"Chu Xiaoyun, you dare to insult my father while taking advantage of everything, and watch me cut off a piece of your body!" He Yuwan saw that his words were worse than his words, and she swung her sword again.Seeing this, Wei Yubai had no choice but to hit the acupuncture point on her hand with a move of 'Fuyun Palm', He Yuwan's mouth went numb and the sword in her hand almost fell again.

"Where did you come from, how dare you help him bully me, a weak woman!" Although He Yuwan was extremely annoyed, she also understood that the person in front of her was too skilled in martial arts, so she didn't go forward.

"It's none of your business. Believe it or not, if you don't leave, I have someone cut off your sword-wielding arm." Chu Xiaoyun said ahead of Wei Yubai.

He Yuwan burst into tears, and after sobbing for a while, she turned around and left.

"What's going on with you and Taishan faction?"

Chu Xiaoyun didn't answer him at first, then gritted his teeth after a while and said:

"Are you wishing I were dead?"

"Where do you start from? Your martial arts are obviously higher than Miss He. If I make a move, I will look down on you."

"You should solve all the troublesome things that come to you within this month!"

Wei Yubai only felt that his temper was inexplicable, but when he looked carefully, he found that Chu Xiaoyun's lips were trembling slightly, as if he had been greatly wronged.He couldn't help but think of the situation when he was too angry and lazy to explain when he was a teenager, he was also so upset, he felt a little funny in his heart, he only felt that the mind of a young man was hard to guess, and finally said softly:

"It's my fault. Next time, no matter how high or low the martial arts is, I will take the shot. Just watch from the side."

After hearing these words, Chu Xiaoyun's expression finally softened.

"Where's the jade hook I gave you?"


"Don't lose it, or I won't spare you."

After thinking about it, he still told Wei Yubai the truth.

"That ugly monster insisted on me marrying her, but if I refused, they would come to her several times."

Thinking of Mo Da's appearance, Wei Yubai couldn't help being puzzled.

"If it's just wishful thinking, why do you hate it so much that you have to take your life?"

Chu Xiaoyun lowered his voice and said:

"When I went to Mount Tai to play, I ran into that ugly monster taking a bath in the mountain stream."

Only then did Wei Yubai suddenly realize.

"In this way, you still don't want to be responsible to Miss He. It's normal for the Taishan faction to refuse to give up."

"Why don't you say that ugly monster polluted my eyes, not to mention that I didn't see anything in the water, so there's nothing to be responsible for." Chu Xiaoyun hit the tree with one hand, causing the leaves to fall one after another.

It's also strange, Wei Yubai has never been very willing to have a deep friendship with such a fiery person, he is too tired and often appears passive, not to mention that Chu Xiaoyun is really not a good tempered person, and his actions are often extreme.At the beginning, he subconsciously felt that this young man was more thoughtful than ordinary people, and he was always somewhat incomprehensible, so he unconsciously had to be wary, but after getting along with him, many of the other's actions seemed more like a young boy's innocence and pampering, not without cuteness , Maybe it's because of the big difference in age.

Although Chu Xiaoyun always has some wishful thinking towards him, he really doesn't treat him as an outsider, and never hides his emotions, even slightly vicious thoughts.Although Wei Yubai sometimes felt that Chu Xiaoyun did not do well in many things, but he also vaguely envied the other party for living so recklessly and indulgently, so he couldn't help being sympathetic to Chu Xiaoyun.

Maybe it's because I live too indifferently, I know it's wrong, but I still envy such people all my life, Wei Yubai thought to himself.

"Okay, okay, it's fine if you don't marry another girl, why bother to say those nasty things to ruin her reputation. If these words are really spread, it will make it difficult for people to marry, and then you don't have to marry if you don't want to." Wei Yubai patted him. Shoulder comforted.

Chu Xiaoyun wanted to open his mouth to refute, but he held back after thinking about it, took Wei Yubai's hand and walked back.He felt that Wei Yubai's hand shrank slightly, and seeing that he couldn't withdraw it, it was fine. He couldn't help but feel a little proud, but he was very unhappy when he thought of what Wei Yubai had said before, so he couldn't bear it for a while and asked him:

"How younger is your distant cousin?"

"Three years behind."

Chu Xiaoyun was overjoyed and immediately said:

"That must be married."

Wei Yubai paused, then withdrew his hand suddenly and said:

"She got married six years ago."

Then he smiled slightly at Chu Xiaoyun.

"Why don't we go to Yan'an as soon as possible. It's not an option to hide from Taishan faction. We should solve it as soon as possible so we don't make a big fuss."

Chu Xiaoyun looked into his eyes, the light brown pupils were neither happy nor sad, but seemed to be covered with a thin layer of ice. In the past few days, he had managed to get acquainted with him, and now he just asked him a few words Put on this alienated appearance again.Thinking of this, Chu Xiaoyun thought about it for a while, and then said to him with a reassuring look:

"Very good, let's hit the road tomorrow."

At night, the two of them slept together again, and with the experience of the previous night, Wei Yubai felt less uncomfortable and fell asleep quickly.In the chaos, he felt that there was something heavy on his body, and he tried to push it away but couldn't use the strength.His eyelids were also glued and could not be opened.It seemed that someone reached out to caress Wei Yubai's face. That hand was not soft and smooth like a woman's. It seemed to have a thin layer of calluses on the palm, but it was so gentle that it made people want to cry. He couldn't help but hold that hand instead. Something soft touched his lips, like a new bud, with the refreshing breath after the summer rain, Wei Yubai felt a soft and bright red wound in his heart that had gradually dried up over the years.He sat up abruptly, coughed violently after seeing the person in front of him clearly, wanted to drink but found that it was almost empty.

