"Yiyo——" the black donkey saw the three people coming out of the water, and turned around twice excitedly. It thought that these people would not come over. How could you not believe its judgment? It is a psychic donkey.But the black donkey who couldn't speak could only express his happiness by flicking his tail at everyone.

The three of them came out of the pool, looked at the surrounding scenery, and couldn't help being taken aback.They have indeed walked the stone path in the mountain for a long time, and it is difficult to distinguish its layout and structure. They just know that it should be a natural stone path, and it is downward.There is a dense forest in front of you, covered with towering old trees, it looks inaccessible. From the paw prints and animal excrement on the ground, it is speculated that this place should be deep in the mountains.The strange thing is that there are no fish in the pool, and they can only go to the woods to get food.

Wei Ruolan has lived in Hunan for a long time, and Guizhou and Hunan are relatively close to each other. He also has a playful nature, and he is more familiar with such forests than Xue Pan and Xie. "We'd better not go too far. There may be large beasts inside, and this kind of forest sometimes has miasma. Without the corresponding medicine, we will just pass out inside."

"That is to say, after staying here for a few days, you still have to go back the same way." If conditions permit, they'd better leave from the other side, after all, no one can tell clearly what will happen on that dangerous official road. Something happened, "Brother Wei, in your opinion, how likely is it to get out of the woods?"

"It's very small, unless we meet someone who lives here." Wei Ruolan pointed to the peak in the distance, "This place should be at the bottom of the cliff. The terrain of Guizhou and Guizhou is peculiar, so it's better not to take risks lightly. But even if When you meet local people, the chances of being Han Chinese are not great.”

Xie exchanged a look with Xue Pan. They were originally here for the distribution of the Miao and Dong people. Although the plan could not be changed and they encountered falling rocks, it would be best if they could gain an in-depth understanding of the tribe's situation here. . "Let's take a look in the woods, maybe we can meet someone and take us out."

The three men and the black donkey walked into the woods ahead, and animals like pheasants would appear from time to time. They avoided the possible positions of wild beasts, and at the same time looked for traces left by humans, hoping to find some traces in the forest. Before the night comes, there is something to be gained.

Just as Xue Pan stabbed a wild pheasant to death with a sharpened branch, there was a sound of movement among the trees in the distance. The sound of "Roar--" shook the woods, and the flock of birds could be seen scattering in all directions after the roar.

Xie's face turned cold when he heard this voice, "This is the cry of a bear, and it must be extremely angry to roar like this, but I don't know if it has something to do with people, the bear should be hibernating at this time. "

To say that he has come into close contact with such a ferocious beast, only Xun is.He participated in the hunting with the emperor, but the safety range was often determined first. At that time, they also carried elite weapons and walked in groups.Unlike now, only Wei Ruolan carried a sword by his side, and he and Xue Pan were both temporarily cut branches, which were a bit weak to deal with ferocious beasts.

The actual situation was even worse than Xie Ye thought, the bear was coming towards them.

"You sound like there are human voices!" Xue Pan vaguely heard a few indistinct words, the words were not in Chinese, it must be that the locals provoked the bear and were hunted down. "We hide in a tree first. Although bears can climb trees, they usually only attack the person who provokes them. If necessary, we can give him a blow in the back in the tree."

"Yes! Brother Xue, you hold this sword. You have good aim. When you have to do it, throw it at its head." Wei Ruolan handed the sword to Xue Pan.Not much to say, they immediately went up to the three trees respectively, and it was only a matter of breath. After chasing and fleeing, they had already rushed in this direction, and saw that two young people were injured, one was injured. One arm was soaked in blood, but they ran desperately, and behind them was a big bear with a cut in its chest, and it was covered with blood, but it did not give up hunting and killing the human beings who injured it. .

The two people who ran away were obviously injured, but they still carried a lot of burdens. They looked anxious and had a trace of fear. After they saw Xue Pan and the three on the tree, they had a momentary accident. A Han appeared.But at the moment when he was not thinking about these questions, one person saw the sword in Xue Pan's hand, and he shouted to Xue Pan in unproficient Chinese, "The bear has been wounded in the chest, this brother, please stab the sword into its brain." Among them, this thing is very vengeful, and it will not let go of anyone who meets it."

While speaking, the bear had already seen the tree, and it also found the three people on the tree. It didn't know what it was thinking, but it ignored Xue Pan, and instead roared at Xie's position, but it didn't Let go of the two who escaped in front.Those two were clever, and in order to create an opportunity for Xue Pan to strike, they specifically fled towards the back of the big tree where Xue Pan was.

What I was waiting for was this time, when the big bear stepped under Xue Pan, Xue Pan threw the long sword accurately and quickly, piercing the big bear's head straightly with a 'chih-', piercing it head.The bear didn't expect that the people on the tree would do anything, and it wanted to struggle to the death, but it was unwilling to crash into the tree, but failed to shake Xue Pan off.Moments later he finally fell to the ground and died.

The escaped person turned back and confirmed that the bear was really not in danger. He clasped his fists gratefully at Xue Pan and the others who had fallen down the tree, "Thank you for your rescue. We are the people from Cangliu Village. On the way back, we met This bear has hurt it before, and we chased this vengeful thing when we saw it, but fortunately, brother came to help. Seeing that it is getting late, do you want to go to the village, it is not safe in the woods at night."

