Flocks of birds fled in panic. They "twittered" and spread panic along the way.

Originally, some small winged creatures came to the edge of the black mist, but when they saw the frightened birds, they all ran away wisely.

On the steep cliff, two giant bald eagles stood firmly, looking at the place shrouded in black mist with sharp eyes.

"Brother, did you hear what they were saying?" a bald eagle said.

"I heard, there is a dragon." Another bald eagle said eagerly, "Kung fu pays off, and finally let us find the legendary land."

In the wilderness still surrounded by black mist.

Li Rong got a new set of clothes from Hai Zhinu.There was no way, the previous clothes were already too big, the T-shirt became a skirt, and the legs of the shorts were thicker than his waist, so they couldn't be worn at all.

Although Li Rong has become smaller in size, his body functions are much better than when he was a teenager.Zhao Lang's behavior of digging a hole inspired him. He wanted to make full use of the advantages of the human form and make more tools as soon as possible.

There are 13 yuan boulders scattered scattered throughout the wilderness, Li Rong asked Zhao Lang to break the smallest piece, and he then refined these broken stones.

Li Rong made a lot of pots and pans.Zhao Lang picked the largest stone slab, made it into a door, and placed it at the entrance of the cave.

Li Rong liked the cave dug out by Zhao Lang very much, the inside was round, spacious and dry.At his request, Zhao Lang made two small holes in the cave wall as windows, so that it looks more like a house.

"Bring me my big shell," Li Rong climbed onto Zhao Lang, "I will live here from now on, I am fed up with the life of primitive people."

Zhao Lang satisfied Li Rong's demands, and Zhao Lang also dived into the water, took out a lot of pearls and gems from his coral castle and gave them to Li Rong for decoration.

Li Rong was drooling while holding the pearl, and at the same time was jealous of Zhao Lang, "You have so many good things, and you didn't take them out until now, you are stingy!"

As for Li Rong's unreasonable accusations, as long as they are not too excessive, Zhao Lang generally ignores them.

As the ambergris matures day by day, the day when the No. 11 calendar training field will be opened is getting closer.

Li Rong noticed that Zhao Lang talked less and less, and he squatted beside the ambergris tree for longer and longer.

Li Rong quietly asked Miaosheng: "Is the calendar training field dangerous? I think he was scared to death."

Miaosheng couldn't help correcting him: "He's not afraid, Mr. Zhao is a true warrior, and he won't back down when he has to face it. The calendar training field is indeed extremely dangerous, and it's life or death. Bao, haven't you seen it yet?" , he is reluctant to part with you."

Li Rong automatically blocked its last sentence, "Okay, he is a warrior, he is amazing. I counted, there are a total of 49 ambergris fruits, even if all of them can ripen, they can only provide him with 49 energy points , is still far away from his next evolution, are there other crops with high energy value?"

Miao Sheng: "No, it's too late to cultivate other crops. I guess, Zhao Lang may not only eat these ambergris fruits, but they will have a regenerative effect when combined with the healing talent. Maybe... he will lose his arm if he does it well. Prepare for less legs."

Li Rong remembered the last time Zhao Lang was covered in scars by the color-changing crab, and an inexplicable emotion surged up in his heart, and he was very upset.

"That ghost thing, I mean what's in that calendar field?"

"It's hard to say. Generally, they appear randomly according to the evolution direction of the dragon cubs. The No.11 floor, No.20 second floor and the last floor-33 floors are all big thresholds, and they are close to death. After passing through, there will be a qualitative leap. However, it will be eaten to the bone.”

"The dragon clan is too cruel, isn't this the same as raising Gu." Li Rong was filled with righteous indignation, "This is simply abuse!"

"Yes," Miaosheng sighed, "but this is their racial habit, and we can't interfere."

"what can I do?"

Miaosheng thought for a while, "Take care of these ambergris trees, and then... let him lick you more? This will help him reduce stress."

"no way!"

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, the ambergris is ripe.

The jasper-like fruit turned into a fiery red on the last day, each one the size of a small watermelon, like clusters of flames hanging among the forest leaves, bright and moving.

A strong sweet fragrance began to pervade the wilderness, making Li Rong's mouth water.

Li Rong's two round cat pupils are full of ambergris fruit, as if two flames were burning in his eyes. He yearns for it very much, "Each fruit with energy value of [-], how does it taste like?" Son!"

"You'll know if you try it?" Zhao Lang walked up behind him, picked him up, put him on his back, and led him to an ambergris tree.

Li Rong quickly climbed to the top of his head, "Send me up, I'll pick it and throw it to you."

