Zhao Lang's body is much bigger than Li Rong's now, Li Rong can only see his chin when he raises his head.

Recognition: "Zhao Lang, 20 years old, a dragon evolution human being near sub-adult body, has awakened/evolved talents-wisdom, language, devouring (inherited gift), invisibility, healing, thousand eyes, terrestrial life, flight...etc; distance The next evolution needs 100 million energy points, and it is recommended to eat land crops; the achievement of calendar refining - ten floors; the ultimate evolution direction - God of War, Dragon Emperor."

"Damn it!" Li Rong gritted his teeth, "Zhao Lang, you are really a man who took a certain part of the hero's script, this is too unfair!"

It's easy for God of War to understand, he is the pinnacle of force value, what the hell is the Dragon Emperor?Could it be that this different world is still in a feudal society, with an emperor?

Li Rong's gaze fell on Zhao Lang's neck, below a row of scales growing upside down, was the position of Zhao Lang's heart, and next to his heart, there was a milky white egg.

That was the king's egg, it had grown a lot, and it fluctuated with the rhythm of Zhao Lang's heart, as if it was breathing.

The energy lines on Zhao Lang's body were golden red, thick and bright, but after passing through the king's egg, the energy lines seemed to be covered with a layer of white mist, and the energy lines entering the heart became foggy.

There was a golden-red light in Zhao Lang's heart, full of terrifying power.But there is a white energy line extending from the middle of the light, and the other end is submerged into the king's egg.

The king's egg was unscathed, but instead grew bigger.This is not a good thing, it has been absorbing Zhao Lang's energy, but it has not been swallowed by Zhao Lang.

It's a pity that no one can move it now. The only chance to peel it off is when it absorbs enough energy and falls asleep after becoming a chrysalis.

This damn bug.Li Rong cursed inwardly, it's all this bastard who always makes him feel that he owes Zhao Lang, and he's not being tough when he speaks recently!

Zhao Lang lowered his head and looked at Li Rong's brighter pupils, knowing that after he evolved the talent for recognition, he could no longer hide some things.

"No matter what the script is, you have to live." Zhao Lang said.

Li Rong was so jealous that his heart was trembling: "I want to know how many talents you have evolved, so I just waited! What is the achievement of Lilian? You are now on the tenth floor, how many floors are there in total, the bigger the number, the stronger? "

Zhao Lang: "Below the silt is the sea water. The sea water is divided into 33 layers from top to bottom. This is the training ground prepared by the dragon evolutionists for their cubs. There is at least one dangerous creature in each layer of sea water. My task It is to defeat it, eat it, and obtain its talent through devouring. Every once in a while, the training field will automatically open, and I will be forced to enter it."

Li Rong was stunned: "So you disappeared suddenly last time?"


"You ate an indigestible octopus and gained its talent?"


"You have so many talents, are you eating them?"


"It's not fair!" Li Rong threw himself on the ground and hammered his claws angrily, "Why do I have no chance to practice, why can I only farm! I want to be the God of War, and I want to be the Meow Emperor!"

Zhao Lang had a serious face at first, but when he saw Li Rong's rogue and greedy appearance, he was speechless: "I have no brains, and I have experienced nine deaths, and you still want to rush to find death? What is the Meow Emperor? Is it for cuteness? I don't know what it means !"

Li Rong fell to the ground and was deeply shocked.Zhao Lang is his deadly enemy and his lifelong enemy. Although Li Rong has always been at a disadvantage, the gap between them is very small.

But now, the gap between him and Zhao Lang is like heaven and earth, and it can't be filled by hard work, he refuses to accept it!

Now he is being beaten by Zhao Lang in every direction, he can't accept it!He doesn't want to work hard...

"Cheer up, baby!" Miaosheng felt Li Rong's despair, and hurriedly cheered him up, "Such a crude and simple comparison is meaningless, and there is no comparison between the original ethnic groups. The comparison is done in human form. No matter how much talent he has, it is not as precious as your recognition, you are the best, don't be discouraged!"

Li Rong covered his ears: "I won't listen, shut up!"

"It's true treasure, don't look down on our cat clan, we are very popular, your human form must be the most charming. Dragon clan, hehe, they are all rude big guys. Because they are too cruel to cubs, It is notoriously difficult to find a partner. You must be more popular than Mr. Zhao, and there are many more girls who want to have kittens with you than girls with him!"

"I don't like girls."

"Sorry I forgot again..."

Zhao Lang looked at Li Rong who was still lying on the ground, and sighed, "Here is this for you."

"What?" Li Rong raised his head.

Zhao Lang held a round white pearl in his paw, the size of a basketball, and it was dazzling.

Li Rong was dumbfounded.

Zhao Lang threw the big pearl to the shore, the pearl rolled twice and stopped at Li Rong's feet.

Li Rong looked at this pearl that was almost bigger than himself, and his soul moved.

