Xie Mu hurried all the way to Hei Province, and when he saw Shao Qin, his first sentence was that there was an accident in the Northeast, his second sentence was that there might be a smallpox epidemic here, and his third sentence was to quickly arrange people for isolation.

Shao Qin was stunned for a moment by Xie Mu's way of saying that the wind is the rain, and then he felt something was wrong. What are you, an official from the outer north, doing to take care of our affairs here? Does he not know if there is anything in the northeast?Is isolation something you can do with your lips?If it is not done well, there will be a big mess. If it causes public anger, who will be responsible.I just know that I am looking for trouble when I have nothing to do, what does a yellow-haired boy know. "Master Xie, you can see that the journey is exhausting. Why don't we rest for one night, and then we will discuss business affairs. Don't be in a hurry for a while."

When Xie Mu heard the old man babbling, he really hated it. Half of the people in Waibeiguang, a county town, had turned into it. He also said not to rush, it is really unreasonable.He immediately put on a black face, and the momentum in the room suddenly tensed up, "I said Master Shao! You can sleep well, and you are not afraid that the acne will find you at night. Do you want me to help you?" Let's spread the horror of this epidemic, not to mention the number of people who died because of this epidemic in the Song Dynasty, that is too far away, maybe your memory is not good enough to remember clearly. But you must always remember the things of the previous dynasty. Mr. Shao I also edited the Hanlin Academy. I can’t remember the major events of the previous dynasty, but I can’t justify it. 150 seven years ago, in the middle of the Shi Dynasty, because of this disease, the entire north of Luo was ravaged by it. What’s the matter? Master Shao wants the people of Daqing to have a taste of this."

"Master Xie, what do you mean by that? I also kindly asked you to rest for a night, and then we will make a conclusion. Why did you hurt people when you disagreed with me? It turned out that I, Shao Qin, regarded the life of Liming Cangsheng like a weed! This is too much." Shao Qin didn't expect the young people nowadays to be so courageous, to dare to choke like this on his territory, looking at that black face, as if he owed him a lot of money , I really want to throw people out.

Xie Mu had an expression of "That's what I said, you have the ability to think, but you still don't allow me to say it", "Master Shao, don't be in a hurry to express your sincerity to me, Xie was wrong. Master Xue and I have been in the outer north The statistics of the death toll and infected areas are obviously concentrated in the Heilongjiang Riverside area. We kindly asked Mr. Shao to prepare quickly. If Mr. Shao is really planning for the people, what is it to issue a quarantine order. Daqing There are clear regulations in the law. In case of contagious disasters such as the plague, quarantine measures can be taken first, and then reported to the court. Master Shao, when you are waiting for the court's approval, you don't know how many innocent lives have been ruined like this Instead of thinking about sleeping peacefully for a night, we should hurry up and mobilize the doctors in the entire Black Province, as well as the relevant herbal medicine reserves, so as not to be caught off guard when the time comes."

After finishing speaking, Xie Mu sat there. He wanted to see if this Shao Qin was really old.In that case, he, the magistrate, can stop doing it, and let him be a young man with suitable physical strength.

Shao Qin was choked by a rascal like Xie Mu, it was simply insulting to the gentleman, but a senior official crushed someone to death, even if this person was not his immediate chief, after all, the Black Province did not send another inspector. Xie Mu can exercise his power across provinces.

Looking at Xie Mu's appearance, Shao Qin was afraid that if he didn't do what he said today, then he wouldn't be able to sleep this time.That's all, that's all, isn't it just a quarantine order, can't he issue it!But when signing, it must be signed by Xie Mu. If there is any responsibility, it will be Xie Mu, the instigator.Don't let him find an opportunity in the future. A lot of supplies from the outer north have to pass through the border of the northeast. I don't believe that there is no time to get stuck in them.

Shao Qin reluctantly issued an administrative order, ordering the counties below to immediately count the epidemic situation, and at the same time quarantine immediately if found.While Shao Qin was doing this, Xun Yan had already brought the emperor's order to the Northeast Army camp, and finally asked the local defenders to cooperate.

It doesn't matter if you don't check, there are indeed problems after checking.Officials in Daqing really lack such awareness. They have never encountered a major epidemic in the last three generations, so the awareness of implementing emergency measures is very weak. Fortunately, the epidemic is only concentrated in the north of Heilongjiang Province, while the south It's safe for now.But at this time, the capital had already issued an emergency document, and the entire three northeastern provinces were on high alert. Doctors, medicines, and logistical supplies needed had to be prepared in advance.

