Among the three, only the younger brother who didn't know anything was still foolishly excited, waiting for his older brother to introduce this 'genius and knowledgeable' alchemist to him.To be honest, as a maniac about cleanliness, he must also be a purebred face controler. He thought he would meet a traditional alchemist with a slovenly appearance, but it turned out to be such a pleasant surprise. The other party not only has clean and white skin/ Xi, the clothes are neat and beautiful, even the appearance is the one he admires the most, like a porcelain doll, with black hair and black eyes, the contrast is sharp and beautiful!

As an alchemist with status and accent, he must not lose his position in front of such a 'strong enemy'. Ibel maintained his reserve, and did not rashly take the initiative to say hello, but stuck out his little finger covertly. He poked the dumb brother next to him, indicating that he should come out.

I didn't know that today's Iber was extremely slow, he had to poke five or six times before he came to his senses, he didn't have the usual cleverness at all, and Iber kept the best curve of the corners of his mouth, it took too long, and he was going to freeze in the end up!

Ibel took a long breath, holding his ignorant brother with a dull face, walked a few steps in Joey's direction, stood a meter away, and introduced both sides dryly, "Joe, this is My brother, Ymir. Ymir, this is the Jo I told you about."

Joey, who was extremely guilty, stretched out his right hand like lightning, and shook hands with Ymir, who had no intention of doing so, and said repeatedly, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Ymir, you can also call me Joe, it's nice to see you You, hehehehe, I've never heard Ibel mention you, you really look alike, hehehehe..."

If you listen carefully, there is even a slight vibrato in such a series of nervous greetings.

As a qualified technology geek, Ymir's scores in interpersonal communication have always been negative. He didn't notice anything wrong with Joey at all. A talented alchemist has reason to be qualified to make any weird behaviors, so instead of thinking that Joey was being rude, Ymir suddenly felt a little kinder, which is a unique privilege for people of his kind.

Of course, before and after the event, Ymir still observed Joey's hands very keenly. To his satisfaction, the other party was also a clean and tidy 'alternative' alchemist, with long and beautiful fingers and neatly trimmed nails. The light-white jade hands are pink/tender, just like the petals of the early morning budding. It is soft and hard to hold in the hand, and it is dry and sweatless. His cleanliness has not been hurt, so it is rare that he has not touched anything. Just took out a small handkerchief, wiped it clean and threw it away, so as to cause the bad consequences of two people becoming enemies just after meeting.

After shaking hands, Ymir said reservedly: "Actually, I am also an alchemist. This time I heard from my brother that you made a genius alchemy item that can be photographed. I am very interested, so I took the liberty to follow my brother to visit and study. For a moment, I hope you won't be offended."

Joey smiled enthusiastically: "No wonder, no wonder, we are still neighbors, I didn't expect there to be an alchemist at such a close distance, you can watch whatever you want, but we are going to shoot in a while, maybe by then I can't greet you, so don't see outsiders, just look around here."

It's rare for Ymir to meet an alchemist who likes his appetite, and he couldn't help but increase his communication. After saying hello, in the following chat, many professional terms began to pop out without money, which made Joey, who actually didn't understand shit His head grew bigger quickly, and he hummed a few words with his own wit, then quickly took out the crystal ball for photography and showed it to Ymir, hoping to stop the curious baby's mouth.

Ymir took the crystal ball and observed it over and over for a long time, murmuring words. After a long while, he returned the crystal ball to Joey in a daze, and said with a bit of shame: "Your work is really amazing. It is unfathomable, and I can't even see its principle at all."

He has never said such a weak word in his life. It is really such a huge blow to him. Naturally, Ymir will not arrogantly think that he is the most powerful alchemist. There are still many things he cannot do. He has never even heard of it, but no matter how complicated the craftsmanship is, he can understand the general principle after a few careful glances. Even if he still can't make it, he won't be as clueless as he is now.

But this damned crystal ball, as long as he can't touch it at all, it's just an ordinary crystal ball no matter how you look at it!Ordinary size, ordinary transparency, if he mixes it in a bunch of ordinary crystal balls and messes it up, he's not even sure if he can pick it out!But ordinary crystal balls only have the function of divination. Some people with unique bloodlines can be used to predict bad luck and divination the future. , Zoom out and play it!

