"Daniel, how's the situation?" In a small box in the tavern, a man in a black robe saw that the person he was waiting for had arrived, put down his glass and asked.

"Oh, don't mention it, I missed it again." The blond-haired, blue-eyed, very handsome young man was sitting down at this moment, complaining with a sullen expression, "I can't catch him alone. !According to the investigation, this guy named Joey is also a great magician who has won the badge. Is he planning to go against the sky at such a young age? According to the spies of the Magic Guild, at least in the past 500 years, this is the youngest big magician recorded by the guild. The magician record holder, and even alarmed those elders who usually don't care about anything, those old guys secretly attach great importance to this Joey."

The black-robed man mused, "I never thought he was a registered great magician. Where did such a character come from? Why was there no news about it in the past ten years?"

The guy named Daniel has been busy for a long time, and he is very hungry at the moment, grabbed a piece of roasted garlic bread that is crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, and ate it, and then spoke very skillfully in the gap between swallowing, " Well, who knows, it is said that he followed a reclusive teacher or something, well, anyway, there is no way, now this kid has the support of the king and the Magic Association, it is impossible to force him, to find a time for him to be alone, And be careful not to make a big noise, oh, boss, why go to such great lengths to arrest people, as long as you get that machine?"

The man in black couldn't understand him like this very much, "Eat when you eat, talk when you talk, talk about what it looks like while eating!"

Daniel rolled his eyes, "Boss, it's not important, okay! For the sake of my whole day's work, I'm starving to death and I don't care about it... It's important to get down to business!"

The man in black pulled out a magic wand from his arms, and hit Daniel on the head with the tip of the wand inlaid with the big magic crystal of the baby's fist.

Daniel dared to be angry but did not dare to speak.

The man in black: "Anyway, we can't just let that Joey stand up for the kingship. The influence of the church is getting worse and worse. This is how the advantages are slowly worn away. We still have to do a few preparations now. Well, of course it is to find a chance to catch the man alive and get the machine at the same time. The second is to see if the machine can be obtained, and if he can, kill that Joey immediately. The machines are all destroyed, and what the church can’t get, everyone simply can’t get it.”

Daniel opened his mouth wide open stupidly, "Ah! Boss, you are really like the big villains in those novels who will die in the end!"

"If you read those third-rate novels in the future, you will be dispatched to Nicaragua! You will live with those shriveled desert lizards for the rest of your life!" The black-robed man simply threw Daniel out of the door with a magic spell, making it impossible to see.

You idiot, light is always accompanied by darkness, how can you develop the church with kindness? !

The man in black also stood up, his figure had a sense of illusion while walking, as if there were layers of light and shadow, in a dimly lit place, if you don't pay attention carefully, no one can even see that there is a person there, Obviously, this man in black robe has a deep knowledge in light magic.

In the entire continent, there are no more than five people who have seen his true face.Anthony Ray Gilbert, one of the most powerful persons in the Light Church of the Kingdom of Naga, the deacon of the Inquisition that can stop children from crying at night, during his reign, the Inquisition used iron-blooded and tough methods to establish an extremely strong position in the entire Naga Kingdom. heavy authority.


There are many professional guilds in this world, big and small, the most powerful ones include the Mage Guild, the Mercenary Guild, followed by the Alchemist Guild, national business associations, and next, some small regional guilds. .Because being in a group is powerful, it is not easy to suffer when dealing with things, and it is also conducive to improving the status of professionals. Secondly, guild members can also strengthen communication within the guild members and make progress in exchanges and so on. Therefore, many people in mainland China will join at least one guild.

It stands to reason that alchemists are not only not bad in strength, but compared with magicians and mercenaries, their ability to make money is absolutely superior, but compared with the former two, the strength of the alchemist guild can only be regarded as second-rate. The reason is that all Most of the alchemists are deep technical geeks who don’t necessarily go out once every half a year. They are withdrawn and do not fit in with others. Most of them hide in the deep mountains and old forests to do their own research. Many people may even call other guild members by name when they meet other guild members. If you don't come up, the cohesion of the entire guild will be very loose, and the influence will naturally be greatly reduced.