Zhao Lang raised his body, lying on the tree trunk like an escalator, and Li Rong flipped onto the tree nimbly.

When hugging an ambergris fruit, Li Rong's saliva flowed out unsatisfactorily.However, he held back, picked the fruit and threw it to Zhao Lang: "Take it!"

Zhao Lang caught the fruit and asked in surprise, "Why don't you eat it?"

Li Rong wiped away his saliva, imitating Zhao Lang's tone and said: "These are your rewards."

"Okay." Zhao Lang put the ambergris fruit into his space unceremoniously.

One by one, Li Rong picked all the ambergris and gave them to Zhao Lang.After picking the fruit, Li Rong jumped on Zhao Lang's head, looked at the ambergris tree with only branches and leaves left, and sighed: "I can only eat the next crop."

Miaosheng poured cold water on him: "It's a good idea, what will happen if there is no fertilizer. If you don't eat it this time, you can only wait until Zhao Lang fades away next time."

"Why is this..." Li Rong was extremely disappointed, he knelt down and patted Zhao Lang's head, "Scrape some scales for me, I want to use them."

Miaosheng stopped him immediately: "No, this is a crime!"

Zhao Lang hesitated for a while, but also rejected Li Rong: "Not this time, I can't be injured in the near future, I'll give it to you after the experience."

Li Rong touched Zhao Lang's dragon horn again, and the dragon horn grew a lot, with a small fork on the top, but it still feels fluffy to the touch, and the outer layer is still soft when pinched.

"Don't make trouble." Zhao Lang shook his head lightly to stop Li Rong.

Li Rong reluctantly let go, "Velvet antler is very nourishing, wouldn't dragon antler be more nourishing?"

Zhao Lang: ..., this guy either wants to scrape his scales or cut off his horns, he is too cruel.

Miaosheng covered his face in horror, his cub was one step closer to being imprisoned!

Zhao Lang put Li Rong down on the ground, just as Li Rong stood firm, an ambergris fruit was stuffed into his arms: "Eat it."

Li Rong sniffed the aroma of the fruit and returned it to Zhao Lang: "Don't eat it."

"You really don't eat?"

"If you don't want to eat it, you won't eat it. I'll give it to you. I don't owe you anything."

Seeing his firm attitude, Zhao Lang took the fruit back.From Zhao Lang's point of view, Li Rong's cat's ears drooped after not eating the fruit, looking aggrieved.

Zhao Lang couldn't bear it anymore, lowered his head, and lightly licked Li Rong's cat ears.

Li Rong subconsciously covered his ears, but soon let go, his tail slowly wagging, like a silent invitation.

Like a big dog, Zhao Lang licked Li Rong until he was wet, and then carried him back to the cave.

Being bitten by Zhao Lang's back collar, Li Rong's limbs are hanging in the air, with a world-weary face, he hates being picked around so much, when is this a head?

The next day, Li Rong got out of the big shell, and Zhao Lang had already left.

"Baby, he's gone to the Li training ground." Miao Sheng said softly.

"Oh, go, he has said many times, he will go sooner or later." Li Rong looked at all the things in the cave, "I just said that I can't put things in his space, and I will leave as soon as I say. Where do you go to collect debts?"

Li Rong's tail was drooping listlessly, he came to the stream slowly, and found a large pile of shells, piled up as high as a hill.

Li Rong took a look with his identification, and all of them were high-quality shellfish with high energy value.Needless to say, these are the fruits of Zhao Lang's underwater farm.

"Bao, Mr. Zhao is really kind to you." Miaosheng was moved to tears, "He is such a good man who takes care of his family."

Li Rong was too lazy to correct Miaosheng's interpretation of the plot that was getting off track.

When Zhao Lang was away, Li Rong was not idle either. He dried all the shells and got a lot of scallops, which he prepared to store up and eat slowly.

Under the guidance of Miaosheng, he has bred a crop called hops, which can be used to make wine!After the first batch of hops matured, Li Rong brewed a small jar of wine and buried it under the ambergris tree.

In a blink of an eye, Zhao Lang has been away for a month.During this month, Li Rong gradually grew taller, and he could feel that he was about to change back.

On this day, he was watering the small oil sunflower with his back to the stream, when the sound of the water running behind him suddenly became louder.

Is it...

Suddenly, a cold and slippery human hand grabbed his ankle.In the blink of an eye, Li Rong was dragged into the water!

The author has something to say:

Tomorrow's meeting will be canceled temporarily, and a chapter will be quietly updated.

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