.

"Fuck, I'm just guessing. Look at you, you're such a bear. It's really good to co-author!" Chu Chen jumped up from the lower bunk as if he had discovered a new world, rubbed his chin, and smiled wickedly: "Haha , Let me just say, I feel that every time you look at others, the eyes are wrong, and after I promised to go to Panlong Mountain with you that day, you were so excited like something. I really thought of you before because I went with you You were so excited, now think about it, you are so excited because Yan He is on the list!!"

"Su Minqi, Su Minqi, it is said that heroes are saddened by beauties. It seems that you, a 'hero', will be captured by beauties too!" Chu Chen said more and more vigorously, and simply stood up and leaned against the bed in the middle bunk. Bian Tui deliberately turned his back on Su Min Qidao.

The title of "hero" actually originated in junior high school. At that time, Su Minqi was fascinated by "Historical Records", and the most regretful thing was Xiang Yu in it.At that time, he talked about Chu Chen all day long about which character in "Historical Records" was more powerful and handsome. When he talked about Xiang Yu, he said that Xiang Yu was cheated by Yu Ji. Which girl wants to be a 'hero' who is not confused by beauty.In fact, it's not because the girls in junior high school haven't grown up yet, and it's hard to compare which one looks better.

"Shut up!!" Su Minqi covered his head with a quilt and yelled in a muffled voice.


For Yuan Linlin, this holiday came neither early nor late, but she didn't have any plans yet, so she could only sleep until the sun was high, and then get up from the bed in a daze to wash up.After watching a movie last night, she fell asleep as soon as the movie ended, and didn't take a good bath, so she plugged in the water heater, turned on the power, and prepared to boil some water for a bath.

In fact, other people’s water heaters are always plugged in, but her mother told Yuan Linlin after watching a housewife program one day, remember to unplug the water heater every time after taking a bath, in her mother’s words—— waste!

"Electrical appliances that are not in use must be unplugged in time after use, or they will run out of electricity." This is what her mother heard from an expert on TV. Yuan Linlin actually feels very disdainful about this point, how much can she run again? kWh?But after all, it was a waste and there was a safety hazard at the same time, so although she felt disdainful, Yuan Linlin listened to her mother and followed through.

The water heater makes a buzzing sound when it is boiling water. Of course Yuan Linlin knows that today's water heater also makes a humming sound as usual, but it is different from the sound in the past. Today's sound is mixed with a subtle creaking sound. The squeaking sound was like the cry of a baby mouse. Although Yuan Linlin had never heard that kind of sound, it was so annoying that she could only describe it this way. With a toothbrush in her mouth, she was standing in the water heater with half of her mouth full of foam. After staring at the water heater and listening carefully for a long time, if she hadn't known that it was impossible for mice to get into the water heater when it was completely closed except for the water inlet and outlet pipes, she might have unplugged it and took it apart to see.

After looking up at the water heater for a long time, she finally confirmed that there was nothing wrong with it. On the contrary, she raised her head until her neck was sore, so she rubbed her neck and gave up.

After brushing her teeth, Yuan Linlin took the towel and went into the bathroom, ready to take a bath.Yuan Linlin, who had just taken off her pajama pants and didn't even take off her pajamas, heard a loud bang from behind her, and then every part of her body felt a cool feeling of being embedded in something at the same moment. , she touched the back of her neck subconsciously, and as a result... felt blood on her hand.

On the desk in the room, the indicator light of her mobile phone flashed red, indicating that she had a missed call.Because she didn't want to be disturbed when she slept in during the holidays, she set the phone to silent.


In the hospital, the little nurse was walking in the corridor and inspecting the wards one by one.

The little nurse who came out of ward [-] shook her head, sighed and closed the door.This ward lived in a student who was brought in the day before yesterday and was burnt in the fire. When he was brought in, his whole body was severely burned and he was rescued with great difficulty. I don’t know why his parents haven’t shown up yet.Now this student can only rely on a bunch of equipment to support his life every day. The most distressing thing is that he is still a girl. Even if he can survive this catastrophe, his future life will probably be ruined.

I don't know what happened recently, the number of injuries and deaths has soared, and the doctors and nurses in the hospital have been working overtime for nearly half a month. Patients who usually come in for registration can only set up temporary beds in the corridor to calm down.

After the little nurse left, the ward returned to the mixed voices of 'beep' and 'puff...breath...'.In this silence, the power socket in the corner began to buzz for some reason, and the electric light flashed a little, and then disappeared, but... With the disappearance of the electric light, one of the special oxygen supply Tian Si's breathing machine on the bed stopped working.

"Hoo... Suck..." "Hoo..." "Hoo..." "Ho... Ho..." Tian Si, who was still in a coma on the bed, was blocked from breathing, and his whole body convulsed When I got up, my body tensed violently, then became rigid, and finally my body went limp with a puff, like a deflated inflatable doll.

"Beep... beep..." After two sounds like restarting, the oxygen delivery equipment resumed operation by a strange coincidence, but at this time, it was too late, and the only sound of breathing in the whole room had stopped.


The author has something to say:

Ask for a reward, the author is poor.

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