When Xi Min returned to the capital, he just caught up with the good news of the great victory in the Northwest.In the court today, the faces of all the ministers finally had a faint look of joy.Thinking of the sit-in demonstrations in front of the government office that they suddenly experienced the imperial examination fraud case in the south of the Yangtze River more than half a month ago, the Supreme Emperor forcefully announced that the abdication was passed on in Xun. Announced the incident of the Mongolian invasion of the Central Plains after the rebellion and collusion of the king of Xining County.This kind of bombing one after another would be too much for veteran officials who have always claimed to be determined.

Can you let go of their little hearts that are no longer young.But the ministers also agreed that the fifth prince did not get any good things after becoming the new emperor. Isn't the emperor encountering a big war when he ascended the throne a sign that the current situation will be chaotic?The veterans all have their own accounts in their hearts. They know that the Supreme Emperor established the Daqing Dynasty. It looks like flowers and flowers, but in fact there are many unstable factors. , and those titles will all become stumbling blocks after the Xi Dynasty.

Throughout the history of China, the struggle between local centralization and central kingship, from the Seven Kings Rebellion in the Western Han Dynasty to the Anshi Rebellion in the Tang Dynasty, has never really stopped.The king of Xining County is not the first prince in history to support soldiers and treason, nor will he be the last, unless one day, the royal family just becomes a symbol.

But for the moment, the defeat of the rebels made the ministers finally let go of the stone in their hearts.Before, I have heard that the rebel army has millions of people, and there are many Mongolian heroes among them.The war between the former dynasty and the Mongols has only been less than a hundred years old, and although the Mongolian Khanate at the end of the Song Dynasty failed to occupy the Central Plains, its impact on East Asia and West Asia is impressive in the annals of history.

Everyone has already made preparations. The defense line from Gansu to northern Sichuan may not be able to hold, and they have to retreat to Shaanxi. Maybe it is very possible to carry out the stalemate stage of the battle in Shanxi.Therefore, this victory was a surprise to the ministers, not only them, but even the Supreme Emperor did not expect such a result.

"Your Majesty, God bless Daqing. The victory in this battle just means that His Majesty will be able to win the world with less and win more with less."

This man just said, "Your majesty, you saw that once you came to the throne, even though you encountered an ominous battle, you managed to turn the danger into good luck. It does not mean that you are the one who is destined by destiny, and the overlord also has good eyesight."

"Your Majesty, the rebel army is just a mess. Although they claim to have millions of people, they will definitely lose to our brave and skilled soldiers in Daqing. Once the reinforcements arrive in Qinghai, they have recovered the remnants of Xining, and the west of Daqing has stabilized."

Xi wanted these ministers to talk about their thoughts on this rebellion. Some time ago, these veterans were still faintly worried that Daqing would not be destroyed like this. What if Shanxi could not hold it, but the good news As soon as the news came, the court immediately changed the direction of the wind, as if the Mongolian tribes could be included in the bag tomorrow, and the territory could also be included in the territory of Daqing.

In the later period of the Supreme Emperor's reign, he tended to send capable ministers to the localities. Those people were also his confidants or those who paved the way for his successors, but the Beijing officials were slightly inferior.This is also because the Supreme Emperor has already grasped the land of the capital. Although the six departments need insightful people, the local government needs more powerful officials to suppress some people who are just about to move.

After Xie took over the stall, he divided the people he saw in the court meeting into three categories.One type of people don't talk much, they are diligent and efficient in doing things, they are typical practical people; the other type of people like to talk, and they will make notes when they have nothing to do, and say things no matter the severity, but their strength should not be underestimated. Youdo; of course, there is still a group of people who do not support him, and behind them is probably another prince, or a force that opposes the centralization of power.

Those who are not ready to pick peaches are coming, and the victory in northern Sichuan can be described as a desperate counterattack. When they fail to win, some people will worry that if they hit the capital, their lives will be in jeopardy.But once they won, they began to calculate the small calculations in their hearts.

"Your Majesty, although Liang Sheng was able to defend the city and win the battle in northern Sichuan, the northern Sichuan is now empty. This time, the casualties were heavy, and the army stationed in the west has won by a narrow margin. They also used such fierce weapons as Huo Lei , It’s really hurting Tianhe. Although Liang Sheng has meritorious service, he disregarded the lives of the people in northern Sichuan and arbitrarily recruited the powerless people into the battlefield. This behavior should be recorded as a demerit. Please also make a clear decision.”

"My minister seconded the proposal. Liang Sheng ignored the lives of the people in Daqing and forcibly recruited them into the army. In order to resist his atrocities, the people fled to Shaanxi to survive. Although this act was to expel the rebels, it also violated the laws of the country. , and ask the emperor to make a clear decision."

Then there were several people who seconded the proposal one after another. The people in the court were not fools, so they obviously didn't want Liang Sheng to be rewarded for the battle. The contribution of this station was too great, and Daqing hadn't had a war for 30 or [-] years. They didn't want generals bigger.At the same time, for the issue of firearms, civil servants who pay attention to the violation of the law of heaven do have strong opposition.

