number one supermodel

Chapter 3 Little Baby

Mi Le, who was soaked all over, looked at the semi-wet cardboard box in front of him and sighed helplessly. The little baby was crying so hard that he could hardly breathe. Covering him with clothes, the little baby is now drenched in water.

Carefully carrying the baby out and putting it on a padded chair, Mi Le ran to the bathroom to boil hot water.In order to save electricity bills, he basically takes cold showers all year round, and the water heater that comes with the house has been neglected for a long time.This time the little baby couldn't take a cold bath like him.When she came out, Mi Le did not forget to find a few softer clean towels from the cabinet.He quickly rushed to the side of the little baby, helped him take off his wet clothes, wiped the little baby's body with a towel, and wrapped him up.

"Good boy, don't cry, don't cry." Mi Le hugged the baby up and down with stiff hands and feet, rocking and rocking.He has met very few babies since he was born, and he has never practiced the technical work of coaxing children from crying.However, I don't know whether it was Mi Le's accidental bumping and shaking that made the baby more comfortable or something else. The baby's crying gradually subsided, but the little face still twitched.

Mi Le walked around the room with the baby in her arms, swinging her arms from time to time.The little baby in his arms was wrapped in a towel, and the hair that Mi Le had dried casually was scattered on his forehead.With his thumb in his mouth, he looked curiously at Mi Le with his beautiful blue-gray eyes filled with tears.After ten minutes of coaxing, Mi Le finally took the baby into the bathroom.

The difficulty of bathing a child is simply beyond Mi Le's imagination!For a male creature like him who is so poor and has lived alone for many years without a father or mother, taking a shower would only take a minute.It was as cumbersome there as it is now.

There is no baby bathtub, only hot water can be filled on the basin.When the water is hot, the child's skin turns red, and when the water is cold, he is afraid of being frozen.Putting the child horizontally in the basin, the child's neck was so awkward that he kicked his legs. Mi Le had no choice but to put a towel under his neck.When taking a bath, the child didn't stop, twisting and turning like a loach, and when the shower gel was applied to the child, the little guy kept thumping like being rubbed with stones, throwing water all over Mi Le.Damn it, he was wearing pajamas after taking a shower!

After struggling for a long time, when the child was finally settled, Mi Le's whole body was no different from being drenched in heavy rain.Finding a T-shirt casually, wrapped the child up and put the child on the bed, Mi Le went to change clothes helplessly.

After taking a bath, the little boy with a blushing face opened his blue-gray eyes wide, and kept fiddling with his chubby little hands on the bed, babbling, not knowing what to express.Mi Le, who simply went to take a shower again, changed his clothes, came out and sat on the edge of the bed, and stared fiercely at the bastard who was inexplicably excited.He couldn't help reaching out and pinching the child's face.

"You little bastard, you can be so skinny after taking a shower. Ha, what are you happy about? Glad you got me all wet?"

He didn't use much force to pinch Mi Le, after all, the child's skin was too delicate to withstand tossing, so he just pinched it a little.Well, it feels very good.Mi Le was about to withdraw his hand after taking revenge, but the child suddenly grabbed Mi Le's fingers with both hands and yelled.

"Boy, what do you want to do?" Mi Le raised his eyebrows and withdrew his hand.When the child pouted and was about to cry, he grabbed the child under the armpit and brought the child in front of him.The child who had been fighting with tears in his mouth immediately became happy.

For a moment, Mi Le felt that the child seemed to like to be close to him.

The little guy was not afraid at all when Mi Le lifted him into the air, but he was even more excited. He kicked Mi Le's chin with his calf desperately, and his buttocks twisted and twisted happily.Mi Le clamped the little baby's armpits and shook him like a pendulum, then put him on her lap.Of course, the baby couldn't stand still, and Mi Le had to support him.