Ymir was indescribably depressed, and it was almost dark.

Joey didn't know that the things he plagiarized had already hit Ymir completely. In fact, he was already sweating on his forehead after being pressed by Ymir. Every time I face the pain of the exam, there is nothing in my stomach, but I still have to squeeze it out. The squeezed person is in pain, so I wonder if I can just admit it and tell me honestly, 'I'm sorry, I really don't understand anything. Ah' please let it go.

He wanted to use filming as an excuse to escape, but the actors were not in place yet, and they were all changing their clothes and putting on make-up, so he could only be staggered by Ymir. Difficult problems—the problem is that Joey doesn't understand any of those things!But how can he say that he doesn't understand? Even high-end and foreign-style things like video crystal balls have been sorted out by him. Isn't it a joke that he can't understand those "little problems"?Or is he just looking down on Ymir, and he is so self-conscious that he doesn't intend to communicate?

Joey burst into tears in his heart.

Fortunately, he was still a bit quick-witted. After pondering for a while, he simply picked up the crystal ball again and flicked to the knowledge-hungry Ymir to his heart's content.

That's right, he doesn't understand alchemy or anything like that, but at least he has received higher education, so he can understand some basic camera principles, so he doesn't have to worry about the details. Ymir will make up for those things for him, and he is only responsible High-level theory is fine.

So from the principle of optical imaging to the principle of capturing pictures by the human eye, and then extending to the principle of photoelectric conversion-there is no such thing as electricity in the magical world, but in fact, to put it bluntly, electricity is a kind of energy. It can be replaced——He naturally said it in general terms, optical imaging because he did many experiments in high school, but he gave a few simple and concise examples, and then mentioned the signal, including the mysterious and mysterious wave bands under the existing conditions And Hertz, and then mentioned the magnetic field issue, using the language of this world to explain these things in a cloudy, unpredictable way, in short, how to pretend to do it, in half an hour, successfully fooled the proud Ymir Treat him as a senior expert.

Originally, Joey's flickering was purely to deal with the curious baby, stop asking questions, and expose his painted skin, but in the end, not only Ymir looked up to him, but Joey also had a great feeling for Ymir. admiration.

This is a real alchemy genius, and his comprehension is really amazing.Joey is just a half-baked student of directing, and his grasp of the principles of scientific research is only at the high school level, which is very limited. He himself has only a half-knowledge of many concepts. I visited some of the clips I heard and saw in the editing rooms of major studios—the so-called technical industry has specialization, and he only needs to know how to use those machines. involves.

Therefore, those concepts that Joey fooled Ymir really only serve as an inspiration in the general direction, and the actual help is basically not much.But the reason why geniuses are geniuses is that as long as they are provided with an idea to clear away the fog for those who are fascinated by the authorities, they can sensitively grasp this inspiration and make earth-shattering feats.

Ymir was really enlightened.

So he looked at Joey with more humility, Ymir thought, this is really a knowledgeable and selfless person!These assumptions are unprecedented. I really don’t know how he thought of them at such a young age, but since he had such great achievements, he never thought of hiding his secrets. Whenever he asked questions, he answered them one by one. He even took the initiative to mention things that he couldn't think of. This kind of open-minded and enlightened attitude really makes people have to admire...

In vain, he has always regarded himself as a genius in alchemy, but now he knows that there are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky.

Joey was short-spirited because of his big flicker, how could he know that this little bit leaked out, in an environment where everyone treasures their brooms, it has become very precious, so Ymir sent him countless good person cards, if not Seeing that he is too young for him, Ymir might just become a teacher directly.

Ibel stood contemplating not far away. When he came back to his senses, he saw his silly younger brother following behind Joey. He was usually arrogant and arrogant, but now he lowered his head and listened piously and seriously. Nodding his head, he looked at Joey with eyes full of water, and the goodwill in him was almost overflowing, and he couldn't help but secretly took a deep breath with toothache.

After Joey bit the bullet and poured out all the small stocks in his belly to Ymir, he was finally pleasantly surprised to find that all departments on the set were ready, and he was looking forward to a great savior!He couldn't help but took a deep breath with tears in his eyes, restrained his excitement and explained a few words to the research madman Ymir, and then walked away quickly. From Mir's point of view, he walked lightly, and his socks were dusty, so unrestrained and infinite.

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