When people in Fujian were panicking because of this tea reform case, the literati in the south were all informed that a poetry meeting led by Song Quan would be held in Chengyuan in a few days.Song Quan's reputation is well known in the world. He won the first prize in a row and became the first champion since the founding of the Daqing Dynasty. Later, he created the writing style of the Qingtong School. Odd and famous.Although Ding You returned to his hometown for a while in these years, the rest of the time he held important positions in the court.

Therefore, the tea party to be held in the name of Song Quan attracted the attention of many scribes. They were not in the mood to worry about how far the tea case in Fujian had gone at this time, and they all left for Chengyuan in Fuzhou. , intending to meet friends through poetry, they all say that literati are well-known, so why don't they have the idea of ​​being able to pass the geese and leave their voices, and want to show their faces in front of Song Quan.

Seeing that tomorrow is the tea party, the Cheng Garden is brightly lit tonight, and the servants who come and go have raised their spirits. Under the arrangement of Danggui and the others, they are doing the final inspection and preparation, and they are determined to use it tomorrow. Arrived ingredients and utensils.That’s right, this Cheng Garden is a garden under Xue Pan’s name. He hadn’t been here before, but Xue Pan thought he might stay in the south for a while, so he sent someone to take care of it first. Unexpectedly, the first big banquet he came in to hold was a tea party that gathered talents from the south.

After Xue Pan listened to Angelica's report, he has confirmed that all the objects that should be placed are in their proper positions, and the guards in charge of security have also performed their duties. Just wait for tomorrow's arrival. up.Xue Pan went back to his own courtyard, and when he entered the door, he saw Xun sitting there alone, with the candlelight shining on his face, in the dim light, this silent atmosphere might be due to a kind of inner discomfort. Sure.

"Calpain is back." Xie heard the sound of the door opening, and watched Xue Pan walk in. The exhaustion on his face made Xie feel tense, and wanted to stand up, but Xue Pan fell on him first. on the chair next to him. "But I'm tired. For this tea party, you haven't closed your eyes properly for three days. Look at the blue color in your eyes."

Xue Pan touched his face. He didn't feel it at first, but he suddenly felt a little tired after being watched with such concern, "I didn't notice it at first, but this tea party is of great importance. , but don’t take it lightly.”

Xie patted Xue Pan's head naturally, and said pitifully, "Actually, it's not necessary. We don't have to gamble like this. It's a bit risky to introduce the oolong tea thing like this. It has been a long time since tea has changed to fried tea. Although the taste of this new tea is really good, I don’t know if there will be some people who are stubborn and unwilling to accept it.”

Of course, this tea party was not just looking for something to do, but after Xun told the tea merchants that there was a kind of tea that was made by a completely different method from the traditional green tea, all the people present were very surprised. I doubt the authenticity of Xie's words, but before seeing the huge prospects of this kind of tea, I will not rashly believe that this kind of tea called oolong tea can compete with green tea.Although there is a word 'dragon' in the name of the tea, who can guarantee that this kind of thing will turn into a treasure like a dragon in a storm.Therefore, although everyone is a little bit excited, they are more of a wait-and-see.

"Fifth brother, things in this world always have to be done by someone. Although the risk of following the path of the later people is much less, the effect is also much worse. The tea poisoning case in Fujian was an opportunity. The Holy One also hopes that foreigners can see the true strength of our Daqing Dynasty. It’s not that we can’t do without the green tea from Jiangnan, and we can still have new tea without green tea. Daqing’s heritage is something they will never be able to match.”

Xie looked at Xue Pan deeply, how could he not know what he meant.Perhaps Xue Pan had already prepared for the launch of oolong tea, but he didn't intend to push this new tea to the public at such a critical time.There are no fools in the world. Doing so will undoubtedly hurt the interest groups in Jiangnan, but it will actually help the balanced development of Fujian and Zhejiang.Therefore, I chose to stand on Xue Pan's side, risking suspicion or the failure of the new tea. At this untimely moment, Babaili hurriedly reported the matter to my father, and gave full guarantee for it , as long as the bet wins, it will be a great achievement for the two of them.If you lose, don't talk about it.

"Okay, Fifth Brother has to face those writers tomorrow, don't frown anymore, go to bed early." Xue Pan almost wanted to reach out to help Xun smooth the wrinkles between his brows, but still restrained his behavior.It was also during these times that Xun did not hesitate to use practical actions to prove the trust he could give, which changed his heart, but he was waiting, at least let's talk about it after tomorrow.

"Okay, you too, go to rest early." Xie smiled, watched Xue Pan enter the room, and then went to his own room.


On the second day, when noon was approaching, there was a scene of heavy traffic at the gate of Chengyuan, either suave or suave, and the visitors knew a lot of each other, and they all greeted each other.

"I heard that Mr. Song held such a tea party at such a busy time, just to brainstorm and let me come up with an idea, how to deal with the tea reform in Fuzhou and Guangzhou. Brother Zhou, you have been in the south. Did you hear anything?"

The man gave him a questioning look in his heart, how could he know the inside story, if he knew, he would not be able to talk to you.But on the face of it, he laughed, "Brother Liu is serious, how can I know what's going on, if I knew, I would have told you a long time ago, why would I hide it. Let's go to the tea party today. No new progress."

A third voice came in from the other end, "You all have heard, right? Master Song has accepted a disciple in Jinling, but it is really the kind of disciple he passed on personally. I heard it is the young Sanyuan from Jiangnan this year. It really does not insult Mr. Song's reputation, but I don't know who he is, and I haven't met him once, but it makes me curious."

