Xiao Miyue successfully became a variable in Mi Le's life where besides work and study.Because of Ya Yue, Mi Le had to make more plans.

New jobs have become even more difficult to find, considering that Yakoshi can no longer do those time-consuming and labor-intensive tasks.It is even more unacceptable in a chaotic environment.After a few days, he went to countless places, but he couldn't find a job that could take care of Ya Yue and make money while taking care of his studies.Mi Le also knew that his request was too weird. Others were unwilling to hire him when they saw that he was carrying a small oil bottle to take care of, and also saw his young and outrageous face.I don't know if God opened his eyes, but Mi Le broke his leg and finally found a job as a tutor.And the hourly wages are staggeringly high.If Mi Le hadn't personally visited the employer's home, he would have doubted the authenticity of this too wonderful job.

It was a typical American-style bourgeois family of three, rich but lacking in vitality.The husband is a gentleman and funny, and runs a listed company.The wife is elegant and indifferent, and she can tell at a glance that she has a good background. She is a full-time wife at home and leads a group of noble ladies with superb skills.But such two outstanding elites have a ten-year-old son who is so lawless that he almost pissed everyone off.He is a well-known bully in school, despite his young age, he is a top-notch tricker.As a result, the couple was called to school by the teacher to accept criticism every three days.Helpless, the husband and wife are both very busy, and they don't have enough time to teach their children.During this period of time, tutors with different faces came and went, leaving and coming again, which made the couple even more troubled about the children's education.

Mi Le's group of job seekers was already among the No. 20 three batches they recruited, and among this group of prestigious school students, Mi Le had the lowest education and the least experience.Everyone gave a demonstration lesson to the child in front of the child's parents, and Mi Le, who had no hope at first, miraculously became the only one hired.

When the child named Andre defiantly pointed at Mi Le with half-opened eyes and said that it was him, Mi Le was trying to keep Mi Yue who had been sitting here with him for a long time from crying.Mi Le glanced at Andre's parents in astonishment, only to see that they showed an expression that was as expected.

Mi Le thought it was Andre who was pointing at him casually, but later found out that it was Andre who saw that Mi Le was the only one among the job applicants who did not try to please him, so Mi Le was more pleasing to the eye.At that time, Mi Le wanted to complain about being wronged, and he wanted to try his best to please his customers, but there was a little Mi Yue sitting next to him.As soon as Mi Le showed a smiling face to Andre, Mi Yue kicked him on the thigh hard, and he was about to cry.Mi Le had no choice but to speak to Andre with a straight face the whole time.

Seeing that Mi Yue helped him get a job by mistake, Mi Le forgave the little guy for his petty temper.

However, this job is really hard work.Andre deserves to be the top "tutor killer" who forced back 22 tutors in two months.But Andre's way of making troubles was beyond Mi Le's expectation.He originally thought that Andre would tell Mi Le to leave in a rough way.Unexpectedly, Andre cooperated with Mi Le's teaching work very well, and sometimes even took the initiative to preview homework.Then, after a few days, Mi Le finally understood why so many tutors couldn't deal with the troublesome Andre.

Mi Le had to admit that Andre did have an excellent pedigree and inherited his parents' IQ.He is really smart, Mi Le can do 1 homework in primary school and Andre doesn't have to study at all.He has already mastered more in-depth knowledge.However, Andre used this cleverness to hit the tutors one by one.His head is like a kaleidoscope, always able to pop up all kinds of strange ideas.And he always pretended to be ignorant and innocent and asked the teacher. If the teacher didn't answer, he would immediately revert to the bitter and arrogant Andre, and the sarcastic words would definitely embarrass everyone.

Imagine that a top student in a world-renowned university is mocked by a ten-year-old kid in his studies, and the number of times is increasing. Probably no one can continue to teach with the cheek.

Andre's method has been tried and tested repeatedly, but it doesn't work when it comes to Mi Le.Who is Mi Le? He grew up alone in a slum. Can he be scared away by Andre's sarcasm?That underestimated the thickness of his skin too much.Mi Le taught Andre the elementary school knowledge with peace of mind, and asked Andre to find the answers to the questions that popped up from time to time.Andre was so pissed off, seeing that this move was useless, Mi Le simply used the original one.Who knew that Mi Le could do more upside down than him, just because Mi Le still had Mi Yue with him.If a child really wants to destroy something, the obsession is unimaginable to adults.No matter how confused Andre is, he is also a nobleman, and if he cares about him with a kid who doesn't know anything, he will definitely be laughed to death.

Mi Le sees his tricks against Andre, but in short, he trains Andre so that he has no time to provoke others at school.Andre's parents saw that the tutor had only been here for a week, and they were delighted that the number of times their son was called to school by the head teacher dropped significantly. Not only did they decide to hire Mi Le for a long time, but they were also willing to raise his salary, as long as he must teach well. own son.

