During the Qingming Festival, there is a lot of rain, but this year's Qingming Festival, the capital has not seen a drop of rain. To be precise, the entire Yanjing area has not rained for a month.In the spring rainy season, such a phenomenon means that a severe drought may arrive unexpectedly.Manpower is always sometimes, and God's will cannot be violated. Under the calculation of Qin Tianjian, Xie is going to the Temple of Heaven to worship and pray for rain tomorrow.

But on this night, there was a sudden downpour, and anyone who knew a little bit of astronomical knowledge was a little uncertain, because such a heavy rain might not be a good thing for a long drought and rain.

"Last time the Ministry of Households counted several large granaries across the country, and there were a few places where there were serious problems." Xue Pan told Xie in the palace that this count was just reported at the beginning of February in the beginning of spring. .As the saying goes, soldiers and horses go first before using food and grass. Now that you have plans to use troops in the south, you must first make complete preparations. The problem of the granary is a big problem that popped up during the travel of Xie Min and Xue Mu.

As Xue Pan has taken good care of them since they were young, the two of them must not be separated from each other, and they don't know what to do with farming. Under the cover of the hero Liu Xianglian, they are really nosy like a chivalrous man who robs the rich and helps the poor.During the year, several granaries were selected, and the grain reserves in them were emptied by corrupt officials, or replaced with moldy rice noodles.For this matter, Xie almost didn't want to kill this large group of people.

The establishment of the Supervision Bureau must be put on the agenda. There are no people who will not make mistakes all their lives. Only a good system can restrain them. There must be a large number of people who are proficient in arithmetic to properly review the financial problems of these local officials.Moreover, the personnel in the Supervision Bureau must be rotated and allocated so as not to be bribed, and there must be continuous review steps, and absolute rights cannot be given.Absolute power corrupts.

Who would have thought that the severe drought would come before the Supervision Bureau could be built. At this juncture, disaster relief became difficult because of the emptied grain in those granaries and the inedible grain that had been stolen.

In this way, it is useless to persuade anyone.Xie made an order to decapitate more than 30 officials, and hundreds of accomplices were used as coolies. Many places in Daqing have to build cement roads these days, and there is no fear that there will be no place for them to work.

Not only that, for this corruption incident, Xie mercilessly adopted a series of interrogation, which affected the three clans, and their descendants were not allowed to participate in the imperial examination within five generations and enter the court as officials.

This fire has burned many people, but in the face of this matter, whoever wants to ask for forgiveness must stand up and pay for the shortfall in food reserves out of their own pockets.In the face of several million taels of debt, those people all retracted their heads.So Xun was the first anti-corruption campaign after ascension to the throne, telling the world with an extremely terrible result, the truth that if you stretch out your hand, you will be killed.

In fact, it is not difficult to make money through formal channels in this era.Daqing did not explicitly prohibit officials from engaging in business.Generally speaking, at the beginning of this overseas trade, it is not difficult for officials with some power to earn some money to spend.

That's why Xun is particularly angry. If he has the ability to earn money from foreigners, what is a person who cheats ordinary people?

But after the sudden heavy rain today, Xun knew what Xue Pan meant. Even if several major grain merchants were mobilized temporarily, the imperial court decreed that they would never allow the price of grain to be raised at this time, but their crisis was after the severe drought. Faced with the even more helpless Dahong. "I am more worried about the Yellow River. In the past few years, large and small dikes have not been broken. In Qin Tianjian's book just now, it is predicted that the heavy rain will last for ten days in the Gyeonggi area. If the rain continues If things go on like this, not to mention the inevitable epidemic after the heavy rain, the water level of the Yellow River may not be able to hold up, and a lot of farmland will be washed away. And the quicksand in the canal will also destroy the riverbed of the canal. It will definitely be severely impacted, even the transportation of rescue food and grass will also be hindered."

Xue Pan is very clear that in the face of this chain of natural disaster effects, manpower sometimes appears small and fragile.Although tonight was only the first night of heavy rain, he could already predict that starting tomorrow, countless booklets would fly to the capital.

Xue Pan stood behind Xun Shi, made him close his eyes, and gently massaged him. "The matter of the grain merchants is easy to solve. As long as they are given enough exciting benefits, they are willing to donate the grain. Besides, the court is not asking for nothing. During the battle with King Xining, the court also urgently requisitioned Bashu grain The two parties have cooperated well. The key is to send someone they can trust."

Xue Pan didn't mention himself. He understands the way of checks and balances better than Xun, so some hard work can be done, but some things that are kind to others, it's better to let them out.This is not the first time that grain merchants and the imperial court have cooperated like this. There have been precedents before, and everyone knows that this is a good thing for mutual benefit.The grain merchants gained fame, and they also had the right to participate in the imperial examination for their descendants in the future.Officials gain benefits, and their achievements in disasters are especially easy to be remembered by people, which is a necessary achievement for promotion.Therefore, Xue Pan will never be contaminated by such a good thing, he doesn't need such a reputation to add icing on the cake.