At this moment, he forgot about Zhao Lang and who he was. He let out a joyful cry—"meow", and the whole cat pounced on it, wrapping around the pearl.

Li Rong loves money like his life, he likes gold, silver and jewelry, he especially likes to collect all kinds of pearls, the bigger, rounder and brighter he likes the more.

Li Rong had never seen such a big and good-looking pearl!He put his whole body on the pearl and stretched it vigorously, wishing he could encircle it completely.

Pearl lost her balance and rolled with Li Rong.Li Rong rolled around, making obsessive "meow meow" sounds.

Zhao Lang shook his head, returned to the bottom of the water, and took out a huge blue shell from his coral castle.

This was his prey when he was on the sixth floor, and he had already eaten the meat. At the end of the meal, he found the big pearl.The essence is all in the shellfish, this pearl is just beautiful without any energy value, just thinking of someone's preference, Zhao Lang kept it.

Zhao Lang put the big blue shell on the bank, where the creek turned and formed a small shoal. The ground here is soft, and Li Rong likes to lie down here to quarrel and exchange with him, and also likes to lie down and sleep.

The big blue shell was very heavy and made a muffled sound when it landed, which attracted Li Rong's attention.

"What is this?" Li Rong coiled his big pearl and refused to let go.

"Thank you for helping me catch insects and grind horns." Zhao Lang pushed the big blue shell with his tail, and it shook like a cradle.

Li Rong's eyeballs followed the big blue shell back and forth, really wanting to get in, but he was not willing to let go of his big pearl!

Zhao Lang and him have been fighting since childhood, and he knows what he wants to do when he moves his eyebrows.

Zhao Lang climbed ashore and looked down at Li Rong.

Li Rong was so small that he was completely covered by Zhao Lang's figure.

Li Rong hugged his big pearl even more tightly: "What do you want? Let me tell you, Zhao Lang, I have never returned anything that was in my hands, hey-why?"

Zhao Lang bowed his head, lightly bit Li Rong's fur, and put him into the big blueberry together with the big pearl.

A piece of nephrite was placed in the shell, the tentacles were warm and elastic, especially like latex mattresses in modern society.

Li Rong was still holding his precious pearl, and bounced on the nephrite twice.

It feels so comfortable!

Li Rong let go of the pearl, rolled it on the nephrite, and pressed it with a meat pad, it was warm and felt very good!

"Wow Rongbao, Zhao Lang gave you a suite!" Miao Sheng exclaimed.

house?Hmm...is this a nest?It can't be compared with his mansion in Huaguo!

Li Rong walked back and forth in the big blue shell, and accidentally pressed his paw on a protrusion near the shell's mouth, and the big blue shell closed immediately.

The inside of the shell was pitch black, but soon, the top of Li Rong's head lit up.

Li Rong raised his head, and there were many small light bulbs above his head.The soft light of those "bulbs" seemed to have a soothing charm.

"That's a sea firefly, it glows in the dark, it's really a fantastic idea!" Miao Sheng enthusiastically praised Zhao Lang, "Did he do all this, Bao, I think he is serious!"

"What are you serious about? Are you embarrassing me? It's unnecessary. I can see more clearly in the dark than in the daytime. Exaggeration!"

Li Rong felt the bulge, and the shell slowly opened again.

"There is also a switch here, he is so careful!" Miaosheng was ecstatic, "Baby, I think I was thinking wrong before, he will not do anything to hurt you."

Li Rong: "You are thinking wrong now."

Li Rong looked at Zhao Lang suspiciously: "What's your purpose?"

Zhao Lang slowly backed into the water, sank his body, and his eyes were on the same level as Li Rong: "This is your reward."

"anything else?"

Zhao Lang said slowly, "So you think your service is so cheap."

"You are so cheap!" Li Rong was angry, "Who served you? You really put gold on your face. I want to plant the land and worry about no place to catch insects. You just eat it!"

"Heh." Zhao Lang sneered.

Li Rong was a little flustered, Zhao Lang would give him a gift, what did he mean?

Zhao Lang looked at the ambergris trees, "I plan to challenge the No.11 floor in two months. I need ambergris fruits. Do you have a way to make them bear fruit?"

Li Rong: He really has a plan!

Li Rong didn't answer, and asked Miaosheng first: "Can you?"

Miao Sheng: "It was originally impossible, but with me, the God of Harvest, there is nothing impossible."

Li Rong asked Zhao Lang: "Each ambergris contains [-] energy. You don't want to use this broken shell to send me away. What do you get for it?"

"I'm going to get a mortgage this time. If I can successfully pass the No.11 floor experience, I will take you into the sea."

Li Rong was skeptical, and Miaosheng screamed: "Promise him, if we can go to the sea, you will evolve quickly!"

Li Rong said: "Deal."

The author has something to say:


Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: 10 bottles of lulong;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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