The great success of [Mermaid Heart] not only rekindled SISLEY's old enthusiasm, but also let many advertisers know the appeal of Mi Le, who is just a newcomer worth mentioning in their eyes.

Peacock Prince's empire is not called for nothing.

However, when he returned to New York from Fiji, Fred found that Mi Le was not very excited.

The car drove past Times Square in Manhattan, and the advertising video of [Mermaid Heart] was playing on the huge LED advertising screen.There are many people who stop and watch in Times Square, which is in a hurry.

"Mi, I knew this ad would be popular. Little girls nowadays are more and more facial-controlled, and having a face like yours is too lethal for them." Fred shouted excitedly while leaning on the car window .

"SISLEY's product is good, and it's not my credit to find other models to endorse it." Mi Le held a book in his hand, and answered Fred calmly after reading it carefully.

"Ang, maybe? But now you're the one who endorsed the product, and then they exploded, didn't they?"

"Heh, then should I inflate myself to the point of explosion?"

"Oh, MGD! Of course." Fred screamed with wide eyes: "Do you know how good you are, you are a miracle to those unknown models, luckyboy!."

The smile on the corner of Mi Le's mouth suddenly collapsed, he closed the book vigorously, and his tone was no longer gentle: "There are no miracles in this world, Fred, no matter who it is. Do you think I'm just a luckyboy?"

The smile on Fred's face has not retreated yet, and Mi Le's slightly anxious words slapped his mouth like a piece of ice.

"I never thought of it that way, Mia. You know." Fred said apologetically, his lips tightened.

The atmosphere in the carriage was so stiff that it was hard to breathe.Fred almost regretted what he had said just now.If it is said that before he became Mi Le's assistant, he still doubted whether Mi Le's popularity was a deliberate hype.So now he will never have such an idea again.This boy, who is only four months away from adulthood, is cheerful and kind. He has no airs of a big star at all. He doesn't think about making others trip up all day long. He doesn't smoke, drink or go to nightclubs. He doesn't have any weird hobbies. I will not push the trivial matters in the office to the assistant, and I will work hard and seriously.So clean, this man.Fred had to say so.In the modeling industry, no, even in the entire fashion industry, it is difficult to find a few people as clean as Mi Le.

In order to make this advertisement well, Fred also knew how hard it was for Mi Le.He can soak in the water with Ge Wen for more than ten hours without going ashore, just to practice the posture of floating on the water to look better.No complaints about the director asking for reshoots time and time again.

Fred understood that what he had just said was an insult to this dedicated model and a denial of his hard work for his career.

"I'm sorry, Mi. I shouldn't have said that."

Mi Le let out a long sigh with a complicated expression: "It's me who should say I'm sorry, Fred. I shouldn't lose my temper with you, I just... I'm just in a bad mood because of some things, not really dissatisfied with you. Forgive me, my friend."

"Of course, we are good friends." Fred hugged Mi Le with confidence, and patted him on the back: "Then my friend, would you like to tell me your troubles, maybe I How can I help you?"

"Actually, I'm worried about my future development, Fred. You know, since I debuted, my image has not been normal. Look at the first one. The whole family died and he was the only one left. He was so desperate that he was about to kill someone." Nobles, the second one is a fool in strange clothes, the third one is a lunatic who just picked up a non-mainstream curtain and went on the catwalk, the fourth one is a foreigner who has gone to the wrong time and space, and the fifth one is a man who lives in the deep sea. A single old otaku who has lived for many years, no, an old otaku. Do I have to change my image, or I will really go all the way to the dark on the path of abnormal people." Mi Le was tangled His eyebrows were all wrinkled together.

Fred hugged his belly with an embarrassing snort and kept laughing.

"Hey... Fred!"

"Yes... I'm sorry, Mi. I can't help it, you are so cute. Hahahaha..."

"..." Mi Le rolled his eyes at Fred, expressing that he did not want to have any more conversations with this idiot.

Fred finally finished laughing. He covered his stomach that was still hurting, rubbed his facial nerves that were about to cramp, and put his arms around Mi Le with a smile on his face: "I said Mi Le, you don't have to worry about it at all. Really! Believe me. People who are at the pinnacle of fashion are always unique, the more abnormal you are, the more fashionable you know."

"..." Mi Le immediately gave Fred an elbow, which made Fred beg for mercy.

After the laughter, the pleasant atmosphere in the car returned to before.Mi Le picked up his book again to read, but his cheerful eyes gradually dimmed.He didn't tell Fred that what he was really anxious about was the phone call he got before he got on the plane.

That's right, that's Mr. Corritia's call.

On the phone, Mr. Coritia just made an appointment with Mi Le for a time and place for dinner, and didn't say anything else.Mi Le couldn't figure out what Mr. Corritia meant, but his unfriendly attitude really made Mi Le unable to optimistically predict the content of the dinner in the near future.

Could it be that Mr. Corritia finally couldn't bear his entanglement, and didn't want him to arrange their house so impolitely again?

If this is the case, no matter how eloquent Mi Le is, he still doesn't know how to persuade Mr. Coritia.What identity does he use to persuade?There is nothing he can do but accept.However, subconsciously, he always felt that Yayue was not doing well in Corritia's house.And Mr. Corritia's evasive attitude made him feel uneasy anyway.

