The door of the room was closed tightly, completely eliminating the fluke in Conan's heart. It seemed that the suspect really planned to go to sleep and not come out.

The heart is so big that you want to sleep, is this really a normal person's performance in the face of a murder?Conan knelt down with his head in his arms, and began to think about the possibility that Osamu Dazai was the murderer.

Conan and his party arrived at the hot spring villa this evening.Mori Kogoro is a well-known great detective, so he is also within the scope of the invitation of the villa. He brings his daughter apprentice and Edogawa kid who lives in his house, and plans to spend a pleasant weekend in the hot spring villa .

Probably the family was really unlucky, and they were murdered on the first day they arrived. Only Kogoro Mouri, who was haunted by wine bugs, wandered down the mountain to buy wine at night, was able to stay away from this accident.

How to solve the case without Kogoro Mori as a cover?Conan is having a headache. In fact, every time he encounters a murder case, he deduces the clues to reach a conclusion, and then uses □□ to stun Kogoro Mori, and restores the truth under the guise of "Sleeping Kogoro".Kogoro Mori was not on the scene this time, and because the villa is located in a remote place, it is difficult for the police to arrive in a short time. Conan is thinking about who can be fooled this time as his reasoning tool.

When the seasons change, the human body will be more sensitive than usual. Conan's head is dizzy. He is currently suffering from a cold, and his thinking is a bit slow, and he can't get results after thinking for a while.

Forget it, let’s take it one step at a time. After all, it’s more important to solve the case first. Conan held the door and stood up, trying to call the major murder suspect to sleep again.

With his fingers bowed, Conan lay on the door, planning to knock on it again.


Before the knuckles landed on the ground, the person inside pulled the door open again as if calculating, and the handsome seaweed-headed man yawned, with sleepiness and slurred syllables.

"Ah, I'm so sleepy. Someone died and I didn't sleep very well. Little friend, why don't we go to the murder scene together?" Osamu Dazai stretched his waist and lowered his head to search, "Little friend, what are you doing lying on the ground?"

Conan: "..."

What are you lying on the ground, if you didn't open the door suddenly, would I fall because I lost my center of gravity!

There is no way to prove that this man didn't do it on purpose, Conan could only complain silently in his heart, he took a deep breath, raised his head and looked like a seamless, innocent and lovely natural child.

He didn't mean to help him up at all, Osamu Dazai was still muttering: "Sure enough, I'm sleepy, it's almost a little late, you'd better go back to your room to sleep, children should get up early and go to bed early, otherwise they won't grow taller. "

"Big brother, I'm fine, I won't grow taller." Conan got up from the ground and forced a smile.

"How do you know, have you foreseen how tall you will be in the future?" Osamu Dazai smiled mysteriously, hooking the corners of his mouth casually, "For example, you actually came back from the future, and your body became only a few years old in the end. It’s fine if you stay up all night, after all, you already know your future height.”

Osamu Dazai winked at Conan: "You can also use everyone's unguarded attitude towards children to do some unexpected things, how about it, are you crazy about it?"

There is no such thing!I'm not excited!

Conan screamed in his heart, he, Kudo Shinichi, was a 17-year-old high school detective who turned into a [-]-year-old elementary school student because he was drugged by the black organization.Only a few people close to him know about this matter. Why would Osamu Dazai say such scary words with a normal face? Is he hinting or talking nonsense?

He suspected that Osamu Dazai knew something, but he was not sure, so he could only forcefully smile with an unnatural expression: "Big brother, you have such a rich imagination. Are you a novelist? It's amazing."

"Are you praising me? Kid, why do I feel that you are scolding me in your heart?"

"Ha, ha, big brother really knows how to joke." Conan, who was easily seen through his mind, smirked. The man in front of him was really hard to resist, and he went straight to the topic as if he couldn't bear it, "Big brother, let's go to the hot spring to gather quickly Well, someone said that the brother who died had an argument with you during the day, so you must be present."

He smiled dryly: "Since big brother is too worried to sleep, why don't you go and have a look."

The deceased was Kiyoshi Kiyoshi.

Earlier, he dared to complain that Osamu Dazai was a boy of a big business with a bad face, but now he has become a floating corpse floating on the water.He died of drowning, floating face down in the hot spring pool of Nantang in the villa, heaving and falling in the water.

Osamu Dazai walked around the splash of water by the pool in disgust, he changed into a bathrobe and clogs, his slender wrists protruded from the wide ribbed sleeves with blue background, making him even thinner.

The public bath is much larger than the small pool in the courtyard of the suite, and a few stones are placed beside the pool to enjoy the scenery and rest in an imitation of the natural environment.Osamu Dazai casually found a rock and sat down, looking at the farce on the other side with nothing to do with himself.

"Ah Ching..."

