Looking at each other for half a second, Weiqiu made an examination, and put on an amiable smile, with a soft tone and sharp eyes.

A person with such status as the other party must be busy with business affairs, how can he have time to greet a small newspaper editor, and now he is here to receive him personally, if it is just a business matter, there is no need for her to come forward, just leave it to the subordinates, I want to come Personal matters are more likely, Zhan Chen replied while thinking:

"Thank you Director Wei for giving Qixing Newspaper this opportunity. My editor Wang Dahai asked me to pass on my sincere thanks, but Director Wei is busy with work, so I don't know what you can do with me?"

Zhanchen concluded that it had nothing to do with the newspaper office, exchanged some pleasantries, and naturally went straight to the point when speaking.Get excited, Weiqiu thought for a while before remembering this name, the newspaper office where Zhanchen works, after hearing his last words, the implication is that he already understands that it is not for business to hire him, and he feels that this young man's mind is turning really fast , There is no need to beat around the bush when communicating.

She sneered, and a little bit of embarrassment rose on her slightly dimpled face.

"You are so smart, do you know why I came here for you?"

The semi-intoxicated eyes are light and lonely, and the words are crisp. Looking at Zhan Chen, she is charming and charming, and her charming color makes people infinitely reverie. Her style has changed drastically, and Zhan Chen can understand a little bit. A beautiful woman has climbed to the top of her career at such a young age. Needless to say wrist ability, beauty and style go hand in hand, of course, get twice the result with half the effort, but he doesn't know what makes him think so highly of him.

"I'm a slow person, but the director's mind can't be easily guessed."

Wei Qiuliu raised her eyebrows, restrained her style, drooped her eyelids, raised her head slightly, her eyes were haughty, her brows were filled with sharpness, and her tone was stiff.

"We met once, do you remember?"

"Remember, it's really embarrassing for you to see that embarrassed look."

"I don't think so. Since you are a sensible person, I'll get straight to the point. Let's just say it. I want you to be my boyfriend and work with me from now on. Of course, the information you want can be found nearby. More I can give you everything."


The words were astonishing and direct, Zhanchen was petrified on the spot, this kind of unbuffered conversation made his mind confused for a while, he couldn't hear clearly and asked again.

"I fell in love with you at first sight, and I want you to be my boyfriend, can you hear me clearly?"

The slender peach blossom eyes were as moist as water, looking into Cheng Chen's eyes with undisguised love, and his tone softened by a little bit.

Zhan Chen flinched from the icy-hot eyes: what's wrong with this girl, she's filming, she's filming.

Although it's messy, it's exciting, wait a minute, it seems that I said something related to the newspaper, so..., I was...sold.No wonder this matter is strange. I feel that something is wrong. It turns out that it is like this. I have to find Editor Wang to make a theory when I go back.Seeing that Zhan Chen was silent, Wei Qiu wanted to climb up the tree by chance,

"If you don't say anything, I'll take it as if you agreed. From tomorrow on, the company will be a follow-up member in name, but actually be my secretary. Also, about your newspaper office..."

She had a shy face like a little girl, and her words were coquettish. Zhan Chen felt nauseated in his stomach and felt chills on his back. This woman is really a ruthless girl, her temperament changes rapidly. I don't know how many people have stepped on this multi-faceted face.Of course, this kind of thing has to be rejected, and the direct result is that it will implicate the newspaper office. The half-spoken sentence is left to yourself to weigh: your current attitude is directly related to the life and death of your newspaper office, so you can answer after thinking clearly.

This is a tricky question. I was appreciated by the editor, so I recruited him personally. Just this kind of Bole's kindness is enough for him to devote himself to the newspaper. Now he has only been here for three months, and he has caused such a big trouble. , it is definitely impossible to agree, not to mention that the two have only met twice, even if they meet every day, it is impossible to be her boyfriend. This is simply a fantasy, and Zhanchen is about to decline.

"Director Wei, this matter..."

The following words were interrupted, and a deep and cold voice answered from outside the door.

"No, he's mine."

The visitor did not see the person but only heard the sound, and the two people inside the door looked at the door at the same time, Wei Qiu's face became ugly, she knew who it was, but she couldn't resist, the prey she got was gone, like scratching an itch The cat here, but this is a civet cat, beautiful and cunning.She soon smiled, calmly, and waited for someone to show up.Zhanchen over there felt that the voice seemed familiar, and couldn't remember it for a while, so he just stood there and watched.

The hand was turned away, and the person who came in was Feng Fan, Zhan Chen was confused, and his mind quickly unfolded: what has this to do with him, why did he meet him again.He was furious and shocked, watching this self-assertive and handsome young master Feng approaching him step by step, he didn't expect to meet such a domineering and perverse person here, which made his stomach hurt, it was really unlucky to go out.

Regardless of the stiff expression on Zhanchen's face, which was almost dull, Feng Fan actually showed a soft smile that was so charming that he didn't touch the gorilla, gently raised his chin, and looked cautiously.Zhan Chen looked at him from a close distance, his tall nose drew a beautiful curve, under the thick and curly eyelashes, there was a pair of flawed black eyes embedded in them, extremely like crystals, the icy jet-black smile was even more charming, half-open and half-open , the eyes are tender and deep, and the lips are opened and closed.

"He is mine, don't touch him."

