Before working, Li Rong ate Ziweibei first, this was the first time he ate food with such a high energy value.

As soon as the fresh and tender shellfish fell into his belly, a hot current spread from the tip of his tail to his whole body.

Li Rong stretched comfortably, it felt like he had just had a full body spa, it was so cool!

"Wow Rong Bao, you should really look in the mirror and see how cute you are now!" Meow Sheng held his face.

Li Rong said unwillingly: "I'm a grown man, don't use such disgusting words as cute to describe me." His dream is to grow up to be a heroic cat like Caesar, he is not a useless pet cat.

Having said that, Li Rong, who always pays attention to his image, still walked to the stream and admired his face in front of the clear water.

The water surface clearly reflected his appearance, he was still a black and thin kitten, but the fur on his body became soft, smooth and shiny, fluffy appropriately, clean and high-grade.

This is really amazing, you know, because of starvation for a long time, Li Rong's hair has always been dry and tangled, like a handful of weeds, it can be seen that he is malnourished.

And his pair of heterochromatic pupils became bigger, rounder and more moist.The blue left eye is like the deep sea, and the yellow right eye is like the bright sunshine.

"Isn't it cute!" Miaosheng screamed, "If the old man still has a body now, he will definitely be able to rua for a whole year!"

Li Rong looked up arrogantly: "It's flashy, so much energy is wasted."

Miaosheng: ...

Li Rong will not be delayed by his beauty, under Miao Sheng's guidance, he made four small shovels, a sickle, a ladle, and two pots out of robber bird bones.

Except for the pot, which is bigger than his head, the rest of the farm implements are very small, suitable for him to hold in his claws or wrap around his tail.

Looking at the farm tools and pots lined up in front of him, Li Rong felt a sense of accomplishment, but he couldn't help sighing that it's better to do things in human form.Although he has four legs now, he can't walk upright, and can work with one paw at most, which is really a waste.

Miaosheng was so ugly by the tools he made, but he was afraid of hurting Li Rong's enthusiasm, so he resisted not saying anything.

The work of transplanting with tools is more effective. Li Rong quickly transplanted the Xunma on both sides of the creek to other places, and moved all the seaweed to the shore.

It’s just that compared with Xunma, the number of dried shrimps is too small. After replanting all of them, there are still a large area of ​​baldness on both sides of the creek.

"Not bad military treasures," Miao Sheng praised, "They're all quite decent." Through the inheritance space, Miao Sheng looked at the crooked and sparse line of Haimi, and praised Li Rong against his will.

Li Rong was very proud: "It's just planting vegetables and land, such a trivial matter! What are you going to do next?"

"Water, as long as the dried shrimp is full of water, it will bear fruit. You should save some first, eat it yourself or exchange it with Mr. Zhao, and then plant others."

"it is good!"

Li Rong held his small ladle with his right front paw, and dipped it into the stream.

"Hiss—!" He grinned his teeth in pain from the water on his pad, and almost dropped the ladle into the water.

Li Rong took out his paw, endured the pain and poured water on Haimi.Putting down the bone scoop, he raised his right front paw.

The tips of his claws were unscathed, but two blood-red blisters appeared on the pink and tender pads, which were ground out during labor.

I didn't notice it before, and it hurts when I get wet.

"Meow..." Li Rong sobbed unbearably, it hurts so much!He licked his paw, it hurt even more!

Miaosheng is also very distressed, but there is nothing he can do. He can only comfort him: "You are too small, and the pads are the most vulnerable place to be injured. Take a rest, and it will be fine when the cocoon is formed."

"I'm not young!"

"Okay, okay, not small." Miaosheng coaxed him with a good temper.

Li Rong held up his swollen paw, it hurt so much, "Now I think of a poem."

"What poem?"

""Compassion to the Farmers", who knows that every piece of Chinese food is hard work, alas!"

In the era when Li Rong lived, the degree of agricultural mechanization was very high, and it was difficult to see scenes of pure manual labor.Although the concept of cherishing food and saving resources has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people through the country's vigorous publicity, Li Rong will not waste food, but he has no idea of ​​the hard work of planting.

Now, he understands, woo woo woo!

"Li Rong." Zhao Lang called him again.

Li Rong lowered his head impatiently: "What's the matter with you?"

Zhao Lang said: "You stick your claws in, and I'll help you reduce the swelling and blood blisters."

? ? ?Zhao Lang actually wanted to take the initiative to help him?Li Rong looked up at the sky, but there was no red rain in the sky.Strange, really strange!

Li Rong hesitantly put his right paw into the water, Zhao Lang stared at the blood bubbles on his pad, turned around, and covered his pad with his tail fin.

The moment Li Rong touched Zhao Lang's caudal fin, Li Rong seemed to hold a breeze, and the burning sensation on the pads disappeared immediately.

Zhao Lang's tail fin flashed red light, reflecting the nearby waters golden red.

"Okay." Zhao Lang flicked his tail but didn't swim. He turned around and glared at Li Rong, "Let go!"

Li Rong's paws tightly held Zhao Lang's tail fin, and he smiled evilly: "Zhao Xiaoyu, your tail feels so good, it's big and soft, let me pinch it." As he spoke, he really pinched it a few times .

A strong tingling sensation spread from the caudal fin to Zhao Lang's whole body. His whole fish was shining red, and he struggled hard, but he couldn't break free because of his vitals.

"Bastard, I just gave you treatment, and you actually repay your kindness, let it go!"

Li Rong laughed twice, enjoying the comfortable feel of Zhao Lang's caudal fin, and even enjoying his frantic look, "You are really good at making ointments, and your tail can also heal wounds. What kind of talent is this?"

Zhao Lang didn't say anything.

"Say it, or I won't let you go."

Zhao Lang said aggrievedly: "It's a talent—healing, it's just a beginner."

"When did you have another talent?" Li Rong was dying of sourness, "Evolved from eating bird meat?"

"Bird meat can only strengthen the hardest part of your body. This talent is what I had when I was awakened." Zhao Lang was almost pissed off by him.

"Do you have any other talents?"

"No comment!"

Miao Sheng dissuaded weakly: "Let go, baby, he is angry."

Li Rong: "Huh? He is angry every day, and he always has a straight face. It's okay to be angry. Let me pinch it for a while."

Miaosheng: "He just healed your wounds, this is not very good..."

Li Rong finally realized his conscience and let go of his claws.

Zhao Lang was so angry that he slapped Li Rong with water as soon as he regained his freedom.

Li Rong wiped his face, Miaosheng's words reminded him that Zhao Lang helped him twice in a row!

"You took the initiative to help me heal my injuries, Zhao Lang, what do you want from me?"

Zhao Lang wanted to slap him to death with his tail, so he said angrily, "I want a shovel made by you. Besides, if your claw is broken, who will help me farm?"

"Oh." You know he won't help him for no reason.

Li Rong turned around, picked up the smallest shovel and threw it to Zhao Lang: "Take it."

Zhao Lang took the shovel and dived into the bottom of the water with a "hum".

Miao Sheng tremblingly said: "He is really angry, Rong Bao, don't do this again in the future!"

"Whatever you want." Li Rong blew his flesh back to its original state, "Miao Sheng, don't call him Mr. Zhao again."

"Then what shall I call him?"

"Tang Monk Zhao."


"If I eat him, will I fly up in place?"

"Don't do it!"

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