Devil two hundred and five

Chapter 14 Princess Escape Day 5

...Is there something wrong with teleportation magic?

Minato sighed. Fortunately, he just fell from a height of [-] meters. For the brave, it is still a height that can be easily handled, but he doesn't know what happened to Pink himself.

The devil should be a creature with wings, right?

How can I put it this way, it won't happen because I stupidly forgot to grow wings, so I fell from the sky... Sigh, with Pink's IQ, the possibility of such a thing is really very high.

Minato found helplessly that after just a few minutes of separation, he couldn't help but worry about Pink.Alas... Ever since I met that guy, it seems that he can't get rid of the fate of nanny.

Putting down the messy thoughts in his mind for the time being, Minato jumped down from the tall tree. After all, he had worked as a mercenary and knew a little about the geography of various countries.Judging from the terrain, this place should be on the edge of the Bauhinia Empire and Crewe, the Nile Mountains.

Minato found the corresponding map from his memory, chose a direction, and walked forward.At this time, he suddenly heard the sound of feet stepping on leaves—who?

Minato looked towards the sound, and saw a white shadow flashing between the shadows of the trees.Minato frowned subconsciously, that kind of mobility didn't look like a humanoid creature.A bit like a horse, a bit like a deer.

No, back!

Minato pulled out the sword of the holy angel, aiming at the uninvited guest behind him.Unsurprisingly, it should be the one in the woods just now——Warcraft?Has the dark power of this world spread here?

The creature stopped within a few centimeters of the Holy Angel's sword.Minato finally saw its whole appearance, it was a creature like a horse, but its fur was much longer than that of a horse, there was not a single stray hair, each one was crystal clear and white.On top of its big watery blue eyes, and in the center of its forehead, there is a long cone-shaped horn.

It looked at Minato gently, without any hostility in its eyes.

... a unicorn?

For this pure creature, Minato had only heard of it in rumors.Not long ago, Nini said that she found one, but there was too little time to catch it.

However, I should be just a coincidence, after all, Minato is neither a girl nor a virgin, and it has nothing to do with purity - according to legend, a unicorn will only let a pure and flawless girl ride it.However, it is not a bloodthirsty monster, and there is no need to guard against it.

Minato put away the sword in his hand.The unicorn watched quietly, and then rubbed its head against Minato's arm. Minato was startled by its movement, and he was a little bit astonished. Try gently stroking the unicorn's head with your hand.

The unicorn gently licked Minato's arm with its squishy tongue.

"Are you asking me to sit on it?" Minato tried to ask, and the unicorn nodded. Afterwards, Minato continued to ask, "...Is there a place you want me to go?"

Minato received an affirmative answer.He finally understood that it might not be due to the nature of unicorns to get close to him, but probably because of the title of brave.

After realizing this, Minato let go of his inner anxiety. He turned over and sat firmly on the back of the unicorn, which was uncomfortable because there was no saddle.

The unicorn took a step forward. It seemed that it was not walking on a human path. With each step, the leaves and branches separated before the eyes, and the light poured down through the gaps in the leaves.Soon, the unicorn carried Minato to its destination.It was an ancient church building, neat white bricks were built into the walls, and rows of half-curved windows or round rose windows were hollowed out on the walls like fish scales. The cable bridge spanned the creek surrounding the church and connected the towers. .There is a fountain in the square directly opposite. The angel statue folded its wings and carried a bottle-shaped spring water outlet on its shoulders. It was supported by both arms. The craftsmanship was so exquisite that Minato could even see the fine eyelashes on its face.

The unicorn stopped, and this was probably where it wanted to bring Minato.

Minato turned over and walked up the steps slowly.Beside him, the walls of the building are covered with intricate murals, the sun is shining, white clouds are rolling, the arms are folded like human beings praying to the sky, all kinds of ferocious and strange monsters, and countless apostles of God with wings spread out.These murals start from the creation of the God of Light, depicting a history of tens of thousands of years.

Sunlight pours through the stained glass windows and forms beams of light on the aisle.

In the shot of the aisle, a figure in a red teaching uniform sits in the front row with his hands folded, as if praying.He heard Minato's footsteps and turned around.It was a blond angel with three pairs of wings folded behind his back and a holy tattoo on his face.The strange thing is that in appearance, he is almost a replica of Minato. It seems that Minato's eyebrows and eyes have been softened with femininity, thus reflecting a beauty that transcends gender.

Minato was stunned, that kind of holy pattern, a day ago, he also painted the same pattern on his face: "The king of angels... Etalon?"


A few days of living in the forest almost killed half of my life.It's a trivial matter to scratch the foot and get the skin scratched by the branches, and it heals in an instant.But the mental torture cannot be ignored. Every tree looks the same. Bird droppings and animal excrement can be seen everywhere. When sleeping at night, you can see dung beetles passing by pushing their stools.

Well, I really miss the city of Sarn QAQ

Ignatz is a lot more lively. For this child of the forest, it is like returning home now.If it wasn't for his care, I would have probably become the most shameful demon king in the world—starving myself to death because I didn't know how to make fire from wood.

It's a pity that although the problem of living in the forest has been solved, if you ask him which direction to go out to find human settlements, he is completely clueless.

"Slap!" Ignatz broke off a branch, and the leaves covered the trunk behind it.He put his hands on the tree trunk, closed his eyes for a while, and then told me: "There are elves in this forest, and a team of elves patrolled by just now."