The voice is sexy and warm, and it is beautiful and empty, secretly intoxicating and powerful, Zhanchen's brain froze instantly: What is he talking about?The thunderbolt from the blue sky has become second here. He didn't expect this person to be so good-looking when he looked up close, and he also had a gentle and charming side. He felt that he had fallen into a world of white awns, covered in silver and shrouded in mist and clouds, as if In the dream, gently standing on tiptoe, you can fly away from the ground like a swallow, and you can pick up a piece of it, all of which are white flying clouds, soft, and your heart is full of joy. I just feel intoxicated and unable to extricate myself, as if the whole person has melted.

The amorous feelings that Young Master Feng had put on with great difficulty were used up, and the smile on his face gradually faded and became cold, because the person on the opposite side had no reaction at all. Feeling his soul, he frivolously slid across the bridge of his nose, who would have thought that the kid rolled his eyelids and slid straight to the ground.


Feng Fan's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, he took his arms full, pressed his chest against the man's breath, looked down at the person in his arms, and smiled softly.

The one on the other side, Hua Guangcan's smile froze in the air as she tried her best, she stared at the young man leaning on her sweetheart's chest with jealousy, she was burning with jealousy and had no choice but to look again Feng Fan, with gentle brows and mouth corners, sneered twice, and could no longer pretend to be decent, slammed the door and left.

Zhan Chen leaned limply on Feng Fan's body, and the result of being deprived of his sobriety was that he was at the mercy of others, whether he wanted to or not, and brought him back to the villa.

Feng Fan carried him to the bed, sat down by the bed, stared at him, his eyes were gentle, no matter what his expression was, there was always a trace of loneliness in his eyes, he slid his hand gently along Zhan Chen's cheek, watching him carefully The long eyelashes trembled slightly.

I thought: How long can you last?An idea was calculated and synthesized, the fingertips rested on his lips, he pinched provocatively, soft and lubricated, suddenly wanted to try, bent down, put one hand over his neck and raised it slightly, a gentle and pure Kissing the other party's lips, this kind of kissing posture can rob the other party of all the kisses, it can be passionate and lingering, and the other party's neck is naturally exposed to his palm without reservation, and he can seal the throat with one hand at any time and take someone Life, of course, this is in the situation of trading power and money on the spot, and he is also like this when facing people who want to get close, because people's hearts are unpredictable.

Zhanchen woke up when he was put on the bed, and he couldn't describe it as extremely embarrassing. If he bumped into a wall and was splashed with blood, or fell freely from a tall building, he had to wash his shame with dead blood to calm his embarrassment. Embarrassing, actually fainted in that situation, that kind, that kind, like when the brain is congested and the oxygen supply is blocked when you are in a nympho, I didn't expect that I was also a nympho, and I was still fascinated by a man, This is not dead, ashamed of the ancestors of the Zhan family's 32 in-laws, 72 in appearance, and was taken away. Now that the matter has come to this point, the only thing to do is to sleep until the end of the night, and escape by jumping over the wall in the dark.

Zhanchen was thinking wildly. Under this man's good-looking appearance, the blood of the devil was indeed flowing in his bones. He insisted on not leaving. He wanted to see his jokes, but felt his neck being lifted. Before he had time to think about what was going on, a pair of belts Feeling the heat, his warm and soft lips pressed against him. This time, Zhanchen's brain froze and activated, and the reciprocating cycle of activating the deadlock reciprocated. He opened his eyes wide in horror, and when he met the eyes of the rogue who took advantage of him, he was still very gentle. Badaba blinked, he looked at him blinking, the corners of his lips turned up, and he was smiling?Still sticking to Zhanchen's lips, completely ignoring the frightened eyes under his lips, he flickered twice, closed his eyes again, and acted like a dead person, otherwise, he pushed him away and slapped him left and right Two slaps, and then like a wounded girl, staggering away with tears and nose; or, pushing him away, showing all emotions:

"Okay, how dare you take advantage of people's unpreparedness and eat human tofu, and see if I don't chop you up."

After having a good time, he looked back and said, hmph, this is the consequence of bullying the young master, he looked up to the sky and went out laughing.

He weighed it, whichever one is enough to make his self-esteem die and live again, live and die again, he can't get cheap with either one.

Could this be a dream? He closed his eyes and found a piece of skin and pulled it hard. It didn't hurt at all. It seemed to be a dream. How could a man kiss a man? It's impossible, impossible.Having found the commanding heights of the problem, Zhanchen figured it out: the dreams are all illusions, not real, just wake up tomorrow, nothing happened, just go to sleep.

He struggled for a long time, he didn't know what was causing the trouble, and finally convinced himself that he had no other distractions, and he really fell asleep after all distracting thoughts disappeared.

Feng Fan was taken aback by Zhan Chen's expression. He sat up and looked at the child blushing, frustrated and heartbroken, frowning and mourning, and smirking sinisterly. I also squeezed him hard, not very strong, but I chose the place well, it was on the soft skin of the elbow, the surrounding area was already red, and the center was even a little bruised, I thought how could this child be so tender? Interesting, making people want to bully, Feng Fan smiled silently, he seemed to be asleep, he didn't want to wake him up, otherwise the child's hard work would be in vain, gently covered him with a thin blanket, and took another look, a certain The feeling of losing and regaining is quietly flourishing.

In the room, Zhanchen's breathing was calm, his sleeping face was innocent, a ray of light slanted into the curtain and sneaked in, pulling down a slender bright light.

The author has something to say:

Dramatically unfolded, la la la...

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