Joey and his party stopped in Uliza for a few days, and briefly adjusted the team. During the period, they taught a group of truly brutal natives and took in another group of forgivable ones, including some special races, such as goblins, Dwarves, and a tribe of hill giants.Then there were twists and turns along the way, and there were always bold people who wanted to play dirty tricks, thinking of eating their big fat sheep, but unfortunately, the goddess of luck was not on their side, and they were all cleaned up one by one. , the only luck is that Joey is not a person who kills indiscriminately, most of them are let go, and only some real villains are destroyed humanely.

They arrived at the fief smoothly.

Joey carefully inspected his fiefdom. It is very close to the Lanka Death Swamp. There is a vast area of ​​wasteland and a hill made of stones. Farther away, there are several very high elevations. There is snow on the top of the mountain, which does not melt all year round. A seasonal river originates from it, and flows eastward through the Lanka Death Swamp into the sea.As for the reason for the formation of the Lanka Death Swamp, Joey judged that it is likely to be geology, coupled with the climate, the alternation of cold and summer, there is frozen soil in winter, and it becomes a biologically forbidden swamp in summer, where many swamp creatures live, which is very scary.

But the good news is that Joey discovered an inland salt lake with a large area. The salt lake is surrounded by saline-alkali land where almost no grass grows. Obviously, the local people do not know the real value of this place. The salt on the mainland is still in the collection of natural salt mines. Degree.The use value of the salt lake is very high, Joey will not let it go, and the saline-alkali land is not impossible to transform, magic means, cultivation means, plus a little bit of scientific knowledge, and planting suitable plants, they can barely achieve food. Self-sufficient, with the increase of population in the future, there is no crisis because of food, which has to be said to be a miracle.

Generally speaking, they are not here to farm.Cast houses with stone and adobe, and plan a huge city that is both beautiful and practical.Although Joey is not a professional, but he has a lot of whimsical ideas, a large number of practical talents who follow him crazy, and Ibel Imir assisted, all aspects were considered at the beginning, even the sewer System, the hill giant provided coolies, the dwarves made tools, and Ymir led the goblins to design a variety of practical tools. He thoroughly understood the knowledge of physics, chemistry, biology, and alchemy and magic that Joey passed on to him. In Doraemon, it was precisely because of Ymir's support that Joey was able to let go. It took three years to build a legendary city.

And in the past three years, more and more people have been continuously attracted. The northwest border of the Naga Kingdom, with Fort Easten as the center, has become a radiation area. of giants.

There are many functional areas in the city, and according to the terrain, there are also huge magic system playgrounds, theme parks, and even an arena that looks like a Roman arena. As long as you walk into this city, you will be stunned. And it is easy to see Joey's great ambition.However, everyone tacitly kept their mouths shut, so that three years allowed them to make a smooth transition.

And during the same three years, Joey was not idle, he was only responsible for providing a blueprint, a rough outline, and then he became a shopkeeper, devoting himself wholeheartedly to his favorite movie business On the Internet, ten films were made successively, all of which were distributed in the Kingdom of Naga by King Edward II. And the whole country is known, and with the popularity of the movie in the whole continent, it becomes known all over the world.

The themes he chooses are no longer superficial noble and Cinderella-style love stories, but Amway’s own ideas—at the beginning, they are more cautious, and they are all about the future imagination of "technical development", such as "The Age of Magic". "is to describe how magic can make people's lives better, and "Alchemy Frenzy" is to describe the dream castle of alchemists - all kinds of magical alchemy items inside, as well as very logical research and development concepts, finally attracted many alchemists The magician defected to Eastenburg, which also made the real alchemy frenzy even more turbulent.

Then slowly, his films began to try to establish some heroes, such as "Liberty Leading the People" and "True Knights". Through the mouths of these heroes, they can influence people's views and explain what kind of talent is the best. Lovely, the greatest, the most admirable, and then the good qualities of these heroes will radiate like the plague and become a quality that everyone emulates.

Then there is a movie that reflects the harmony and harmony of multiple races, called "Complete Jigsaw", which mainly expresses that there are so many intelligent creatures on a continent. Why not seek a complementary ecosystem?

Then, I started to go deeper and carefully put forward some of my own political ideas. For example, "Halles Public School" talked about how powerful the guiding role of education is. Through education, ignorant children can be refreshed and become more good person.For example, "Rejuvenating the Country through Industry" tells the history of the protagonist's family fortune, and infers how the entire country can become stronger. He even made an imaginative movie about transportation called "Heavenly Road", which directly reflects the desire to become rich The bad street theory of building roads first.

By the end of the third year, because the strength accumulation period was almost complete, and through the double cultivation, the strength of the three of Joey was already very strong, and they were no longer afraid of being hurt by external forces, so Joey became more daring and took a shot. I used the first "Kingdom of Heaven" to explain the state form I imagined, including the national system, the relationship between the ruling class and the ruled class, etc., which is enough to anger the aristocratic class. It can start a prairie fire, which can be directly regarded as the clarion call of the uprising.He seemed to think that it was not enough to just offend the nobles, and a piece of "The Kingdom of God Collapsed" poked the church's painful feet everywhere, turning death into an art.

In the same three years, movies are no longer Joey's own patent. The video recorder and technology he left behind have produced many works by several nobles, including the king, and the church, but they are no longer geniuses. After all, they are all beginners, and they are still struggling to pay tuition fees. Although the film market needs film sources, although their films are not worrying about people watching, it depends on the relationship between quality and subject matter, popularity and popularity. Much worse than Joey's movie.