This invitation fit Xue Pan and the others’ thoughts, so there was no reason not to agree, “Then thank you for taking me in. We accidentally walked into the deep mountains and lost our way, and we don’t know how to get out. My name is Xue Pan, these two are Wu Xun and Wei Ruolan, what do you call them?"

"My name is Dao Ling, and this is my brother Dao Chuan." The man with the injured arm talked about their situation.

This place is far away from the official road that Xue Pan and the others walked through, and depending on the situation, they don't know that there is such a thing as the passage under the lake.This is the Leiming Mountains, with dense forests everywhere. It is the settlement of Miao people. There are five or six large cottages. It cannot be said that there is no communication with the outside world, but due to the danger of the mountains and forests, there are not many connections with the outside world.As a result, there are not many people who can speak Chinese, and Daoling has learned some because he is in charge of buying and selling goods in the village and outside.Daochuan, who has never spoken, can only understand a little daily conversation.

After Dao Ling and Dao Chuan made some simple bandages, they took Xue Pan and the others back to Miao Village.To say that this mountain road is winding and has no rules, if it is not for the local people, they will not know the way forward.

The old man in front of the village finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Dao Ling and the others, and he was busy talking to them, after chatting with them for a while.He smiled kindly at Xue Pan and the others and said, "Hi, I am the patriarch here. You saved the people in Cangliu Village, and you are our honored guests. It looks like you were tortured in the woods." It’s hard work, why don’t you clean up and settle down first, and then live in Daochuan’s brother’s house, where the two of them are spacious.”

It was only when I went to Dao Ling that I heard him say that because his parents passed away early, he and his younger brother lived alone in this small building. Neither of them had married wives yet, so there were many vacant rooms.During dinner, the patriarch told the other people in the village about Xue Pan and the three of them. The people in the village were very grateful to the people who saved Daoling, and expressed their kindness one after another.

After some talking, I realized that Dao Ling and Dao Chuan had a high status in the village. They were good hunters, and they were also in charge of buying and selling goods with other villages and Han people. Everyone in this village respected them.This time, the two of them came back after exchanging goods from another village on the top of the mountain. The bear that happened to meet had been injured by people in the village before, so it chased and killed the people in Cangliu Village. It was also their bad luck. great.

After nightfall, Xie went to Xue Pan's room, finally able to calm down and think about what happened today. "Pan'er, judging by the size of this Cangliu village, it should be one of the three major Miao villages in Qianzhou. It cooperates with Guiyang Baijia for business and trade, but its attitude towards Han people is tepid. You made a mistake today After bumping into and saving Daoling and the others, the people in the village don't feel so much rejection towards us."

"Fifth brother, why don't we take advantage of this opportunity to stay for a while, and it won't take too long. As long as we get along well with Daoling, things will be easy in the future. The Bai family is now in decline, and it has been overwhelmed by the Gu family in Guiyang." , whether I can help in the future is up to you."

Xue Pan and Xie came to Qianzhou because of the Miao village. After the founding of the Daqing Dynasty, the Miao people and Han people here had more exchanges than before, but the friction they brought also increased.Because the Miao people are not under the control of the government, many things cannot be done according to the regulations. The Bai family originally in Guizhou has business contacts with several major villages of the Miao people, and they get along well.

It's just that after the death of the previous Patriarch of the Bai family more than ten years ago, the successor of the Bai family was not outstanding. At the same time, the Gu family has risen. During the rise and fall, the Gu family has divided the trading rights of the other two Miao villages. .This had nothing to do with Xie Shi, it was just that the Gu family was domineering, and there had been many unsettled disputes over the years.

However, they still hold the important power to do business with the Miao Village, which caused headaches for the imperial court.

This is not the Central Plains area, most of them are Miao people, whoever they make friends with will benefit, and even the government has to give up three points, there is no need not to provoke them.But this is not a long-term solution. How could a local power be allowed to dominate.Xie heard about this matter two years ago, and in the communication with Xue Pan, he agreed with his idea of ​​reforming the land and returning the chieftain's rights.

Although the father has no clear intention on this matter, it is better to find out the situation first than to be unable to move an inch in the future.

In this way, the three of them settled down in the Miao Village, planning to leave after this New Year's Eve.It's just that after the heavy rain one day, when the sky was getting dark in the morning, the uncle who usually came to talk to them suddenly came to the door. He grabbed Daoling's arm anxiously, "Something happened! At Madman Ridge, another girl fell into the house." There is a hole, it is Lao Chu’s daughter, Xiaochan. Lingzi, go and have a look!”

The uncle's voice was very loud, startling the people around, even Xue Pan and Xie heard it even in the small building.Falling hole?Does such a thing really exist?The girl who was taken away by the fairy in the cave, even after she returned, lost all her mind and only wanted to be with the fairy in the cave.

Xue Pan heard a saying in the later life that it was because the woman had a mental illness that she pretended to be in the cave. Often play together.Xiao Chan and the others have met once or twice, she is an optimistic person, how could she fall into the hole? "Fifth brother, let's go and have a look."

Xie nodded, and it was the time when the three Miao villages held the exchange meeting, why did something happen at this time?

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