Devil two hundred and five

Chapter 1 The Awakening of the Demon King Day 1

At the northern foot of the Apollyon Mountains, on the strip-shaped Nelson Plain, Sarn, the Pearl City, enjoys eternal glory as always.Standing on the spire of the Temple of Light, I can easily see the endless fields stretching as far as the eye can see, the Saul River flowing around the city charmingly like a ribbon, and at the end of the horizon, the dense shadow of the mountain like a sword is looming——Exile Group Mountain, there is the territory of monsters.

On this continent, there are legends of the Demon King.According to legend, the devil is an evil person trying to rule the world, and the reason why the headquarters of the Temple of Light is located in the city of Sarn is precisely to become a rock against the evil minions of the devil.

Yes, the 250th Demon King is about to wake up.

Darkness will cover the land.

And the brave man will lead his six companions to reseal the devil and save the world.

The Lord of the Brave this time is a man named Minato Hein.According to the rumors, he is a gentle, kind, and powerful man, who cannot be faulted in any way. He is a perfect person, and because of his outstanding appearance, he is hailed as a shining light.

I let out a long sigh of relief. For nearly three months, I have been plagued by unreasonable dreams—repeatedly dreaming of being killed by someone is really not a pleasant thing.But I understand everything now, so when a black crow landed on the railing in front of me and turned into a man in black, I was not surprised at all.

He kowtowed to me respectfully: "Your Majesty... welcome back to your supreme throne."

...This is the 249th time I have heard this line.

Why has the Black Feather family never thought of creating something new?

"I see." Of course, I still gave him the due treatment for the number one lackey under my command, "Unlock the seal and return to the throne, you wait for a while, I still have something to do."

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty?" The crow man opened his mouth wide in surprise. Compared with his father, his father's father, his father's father's father... in short, his ancestors for 249 generations are much worse.

"Where are you going, Your Majesty? Walking around in the Temple of very dangerous." The crow man turned around and left when he saw me, and followed me in a panic.This was probably the first time he entered the enemy's area, and he couldn't help but look around.Statues of saints and angels, standing or sitting, gazed at us solemnly.

Along the scarlet, wide carpet trimmed with silver all the way, the sound of walking guards on patrol gradually faded away.I soon arrived at the destination, which was a room with the sword and the sun painted on the door, and the cursive characters on the door plate showed the owner of the room:

Minato Hein.

The strongest warrior in the world.

The crow man's face turned blue.

I ignored him and knocked on the door.

Soon a gentle voice sounded from inside the door: "Excuse me, which brother who is bathed in the light of the God of Light is looking for me in a hurry?"

"Ami, it's me." I replied.

The door opened, and the strongest brave man in this world, Bright Light Minato Hein poked his head out to look at me. He had blond hair like sunshine and eyes deeper than the sea. my heart.The brave man raised his eyebrows and stared at me with dead fish eyes: "Do you know what time it is?"

"Three o'clock in the morning." I answered honestly.

" know how hard it is for me to squeeze in a little sleep?"

"I know." There is no harassment from kings and nobles, no harassment from princesses and ladies, no harassment from all kinds of people who are in dire straits and need to be rescued, and there is no harassment from me... Oh, no, I still came to harass him.

Minato's face darkened: "How many times have I told you that you are not allowed to be jealous in public so that I can't get off the stage, you are not allowed to harass me when I sleep, hug and kiss, and you are not allowed Others pester you behind your back and get black knifed, because no matter whether you show your feet or not, I am the one who will clean up the mess and perform healing in the end."

"—Tell me, apart from not disclosing the fact that the brave man has a secret lover, which one did you do?"

Huh?I was taken aback: "Huh? My relationship with you is no longer a secret."

How strange, how could Minato have such an illusion-how could I safely put him among a group of handsome men and beautiful women?Those that can be eradicated should be eradicated as soon as possible, and those that cannot be eradicated should naturally be known to them. My corners cannot be chiseled.

Minato froze: "Who is there?"

...Uh, well...I counted with my fingers: "Your six companions, His Majesty the King, Captain of the White Dragon Team... that's about it?"

In fact, the number can't be so small, but that's all I can think of, and the rest must be some unremarkable kittens and puppies.

Always merciful, never resenting others, the always gentle and gentle Lord Brave, gritted his teeth and said: "...Why don't you die! So many people know that I am gay, I said no wonder so many people Look at me saying that before defeating the devil, Minato would show a strange expression when he would not consider his personal affairs... Are you harassing me so late to inform me that I will definitely not be able to sleep for the remaining three hours? ?”

"Of course not." I finally remembered the business, and said to Minato seriously, "You don't have to worry about the devil's delay in showing up anymore. Because I am the devil."

Minato looked at me with a cold face, and didn't even change his heartbeat.

"Hey, at least give me a reaction, I'm the scariest big devil in the world!"

Minato finally gave me a contemptuous look: "Although I know that you are trying to tell a joke to make me happy, but now my mind is full of shit, and I can't be happy at all!"

"I, I'm not telling a joke." I'm really the devil!

This time, Minato didn't even bother to look at him, and slammed the door, which almost broke the bridge of my nose: "I have to calm down, how can I classify this matter as your nonsense...serious warning, don't let me go!" If you do such a stupid thing, you won't be able to climb into my bed again this month!"

...Ah, oh, oh, Amy, I was wrong!

Not being able to have sex with you is simply the greatest torture in the world, please forgive me!

...Wait, I seem to have overlooked an important point.

Awww Amy, I am really the devil king!

How can you not believe my words!

Two extremely painful things happened at the same time, I had to hold my chest in pain, my sadness flowed like a river, and I continued to knock on the door: "Ami, you really have to believe me, I am the devil, I will The demon king who conquered the world, the only one in the whole world..."

"That...Your Majesty?" The crow man cautiously floated out of the shadow of the carved pillars. The Black Feather family has made a contract with the Demon King for generations. The ability to hide perfectly in the shadows is one of them.The crow man leaned in front of me and suggested, "Maybe, Your Excellency the Brave just thinks that His Majesty's image is different from the legendary Demon King, that's why..."

Although the crow man is making suggestions, this is only one of the accusations that the contract must be fulfilled.In fact, judging from his expression, he didn't seem to have reacted to the shocking fact just now.

Although he didn't finish his sentence, I still understood what he meant.

According to the rumors, the great demon king who does all kinds of evil is a existence with black hair and blood pupils, a ferocious smile, and a cough (unmistakable) for children.And now, my image is...

I blew away the sea-blue hair hanging in front of my eyes, that's right, how could this image of Ami believe that I am the legendary Great Demon King!

"Let's go, let's change our image... to break the seal!"

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