More than half a month has passed between coming and going, and the epidemic in Outer North has completely broken out.Simply Xue Pan's isolation measures were done early, and the entire Outer North was not wiped out.

At this time, Xue Pan was most concerned about the development progress from human pox to vaccinia.Science is very slow to speak, but very fast to speak.But between speed and slowness, it is definitely not a problem that can be solved only by technology.

Just like the technology of human pox, in fact, it already existed in the Song Dynasty. The Chinese medicine theory of fighting poison with poison allows doctors to plant the pox on people who have been sick and plant it on other healthy people. The idea of ​​prevention.

The most famous example is Wang Dan, the prime minister of Song Zhenzong. Several of his children died of smallpox. My son was vaccinated. After seven days, the child had fever all over his body. After twelve days, the acne had scabbed, and the immunity was successful.Since then, he has never been troubled by smallpox again.

However, such a preventive method has not been officially certified, but has only been quietly circulated among the people.The doctors that Xue Pan invited this time are also folk apricot forest masters. Some of them have experience of vaccination by others, and some of them succeeded while others failed.The doctors couldn't tell why.At this time, theories such as cells had not yet appeared in Daqing.Because human pox has not been inactivated or attenuated, susceptible people who are inoculated with human pox are tantamount to direct contact with the smallpox virus, and some cannot survive it.These principles cannot be explained clearly by doctors.But everyone has come to a realization that human pox is not 100% safe, and it is even risky.When there was no large-scale outbreak of the epidemic before, or when there was no large-scale smallpox outbreak in nearly 200 years, there were really too few people who would be vaccinated beforehand.

The doctors were also wondering why Xue Pan proposed to use pox-affected cows instead of the smallpox pox paste on sick people as a vaccine.Xue Pan just said that he had heard of a village where cows had pox, and anyone who accidentally touched the cow would develop vaccinia pustules a few days later. It looked scary, but the result was nothing. of.And then when smallpox came, anyone who had had vaccinia pustules was safe.

According to this point, the doctors have the direction of research and development, and they have also tested the effect on executed prisoners, and it really succeeded.But even this does not prove that cowpox works.This is tantamount to bringing the poison of the cow to the human body. If the cowpox is planted, will the human grow horns and become a cow?

"Master Xue, it is said that human beings are the spirit of all things. If you have this kind of cowpox, will your speech turn into a cow's cry, and horns will grow on your head?"

Xue Pan listened to what the aunt said, and really admired her imagination, how could anyone think so outrageously.Unexpectedly, in the face of death, some people are really more afraid of becoming a monster, and everyone began to distort the scope of the initial discussion.Now it has become a life body to choose between dying as a person or living as a bull demon.

"What kind of mess is this!" Xia Gui also heard the gossip all over the county. This group of people is really too imaginative.Is it so easy to become a monster?What's even more strange is that these doctors are more concerned about where to inoculate the arm to conform to the meridian theory.

"Today they have decided to vaccinate at the intersection of the two acupoints of Xiaoshuo and Qinglengyuan on the arm, which is the place where the Sanjiao Meridian of Hand Shaoyang must pass. The toxins hidden deep in the body will be vaccinated at that position. , it can form a big reincarnation, and it will be excreted naturally." Xue Pan shook his head thinking about the theory of Chinese medicine, he was not born as a doctor, and he couldn't explain why cowpox and human pox have the same origin, and he couldn't say no. Understanding the human body function of vaccine immunity is something that future generations need to explore.

Xia Gui sees this point better than Xue Pan. Everything must conform to the five-element pharmacology of Chinese people. Inoculating pox on this part of the arm can indeed use the previous theory. "The key to the human body is the triple energizer. According to traditional Chinese medicine, the triple energizer is to the human body, just like the three elements in the heaven and the earth. The internal organs and six internal organs are all under its jurisdiction. When the triple energizer is connected, the internal, external, left, right, up, and down are connected. It is necessary that they bother to find such a position."