The little baby waved his hands and babbled, his gray-blue eyes were frighteningly bright.Mi Le didn't know what the little guy was going to do, but luckily she lay on the bed and put the baby on her chest.The little baby lay on Mi Le's body with his mouth open, and with a wave of his little hand, he pulled out the red string around Mi Le's neck, and the jade ornaments that were originally hidden under the pajamas also jumped out.The little baby grabbed the jade ornaments in his hand like seeing a fun toy and was about to give it to his mouth.Mi Le quickly pulled the rope back.Seeing this, the baby will flatten his mouth and cry.

"Don't cry!" Mi Le stared at him immediately.A child just can't be used to it, if you make him cry once, he will get even bigger next time.

The little baby is too lazy to care what you say and is not allowed to cry. He just wants to cry when his toy is robbed.It used to be like this, as long as he cries, he can have what he wants!So decisively, the little baby burst into tears.

Looking at the little guy who was crying more and more vigorously, Mi Le couldn't help but have black lines all over his head.A child's crying is extremely destructive, but Mi Le upholds his principles and decides to ignore these cries.The baby cried louder and louder, but the stamina was not very strong.At the end of crying, the little baby was so tired that he didn't cry anymore when he saw that the toy was still not in his hands. He lay on Mi Le's chest and wiped all the snot and tears on Mi Le's clothes.

Hey, this brat... Mi Le can't laugh or cry

There were no toys, and there was nothing else to play with, so the little baby lay on Mi Le's chest obediently and played with bubbles.After a while, he fell asleep soundly with his head down and drooling.

Mi Le shook her head and carefully removed the baby from her body and placed it beside her, covering her with the quilt.

After turning off the light, Mi Le lay beside the baby, and there was a baby's unique milky smell coming from his nostrils.He chuckled in the dark, but something else was on his mind.

This child must have a physique at the age of one year, with a ruddy complexion, soft and shiny hair, fair skin and bright eyes, and the word "healthy" can be seen all over his body.Such a child was certainly not intentionally abandoned by the parents.And in New York, there are many married couples who can't have children but desperately want a child. Some of them are very rich and are willing to spend a lot of money to adopt a healthy child.So abandoning a healthy and adorable baby is a pretty incredible event for parents all over New York.What's more, Mi Le felt that not only was the baby not intentionally abandoned by his parents, but his original family was very likely to be very rich.When Mi Le touched the material of the pajamas she washed the baby, she knew that the clothes made of this kind of fabric were very expensive, and the average family didn't have any spare money to spend on this kind of place.Moreover, children raised by ordinary families and wealthy families can still be distinguished.The little baby is not only healthy, but Mi Le can feel that this child has a kind of spirituality, a sense of agility coming from the bones.This made the little baby more endearing than any baby Mi Le had ever seen.

Mi Le turned sideways, and gently scraped the baby's tender cheek with the pulp of her index finger.At such a close distance, Mi Le could even hear the sound of the baby breathing.Why was this child abandoned here?Who are his biological parents?So young, who would be so cruel to throw him into this kind of slum.

Mi Le sighed softly, seeing what happened to this child, he couldn't help thinking of his own life experience.

He was born in a small town in China, where the pace of life is slow, the folk customs are simple, and the scenery is beautiful. It is a rare place for health preservation.He and his father have lived in this small town for 12 years.His father was an unsmiling man. He was very strict with Mi Le. He cultivated Mi Le's knowledge of etiquette and gentlemanly demeanor since he was a child. When they were alone, they talked in English.Mi Le is often assigned strange learning tasks, and if they are not completed, there will be no food.It's hard to imagine a father treating his child like this.However, Mi Le didn't think there was anything wrong with what his father did.On the contrary, when other classmates worship stars more or less, Mi Le's idol is his father who is doing the lowest job.

In the eyes of the young Mi Le, those glamorous stars on TV are not as good-looking as his father.And no matter how much knowledge Mi Le has learned or how remote the books he read, his father can easily let him understand how shallow he is.Dad had that charisma of grabbing attention, which was on full display during parent-teacher conferences.Moreover, those old ladies in the neighborhood committee always give priority to notifying their father when there are good candidates for a girl to marry.But Mi Le had never heard from his father that he wanted to find a stepmother for him.