This can be seen from the popularity of each branch. The magician's union and the mercenary union are very popular all year round, and there is a constant stream of people coming and going. Looking at the alchemist's guild, it is called a deserted, big cat and small There are two or three cats, and they come and go in a hurry. These technical nerds who often stay alone, I don’t know if they have practiced for a long time. There seems to be another strange magnetic field between the same kind. They don’t need to speak. One pair, one point of the finger, the other party will understand what it means, and then it is time to trade, communicate, say goodbye, and the matter will be done in a matter of minutes, and the guild will immediately return to its empty state.

Compared with the prosperity of others, it is really desolate no matter how you look at it.

In refill, of course.

However, the strange thing is that, as agreed, on this day, a large group of pale and slovenly alchemists suddenly appeared, all of them wearing big black cloaks that covered their heads and tails, gathered like big rats coming out of a hole The Alchemist Guild, maybe since the day it was established, this guild has never experienced such a lively day. Even many onlookers who didn't know the truth were shocked. At this time, some enthusiastic insiders gave them science popularization—

"S-rank bounty mission..."

"One hundred thousand gold coins, these grandchildren! The pile is like a hill..."

"I don't know if that boy in our family has the talent in this area. If you work hard, you might be able to get a teacher to follow him. If you succeed in learning, it will be too easy to get money!"

Soon, even the marginalized people in the slums knew what happened.

As the eye of the typhoon, although Joey's life is still calm, of course he can clearly feel the turbulence around him.

Because the filming has been in full swing, there are more than 200 actors and staff, and more than 100 of them are quite good mercenaries. It is basically impossible for anyone in the inner city to directly conflict with them.All his valuable equipment, props, etc. will be put into his carry-on bag after the shooting, and there is no worry about being stolen, so even if the situation looks a bit wrong, Joey can still continue shooting calmly.

In the past few days, he has been sensitively aware of some well-hidden prying eyes. Although he doesn't know exactly who is planning to attack him, the general range is easy to guess.No matter what world they are in, those in power at the top of the food chain are unlikely to be fools. Maybe they still can't accurately understand the horror of the "information war". You can know the huge benefits that can be expected, and the owner is still a child with no power and no power—what if he is a great magician?

In a situation like this, there will always be someone who wants a piece of the pie.

And Joey has not yet resisted these forces, he can only use his strength to fight, make a plan and then move.

The thread of the king cannot be broken, and he must be served. If he can be coaxed to his satisfaction, you must know that when the new nobles are granted fiefdoms, some knights will be assigned to the incoming lord as appropriate. In this world , The knight system is still very standardized. This is a group of very special people who have been thoroughly brainwashed by the idea of ​​​​loyalty to the emperor. Some are selected through layers of selection, so they are the entry level for poor children, and some are hereditary from the family. All are lost.

The "loyalty" mentioned here does not simply refer to the king, but a general term for "master". The private knight guards, of course, are loyal to that lord.In every territory, there will be legal private soldiers with tolerance and a good relationship with Edward II. If he is not sure, he will wave his hand and give him a small squadron of knights. You don’t need to train yourself. Coming up is a vote of realistic force.Secondly, he expanded the legal scope a bit, so that in the future, he would not have to secretly raise private soldiers, and it would also save a lot of trouble that might arise.

At the same time, Ibell's mercenary group should also become his own personal armed force by then, so he must supervise them to practice well in addition to filming, so as to maintain peak combat power and save them from having to fight when the time comes. All of them became soft-legged shrimps.

But the most important thing is self-cultivation.

In the first life of Joey, as the youngest of the top wealthy family, there are bright and dark bodyguards around him. He went abroad early, and he is usually very low-key, so he is talking about flowers in the greenhouse, and he has never really faced danger. .

In the second life, although they have been struggling on the death line, and finally became the taboo of others, those guys who cultivate immortals are not as free as those who cultivate demons. Dirty, and the flowers on the surface have to be disguised. Joey has become a reserve for others. He is really like Miss Jiao who is raised in a deep boudoir. He wanted to run away, but he couldn't get nervous.

Until now, in the face of the rainy atmosphere, Joey has brought up all his energy, and he is no longer lazy at the beginning. Except for the exhausting planning of brain cells, he doesn't even sleep at night. Tianming, every now and then, would do a lot of double cultivation, and then start looking for ways to practice attack spells from all kinds of infamous jade slips that he had stolen.

The same time travel, perhaps the biggest difference between this life and the previous life is that not only will he soon have a career worth fighting for, but he will also have a pair of lovers who become more and more reluctant to part with each other.

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