When the morning light came into the house on the second day, the change in the light caused Xie to wake up first, and found that he was still surrounded by Xue Pan from behind, and his lower body felt a little sore.The two of them, who always get up at Yinshi, are still nestled in bed at Chenshi, which all shows that there was some trouble last night.But he was still refreshed, and after thinking about it, Xue Pan had cleaned himself up, but he passed out and couldn't remember clearly.Looking at the red marks left on his body, Xie must say that he usually looks abstinent, but the first time he stewed meat he worked very hard.

"Wake up, does your waist still hurt?" Xue Pan woke up after Xun Shi moved his body a little, and his hands consciously touched Xun Shi's waist, and began to massage him, using internal force, then The hot air melted all the discomfort in Xun Shi's waist.

"Fortunately, it's not too uncomfortable. It just so happens that Xiumu can take a rest today." After Xiong opened his mouth, he realized that his voice was also hoarse, and when he heard Xue Pan's snickering, he turned around to face him, and went along with it. He stroked their entangled long hair, and said with some helplessness, "Pan'er, don't laugh at your husband. When it's my turn in the future, your voice will definitely be more beautiful."

He was definitely being molested, and Xue Pan didn't care, he just blocked Xie Shi's lips with practical actions, and exchanged a good morning kiss, but luckily it didn't go deep, otherwise he would have spent the whole morning in bed. "Fifth Brother, do you have any plans for today?"

"No, how can we say that there is a three-day wedding leave for a big wedding. We can't let it go for three days, but we can always have one day." Xie planned to stay in Zhuangzi today, "I'm still waiting for Pan'er to cook in person. Let’s have a delicious meal. It’s getting late, let’s get up quickly.”

"Then let Fifth Brother have a taste of my cooking skills today." When Xue Pan said this, there was a hint of secret.Why was Xue Pan on it for the first time between the two of them?Because Xue Pan can cook.

This sounds like a funny reason.The one who bears it for the first time will always feel a little uncomfortable, but the one above must be gentle and attentive. Of course, not only in the evening, but also in the next day, he must also be caring and considerate.

If they didn't have those servants, but the two of them lived in the forest, it meant that the one above should be responsible for the next few meals.If he ate all the other party's people, how could he not be responsible for feeding his stomach.Both men and women are fine, after being tossed all night, let the person below take care of other things the next day?Just take a good rest.So whoever has the skill of cooking will have the first chance to be on top.

Of course, this is all Xue Pan's nonsense, Xie likes to listen, and also wants Xue Pan to take the lead. This is the interest between husband and wife, and others can't control it.In the era when a gentleman stays away from the kitchen, Xue Pan's hobby of cooking is rarely used openly.If this matter is known by the good censor, it is possible to refer to a book, saying that he misbehaved and insulted the gentleman.Xue Pan was very helpless about this. In the standard of whether a man is a good man at home in later generations, there is the requirement of whether he can cook good food. The difference in the status of men and women is not the only thing separated by a hundred years.

Xie still occasionally tasted Xue Pan's craftsmanship during his travels back then.I don't know if beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but in Xie's opinion, Xue Pan's dishes have a taste that other people can't cook.It's not those delicacies from mountains and seas, and there are no complicated procedures, but it has a taste of home, which makes him a little addicted.

Those who had the wedding banquet yesterday were all full of praise after tasting a table of dishes cooked by Xue Pan himself.

"Pan'er's culinary skills haven't regressed." Father Xue said with a sense of emotion. He still remembered that Xue Pan was very strict with the affairs in the kitchen, and he was also very proficient in the combination of various ingredients.But in recent years, the whole family had less and less time to eat together. Xue Pan was always left in the palace at noon, or had dinner in the Yamen.In order not to accumulate food, they always ate a light meal at night, like when they were in Jinling, they seldom heard Xue Pan talking about delicious food after dinner.

Xue Pan heard a trace of disappointment in Father Xue's words. He saw wrinkles on Father Xue's well-maintained face, and he couldn't help feeling a little guilty in his heart.Over the years, he has taken care of many aspects of the family, but it is impossible for him to be with his parents all the time like before.If it is an ordinary family in Daqing, there should be a third generation at this time. For example, Xue Biao had a son last year, and their Baochai was married. Turn around instead of staying at home, which makes the house a little cooler. "Father, the glutinous rice balls will be crowned next year. You can also give him a look. It will save him from being crazy outside. When he gets married, let him play with the children at home."

"Brother——" Xue Li looked at Xue Pan with a face full of reluctance. This kind of practice of dead friends and poor people is only his good brother, so it is obvious to change the subject.I haven't woken up from the blinding wedding yesterday, so why did I talk about him.

