Li Rong was lying beside a stream, staring intently at a fish in it.

It was a small golden-red carp with a big head and a small body, wagging its tail slowly in the shallow stream.

This fish is too small, not half the size of his claws, but it's meat anyway!

"Gu~" Li Rong's stomach was screaming again, followed by violent tumbling and convulsions in his stomach, he was so hungry, he would starve to death if he didn't eat any more meat!

This fish is the only living thing he has found during this period of time. It is very weak and looks fat, with thin skin, juicy and delicious.

He is no longer Mr. Li, whom everyone envies in modern society, but a cat surviving in the wilderness, a scrawny wild cat who has been hungry for many days!

He wants to eat meat, whether it is raw or cooked, it is poisonous or not, he wants to eat meat!

Li Rong bowed his whole cat body, and when the fish leisurely passed under his nose again, he stretched out his claw like lightning.


He patted the soft ball tightly, it was a success!

Li Rong shrank his paws and looked at the writhing algae on the pad, so disappointed that he missed it.

What about fish?Li Rong threw away the algae, and stretched out the cat's head again, his black cat face was reflected on the rippling water surface, his hair was withered and he was in a state of embarrassment.

A golden red flashed across the bottom of the water, "Meow!" Li Rong couldn't bear it any longer, and jumped into the water with a roar.

"Crack!" With a crisp sound, Li Rong's body was thrown high, then fell headfirst and landed on the shore.

Li Rong lay dying on the ground, exhausted the last bit of strength.His mouth was burning with pain, and all the bones in his body were falling apart.

What kind of strange power fish is that, such a small tail fin has so much strength, it blows him away in one go.

This different world really cannot be deduced by common sense.He obviously transmigrated into a cat, but was whipped to death by a small fish. This death is too useless...

Tears kept flowing from Li Rong's eyes, wet his hair.

Out of the corner of Li Rong's eye, he saw the little fish swimming towards him again, and it stopped in the water, as if observing him.

This fish is really ugly, with two bulging eyes and a circle of gold lines around the eyes, as if wearing a pair of glasses.The face is also very mean, a plump fish lips are opening and closing, can't you be laughing at him?

Li Rong slowly closed his eyes, goodbye, Les Miserables.


"Crack!" A soft and smooth object was thrown on Li Rong's face.

Li Rong subconsciously sticks out his tongue to lick it, ah, it's food, it's meat!

Li Rong swallowed that piece of meat whole, a hot current flowed from its stomach to his limbs immediately, his whole body became warm.

So comfortable, is this the power of food?What was that just now? It seemed to be an abalone, plump and juicy, extremely sweet.

Even though it was only a small bite, Li Rong was not hungry at all.For the first time in so long, he felt full.

However, how can abalone fall from the sky?Li Rong jumped up, "What is it?"

The surroundings are still quiet, and the area of ​​sight is still shrouded in black mist.

Li Rongjing was silent for a while, then covered his mouth in shock: "I'm talking human!"

"I said meow again!"

Li Rong happily rolled on the ground: "I can talk now, I can talk again, I am still human after all!"

It was the first time for Li Rong to be so happy from inexplicably traveling to this different world.

He was originally a successful person in modern society, a business tycoon, handsome and rich, but who knew that when he was fighting with someone, he suddenly encountered a gas explosion or an alien attack?When I opened my eyes again, I realized that I had come to this strange world, and had traveled to this black cat, who could only meow and could not even speak.


Li Rong was happy when he suddenly heard a sneer.This voice was particularly piercing, yet inexplicably familiar.

"Li Rong." Someone called his name.

Li Rong froze, bent down and looked around: "Who?"

"I, Zhao Lang."

The sound came from the water, Li Rong was stunned and probed quietly.

There was only the strange little red fish in the water, looking at him with its two front flippers clasped, its lips opening and closing, and blowing bubbles.

For a moment, the fish face overlapped with the unbeaten face in Li Rong's memory.

"You are Zhao Lang?" Li Rong gasped.

Xiaoyu nodded.

"Are you really Zhao Lang?... President Zhao? Zhao Peacock!" Tears flowed from the corners of Li Rong's eyes, suppressing his laughter.

Zhao Lang's lips tightened, and he said coldly, "What do you mean?"

"Ah ha ha ha ha!" Li Rong burst into a wild laugh, hammering his claws desperately, "God knows, you turned into a fish, look at your frustration, you really can't compare with me ha ha ha ha ha... !"

Zhao Lang: "..."

"I don't know the so-called, I have no sense of the overall situation, and there is no cure." Zhao Lang said.

"What did you say?" Li Rong said fiercely.

Zhao Lang was suspended in the water, looking at him without fear, "Silly X."

"Fuck me, I'm going to kill you!" Li Rong rushed towards Zhao Lang.

"Crack, crack, crack!" After several resounding flicks, Li Rong's body rose again.

This time, he flew farther and crashed headfirst into a tree stump.

After a long while, Li Rong sat up covering his swollen mouth, "Dog Zhao Lang, I and you are inseparable!"

Zhao Lang, Li Rong's neighbor and classmate since he was a child, is also his old enemy, his deadly enemy.As long as Zhao Lang is around, Li Rong will be the second child of ten thousand years.Whether it is grades, height, looks, or the business achievements of the two of them, Zhao Lang always beats Li Rong.