"Fred, you said that there is nothing in the circle that you can't find out, you didn't lie to me." Mi Le gritted her teeth and asked.

"Of course, who am I, Fred!"

"Then help me find someone."

"Huh? Who are you going to trouble with?"

"... Mr. Corritia."

"Corritia from Sisley? Well, can I ask why?"

"Because he wants to rule me unspokenly, I think I can't bear it."

"Damn it, that damned bald old guy is really trying to die! Don't worry, I will definitely dig out his old background. Make him dare to be stupid!"


"you are welcome."

Fred patted Mi Le's shoulder in righteous indignation, until the car reached the downstairs of Mi Le's house, he still looked furious.When sending Mi Le in, he did not forget to promise to Mi Le that he would definitely complete the task, and he would not give up until he found the scandal of Corritia.It made Mi Le's guilt really rise.

Coming out of Miller's house, Fred quickly dialed Kelly Onr's phone.He added fuel to that old man Coritia's idea of ​​unspoken rules for Mi Le, and then told Kelly Leona, who almost didn't breathe fire directly.

"If you can't do it well, don't come back, understand?"

The roar of the tyrannosaurus rushed into Fred's ear from the phone's microphone, and it exploded so that Fred could only hold the phone far away to prevent his ears from being deafened.

"Yes, yes." After hanging up the phone, Fred suddenly regretted telling Kelly about it.

For some reason, Mi Le was terrified about the date with Mr. Corritia, and had no choice but to call Huo Cheng'an to strengthen his courage.He also didn't care whether it was polite to bring others along temporarily.

When he came to the agreed place, Mr. Coritia did not express any dissatisfaction when he saw Huo Chengan.There are even cutlery for three on the table.Mi Le glanced at Huo Cheng'an suspiciously, then turned her head quickly.

The atmosphere of a meal without conversation is really not good, and Mi Le couldn't help but look up at Mr. Corritia several times, seeing that he just didn't speak first.Mi Le put down the tableware, and after wiping her lips lightly with the napkin, she finally took the lead in bringing up the topic.

"I think Mr. Corritia didn't just invite me to eat these when he asked me out."

Corritia took a breath, put down the knife and fork, and looked directly at Mi Le.

"Actually, I asked you out today to talk to you about the child."

"Did something happen?" Sure enough, Mi Le thought to himself.The fingers hidden under the table trembled slightly.

"Although I really don't want to do this, I made this decision for the sake of my child's future."

"What happened, Mr. Corritia." Mi Le couldn't help raising his voice.

"My wife, Lia, was unfortunately diagnosed with an incurable disease some time ago. The doctor predicted that she would not have many days to live, and I plan to take her back to her hometown in Spain to recuperate. As for the child, we plan to find a new one for him. Raised as a couple. Leah is no longer capable of raising a child, and I don't want my child to grow up in a single-parent family."

"I am so sorry to heart that."

Corritia shook her head with a chuckle.

"Then...then have you found a suitable family?" Mi Le asked nervously.

"Actually, you should be the most suitable candidate. I can feel your love for the baby. However, I can't handle the transfer and adoption procedures with you. You are too young to raise a child."

Mi Le's hands hanging down were clenched into fists, and he clenched his teeth to prevent the words "please give me the child" from coming out of his mouth.Countless regrets and unwillingness came to my heart.

"Actually, I have a way." At this time, Huo Chengan, who had been acting as air by the side, spoke slowly.


"I adopted this child with you, as gay."

"Huh?!" Mi Le stood up abruptly, kicking the chair loudly: "You are joking, Huo."

"Lele, this is the best way, isn't it." Huo Chengan looked directly at Mi Le without fear.He softened his eyes and comforted the dazed child in front of him little by little.

Mi Le was still in a state of being bombed by a deep-water torpedo, and the phone in his pocket was buzzing.Mi Le took out her mobile phone and looked it up, apologized to the other two present and hurried out to answer the phone.

"Fred, have you found anything?"

Fred whistled triumphantly on the phone and babbled a lot about Corritia's ineptitude.

"There's one more, Mi, you know that Corritia has a wife, right?"

"It's Lady Leah."

"Well, it's just her. I didn't expect that she was actually a mental patient. Corritia never took her to a regular hospital for examination, and kept it a secret for several years."

"What!" Mi Le yelled out.

"What's wrong, Mi?"

The mobile phone slipped from Mi Le's hand, and he stared blankly at Coridia through the window of the restaurant, recalling Mi Yue's abnormal behavior and suddenly shuddered.

Mrs. Corritia is actually mentally ill, but how could they, how could they... Mi Le squatted on the ground and was about to go crazy.He couldn't imagine Yakoshi staying in the hands of a mentally ill woman for so long.

This is ridiculous!

After the shock, there was a monstrous anger. He absolutely could not forgive the Corritia couple, absolutely!He will never give up Yakoshi to anyone again.

Mi Le picked up the phone, closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths slowly.He put away the anger on his face and calmly returned to the table.He stared at Corritia with those eyes that hid the raging anger in his indifference, and then smiled.

"I agree with Huo's opinion, Mr. Coritia, please rest assured to give the child to me."

Give me back my child!

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