"Fifth brother, don't worry too much. Rain is something that cannot be controlled throughout the ages. There is one thing that is more important at present. Last time, those people in Jiangnan opposed the use of sea transportation instead of water transportation. But this time the heavy rain may be a gust of east wind. It’s impossible to say that this difficult thing can be done.”

Xie also let go of those unnecessary worries, those disaster relief things must be done, but a qualified emperor should turn passive into active when faced with an unfavorable natural disaster, "What Pan'er said is a big thing Water transportation affects the whole body. But yesterday Niu Song entered the brochure, and the first batch of overseas trade ships have arrived in Hong Kong. Just looking at the money he listed on the brochure, it would be worth a few dollars in Daqing. Years of taxes. Money touches people's hearts. After this ship returns, the wind direction in the south of the Yangtze River should also change."

Sure enough, at the court meeting on the second day, few of the officials who braved the heavy rain to come to the court were sincerely concerned about the damage caused by the flood. Instead, they were very concerned about the benefits of this maritime trade in the south of the Yangtze River.Those die-hards who have been unwilling to let go of the water transport at the mouth finally asked the emperor, you see, the canal will be washed away by the river sand this time when the heavy rain suddenly falls. The diversion of the Yellow River has existed since ancient times. I figured it out, can I think about changing water transport to sea transport?

"With the sweetness in front of them, all the morals will be eaten by dogs. At the beginning, I didn't know which people were not open-eyed, but they must insist on using water instead of sea. Now they see real money and silver. This group of profit-seeking people!" Xie threw down the notebooks in his hand, among the notebooks handed over from Jiangnan, seven out of ten revealed this intention either explicitly or implicitly.A natural disaster was in front of them, but as parents and officials, they turned a blind eye to it. Instead, they used this disaster as an excuse to take the road of getting rich, how could Xian be unhappy.

Xun Yan looked at Xun in the study with a broken expression, and he didn't dare to go up to persuade him. Didn't he see Xue Pan drinking tea as if nothing had happened?In Xue Pan's words, throwing a zigzag can be regarded as a way to relieve anger.You can't let your anger suffocate you, you have to vent it properly.In Xue Pan's view, Xie should go to the martial arts training ground to fight a game, so as to dissipate the depression in his heart, which is good for his health.

Speaking of which, Xie Shi's character has some idealism in it. Things like the world is for the public can only happen to a few saints, while the vast majority of people live for profit.Thus a perverse paradox was born.In fact, the emperor needs saints, but one or two are enough. Those people have no weakness of human nature. They are for the people, not the king, and it is not easy to control and manage them.On the contrary, those profit-seeking people under the superiors are the best to grasp. Knowing where the interests go, they can also control the general trend of the world.

After Xun Shi finally let go of the gloom in his heart, Xue Pan handed him the fruit plate in front of him to moisten his stomach. "Fifth Brother doesn't need to be so angry. No matter what the purpose of those people is, the result is good for Daqing and the people. Everyone is happy. No one is perfect, and we can't ask everyone to be a gentleman who restrains himself and abides by etiquette."

Xun bit into a piece of apple, of course he knew the truth, but he was just upset.Forget it, it's pointless to dwell on these things.He looked at Yan Min, didn't this person sneak away to find Xia Gui all the time, why did he come to the Imperial Study Room today when he was free, did something good happen. "Why are you here? Don't you go to Tianjin as soon as you have time? Can the heavy rain trap you?"

Xie Yan sneered, he knew that Brother Huang was very dissatisfied with his sneaking behavior, but fortunately he was not caught by the censors, otherwise he would definitely be punished. "Aren't I also concerned about sea transportation? The sea is different from the canal after all. If you really want to change the water transportation to the sea transportation, then you must ensure the safety of the East China Sea. At least you must guard against pirates. I don't know the situation there. How about it, what happened to the Japanese pirates in the previous dynasty must be used as a lesson.”

"Aren't you still worried about Xia Gui after all? You can't use your own brains!" Xie immediately heard what Xi Min meant. Once the sea transportation is implemented, the task of the navy will definitely be aggravated.Unlike the employment system of sea trade, sea transportation is official transportation, and soldiers must be sent to protect along the way.The canal has been built for a long time, and the distribution of the forces of all parties is already a foregone conclusion, and the sea is vast, if they take this step, they must use the navy.

In this way, the power of the navy will inevitably increase. Xia Gui, as the person in charge directly under him, will bear a heavier part of his body, and those who look at him with envy will be even more eager to catch his fault.Party struggles have never stopped since the day a person stepped into the officialdom. Even the emperor couldn't really keep an official from any harm.

"He's smarter than you." Xun looked at Xun Min's worried look, hated him for not being up to date, and threw a booklet to him, "Look, Xia Gui has long thought of how to split up the military power in his hands." , is in the best interest of Daqing. You should also use your brains, and don't keep using violence to control violence."

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