"Pan'er is right! I want to find someone to take care of you. After you finish the township examination next year, try to settle the marriage." Xue's father didn't think that Xue Pan was changing the subject, he had already Knowing that it is impossible to have an elder son, the younger son naturally wants to get married and have a son in peace, and Xue Li's temper is a little bit off, far from Xue Pan's calm appearance back then, so it is better to let someone take care of him.

Xue Li, who was overwhelmed by the love and care of his father and brother, dared not say anything more.He just secretly glanced at the sour plum soup. He was obviously five years older than him, and he was almost twenty and not engaged. Why did he have to step into a life of misery controlled by others first.

"Father, you see that you are already married, and Tangyuan is going to discuss marriage. When will my son find a caring person?" Sui Min wondered if he had received Xue Mu's envious and jealous eyes. However, as the grandson of the emperor, he is also going to be settled.

Unlike Xue Mu, Xie Min actually wanted to have a wife.During these years in the palace, from time to time, he saw the days when brother Xue and his father secretly showed affection, which made him very distressed as a man without a regular wife.Cough cough, the key is to get married, and you can also play with your wife.It was also in front of his own people that he talked about the marriage generously, saying that he should get married at his age.I don't know if I can have some autonomy.

Pig teammates!Xue Li sighed in his heart, and wanted to say that he would be a good friend for a lifetime, and you were thinking about his little wife.I don't know who said on the Qinhuai River that the oiran is average-looking, they haven't seen all the beauties in the world yet, they are going to be tied up by someone so soon.

Xue Li shook his head. Because the Xue family hid some secrets from the previous dynasty, the simpler the family population, the better. They had already established the rule that only those who have no children in their thirties can take concubines.No, he must choose someone he likes. If he meets someone with an inappropriate personality, can he live his whole life?

Xie has long thought about Xiemin's marriage, and there will be a draft in next spring, and there are some people in the clan who want to marry wives.For Xie Min, Xie has only one request, that is, not to be controlled by the wives.Thinking about it, if the current empress didn't have a prominent family, she would have more troubles. Sometimes the wife's family would be a burden instead. A capable emperor should fight on his own. "Min'er is not young anymore, it should be finalized in next year's draft."

In this season of getting married, Xie Mo silently pricks the villain in his heart, when will he be able to ask this question openly.Glancing secretly at Xia Gui, the man was holding a teacup with no expression on his face, does it mean that he still has some time to boil?

Do you want to ask brother Huang about the Dafa of chasing your husband?They are similar in age, and they are both in their thirties. Why is it that a beautiful man returns home while I continue to struggle in slowly catching up with my husband.But yesterday Xiaoguizi didn't pat her hand away, isn't that good news?Xi Yan selectively forgot the fact that Xia Gui gave him two kicks severely.

After talking for a while, Xue's father, Xue's mother, and Song Quan went back to the capital first, while Xue Li and Yun Min took advantage of the clear sky to go hunting on a nearby mountain.Regardless of Xun Shi's black face, Xun Yan insisted on leaning over to ask Xun Shi for advice, and dragged Xun Shi into the back garden.Xue Pan and Xia Gui were left behind, sitting in the front yard basking in the sun.

"Are things going well at sea?" Xue Pan asked about using the navy as a pirate. "I didn't expect Wei Ruolan to develop such a temper in the military camp. It doesn't look like it was many years ago."

"This time we tricked the Dutch. Three of their commanders have been imprisoned in a dark prison. They will never see the light of day again in this life. Calculated according to the distance, it will be four or five months later. It takes more than half a year to know what happened here. At that time, the one-eyed golden knife should be famous, but there is nothing to be afraid of. I also hope that they can use those foreigners to practice more. Practice your hands, then the day to go south to Nanyang will be near." Xia Gui is quite at ease with Wei Ruolan, their advantage is first in attacking their unpreparedness, and then in having rich experience and sophisticated weapons, it is impossible to never lose a hundred battles, But the probability of winning is very high.

"That's good, I guess there will be such a battle sooner or later." Xue Pan brewed tea, and he did not forget the words 'beside the couch, how can others snore and sleep', the military power in the hands of Nan'an County King must be withdrawn back. "Wars must be important, but you have to think about other things carefully. Military power has always been the most envied. It's not a good thing to be a leader with high achievements. It's better to think about the establishment of a military academy as early as possible."

Xia Gui nodded silently. Xie believed in her, but things in the world are not just one party's trust and everything will be fine.A good system is better able to maintain the stability of the world than a volatile human heart, and it is also better able to build a Qingming Daqing. "I've already mentioned it to Uncle Liang. In case something happens in Guangxi, we will make a deal after the war."

At this time, Dang Gui came from the front and brought a plate of Poria biscuits and a pot of milk tea as an after-dinner meal.Xia Gui's eyes fell on the tuckahoe cake, and there was a trace of emotion on his face, "When the tuckahoe is cut off in Qingqiu, when will we recover. This life will be different after all."

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