No one could see the expression of Xun Shi on the dragon chair, and the ministers below were also uncertain. The emperor used to have an expressionless face.It's not that indifferent look, but I just can't see his emotions.Or to be precise, the emperor seems to have never been satisfied with anything, and is indifferent to everyone.

There are also ministers who remember the emperor's expression when facing the emperor.How could they know what the emperor's tendencies are through the technology of face reading.Your Majesty, why did you choose such a person?

Xie Shi glanced coldly at those who spoke just now. He has an unknown talent, that is, he can remember what happened. He overheard the words of his father and imperial concubine Chen in the flowers when he was young. You can see how good his memory is.

He will remember these people well.Daqing was about to lose the defense line to the west. Now, it is against Tianhe. If we want to talk about Tianhe, it would be better to kill all those rebels. He is the only one to blame.

Or you can catch the rebels and let these people kill them one by one, so as to fulfill their spirit of benevolence and harmony, which is to sacrifice themselves for righteousness. It can't be better, this kind of hell who will go to hell idea.

Several ministers trembled their legs unnaturally under Xie Shi's eyes. Why did they feel their hairs stand on end? It's possible that the emperor thought of some way to torture them.They are old officials. Is there a new emperor who tortures old officials as soon as he comes up? Then they will go to the Supreme Emperor to complain.

Xie didn't speak, but in his oppressive eyes, several people's foreheads were already sweating. Just when he was about to refute himself, Xie Yin laughed, and his laughter had a kind of Creepy feeling.No one who went to court was willing to hear him laugh, but this man gave too many people a taste of the torture of the [-]th National Congress in the south of the Yangtze River.It is said that in several large prison cells in the south of the Yangtze River, there have been constant crying and ghostly shadows since then.

"Oh? In other words, you think Liang Sheng's rush to recruit local young and middle-aged men in order to defend northern Sichuan is a wrong choice. And those fugitives who escaped from defending the west of Daqing from the rebels are innocent and pitiful. I didn't expect that in my Daqing Dynasty, there would be Bodhisattva-hearted figures like several adults. It's really gratifying!

In this way, if there is any war in the future, it is better for you to replace the soldiers and go to battle yourself.How about persuading them with your argument that this war is harmful to peace?The other party will definitely be influenced by you and turn hostility into friendship.

It just so happened that Hou Meng had just proposed a peace agreement for a truce, and it was time for the adults to show their skills.At present, the cities from Gansu to Sichuan have suffered heavy losses. From the construction of the cities to the resettlement of the people, it is a big project.It's better for a few adults to let those post-Mongol princes be merciful and donate a little silver, which can also benefit the people of Daqing.At the same time, it also allows them to wash away the blood stains in their hands, turn their hearts to Bodhi, and become Buddhas immediately.Looking at this matter, no one can do it except you and a few merciful people!Third brother, don’t you think so? "

Xie Chang is a typical example of being shot while lying down.It turned out that he thought he was the capable son of his father, and he had been in the six films for many years, but he never thought that his father would choose Xie Shi.If the father had passed away, then he could still make trouble, but if he abdicated, how could he make trouble.Xie Chang knew whether it was his father or his brother who sat on the throne, and there was a lot of difference.It's better for him to keep a low profile while his father is still alive, and grasp the real power in his hands. Other things will be discussed later.

If at that time, whether Xie was what the people wanted, even if he occupied the throne, it would be of no use.Moreover, he himself had just faced the pain of bereavement, and the sick and weak son still did not survive. Compared with the throne that is out of reach now, having an heir is more important.

In the past month, Xie Chang seldom spoke in court, that is, to do what he was doing well, and to visit his father when he was free.Who would have thought that as soon as Xi Mo came back, he would be dragged into the water.

What else can I say, this group of old bastards are quite brainless, and they were thrown into the pit with fear a while ago.Now it is said that there is a problem with Liang Sheng's defense of the city. Would you have a good life without his tenacious defense?

Xie Chang is not a person who does not care about the crisis in Daqing, he has the identity of the prince first, and then he has a good life, he recognizes this very clearly.He has always been a sensible person. He may be unwilling to accept the throne, but the throne comes after Daqing, otherwise everything is empty talk.

"Sixth Brother is right, Your Majesty, these ministers are all people who care about the common people. What's more rare is that the benevolence and righteousness in their hearts is amazing. I believe that the princes of Houmeng will be moved by this kind of benevolence and righteousness. In order to wash away their He voluntarily donated silver taels just to make up for his evil heart of rebellion provoked by the king of Xining County."

The few ministers who spoke just now watched Xun Yan and Xun Chang sing together, hey, didn't they say that these two are not compatible.Also, shouldn't there be a situation where you can refute the emperor's face by supporting them.Why is there such a reversal, what about the agreed united front?

Before those people could react, Xie made a final decision, "As the third elder brother and the sixth younger brother said, they are all benevolent people, and I will leave the negotiation with Houmeng to them. Tong Ji, Shen Hua Since you know so much about the people fleeing into Shaanxi, you must be very clear about the heavy casualties this time.