Mi Le was agitated in his heart, but he had to pretend to be calm on his face.

After a lot of tossing, Mi Le finally solved the problem of eating for their father and son.Since the name was chosen that day, Mi Le automatically put Mi Yue in the place of his son, and Mi Yue, who taught orthodontists all day long, called him Papa.

After the problem of eating was solved, another big problem came to the fore.

Mi Le has to go to school during the day, and wants to leave Mi Yue with the landlady's house.Mi Le told the landlady that the little guy was a child of a distant relative.The landlady was enthusiastic, plus she liked children, and Mi Yue was round and cute, so she immediately agreed to take care of the little ones.The bad thing is that the little guy is not happy to see that Mi Le is not with him, and when Mi Le is about to leave, he cries earth-shatteringly.In the first few days, Mi Yue had no choice but to put Mi Yue in his schoolbag and take him to school, worrying all the time whether the kid would be bored in the schoolbag.I wanted to get him out but had to go to the toilet, for fear of being discovered.Mi Le didn't even bother to listen in class, and just wanted to hurry up and take Mi Yue home after school.

After tossing like this for a while, Mi Yue couldn't bear it anymore, so regardless of Mi Yue's crying, she made up her mind to keep him at the landlady's house.Mi Yue cried so pitifully, as if Mi Le was about to abandon him.Holding on to Mi Le's trousers, she didn't let go, tears and snot running down her face.Mi Le was very distressed.

"Be more obedient, you don't want to stay in a stuffy bag all day, don't you?" Mi Le wiped Mi Yue's face helplessly.

Ya Yue didn't listen, just kept crying.Douding's older child's face was wrinkled, and his big blue-gray eyes were full of water.

"Dad is just going out for a while. You stay at Grandma Dries' house to play. Dad will be back soon. See when Dad lied to us more and more. Dad will bring you a small toy when he comes back, okay? Didn't you really like the Red Giant Hero you saw in the supermarket before?" Mi Le comforted him gently.

Yakoshi was still unhappy, but his crying subsided.

"My child, you are going to be late." At this moment, the landlady at the side reminded me gently.

Mi Le smiled wryly, bowed deeply to Mrs. Dries and asked Mrs. Dries to carry Mi Yue to a room where he could not see him leaving.Seeing Ya Yue entered the room, Mi Le went downstairs and rode a bicycle to school.

After class, Mi Le didn't dare to delay on the road, and went home immediately.

Mi Le is very fortunate that children are not such vengeful creatures. When Mi Yue woke up after eating and sleeping, he immediately yelled happily when he saw Mi Le, and stretched out his hand to hug Mi Le.Mi Le hugged Mi Yue's small and soft body in her arms, for some reason her nose was so sore that she wanted to cry.

Later, Ya Yue finally got used to the days when Mi Le was not around for a while during the day.Although the golden beans were not lost during the adaptation stage.

Mrs. Dries loves Yakoshi so much that she loves and takes care of her like her own grandson.Compared to someone like Mi Le who hasn't touched the door yet, Mi Yue is obviously taken care of more comfortably by Mrs. Dries.But Mi Yue's favorite person is Mi Le.

Alex knew that Mi Le had already started his life as a baby daddy, and as a good brother, he naturally spared no effort to help.He also doesn't know how to raise children, but he can provide relatively sufficient supplies.Alex has three younger brothers, the youngest of whom is just four years old.The previous baby products are still well preserved and have not been thrown away as waste.So from time to time, Alex would smuggle some baby's clothes, shoes, toys and the like from home to Mi Le's house.Don't look at these old things, Alex's family is considered rich, and the preparations for the baby are certainly not bad.If Mi Le had to buy these again, it would definitely wipe out his savings.

However, relatively large baby equipment is not easy to smuggle.Alex has more than he can think of, like a walker crib.Mi Le didn't expect to move all the things from Alex's house, and Mi Le was willing to spend money on some basic items.

Now Mi Le's house is almost filled with more and more baby items.After Alex came, he could no longer rush and kick the door, otherwise the things piled up by the door would collapse.But in Alex's words, although it is getting more and more crowded, it feels more and more like home.

Mi Yue, who descended from the sky, broke Mi Le's peaceful and boring life and disturbed a pool of spring water.However, this pool of spring water seems to have gradually stabilized under Mi Le's painstaking management.

Mi Le sometimes felt that it would be good to just live like this. Although he was busy, he was very satisfied.People who are fighting for it also work with more energy and passion.

However, no matter how happy life is on the surface, there are some deep problems that Mi Le has to face, even if he doesn't want to face it.

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