After entering the star gate, the golden battleship made dozens of interstellar jumps in a row, and arrived at its destination in the early morning three days later—the private helipad of Queen Lily of the Great Galaxy Empire.

As soon as the battleship entered the protective layer of the capital star, someone spread the news to the palace—"The queen's battleship is back!"

The whole palace erupted in an instant. Everyone knew that after the queen gave birth, she left her private warship in the Holy Land of Cradle.At this time, besides the legendary Second Highness, who else is driving the queen's former private warship back?

It is a miracle that Queen Lily of the Lily could conceive again after giving birth to His Royal Highness. She is the first great woman in history to enter the Holy Land of the Cradle for the second time.

It is said that the eggshell of the second highness is pure gold, bigger than the first highness, and the shape is also very perfect. When it grows up, it will definitely be the most powerful and tyrannical dragon.

The queen was reluctant to part with the child, and when the time came, the Second Highness was still sent to the calendar training field, and she was forced to return to the royal city.It's just that the queen who came back seldom smiled, showing a different vulnerability and indecision than before.

It is rumored that what the Second Highness opened is the Shura field that frightened all the Dragon Race—the 33 calendar training field.For tens of thousands of years, among the dragon cubs who encountered the Shura field, only one survived, but this only one also completely lost its mind and became a humanoid beast that could only kill.In the end, he was obliterated by his father himself, and his mother died soon after distraught.

In other words, the Second Highness who successfully passed the calendar will either become a god or become a demon.

The golden battleship stopped steadily and fell behind, and there was no movement, and even the lights inside were extinguished.

The battleship was surrounded by three layers inside and three layers outside, and Ling Lan tried to step forward several times, but was stopped by her husband, the current emperor of the Great Galaxy Empire—Zhao Lie.

"It's Xiao Lang!" Ling Lan burst into tears, "I'm his mother, I won't admit it wrong, it's his smell!"

"I know." Zhao Lie handed Ling Lan to his eldest son - Zhao Cang, "After taking care of your mother, I will pick up your younger brother."

Ling Lan knew Zhao Lie's style, if after the battleship opened, it was Zhao Lang with self-awareness, then he would welcome the child home.If... Zhao Lang has lost his mind in the endless killings in the Lilian Field, Zhao Lie will definitely not hesitate...

"No, let me do it!" The mother's love nature overcame everything, Ling Lan pushed her son away, rushed to Zhao Lie, and spread her arms to block the battleship.

"Ling Lan!" Zhao Lie warned her, "Don't forget your identity, you are the queen of the empire first, and then the mother."

Lily of the Valley clenched her lips, but refused to let her go.

The emperor and queen, who have always been loving, started arguing in public. For a while, the onlookers regretted why they wanted to join in the fun.

The surrounding area has long been surrounded by all kinds of artillery fire. The Second Highness is normal. They are the salutes to welcome him, otherwise, they are the death knell to send him away.

Just when Zhao Lie and Ling Lan were in a stalemate, the cabin door opened slowly, and an escalator was automatically lowered.

"Alan." Zhao Lie took a step forward and took Ling Lan into his arms, looking warily at the "son" in the battleship.

With Zhao Lang's eggshell on his head, Li Rong slowly crawled out of the battleship.He breathed the fresh air weakly, the feeling of dizziness had not dissipated, "Ugh—" he made a loud retching sound.

Miaosheng sympathized: "Bao, it's really hard for you. This battleship is so fierce that even well-trained dragon soldiers can't stand such frequent jumps. Fortunately, we finally arrived, and it will be fine slowly."

Li Rong's head was so heavy that he couldn't lift it up at all, and half of his body leaned out of the cabin, assuming a posture of death of Mara.

Purely physiological tears flowed out of his eyes uncontrollably, and his mind was in a mess like ten thousand bees fluttering their wings collectively. He was really uncomfortable!

Li Rong knew that there were many people around, and that they were all watching him.He took a deep breath, grasped the handle of the escalator and stood up slowly. Immediately, he supported his back with both hands and hugged him tightly.

Ling Lan burst into tears: "Xiao Lang, my child..."

This is a fragrant and soft embrace, reminding Li Rong of the time when he was hugged by his mother.However, this is not his mother, this is Zhao Lang's mother here.

Li Rong broke free from Ling Lan's embrace, blushing: "Auntie, listen to my explanation."

After seeing Ling Lan's appearance, Li Rong was dumbfounded, his lips trembling, "Lan... Aunt Lan?!"

Queen Ling Lan looks exactly like Zhao Lang's deceased mother Ling Lan!Could it be that, like them, Ling Lan's consciousness "returned" to this different world?

After hugging Li Rong solidly, Ling Lan also understood that the overly beautiful child in front of her was not his son Zhao Lang.However, this child smells like Zhao Lang everywhere, and there are faint traces of signing a marriage contract.

Ling Lan was happy again, her son was amazing, not only successfully passed the trial, but also found a partner so quickly.However, she looked into the cabin suspiciously, "Where's Xiao Lang?"

Li Rong held Ling Lan's hand vigorously, and said excitedly, "Are you Aunt Lan? You are Zhao Lang's mother, right?"

Ling Lan nodded, "That's right, I'm his queen mother, where did Xiao Lang go?"

Seeing that something unexpected happened, Zhao Lie waved decisively: "It's all over, no one is allowed to speak out about what happened today."

The crowd of onlookers dispersed immediately.

Zhao Lie said to Li Rong: "It seems that you and my son have a very close relationship. I know you are very tired now, but I hope you can tell us everything before going to rest."