Kiyoshi Kiyoshi's female partner fell to the ground, sobbing overflowing from her mouth, as if she couldn't accept her boyfriend's death.The remaining two companions supported her, one on the left and one on the right, with sadness and disbelief on their faces.

That female companion is called Masami, Dazai Osamu thought uncertainly, he doesn't remember much, but it's not an important matter.Different from the noise over there, he was idly watching the excitement like an unrelated person, and even yawned, complaining: "So why did you call me here? I have nothing to do with this young master's death, right? Come out to blow cold air for a man."

"Why doesn't it matter!" The woman named Yami was excited, she stood up and pointed at Dazai Zhi with her finger. If no one else stopped her, she would have poked Dazai Zhi hard in the face with her finger, "Ah Qing is you at night. It’s not right to argue with him! He’s been nervous since he got back!”

Osamu Dazai smiled: "Miss, we don't call it a dispute, it's called a reasonable negotiation after the uneven distribution of resources, and he was nervous, not me, I slept well, I don't need to be emotional like Miss Yami to cover up your irrationality."

"What are you talking about, don't be smug and spitting blood!"

Osamu Dazai shrugged, noncommittal.

"Okay, okay, please don't argue." Toru Amuro laughed and smoothed things over.

The handsome new character with black hair and tea hair looks gentle and flamboyant. Dazai Osamu looked at him with great interest, and looked away before being discovered by Amuro Toru, as if nothing had happened.

The little brother named Toru Amuro has many identities. He is the apprentice of Mori Kogoro, the waiter of the Polo Cafe, the intelligence agent of the black organization code-named Bourbon, and the boss of the police department of the National Police Agency.

Multiple identities mean that he will receive multiple messages, which may overlap.And later this afternoon, he also received intelligence from the Black Organization and the police, which showed that the secret laboratory of the Black Organization was destroyed.At the end of the intelligence, both parties asked him to investigate Port Mafia, but one asked to retaliate against Port Mafia, and the other asked to win over the other party.

And accompanied by two photos at the same time, the content is the two culprits who caused the destruction of the laboratory.

One is a man in black with bandages all over his body, and the other is a three-no boy with white hair and purple pupils.

Osamu Dazai is the former.

Having reached this conclusion, Toru Amuro frowned in a blind spot invisible to everyone, and when he raised his head again, he was a gentle and energetic young detective.He sighed helplessly: "Mr. Dazai, the male soup is the closest to your room, and you had an argument with the deceased again. I'm sorry that we have already communicated with the front desk. For some reason, the monitoring tonight was not activated, so there is no You can't use surveillance to prove your innocence."

"Hey, what a coincidence." Dazai Osamu's drawn-out sound was meaningful, "Then I can only think of other ways."

There were only three groups of guests staying today, and the suspects were among them. Only the Maori family, who had nothing to do with the case, were excluded and appeared as detectives.

Toru Amuro was trying to deduce the process of the murder, Conan ran around the house looking for clues, and Mao Lilan was comforting Kiyoshi Kiyoshi's panicked companion.

And Osamu Dazai, who was regarded as a major suspect, was an annoying character who played with cats and dogs. He hummed an out-of-key song with his hands behind his back, and wandered around the death scene, turning over the soil in the flower beds and looking at the stones for a while. gap.

Conan stepped forward curiously and asked, "Brother Dazai, what are you looking for?"

His eyes were still searching, and Osamu Dazai did not directly answer his question: "Little friend, do you think minors can drink alcohol?"

"Of course not. The law stipulates that you must be over 20 years old to buy alcoholic beverages, otherwise it is illegal."

"Your answer is wrong, kid Conan." Dazai Osamu said with a smile, looking malicious, he naturally approached Conan and shook his head, "Minors can also be forced to drink, it's not illegal I can taste the alcohol again."

He spoke slowly and long, and his high and low voice attracted Conan's full attention.And at the end of the sentence, he quickly stuffed a black chocolate ball into Conan's mouth.

"For example, this is fine."

"Ahem, what did you eat for me!"

The chocolate ball melted the moment it entered the mouth. In the short moment from being unconscious to covering the throat, a spicy and mellow taste came out of the mouth. The liquid melted the chocolate shell and flowed down the throat all the way into the stomach .

"It's nothing, don't be so nervous, it's just a piece of liqueur chocolate I picked up from the murder scene." Osamu Dazai showed the candy wrapper in his hand, "It seems that the concentration of liquor in the chocolate is a bit high, Conan, are you drunk, okay Hurry up."

Who is to blame for my drunkenness!

Conan coughed uncontrollably, but he couldn't stop the alcohol from being absorbed into his stomach, and his head, which was already heavy from the cold, became increasingly dizzy.He felt blurred vision, light-headed, and his limbs began to stretch slowly.

Wait, what the hell is being slowly stretched!

Could it be that he is going to change back to Kudo Shinichi?