Liu Zhouzhou on the other side also had a curious expression on his face that he wanted to meet him, but the change in his heart was unknown, maybe it was jealousy towards this person who could be accepted as a disciple by Song Quan.In the Daqing Dynasty, if a person like Song Quan really had a direct disciple, then his inheritance would fall on this person. It can be said that this person has a higher starting point than most people. a lot.This is also where people are envious. It is not just one person who heard such rumors today, maybe they have the mentality of wanting to come to test the truth.If he could compare that so-called disciple, wouldn't he be famous?

In the largest flower hall in Chengyuan, there were more than a dozen tables set up in the courtyard from the inside to the outside, waiting for everyone to take their seats. Then Song Quan came out and greeted everyone with a smile. "First of all, I would like to thank you all for selling your face to someone Song. I have traveled thousands of miles to Chengyuan. It is a fate that we can meet here. Everyone knows that I am not a talkative person, so let's be straightforward. I said it. In the past seasons, Huixian Tower often held tea parties, but there were not as many people here today. I said with a cheeky face, this is my credit, and I can let people who are rarely seen in normal times meet. If people from Daqing get together, there is always a reason, although this tea party is held in my name this time, I really want to invite everyone to taste something good."

I saw the servants in the first row holding a tray in their hands, some of which were glass teapots, some were purple sand teapots, and on the side was something on the side of a tea pot.When people were thinking about the tea reform, they didn't want Song Quan to say, "Fujian actually has a long history of tea, which is far from inferior to Jiangnan. Today I invite everyone to try something new. But I don’t know if you dare or not. This tea pot contains a new tea that you have never drunk before, and the emperor honors it with the name, 'Tieguanyin'."

After the words fell, everyone looked at the tea pot, it shouldn't be, they didn't hear it beforehand, and they didn't know how to pick up the words, but the name given by the emperor should be good of. "Sir Song, it's better not to hang everyone's appetite, let us see it."

"Yes, yes, let's talk about it after brewing." Everyone around agreed.

Song Quan smiled and told people to start working immediately.At each table, two young servants began to brew Tieguanyin. Everyone saw that the tea leaves that were taken out were shaped like dragonflies nodding and spiraling. sand green.For a moment, everyone held their breath, and saw the Avalokitesvara leaf stretched out under the brewing of boiling water, and the sinking and floating in the glassware was actually a fascinating scene, the transparent water color It started to turn into the color of amber, and when it was poured into the teacup in front of it, the natural and rich aroma slowly floated into the nose.

This kind of taste is almost unheard of. All the elegant people present became impatient and didn't talk too much. After the tea had gone to the heat, they picked up the cup in front of them, took a sip, and felt When the fragrance enters the mouth.I don't know if it's because there is an indistinguishable scent of sandalwood in the flower hall. After drinking this new tea, I calm down, as if I really listened to the earnest Buddhist words of the Guanyin master.Then I didn't know when I drank a cup of tea, and I suddenly realized that this kind of sweetness is long-lasting, and the strange thing is that after brewing it seven times, the lingering fragrance still lingers.

"Miao, it's really wonderful. It can be said that there is no difference between the West Lake Longjing. If one is like a gentleman, he is like a monk. It is really a blessing for us to taste this tea. Master Song, I am here at the right time. .”

"It's what Brother Chen said. Mr. Song really has us in his heart, so he used such a good product at the tea party. If it was me, I would have hidden it long ago, and I am not willing to use it for others."

"Who says it's not? Originally, the tea party was mainly about poetry, and I thought that there was nothing I could write a poem about. This time, I feel a little bit better compared to those present."

Song Quan looked at the almost unanimous praise from everyone, and let go of his hanging heart. Today's matter is considered to be a success. After today, everyone in Daqing's literati and upper-level circles probably knows Tieguanyin. How to operate, those tea merchants don't need him to teach.

But at this time, there was always a voice that made him feel uneasy, "Master Song, I heard that you have accepted a disciple in Jinling, and you are here today, let's meet and meet together. Isn't this a meeting of friends over tea? It would be a good thing for Xincha to compose a few poems, compile them into a book, and spread them out."

As soon as Song Quan heard that someone knew about Pan'er's arrival here, of course he could deny it, but the tea merchants already knew that someone from Xue's family was coming, and seeing the expectant people, he looked behind and stood aside Xue Pan showed a questioning look.At this moment, a person saw Xue Pan with sharp eyes, "It's right there, Mr. Xue, can you chat with us together? It is said that this year there is a small three yuan, and everyone wants to meet. Just now Liu Xiong's proposal is very good, and having Master Song's direct disciple join the Poetry Association will definitely add a lot of color, don't you think so?"

"That's it! That's it!" With the sound of conformity, Xue Pan only said that it was coming. Up to now, his ability to compose poetry is still not good, but he will go now even if he can't.At this moment, Xun Shi beside him seemed to want to say something more, but was stopped by Xue Pan, who shook Xun Shi's hand and gave him a comforting smile.

Xie knows that Pan'er is good at everything, but the poems are really not as good as his own. The speaker can't be said to be uneasy and kind, but he is not kind. I just want to show my identity.But he also knew that this was not the time at the chamber of commerce, he couldn't do anything for Xue Pan.I can only worry about Xue Pan in my heart, not because I am afraid that he will make a fool of myself, but because I can't see him in embarrassment.

I saw Xue Pan walking to the front in a friendly manner on the surface, ready to say something.

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