The two competed from elementary school to graduate school, and entered the same business field together. They established group companies respectively, and their performance surpassed that of other peers.

Before crossing, it was Zhao Lang who fought with Li Rong.Li Rong couldn't take it anymore, Zhao Lang not only robbed him of the market and resources, but even his boyfriend, what could be tolerated!


Just when the two got into a ball, an accident happened. With a sound of "biu—", the whole world exploded.

Li Rong limped back to the creek, Zhao Lang was still in the water, seeing him, he sneered, his right front flipper habitually pushed the side of his eyes, and the push was empty.

Zhao Lang remembered, he is just a little carp from another world now, fish don't wear glasses.

Li Rong stared at Zhao Lang: "Why did you turn into a fish?"

"do not know."

"How did you recognize me?"

"No comment."

Li Rong showed his claws, but his mouth was still swollen and painful.The pain reminded him that a hero does not suffer from immediate losses, and he slowly withdrew his claws.

"You gave me that piece of meat before? What is that?"

This time, Zhao Lang finally answered properly: "Bei Rou, I see you are starving to death, I will reward you, no thanks."

Li Rong cursed secretly and licked his paw: "Is there any more?"

Zhao Lang looked at him sullenly.

"If you don't give me shellfish, I'll have to eat you."

Zhao Lang sneered: "Then come and try?"

Li Rong: "..."

They stalemate for a while, Zhao Lang turned around and went downstream.

"Where are you going?" Li Rong called.

Zhao Lang disappeared immediately, Li Rong looked at the stream, quietly put his right front paw into the water, scooped it up, it was empty.

Li Rong stood up, suddenly frightened, the water seemed to be only a shallow layer, but the bottom was unfathomable.If he hadn't been kicked away by Zhao Lang just now, he would have been drowned several times already.

Li Rong squatted on the bank and waited for a long time, but Zhao Lang didn't come back, so he couldn't help feeling anxious.You won't get lost, or be swallowed by a water monster?

Li Rong blinked, watching a small red dot at the bottom of the water gradually approaching the water surface, and the little red dot was getting bigger and bigger. With a "poof", Zhao Lang jumped out of the water.

Li Rong also jumped up: "Where have you been?"

Zhao Lang fell back into the water steadily, Li Rong watched as he took out a white shell out of nowhere, the fish fin stroked the closed mouth of the shell, and the shell opened, revealing the tender white meat inside.

Zhao Lang lifted the shell out of the water.

Li Rong swallowed eagerly, it smelled so good, he could smell it, it was the smell of shellfish, he really wanted to eat it!

As a deadly enemy who has been wrestling with Zhao Lang for many years, Li Rong knows his virtue best.When Zhao Lang did charity work, it rained red.

Li Rong swallowed again: "Tell me, what do you want me to exchange?"

"Happy." Zhao Lang didn't talk nonsense, he put away the shell, and threw a shiny little thing to Li Rong's feet, "Find this, bring it back and exchange it with me."

It was a soybean-sized thing, which looked like a grain of boiled rice, but it was extremely hard, wrapped in a translucent skin, and looked like the seed of some kind of plant.

"What is this?" Li Rong fiddled with the seed.

"I don't know, you brought it."


"It got on your hair and fell into the water. I need this."

"Oh..." Li Rong tried hard to remember where he got this seed from.The scope of his activities is limited, and places a little further away are surrounded by strange black fog, so he must not be far away.

"Oh what, are you going?" Zhao Lang urged him.

"Go, definitely go." Li Rong's eyes shone shrewdly, "But you have to tell me why?"

"what why?"

"Zhao Lang, do you know what is the most annoying thing about you?"

Zhao Lang didn't say anything.

It's okay, Li Rong has long been used to it.Li Rong licked his paw again: "Not honest, selfish, arrogant..."

"The transaction is cancelled." Zhao Lang turned around and walked away.

"Wait, wait!" Li Rong called to stop him, "I didn't expect you to be so stingy after turning into a fish. Share with me what you know, otherwise I'd rather starve to death."

Li Rong is not so stubborn, Zhao Lang may ask for something that must be very important to him, the two of them take a step back at the critical moment, it is for the sake of survival!

Sure enough, Zhao Lang came back again: "I don't know much, but we should all be able to evolve."


"That's right. Evolved to be stronger and smarter," Zhao Lang looked at Li Rong suspiciously at this point, "even to the point of changing form."

"How do you know?" Li Rong interrupted him, "Do you have cheats?"

"I have seen with my own eyes that there are things that can change into human form at the bottom of the water."

"The right food can help us evolve." Zhao Lang said, "You have already evolved once."

"Me?" Li Rong was shocked, "Can I become a human now?"

"Of course not, but you can already speak and communicate across species. This is the evolution of language talent."

Zhao Lang threw the snow-white shell out of the water, Li Rong watched it fall back.

"That is to say," Li Rong said slowly, "that shellfish can make me evolve, and the seed you want can help you evolve?"

"It's just a guess at the moment, but there's a high probability that it's like this. If it evolves to a certain level, maybe we'll have a chance to leave here and go home."

"Okay, I'll go find it." Li Rong agreed.He walked a few steps and turned back, "I have a question."


"Do fish have teeth? How do you eat?"

Zhao Lang opened his mouth, revealing two rows of sharp teeth: "That's it, bite into pieces one by one and eat."

Li Rong: ...

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