Li Rong's gaze swept over Ling Lan, Zhao Lie and Zhao Cang one by one, and the identification has helped him confirm that they are indeed Zhao Lang's family members here, and they seem to be trustworthy at present.

"Okay." Li Rong said, "I also need your help, I'm going to find Zhao Lang."

Ling Lan personally helped Li Rong into the emperor's private reception room, and brought him a cup of hot milk and a piece of chocolate cake.

"Let's eat something first, thank you for your hard work." Although Ling Lan was very anxious in her heart, she still suppressed her anxiety when she looked at the "thin" and pale Li Rong in front of her.This is the person her son has identified, and that is her child, and she will take good care of it.

Li Rong hardly looked away from Ling Lan, he gradually realized that this queen probably really just looks the same as Zhao Lang's mother, otherwise she wouldn't have mistaken him for Zhao Lang at first.

"Don't you like milk? What do you want to drink?" Ling Lan saw that Li Rong didn't take the milk, and asked him softly.

Li Rong hurriedly took the milk, took a long gulp hastily, but choked, "Ahem, cough—!"

Li Rong covered his mouth and coughed violently.Since his unreliable mother died outside, it has been a long, long time since he has been taken care of by a female elder at such a close distance. He is suddenly very nervous!

"Be careful." Lily of the Valley gently wiped the corners of his mouth with a delicate tissue.

"Thank you, I'll do it myself."

Lily of the Valley slowly sat down opposite him.

Li Rong knew that now was not the time to eat and drink, "That's right, my name is Li Rong, and I am an evolutionary of the cat clan. Zhao Lang and I..."

Li Rong told Zhao Lang's family about the general situation in the wilderness. Of course, he must have omitted all the details that he wanted to eat Zhao Lang, and he didn't mention the parasitism of the king's eggs.

Hearing that Zhao Lang was captured by the two brothers Bai Po and Bai Feng and forced to jump off the cliff, Ling Lan couldn't hold back anymore and let out a sob, while Zhao Lie jumped at the case: "Those two traitors thought they were involved Entering the Wandering Star Gate without a dead body, let them find my son by mistake!"

It turned out that just two years ago, Zhao Liegang liquidated the Eagle Clan.As the veteran speaker of the Upper Council, Bai Po, the patriarch of the Eagle Clan, actually took the lead in killing the evolved humans of other groups, which aroused public outrage.

Bai Po fled in embarrassment with Bai Feng, and all the Eagles who participated were also imprisoned.

Zhao Lie thought they had long been buried in the universe, but unexpectedly...

Ling Lan said: "Leave the rest for now, Xiao Rong, please tell us where Xiao Lang is, I will take someone to pick him up immediately!"

Li Rong shook his head: "I don't know, he just told me to come to him, I thought he would be here."

Ling Lan wondered: "Why don't you know that you already..."

Zhao Lie said: "You haven't passed the heat together yet, have you? Then the marriage contract won't be fully effective, and it's normal for him not to feel Zhao Lang's position."

"That's right," Ling Lan looked at Li Rong lovingly, "They are still children."


The two elders discussed restricted-rated topics as if no one was there, standing by the wall with arms folded, Zhao Cang, who was listening silently, lowered his eyes politely.

Li Rong's face turned red, "This is a misunderstanding..." Obviously, now is not the time to explain, so let's ask the key point first, "Is there any way to know Zhao Lang's location?"

"We can only use the method of elimination to narrow down the scope first." Zhao Lie clicked on the communicator on his wrist, and immediately, a three-dimensional floating map of the Great Galaxy Empire unfolded in front of everyone.

Zhao Lie marked several areas on the map, and then he drew a red star on the most remote place on the map with his finger, "Since he is safe, but he failed to come back to join Xiaorong, it means he Trapped by something or somewhere. This is a swamp planet. After the dragons enter, it is difficult to move. It is very likely to be here. Either..."

Zhao Lie's hand pointed to several other areas that he had highlighted, "The spikes are infested with insects, and the cosmic radiation of these ore stars exceeds the standard..."

Li Rong's heart skipped a beat, "Where is the pest infestation?"

"Spike Star."

"Go there." Li Rong blurted out.

Zhao Lie asked: "The reason?"

"Instinct." Li Rong made a shy expression, "Maybe it's because of the special feeling between us, as soon as you mentioned this place, I felt that he was there."

Now the only thing that can hold back Zhao Lang's footsteps is the king's egg parasitic in his body.Insect pests... Li Rong has always had the feeling that Zhao Lang is always active underground...

Ling Lan got up and said to Zhao Lie: "Listen to him, I'll take Xiao Rong to Sui Xing, Xiao Cang take people to Swamp Planet, and you can make arrangements for the rest."

Li Rong couldn't wait any longer, "Can I go now?"

Ling Lan said: "Let's go now."

Zhao Lie said: "Wait..."

"I won't wait any longer, I want to find my son right away!" Ling Lan took Li Rong's hand and walked away.

Zhao Lie stopped them: "Give me the eggshell."

Li Rong was very reluctant, but Miaosheng reminded him that Zhao Lang's eggshell must be handed over. It can be smashed and made into many navigators that are sensitive to Zhao Lang, and can also identify Zhao Lang's identity.

Li Rong slowly took out Zhao Lang's eggshell from the space, and reluctantly handed it over.

The Dragon Clan is a vigorous and vigorous race. Half a day later, hundreds of high-level warships quietly left the capital star and went to various galaxies.

The author has something to say:


Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1 Zhaoxi old grass;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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