VV took the golden retriever away, and when Chenge sent him out, Chen Ge noticed that Wen Wanrou kept looking at him from the corner of his eye, making him feel uncomfortable, and he endured it again and again, did he blurt out his question? speak out.

Wen Wanrou followed Chen Ge into the kitchen, saw that Chen Ge wanted to bring water, she poured the water very quickly, and handed it to Chen Ge.

No one has ever treated Chen Ge so well. Let alone the old man and the old lady who are getting divorced every day at home, they have lived on campus since junior high school. Chen Ge became independent very early. Wen Wanrou's action made her dare not take the water glass for a long time.

Wen Wanrou held it for a while, then slowly lowered her eyes, without saying a word, she just put the water glass on the table.

Chen Ge felt guilty and uncomfortable in his heart, but he still wanted to make one thing clear. After deliberating for a while, he said, "Do you still remember that day when we went to have dinner together, I called VV?"

Nodding gently.

Chen Ge said: "I also said that VV is gay, actually...I wanted the two of you to be together that day."

Wen Wanrou blinked, looked at Chen Ge, and said, "Why should I be with him? I like you."

"But... I didn't know at the time." Chen Ge was a little embarrassed, always feeling that Wen Wanrou looked at her with burning eyes.

Wen Wanrou suddenly stretched her arms around Chen Ge's waist, hugged her tightly, and said: "I don't believe you don't feel anything about me, I really like you, I can't even imagine you being with me With other men, cuddling and cuddling, he can enter the secret place that only I enjoy, it will drive me crazy, don't let go, okay?"

He told Chen Ge that his heart was furious. Since that day, Wen Wanrou was like an opened Pandora's box. What came out of it was full of darkness, and he unabashedly expressed his desire for his body. In fact, just now After listening to what VV said, Chen Ge also felt that Wen Wanrou might not be too bad, but when she came into direct contact with him, Chen Ge always kept vigilant involuntarily. Wen Wanrou will definitely rush to take off her clothes and imprison herself, whether it is mentally or physically.

"Cough... let go of your hand," Chen Ge was a little scared. He could see the red blood in Wen Wanrou's eyes at a close distance. He turned his head and said, "Can you let me think about this kind of thing? Give me a few minutes." time of day."

"Okay, I'll give you three days, and you should know what the answer I want by then." Wen Wanrou lowered her head to hold Chen Ge's lips, and opened her hand around his waist, warm against the thin The pajamas, dry and hot Chen Ge's heart.

Chen Ge instinctively wanted to refuse, but her widened eyes saw the gentle, red and swollen corners of her eyes. When she thought that the other party had cried all night because of him, she suddenly couldn't bear it.


Wen Wanrou went downstairs with three steps and three turns. Chen Ge had been standing at the window, smiling and waving at him. Seeing that the man finally got on the motorcycle and left, he finally breathed a sigh of relief and rubbed the cold sweat on his head. Two days were like a dream.

Had sex with a man, and now he was forced to move.

In fact, there is only half a month's rent left for this house. Chen Ge thought that he might go to work elsewhere in the future, and only pay three months' rent each time. Now that I think about it, the original choice was really wise .

He has very little property. After all, his parents live in City B next to City H. Most of his luggage is piled up in the room, because the relatives of the old man and the lady are too top-notch. If he cleans up the room Yes, for sure there will be no place for me to stay in the future.

Speaking of Chen Ge's childhood, it is quite embarrassing.

Chen's father is a gambler. He plays poker with people in the teahouse every day. Ever since Chen Ge can remember, he has never seen his father work. He has never seen him work for a day. If he wins money, he will buy something and go home. Breaking things at home, it is necessary to dig out all the money hidden in the house before finishing it. Every time I hear the sound of the door opening in the middle of the night, Chen Ge's scalp is numb, and it is not until I leave the house that I get rid of this problem.

It is said that out of ten bets, nine losers, Chen Ge has never been rich at home, and every time she pays tuition, she has to rely on Chen's mother to go out to borrow money.

The world is watching, Chen's mother has worked so hard to bring Chen Ge up, and she may have long wanted to divorce Chen's father in her heart. Here, Chen Ge graduated from university, and here, Chen's mother pushed the divorce agreement. In front of my father in the morning.

These years, Chen's father is used to playing outside, and he is used to having a woman working when he comes home. When he saw the divorce agreement, he was dumbfounded. He called Chen Ge over and over again, asking him to persuade Chen's mother. Chen Ge had just started working at the time. , and he had persuaded his mother more than once to just get a divorce. When he heard the news, he called Chen's mother and listened to the whole story, so he didn't intend to interfere in this matter.

I don't know what method Chen's father used. In the end, the two of them didn't get divorced, but they quarreled every two days. Whenever they quarreled, Chen's mother said divorce, and Chen's father came over to make Chen Ge, which made Chen Ge subconsciously afraid of marriage. , pick and choose, even the women who show favor to him don't dare to go up and develop further.


After Wen Wanrou came out of Chen Ge's house, she stood on the street in a daze for a long time.

The 30-second red light passed, and the car behind was honking its horn over and over again, but he seemed to be unable to hear it, and the whole person was emptied.

The traffic police couldn't stand it anymore, and came over and whistled at him.

Wen Wanrou slowly looked at him and said, "You punch me."

The traffic policeman's eyes almost popped out, he looked at him up and down, and shouted: "Crazy! You are obstructing traffic!"

Wen Wanrou was still immersed in her own world, and she said to herself: "I have liked someone for many years, he was with me a few days ago, and we had sex, but he suddenly said it was a misunderstanding, I want to You want to get rid of me, but now you say that you will be with me in three days, I feel very unreal now, give me a circle, I will see if this is a dream I had, or it is really a dream .”

"Hey! Hurry up!" The whistle was so loud that the traffic policeman couldn't hear him talking to himself at all. He walked over and grabbed his arm to get him out of the way. Suddenly Wen Wanrou made a fist and hit the traffic policeman on the nose Inexplicably, completely unexpected.

A streak of nosebleeds flowed out from the nostrils, the traffic policeman was so frightened that he took several steps back, and the people next to him also noticed the fight here, and rushed over to control Wen Wanrou.

Wen Wanrou's hands were pressed behind, and the police car arrived after a while. He passed by the poor traffic policeman, and suddenly asked, "Does it hurt?"

The traffic policeman was taken aback by him, and the blood that was finally stopped flowed out again, and he murmured, "It hurts."

"Thank you." Wen Wanrou said thoughtfully, and then said very respectfully: "I'm sorry for hurting you, and I will compensate you."

The traffic policeman held his nosebleed and watched the psychopath get into the police car, and realized that the reason why he was beaten was because he didn't punch him hard at that time.

The author has something to say: The next chapter preview:

Chenchen: ...can you let me think about it again?

Rougege: Chenchen, don’t worry, I won’t force you

(after three seconds)

Rougege: Chenchen Chenchen~ When shall we get married?Can you do it tomorrow?

Chenchen: ...


amyxu threw a mine

I saw Chen Chen saying gentle and soft QJ.

Here is the author's answer:

That's right~!Rougege is a tough criminal!He has evolved!The ultimate pervert!

Moreover, the writing is actually quite clear, Wen Wanrou likes Chen Ge very much, and always thought that the two of them will fall in love again, and the medicine is for fear of his pain =-= After explaining clearly, although he is very sad, he hides it very well.

In fact, I feel sorry for Wen Wanrou, he is very shameless, but he has a girlish heart, and he will break anytime, anywhere.

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