Conan's mind cleared up for a moment, he stood up in a hurry, but when he looked up, he found that Dazai Osamu's face had doubled, and he was too light-headed to walk in a straight line.The kind-hearted Osamu Dazai lifted Conan behind the curtain, conjured up a yukata from somewhere and threw it on him.

"Xinyi-kun, don't worry, let me finish reasoning before you leave."

The movement of him and Conan attracted the attention of others, and when Osamu Dazai came out from behind the screen, all eyes were on him.He was obviously used to such gazes, so he just smiled lightly: "Ah, I just picked up a piece of bonbon chocolate, and fed it to Conan's kid."

He didn't miss Masami-san's momentary nervousness when chocolate was mentioned.

"I'm a little annoyed, and I don't want to continue dealing with you." Osamu Dazai waved his hand, "Miss Yami killed him. Although Miss Yami looks thin, she still has the strength to push the dead young master into the water." of."

Osamu Dazai forgot Kiyoshi Kiyoshi's name, paused for a moment, and continued: "Although this young master is a wine maker at home, he can't drink even a drop of alcohol. A piece of chocolate with a high concentration of alcohol is enough to stun him. Ahh I knew his father, so it wasn't hard to figure it out."

In Toru Amuro's reasoning before, it was indeed a thinner and weaker person than Kikumoto who stunned him and then killed him, because the water splashing by the hot spring pool is very small, only those who have no strength after being pushed into the water This happens.

Osamu Dazai was right.

"I remember that Ms. Masami brought a bunch of snacks here, and she scattered them all over the reception area before. Mr. Amuro, why don't you look through Ms. Masami's backpack, maybe you can find leftover chocolates. As for me, Can a kind and innocent citizen like me go to sleep?"

He is Port Mafia, a demon who has nothing to do with the kindness and innocence in his mouth.

Amuro could tell that Osamu Dazai knew who killed the victim a long time ago, and he was only here to watch them rack their brains to simulate the murder scene out of the psychology of watching the fun.The bad taste made him choose to be a spectator and treat them as a wonderful play, but for some reason, he seemed to feel bored to expose the farce in one breath.

It's just that what he said does fit the reasoning.

Toru Amuro followed Osamu Dazai's reasoning and found decisive evidence from Ms. Masami's bag, so there was a mess there.

Osamu Dazai ignored the denial, remorse and crying, he turned around and entered behind the screen again, leaning against the edge of the wall: "Xinichi-kun, have you changed your clothes yet?"

Everything was within Osamu Dazai's expectation. Behind the screen, it was Kudo Shinichi who had temporarily recovered to 17 years old.

He still had a drunken blush on his face and needed to concentrate to keep his brain functioning.Shin Kudo panted heavily, and remained vigilant towards Osamu Dazai even though he was sweating profusely.

"Who are you? How do you know I belong to Kudo Shinichi? How did you recover me?"

"These are not important, Shinichi-kun. The important thing is that your friend Dilu will appear here soon."

Osamu Dazai still had a smile on the corner of his mouth, but it was different from the polite way when we first met. From his smile, Kudo Shinichi saw blood and gunfire, the deepest mud in hell.

That's right, this person gave him such a strange feeling at first, how could he be an ordinary person.

Osamu Dazai didn't care what Kudo Shinichi was thinking, he complained in a low voice: "Dilu will be back soon, I don't want you to appear in front of him as a child."

Didn't Dilu know that he changed from Kudo Shinichi to Conan?

Kudo Shinichi didn't understand the difference, he didn't know that Conan, who was an eight-year-old child, [rejected] Ogiro's existence.

In the hot spring villa, only Conan was younger than ten years old. When Dilu appeared, only Conan could not see him, refused his existence, could not hear his voice or touch him.

Dilu seems to be isolated from Conan's world.

Even though Di Lu himself said that he didn't care, what's the difference between being separated by an invisible barrier and being abandoned.Dilu's face seemed paralyzed and expressionless, but Osamu Dazai knew how easy it was to understand, and he would definitely look hurt from crying again.

Thinking about it, Ogiro's appearance is unacceptable. Osamu Dazai thinks Koyo Ozaki's words are right. They are the port Mafia, and they can use whatever means they can.

Violence and darkness are in the blood, and deception and concealment are instincts.Their affection was inherently compulsive, so he couldn't let the imaginary picture emerge.

Kudo Shinichi in front of him is still holding on: "Why did you do this?"

"There is no reason." Osamu Dazai slipped from smiling to expressionless.He leaned forward and whispered in Kudo Shinichi's ear, as always, in a slightly sweet and intimate voice.

"Because I am Port Mafia."


The author has something to say:

The only thing Dazai learned from the amusement park incident is: Ah, my behavior is allowed.

So it got worse XD

In fact, I really have good code words, but every time I write more and more, I write more and more!

My next update will be on time at night!

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