Devil two hundred and five

Chapter 3 The Awakening of the Demon King Day 3

I can't help feeling depressed.

But before the end of the meeting, I was strictly forbidden to discuss anything related to personal relationships. Although Minato’s original words were like this, there is nothing wrong with understanding it as “speaking is strictly prohibited”.The meeting that followed was lengthy and empty, and the discussion was all about the location where the devil might attack and the measures that should be taken in response to the attack.

It is a pity that in the end these topics all became empty words.

No nobleman is willing to allow troops belonging to Minato to station in their territory.

Of course, I can't blame the nobles for this. Minato's own identity is very subtle. On the surface, he is the savior of the world and an existence favored by the God of Light.At the age of 12, he was adopted by the Marquis of Hayne as an adopted son, and then participated in the recruitment of the Temple of Light, and finally stood out with outstanding results, and finally won the name of "Brave".

Although this string of backgrounds is prominent, the focus of the nobles will always be the blood of the untouchables flowing in his veins.Moreover, there is an essential difference between the hero and the hero's partner and the devil:

The Demon King was born through reincarnation. Although there are great differences in personality due to the difference in childhood life, it is absolutely impossible for each generation to be replaced.

But the brave is chosen by the people of the Temple of Light, and is the carrier of the "Holy Name and Divine Tool".For example, Minato's holy name artifact of the brave is "Holy Angel Sword of Bravery", while Princess Helen's holy name artifact is "Holy Wooden Staff of Glory".The Holy Name is not unique. If Minato dies, the Temple of Light will choose a new hero. If Minato disappoints them, the Holy Name can be forcibly taken away.

... Therefore, for the proud nobleman, the hero is more inclined to use tools that can be replaced when they are worn out.No wonder my uncle was so outraged when this tool, by virtue of the power they empowered, limited and deprived them of their rights.

That's right, that big bally Duke with a loud voice, Duke Pine Needle, is my uncle.

At the same time, he is also the uncle of His Majesty the King.

This kind of intricate kinship has led to whether it is me or His Majesty the King, although they are gnashing their teeth at the Duke of Pine Needles, neither of them can show a little bit of dissatisfaction, lest others think that the internal conflicts in the royal family are intense.

After all, the Bauhinia Dynasty has gone through nearly a thousand years of history. In the words of my king cousin, it is rotten from the root.However, the arrival of this generation of Demon King gave His Majesty the King a chance to reclaim his rights.

Although His Majesty and I have been playing together since childhood, to be honest, I really don't understand what he is thinking.The young king was a soft and shy child. No one would have thought that this docile child would join the revolutionaries and force his father to abdicate.

His Majesty the King is playing a big game of chess.

And the brave Minato is the vanguard of reforming the aristocratic system in the hands of His Majesty the King. also an abandoned child.

I don't know what Minato himself thinks, I only know that he has accepted such a fate, so he does not allow any negative news about himself to spread, and maintains an eternally perfect mask.The brave man walks on a tightrope road, and any disturbance is enough to destroy him forever.

And I just want to walk by his side, so that his way forward will not be so difficult.

"...Then, this time the troop transfer will be done like this first."

Minato tapped the table with the middle finger of his right hand, signaling the end of the meeting.This empire has the most power, and a group of people in beastly clothes walked out of the meeting room one by one.Soon it was just me, Minato, and His Majesty the King left in the conference room.

His Majesty the King is smiling very quietly. Minato's smile is like a bright sun, but comparing the two together, His Majesty's temperament is more like a bunch of white lilies attached to an iron sword, very harmless to humans and animals.Gentle and lingering sea blue hair, pupils shining like emeralds, it looks like a melancholy nobleman that a woman would see in a dream, sitting on the steps and being stabbed by a rose.

...The premise is to ignore his essence.

The king coughed twice. He was always in poor health. He got up from his seat, and the attendants behind him put a cloak on him wisely.He glanced at me meaningfully: "The coming of the devil king is a bad thing, but as long as there is enough planning, bad things can turn into good things. From now on, Minato and Francis will have to work hard."