His father must have loved his mother very much, but it was a pity that his mother died of dystocia when he was born.Moreover, the family did not keep any photos of his mother, and his father never mentioned a word, so Mi Le had no impression of his mother for so many years.Only when his father occasionally looks at his face in a daze, Mi Le has the feeling that his mother really existed.

Mi Le was often bullied as a child.Neither he nor his father are from the local area. In addition, he has no mother, looks different from others, and is thin and small, so the neighbors' children always gang up to bully him.At first Mi Le always went back crying and wanted his father to decide for him, but unexpectedly his father asked him to solve it by himself.Mi Le started exercising and learning judo after he couldn't bear it anymore. The teacher was of course his father.When he finally became the leader of the children in this area, no one dared to point to his gray eyes and call him a motherless monster in his face.

Children, no matter how wise and mature they pretend to be on the surface, they are always full of innocence in their hearts.It is a child's nature to love to play.Mi Le, cultivated by a rigorous father who cherishes words like gold, is a naturally active optimist.After becoming the king of children, Mi Le is even more happy.But this kind of happy time didn't last long before it came to an abrupt end.

Mi Le suddenly immigrated to New York with her father when she was 12 years old.Although his language is not a big problem, the completely unfamiliar environment made Mi Le unable to adapt for a long time.Especially in front of the stronger and taller American boys, Mi Le looked too thin.

Life in New York was more difficult.With dilapidated houses and food without oil and water, Mi Le didn't even think that his father could afford him to continue his education.The chaotic life in the slums made Mi Le feel puzzled and angry about his father's move to bring him to the city.Mi Le, who has always trusted his father unconditionally, had a cold war with his father for the first time.He misses his small town, his crowded little classroom, and the pond where he catches loaches with his friends.Everything in New York was unbearable to him, including the air!

This is not his home, Mi Le thought sadly.

Just when Mi Le was sad for spring and autumn, something happened that changed his world.For him, this is definitely a nightmare, and he doesn't want to experience it again in his lifetime.

Father fell ill.Years of hard work, no nutritious food, and exhaustive consideration for the growth and education of his son.This taciturn, mountain-like man finally fell down.But Mi Le looked at his father who was seriously ill, but could do nothing.Their family is already poor, and there is no extra money to spend on medical treatment.Although the medical insurance in the United States can pay for your huge medical expenses, the appointment schedule of those doctors can already be scheduled until next year.But father, can't wait for that time.

The 14-year-old Mi Le grew up rapidly under his father's increasingly cloudy eyes. The father who taught him to rely on himself for so many years and sheltered him from wind and rain could no longer protect him.Even in pain, Mi Le had to force herself to grow up.

In the end, the father left.Mi Le didn't even have the money to buy a cemetery, so he had to cremate his father's body and put the ashes in a glass bottle to take home.Seeing that Mi Le didn't cry in the urn, he knew it would be useless even if he cried.Tears and weakness could not bring him anything that would help him survive.

Now Mi Le is 17 years old, and no one knows how he got here in the past three years.He goes to school while working, as long as he has money and is not a crime, he can do any job no matter how dirty or tiring, such as part-time job, sewer cleaning, plumber, takeaway boy, etc., and he has to work hard to get a scholarship to pay for his tuition.When encountering the kind of boss who is in arrears with wages, he even eats the meal but does not finish the meal.He worked so hard because his father repeatedly told him not to delay his studies before he died.Mi Le dared not disobey his father's wishes, no matter how hard or tiring he was, he would go to class.Going to college is his current goal, but having a stable job and owning his own house are his ultimate goals.

Mi Le, who can calculate how much money is in her bank account with her eyes closed, gave a wry smile.He is only a sophomore in high school now, and without his main source of income, where will the tuition fees for going to college come from?And there is such a small oil bottle at home.

With a long sigh, Mi Le covered her head.The first priority now is sleep!

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