Amidst the silent envy and hatred towards Mary, Joyce suddenly appeared.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the strength of their new master must have greatly increased.Not only did the imposing manner become deeper and deeper, but that extremely handsome face was even more radiant, not to mention the whiteness without a single pore, and it seemed to reveal a precious radiance.A pair of eyes was like a clear night sky, with thousands of stars flickering up and down, so that all the servants who thought they were just getting used to the beauty of their new master all stood there dumbfounded for a long time without realizing it.

"It's ready? The workmanship is good! Little Mary is also very well dressed, um, I will put on some makeup at that time to ensure that Cinderella has a big transformation!" Joey walked closer and looked at it by himself, holding his chin There was a low smile of satisfaction.

This broke the eerie silence of the scene, and all the female creatures present stared at him with fiery eyes, and they were short of engraving a few large characters on their faces: Please treat everyone equally!

The dwarves and goblins were not there, probably because they were not interested in these things, and they were still concentrating on their own things. The two elves were present, but they did not stand with the humans. He didn't move forward, but still had a slight defensive look on his face.

Charlie lined up everyone, stood behind Joey on the right, bowed his head and saluted, and then reported at a moderate speed: "Master, all the things you ordered have been completed. In terms of clothing, two elves are in charge of the design draft. Several The maid sewed by hand, and the finished products are all here. The equipment in charge of the goblin, including the camera frame, Viasso, etc., are all ready. The knives, bows and arrows you need, and the dwarves have also finished making. A total of 340 eight gold coins were spent. It’s all here, please take a look.”

Joey took the account book, flipped through it hastily, and said to Charlie in a warm voice: "Very good, thank you for your hard work."

Charlie breathed a sigh of relief, and saluted again, "Don't dare, as long as the master is satisfied. You just finished your work, do you need to prepare hot water and food?"

Joey squinted his eyes. He can start bigu after building the foundation, and he doesn't want to eat now. "There's no need for food, but prepare some hot water to relieve fatigue."

After taking a good bath, Joey let loose his hair and wore a simple jade blue robe, before going to the dwarves first.

A stone house at the right back of the house is now the territory of the dwarves. After entering the door, you can feel a gust of hot wind blowing in your face, mixed with the smell of spirits.The several stoves placed in the room were all lit, and the metal blocks on them were burning red. Two bearded dwarves who were only over one meter tall and were about to be close to a cube were busy with iron tongs and a hammer in one hand. He would quickly grab a brown wine jar not far away and take a big gulp, very heroic.

"Jin, and Tony, how is it done?" Joey asked curiously while standing in a place out of the way.

"It's a piece of cake!" Jin was older, with a shaggy beard, so that only his small eyes could be seen.He murmured unhappily, "Let others make those flickering but useless decorations in the future. It's just a waste of time. But what you're doing now is a bit interesting. As long as you can afford the materials, there's nothing wrong with us here."

Tony was a little better looking than Kim, at least he had his beard brushed out and braided into two braids over his chest.His temper was a little more irritable than Jin's. As soon as Jin's voice fell, he complained in a low voice: "Those damn goblins are so annoying! I hope I don't have to deal with them again in the future!"

Joey secretly laughed.All the races on this continent don't like goblins. Many of their habits, including their looks, are too similar to mice. Just in terms of technological development and alchemy level, goblins have advantages over any race.On the other hand, goblins have relatively developed brains, but their physical strength is an absolute weakness. They are weaker than humans who have not learned martial arts, and they do not have the acquired cultivation talent of humans. Simply put, they are a group of wretched-looking weak Chicken tech house.

The goblins also had a prosperous and glorious period in the past. The huge goblin kingdom was like a cold and elegant steel city, supported by a powerful army of puppets. Those puppets were all made of metal, some powered by magic crystals, some It can even be operated manually, almost like a mecha in the magical world.Invincible, no one dares to provoke.

But everything has passed, the goblin kingdom no longer exists, and many inheritances have been lost. Now the goblins who lack force and are not likable have a miserable life. They can understand the blueprints that Joey gave to the goblins. It's just that their poor physical strength makes them unable to do it by themselves, just like a group of useless tech geeks with a [-] IQ who can't lift objects weighing more than [-] catties. Goblins with two muscular muscles went to communicate with dwarves with muscular brains, and the result was really thunderous, and they absolutely hated each other.

"That won't work, you know, goblins are too weak, what else can they do without the help of powerful dwarves? Tony, please forgive me, I will let Charlie prepare the best for you Spirits." Joey couldn't let these two complementary races fall out, and he flattered the dwarves sincerely, and sure enough, the faces of the two dwarves improved a lot. The welfare, also happily promised that "if the poor goblins are sensible, the great dwarves don't mind helping them once in a while."

Then Joey checked the results of the dwarves.The weapons and armor needed in the movie are what they call "fancy but useless flower shelves". All of these things are shiny and very beautiful, but if someone with a brain really uses them to fight, the consequences will be absolutely disastrous.They use very little metal, and they are all cheap, so the cost is low. In the hands of the two dwarf masters, they were completed quite quickly, which made them complain a lot and feel very unfulfilling.

But now the things the dwarves forge are real weapons.Half of them are two-handed epees and military standard shields that local soldiers are accustomed to using, and the other half are drawings by Joey, Tang swords from different worlds, Damascus scimitars, Swiss army knives, three-edged army thorns, and imitation cultivation world spirits. A long sword, a sun-shooting bow, and a soul-absorbing bell.

Sooner or later, Joey will build his own armed forces. Of course, these things must be prepared in advance, and they can be distributed as standard weapons and meritorious service rewards in the future.

From the dwarves, he went to the goblins.All the tools that are handed over to the goblins require movable joints, such as camera frames, camera cars and sliding tracks, wire equipment, and some small objects.The goblins handed over the dwarves to make the parts, and then brought them back to their place to assemble them.In recent years, due to the low status of goblins, "national self-esteem" has fallen to the lowest point, and many goblins who can't get along can only be thieves, and there are almost no serious jobs that need them. The goblins are all very motivated, and they are also the most loyal to Joey, the new master.

Joey tried one by one, and the goblins also carefully lubricated the joints. The strong and strong parts are very reliable, and the flexible and agile parts are free to move, which is better than what he used in Hollywood before. The high-cost equipment is easy to use, and the satisfaction exceeds expectations.Joey didn't hesitate to praise, and praised these goblins very much.His compliments were on point, with substance and sincerity, definitely scratching the itch of the goblins, and took out a few silver coins to distribute, both material rewards and spiritual rewards, which made a few goblins cry Bark, all gave birth to the lofty sentiments of 'scholars die for their confidants'!

If a few handsome men and beauties make such a tender and affectionate gesture of wanting to give each other their body, it can also make people feel a little vain and complacent. The goblins are like close relatives of mice, and their height is only up to Joey's waist. Dirty and wretched, such a posture is too eye-catching, Joey finally couldn't bear it, and soon the soles of his feet were oiled.

Finally, I went to the hall where the first group tried on clothes.The elves are still here. This is a very proud race. It is also the longest-lived and most beautiful race on this continent. Because of such a god-given talent, the elves who are alone will attract a large number of slave-hunting teams. hands, their end is usually very miserable.This also led to the elves' extreme hatred of humans. Although Joey was very kind, the attitude of the two elves towards him was not much better. Joey didn't want to rush to provoke them.

Now that the fitting has come to an end, the hall is full of women wearing various ball gowns, chattering happily, as if a luxurious ball is about to be held.

The beautiful clothes and makeup are all decent, but Joey frowns greatly.

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