"Why, do you want to drink to suppress your cough?" Chu Xiaoyun was wearing a light gray toga with silver thread. Under the moonlight, the silver thread on his body was dim and obscure. "How long have you had this symptom? Have you seen a doctor?"

"What were you doing just now?" Wei Yubai managed to stop coughing.

"Don't do anything, so it seems that you are familiar with this disease? I have long wondered that once you fall asleep with your martial arts, it is so difficult to wake up. It seems that you can't drink without a glass all day long."

He was still half lying on Wei Yubai's body, but now he sat up a little bit but stretched out his hand to pinch Wei Yubai's shoulder blades.

"You came to me to cure your illness?"

"No," Wei Yubai rolled over and got off the bed, feeling his heart palpitations were severe. "I won't say what happened today, let's rest for now."

Chu Xiaoyun grabbed him tightly.

"Just say it, I don't care about it."

"You..." Wei Yubai was speechless for a while, "I'm not that kind of person."

"I was not that kind of person before I met you." Chu Xiaoyun said bluntly, "I made up my mind to be kicked out of the house this time. No father, no mother, no relatives, and nothing to be taboo about."

The sentence "no father, no mother, no relatives, no relatives" made Wei Yubai furious, and he threw Chu Xiaoyun away viciously.

"I, Wei Yubai, are indeed rootless and rootless. This is not a need for the young master to bother. Presumably the young master has never had what he asks for since he was a child, so he can speak so grandly. I am right Qiuhong Villa has something to ask for, but there are many ways to ask for it, after all, if I bind you as a hostage to go to Qiuhong Villa, the old owner will not refuse my request."

He was about to say a few more ugly words, but he saw blood oozing from Chu Xiaoyun's shoulder, thinking that the wound had ruptured again under the forceful force just now, so he stopped talking and walked out.

The manager heard the movement outside, and came in to see that the busy maid stepped forward to re-bandage Chu Xiaoyun.The maid approached to uncover the cloth on his wound, but she heard Chu Xiaoyun say:

"It's fine if it's stable, there's no need to change it."

The maid felt strange and didn't dare to ask further questions, so she could only fasten the cloth strips again.Chu Xiaoyun didn't look depressed, and laughed to himself after a while.

"If you really intend to take me as a hostage, you should have made your move as early as on the boat."

From the second day on, Chu Xiaoyun continued to talk and laugh with Wei Yubai as if nothing had happened, but they were no longer clinging.Wei Yubai often only replied with one or two words to his words, so several days passed in a hurry, no matter how much Wei Yubai drank, the paleness on his face could no longer be concealed.That day they finally arrived at the foot of Yan'an City, and there was a simple tea house built with thatched sheds in the distance. The two of them rode the horses for half an afternoon, and they were a little thirsty, so they dismounted and went to cool off.When he walked in, he found that there were [-] percent of seats upside down in the shed, He Yuwan and Mo Da occupied three square tables, and they couldn't help standing up when they saw Chu Xiaoyun.

He Yuwan blushed when she saw them, and then turned white again. She pretended to be tough and stared at Chu Xiaoyun and said:

"What are you trying to do here?"

Chu Xiaoyun threw a piece of silver to Dr. Cha, and asked Chong to lift the table. After Fuchen sat down, he said impatiently:

"Who is following you? Why did your Taishan faction buy this place?"

Before He Yuwan could answer, the man beside her had already slapped the table and stood up.

"My surname is Chu, don't treat me as a bully from Taishan Sect. Right now, master is still in retreat. After congratulating Uncle Liu on his birthday, my Taishan Sect disciples will go to Qiuhong Villa to seek justice."

"You can go now after explaining your funeral," Chu Xiaoyun said without raising his eyes, "Liu Changqing may not care about you, a short-lived ghost, paying his birthday wishes."

Those few people couldn't bear it after hearing this, they all showed their blades and were about to charge up, but they were stopped by Mo Da, he winked at the people behind him, then looked at Wei Yubai and said:

"Young Master Wei, if you don't help each other, the Taishan faction will definitely accept your love."

"Mo Da, Chen Xiao, Zhu Zhihao, it's rare that the three masters of Mount Tai are here, and it's also rare." Wei Yubai turned the cup in his hand, feeling uninterested. "Let's go together, don't show mercy."

"Wait," Mo Da still stopped the crowd, "It's rare that there are so many Mr. Wei, but our Taishan faction can't lose this person under Yan'an City. It's enough for me, Mo Da, to ask you to teach me. If you win, then everything will wait after the birthday." Besides, fighting here will disturb people's quietness, you might as well go farther and find a secluded place."

He clearly took advantage of the crowds on the painting boat before, but now he changed his words, Wei Yubai only said that he was afraid that this place was too close to the official road and people would see it, it would be invincible to win, so he just smiled and said nothing he went.

The group of people walked for a while, and came to the edge of a cliff. Under the cliff, there was a river like a white story, which was very fast. Chu Xiaoyun kicked a leaf down, and disappeared in an instant.He moved closer to Wei Yubai's ear and said:

"Beware of cheating."

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