If the princes of Houmeng didn't donate enough silver, then the sins in their hands cannot be washed away, so you must be so cruel.Therefore, in this peace talk, I didn't ask for anything else, just enough silver to eliminate their crimes.

Lu Yu, the Ministry of Household Affairs should cooperate with these people to quickly calculate the casualties and losses in this battle, and give them an estimate of how much silver taels are needed to rebuild and resettle the people.Don't count according to the low, and don't embarrass the princes of Houmeng. If you don't count according to the size of the capital, use Taiyuan, where King Beijing is located, as the standard.Redemption requires sincerity. It is not difficult to restore to the level before the war. Sincerity is reflected in a high level.

Do you understand Tong Ji and Shen Hua? ! "

Can it be said that they don't understand at all, this is to rush the ducks to the shelves, right!Look at their small bodies, they will be eaten by the Houmeng people if they go to the border area, the emperor can't do this.

Xie didn't give them any chance to refute, "Why didn't you accept the decree? Could it be that what you said just now was a lie, and you don't have that kind of benevolence and righteousness at all! This is the crime of deceiving the emperor, right? Everyone heard it."

Xie said it lightly, but Tong Ji and Shen Hua had already knelt down with weak legs, and thanked them with tears.If they really can't come back, can they go and bid farewell to the Supreme Emperor first?

In the midst of this excitement, the court meeting ended, and Wang Ziteng shook his head when he went out. The new emperor's temper was not yet known, but at the moment Xie Min was on his side.I don't know what method the new emperor used to control such a lunatic.It seems that the days ahead will be difficult.

Xie went down to court and went to the Supreme Emperor. As for firearms, he himself tended to research and develop them. Shouldn't such powerful things be in Daqing's hands?

"Aren't you afraid that once this thing comes out, it will be used against Daqing one day?" The Supreme Emperor looked at Xie, and he was also a person who used firearms. The red-clothed artillery was also the key to defeating the previous dynasty in the battle thing.But with such a sharp weapon, if one is not good, it will hurt oneself.Later, in order to stabilize the Quartet, he did not develop such a thing in the next two to thirty years, for fear that an accident would be used by someone with a heart.

"Father, if we always hold the most powerful weapon in our hands, then even if others have imitations, they will be one step behind us. Why should we be afraid?" Xie thinks that they can't do without developing it. , The surrounding countries can also develop it. If they don't do it, what if the other party does it.

Before this battle, people didn't know the power of firearms, but this Jedi counterattack made smart people know its power.

"What's more, the importance and threat of the First World War in Northern Sichuan will definitely spread to the ears of other people, not to mention the czar in the north, but maybe the king of Nan'an County in the southwest..."

Of course the Supreme Emperor knew what Xun Shi meant, that Tsarist Russia did not belong to Daqing, and it might take a year or two before he knew such a thing, but it was hard to say for the other three county kings.The lack of military power in the hands of King Beijing and King Dongping can be ignored for the time being, and they are not afraid that their existence will threaten the royal family, but what about the King of Nan'an?

The Supreme Emperor glanced at Xie Shi without any trace, his son seemed to be the same fifth prince as before, but is that really the case. "Old man, it is not a blessing for the common people to resort to military force. You can understand this by looking at Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. I don't need to say more."

What the Supreme Emperor didn't say was where did this batch of gunpowder come from? Liang Sheng would never do such a thing, and who was behind it Xia Gui or Xue Pan.

Xie replied sincerely, "Of course, the peace and prosperity of the country is the blessing of Daqing. If the king of Xining County hadn't become disobedient this time, the northern Sichuan would not have been in such a miserable situation. The war is ruthless, and the Daxing war is not the luck of the people."

The Supreme Emperor saw what he said was natural, and it was unlucky for Xie to encounter such a thing as soon as he ascended the throne.Of course, it was also because of this war that he decided to abdicate to see if Xie could keep the court under control. It seemed that everything was stable now. "Okay, you can go to work and let the sixth child come in."

Xun Yan waited until Xun Shi came out, and greeted him with a smile, but still with a cynical tone, "All blessings, Your Majesty. My Majesty, my younger brother failed to catch up with your enthronement ceremony. I wonder if I can reward my younger brother with a table of thin wine. It is also a condolence." Little brother is having a hard time in Jiangnan."

"Father is waiting for you." Xun seemed to have not seen Xun Min's expectant eyes, "Everyone knows about you whipping in Jiangnan, didn't you have a good time? Drinking should be a big profit Those who have made a fortune are invited."

Before Yun Min could react, he left first. Xue Pan entered Beijing today, and he didn't have time to talk with Yun Min.

It was only then that Xi Yan knew that the fifth brother would also be able to joke, but it is not impossible to ask him to treat guests, as long as he can see who is brave enough to make such a batch of dangerous gunpowder privately.It's really great to do this, can you add him, I'm a little excited just thinking about it.

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