In short, I finally saw the dawn of life.

Of course, I wondered at the beginning why Ignatz didn't ask the plants directly, where is there smoke.As it turned out afterwards, I took it for granted.Plants have no brains. For them, they basically cannot remember what happened a few days ago. The only thing they usually perceive is that a certain leaf was bitten by a bug today, it hurts, or I found a dark river underground. It's so refreshing to drink water, etc.

Even the vast majority of trees cannot tell the difference between being hacked by someone and being bitten by a bug.

For trees, the only beings that can communicate are probably elves, and most elves have the ability to communicate with them.They can remember what the elf said to themselves for several days, and then repeat it to the next elf—as for understanding, it is impossible, and the lives of the two parties are too different.

Ignatz frowned, and added: "They warned other elves to pay attention to the appearance of the dead."

I was stunned, this is another legendary concept, the undead and the dead are two completely different concepts, the undead is a dead thing that returns to the world from the underworld with resentment in its heart, its flesh and blood are revived because of hatred, and it is controlled by obsession. They yearn for what they have already lost, and thus become evil spirits wandering in the world—to be honest, I don’t really want to admit that my men are full of such things, but unfortunately, their prosperity is caused by the power of darkness in this world. The most important reason for the increase—it can even be said that the Demon King came to the world to command these crazy things.

But the dead are not. They return to the world because of the obsession of the living.The most popular bedside story in the world is that people sign a contract with the god of the underworld, pay a price, and let the deceased return to their side.The dead will possess the body of a blood-related person, controlling his words and deeds. Most of the time, the dead will not realize that they are dead.They suck the energy around them, bringing misfortune, thus harming others, themselves and the world.

All in all, fairy tales like to write such stories the most, but in fact, Hades is not a god who values ​​faith.As early as hundreds of years ago, the last church worshiping Hades was destroyed, and the method of resurrecting the dead disappeared from the world.

However, after finding the traces of the elves, the subsequent tasks will be much more convenient.It took Ignatz an hour to successfully find the patrol team. Members of the patrol team warmly invited Ignatz to sit on the tree house.

Ignatz took a look at me, and finally declined the request righteously.

However, I finally learned where I was from the mouths of the elves.Although my teleportation failed, I didn't deviate too far. It was outside the Cloud City of the Pinnacle Tower. If I could find a carriage in the nearest town, it would only take three days to get there.

The elves were very enthusiastic, or Ignatz played a role in some way.The elves escorted Ignatz and I to the edge of the forest, and the road was very peaceful. Unfortunately, the elves had limited friendship with humans, and they were still unwilling to step into human settlements, so they had to break up here.

Looking at the slightly shabby town, I barely regained my energy. I haven't tried to use magic in the past few days, and my mental strength has finally recovered a little.The Demon King's pupil has been opened long ago, without the support of spiritual power, only a thin layer of strength appraisal can be seen.

Forget it, don't waste magic power.

As I was thinking this way, I walked into the town with Ignatz. At this moment, I caught a glimpse of a water-blue figure out of the corner of my eye, and subconsciously stopped: "...Helen?"

Ignatz: "What's wrong?"

"Helen! I saw Helen!" I rushed into the crowd and grabbed the blue-haired girl.When she turned around, it was undoubtedly Helen.

Helen looked at me, as if she hadn't realized it yet. She was wearing coarse cloth clothes that country people would wear, but she couldn't stop her natural beauty: " know me? It's so strange, it looks familiar."

"Damn Helen, do you know how much I went through to find you!" Seeing that Helen was still pretending to be stupid, I got angry and pinched her cheeks and began to exert force.Helen actually let me pinch it honestly, which always makes people suspect that she will explode in the next step.

"Don't, don't pinch, it hurts." Helen complained tearfully. My actions seemed to have attracted the attention of the people nearby. Many young and vigorous young people were eager to move, as if they wanted to be a hero to save the beauty.

"Come home with me."

"Where are you going?" Helen rubbed her cheeks and asked.

"Of course it's the city of Sarn." Otherwise, where else?


Helen rebuffed very decisively, but I had expected this answer long ago, and tried to persuade her with kind words—as for how to punish her when she goes back, it is a matter of going back: "Don't worry, the marriage has been rejected, but it's Posy who treats you There is a lot of affection, and I need to go back and deal with it... Besides, Your Majesty, your brother is also very worried about you."

Helen blinked: "It's because of my brother that I don't want to go back."

"...After you go back, how about I ask him to apologize to you a hundred times?" Of course, the bad check was given casually.

"Brother, he..." Helen looked at me hesitantly for a while, as if weighing whether she should tell the truth, and finally she said, "My brother did something wrong to me before, although it didn't work, but I'm afraid... "


This, this... what kind of divine development is this!Your Majesty, I misread you!


Thousands of miles away.

"Ah!" The supreme king of the Bauhinia Empire sneezed while clutching the quilt.

"Your Majesty, take your medicine quickly... The Shengchen Festival is exposed to the wind for several hours, and you will get sick. If you feel cold, you should inform our subordinates to add clothes for you."

"I, I don't have a cold. I don't need to take medicine. Someone must be talking about me...Ah!!" His Majesty the King silently wiped his long nose with a handkerchief.

"Okay, how about adding some brown sugar to the medicine?"

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