After all, Joey stayed away from their circle, and kingship and theocracy were natural enemies after all. Joey grew stronger when they ignored them, but the two sides fought more and more fiercely, promoting themselves and slandering each other, but ignoring the wisdom of the people. Well, I don’t know how many teenagers went to Eastenburg for pilgrimage and study together. The people are no longer ignorant, and their living space has become smaller.

Joey set up a comprehensive school in Eastenburg, which is called Harrahs School. It is divided into countless disciplines and has recruited countless talents. It teaches various knowledge such as magic, alchemy, martial arts, and life skills. While pursuing strength, it also increases For the sake of practicality, there are even foreign students who come from thousands of miles to study, bringing a large number of talents to Eastenburg.

At the very beginning, Anthony, the head of the church's referee, paid close attention to Joey and secretly made a lot of troubles, but they were resolved one by one. Because of boredom, Anthony spent a lot of time observing Joey and the city that Joey was gradually forming. , the more he looked at it, the more shocked he was. He was originally a savage hero, and he was not rigid in his beliefs. So he became more and more resident in Fort Easten, and observing Joey has become his greatest hobby. Later, he even began to change his position, no longer troubled Joey, but started to help him.

Anthony's 'betrayal' gave Joey a high-level Infernal Affairs, and he became more comfortable grasping the imperial capital. Of course, Anthony, a man who is actually very good-looking, also made Ibel Ymir jealous, adding a lot Twists and turns, Anthony is also a bad taste, the more guarded he is, the more he will deliberately provoke him. After Ibel's force value skyrocketed, he finally didn't dare to jump around anymore and stopped.

Because of shooting sensitive political subjects, the nobles and churches who were constantly weakened finally couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to find trouble with Joey, but it was obviously too late, and Joey was already full-fledged and no longer threatened.But the war can be avoided or avoided. Through methods such as seamless, win-win, and individual defeats, after a small-scale fight in the end, a peaceful evolution was achieved. First, slavery was abolished, and then the government became a constitutional monarchy, and the church became a Purely religious groups, the privileges of nobles have also been restricted, and the living conditions of the people at the bottom have finally begun to improve.

This kind of change is the tide of the times, irresistible and irreversible. The Kingdom of Naga first completed this transformation, and then began to spread like the surrounding countries. Successively, the Kingdom of Zhuobai, the Kingdom of Nisya, the Kingdom of Emperor Simon, and the Kingdom of Elantra , the Pope's Kingdom, and even the Elf Kingdom have all been affected. After decades of alienation, the mainland has finally turned into a better look.

What promotes this is the schools that have sprung up everywhere, and the various advanced technologies and alchemy items that have been handed down from Fort Easten have greatly reduced various costs, such as road construction, house building, planting, etc. And so on, among them, the interests gave birth to a large number of rich people, and then these clever pioneers further promoted the spread of new products. Interests are always the best motivation. Schools open up people's wisdom, traffic increases exchanges, and the mainland has gradually changed like this.

Because of the enlightened concept of race, Eastenburg has become a holy place for all mankind, while other races, including existing giants, dwarves, goblins, elves, as well as unprecedented mermaids, dark elves, orcs, and even Dragons can be found in Fort Easten. They have added a lot of material to Joey's movie career, and these races have become more well-known because of their participation in Joey's movies, and several of them have even become household names. Hu Xiao's star is second only to Ibel in popularity, which has further promoted the understanding, mutual trust and friendship among various races.

It was precisely because of the abolition of slavery and the rescue of many elves in distress that ten years later, the elves kingdom finally sent envoys to Fort Easten and started contact with Joey.Joey had originally asked the Elf King, but he also knew the importance of the spring of life to the elves. He was worried that he would be rejected, so he didn't make the request hastily. Instead, he held back and looked for the right time.

Because there are a lot of talents, more sparks are created, with Eastenburg as the core, the technological development of the mainland—that is, the development of magic alchemy has entered an unprecedented leap period. Five years later, television was developed, As long as enough signal towers and TV stations are built, TV can enter thousands of households.Ten years later, the telephone appeared. Fifteen years later, mobile phones were also developed. Twenty years later, the Internet has taken shape. Although the computer is still very large, it is believed that it will be familyized soon, and people will be more closely connected in the future.

Joey's film career is also booming. He has set up the most authoritative film festival and various film awards. By analogy, after the emergence of television, there are also awards for TV dramas and songs. Eastenburg has indeed become A world-renowned entertainment capital.

And just 20 years later, Joey finally waited for a chance to be kind to the Elf King—the mother elf tree was polluted, which is not serious, but it will definitely affect the new generation of elves in the long run, and the mother elf tree cannot heal itself , the elf king is also at a loss. At this time, Joey has entered the golden core stage through double cultivation. He is a water and wood dual spiritual root. Finally, when he raised the need for the spring of life, he succeeded in getting it. The physical problems of Ibel and Ymir were solved, and the hidden danger of the half-elf was finally eliminated.

Or what surprised the three of them even more is that they also received another kind of extra reward——

On the elf mother tree, there are newborns synthesized from their blood essence. This is the greatest gift of the elves to foreign races. In the past, no foreign race has been able to obtain such an honor, because it will consume the source of the elf mother tree. Although it is not much, but But enough to make the elves heartache.

After 30 years of gestation, growing from the size of a bean to the size of a baby, the two little babies carved in powder and jade finally came to fruition. At this time, Joey has been on this continent for nearly 60 years, and finally ushered in his own flesh and blood. On the premise that I don't think I can have children...

They named the two babies respectively, one named Veljodis and the other named Hatiwell, which means the glory of peace and the glory of joy.

They live happily with their lovely baby, and this wild continent will surely become more and more beautiful.


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