But time waits for no one. Finally, because of Xue Pan’s prophet, everyone took a shortcut to develop vaccinia. In order to vaccinate the vaccinia, they were thinking whether it would become a cow, and they were thinking about where it would be most suitable to plant it. Wasting time for nothing? ! "If they think about these weird things, I can't control them. It's just that the sick people are useless to plant them. This thing is not medicine, but for prevention. The imperial court has not issued an order. Now they want to immediately Waiting for the order from the imperial court, it is impossible to force everyone to be vaccinated. But seeing the epidemic that may expand at any time in the Northeast, there must be someone who will be the first to be vaccinated."

Don't say that Xue Pan disregards human rights. This thing is really weak in Daqing. After the development of vaccinia, it has been tested on death row prisoners. The effect is obvious. The source of the disease has not been infected, and its effectiveness can basically be guaranteed.

But death row prisoners are different from ordinary people.Those who are healthy and not sick will have a little luck. The key is that there is no one who takes the lead, who dares to stretch out his arm?There is only one life!

Looking at the hesitant people, Xue Pan could only take one step. He has been staying at the center of the epidemic. He has not been infected until now, thanks to luck and good health.Since there is no one who is willing to try, he doesn't mind using his actions to show that this is the right thing to do.

"Master Xue, you have to think twice before acting!" Not only the doctors, but also the common people persuaded Xue Pan.Everyone has been watching what Xue Pan has done these days.This is a good official who is in trouble with the people. It can be said that the epidemic situation in the outer North and Northeast China can be brought under control because of his firm attitude of being decisive and daring to take responsibility.

Such a good official is reluctant for him to take this risk, what if something happens? !

Xue Pan heard the voices of persuasion outside the medical hall, but at this time he couldn't give up even more, just to let them all understand that this thing is safe.After he did this, the people in Outer North could accept it.Only the success of the Outer North can mobilize the Northeast to do the same, which in turn will affect the capital.Only then can the Yanbei Rebellion that he was worried about be completely resolved from the root cause. "Let's do it, don't be so goofy. Lao Li, you have tried this thing on prisoners five or six times, why are your hands still shaking!"

Dr. Li looked at Xue Pan with a calm face, and the people watching outside were all in a circle. Could he not be nervous?A death row prisoner is a death row prisoner, Master Xue is a third-rank official, half of his old life will be lost after this needle is inserted.I saw that Lao Li still held his breath, and after one injection, it was a done deal and the plant was ready.Then Dr. Li stared at the needle in his hand with wide eyes, not knowing what to do for a while.

"Don't be in a daze, give me an injection too." Xia Gui rolled up his sleeves and sat aside. If one Xue Pan is not enough, he can be added.

"This, this, Mrs. Xia, Caomin..." Dr. Li couldn't even finish his sentence under Xia Gui's impatient eyes. Those who wanted to die were still queuing up.But under Xia Gui's half-threatening eyes, Dr. Li wanted to plead with Xue Pan, but Xue Pan expressed encouragement that he should act quickly.Dr. Li was confused, and with the mentality that if one dies, one dies, and two die as a pair, he gave Xia Gui the same injection with a trembling heart.

Who would have thought that this would be the end, and saw a man with a sly smile rushing in, pushing aside the crowd of onlookers.Of course Xun Min came to stop Xue Pan and Xia Gui. He was not as sure as the two of them that cowpox would not kill him.But it was too late, Xie Yan understood what it means to be bold, and he didn't dare to put a large group of Jiangnan people in prison and torture them like him.There are also people like Xue Pan and Xia Gui who put life and death aside.

Xun Yan looked at the exposed arms of the two of them, and his heart skipped a beat, isn't it just vaccination!If this thing is realized, it will benefit Daqing, and it turns out that the person he likes has courage.You can't show weakness, can you?

"Little Guizi, how can you mess around with Panzi?!" Xie Yan didn't dare to take out Xue Pan's anger. If you want to die, don't drag our family Xia Gui, he won't have this idea.If what you are playing is heartbeat, then Xun Yan's main concern is that he and Xia Gui should be the ones who live and die together.So he stretched out his arm regardless of the eyes of the people around him, "This white beard, you also give me an injection, it must be in the exact same position as Xiao Guizi, you can't miss it, you know?!"

Dr. Li looked at the man in front of him who seemed to be messing around, and he really knelt down in his heart, thinking that he was buying Chinese cabbage, and he wanted the same position, why didn't you say that the positions of acne were all the same.

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