"Oh, Helen is really disobedient, and she doesn't know where she went."

After the king finished speaking, he pushed open the door of the conference room and left.I rolled my eyes at his back: If you didn't want to firmly control the three legions under the command of Dragon Knight Brando, Helen would definitely be sitting here honestly now.

I was thinking about how to deal with the king and uncle... Putting caterpillars on His Majesty's plate is no longer effective. He was startled from screaming and fainted, but now he can put it in his mouth without changing his expression. Nutrition.And Uncle Pine Needle Earl... Ever since I frightened him out of my mind and made him stop, nothing seems to be able to restrain him anymore.

Suddenly, a pair of arms wrapped around me, and the soft hair rubbed against my neck, which made people feel itchy.


Minato's sudden behavior startled me. I always thought that he would only do such things in his own room where countless magic circles for peeping were installed.

"Pink..." The brave man rubbed against me again, his action almost melted my heart, "I'm a little scared."

"...There is nothing to be afraid of, you are the strongest brave man in this world, and I can guarantee that none of the first 249 brave men looks as good as you." I swear by the memory of the previous 249 demon kings in my mind.


I am the Demon King, and I will never let anything happen to you.

"Pfft." The brave man chuckled behind my back, " idiot."

I... well, Minato said I was stupid, I was stupid.

"I have paid too much to get to this point, Pink, I have no chance to regret it. Sometimes I can't help but think... If I die on the way to defeat the devil, you idiot, what should I do? "

... I... Minato, even if I'm really an idiot, don't repeat it like this.

I was so confused that I almost wanted to bite my fingers: "Let's go back to the bedroom and talk."

The ability of the Demon King is indeed very useful. Even in the Temple of Light, which is full of holy power, he can still come and go freely—I am more and more suspicious that the previous Demon King released water—Minato raised his eyebrows in surprise. He has not shown similar abilities, but he is a warrior after all. Although he has also practiced spells related to the Silent Barrier due to some invisible reasons, he is still blind in essence.

I pressed him on the bed, and the blond hair spread out, revealing an outline as white as ivory, which was so beautiful that it whetted the appetite.

I stuck to his ear and said seriously: "I told you, I am really the devil."

The bat wings spread out, covering almost half of the room, and the horns on the forehead were also revealed.I thought, at this moment, I must be showing my domineering side, so Minato would be too shocked to speak.

"Nothing will happen, Minato."

I said seriously: "No matter what happens, I will protect you."

I think what I said is very domineering, but Minato didn't show my face very much, wrapped the quilt up, buried his face, and started laughing wildly.Hey, hey, is it so funny that I am the devil king?

Just when I couldn't hold back any longer and scratched Minato's armpit, the brave man suddenly turned over and pinned me under him.His strength is great, and the strength of the Demon King becomes docile when facing the only opponent in the world, as if he has been pinched by his weakness.

I feel a hot object pressing against my stomach and look up at Minato.The brave man looked down at me, there seemed to be a storm swirling in his blue eyes, and he was actually smiling: "Then, now, the crusade against the Demon King begins."


I finally deeply realized that maybe the devil can enhance everything, but this enhancement definitely does not include the item of physical strength.All in all, after this physical labor was over, the brave man was still alive and kicking, and even had the energy to help me take a bath.And as the Demon King, I ended up falling asleep in the shower.

When I woke up, there was a big soft bed in my bedroom under me.The night rises and the stars twinkle.I yawned, barely stood up, and a note fell from my lapel.

The above is the brave man's ugly left-handed writing (in order to prevent being caught and raped, all the notes he gave me are left-handed):

I retract my foreword.

The joke that you are the devil is really funny.

By the way, congratulations on your magical ability, the wings and horns are very realistic and feel good.

PS, it’s actually quite interesting to have a role-play once in a while.

...Minato Hein, you legally illiterate!

There is no spell that can fake horns and wings, okay!

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