Devil two hundred and five

Chapter 31 The Devil's Daily Life Day 6

Don't think about things you don't understand.

Upholding such good habits is the true meaning of a happy life.Although I have added the title of Hades to my name, but so far, I still can't see any difference between it and the Demon King-it seems that there are fewer things?

...If Minato dies by accident, can I get him back?

Bah, bah, bah, don't curse people.

I looked at Ryder again, and the outline of the other party was a bit similar to that of His Majesty the King when he was a child, and the slightly hazy hostility was exactly the same.Moreover, the name Ryder is slightly familiar: "Have we met before, Ryder?"

"I think there should be, Lord Hades." Ryder thought for a while and replied, "After all, when I was alive, I was the father of the body you are using now."

I was stunned for a moment, and then my voice became cold: "You are the previous king, Ryder Dia!"

My excitement was exchanged for the surprised glance of the ghost. He didn't seem to understand my agitation. After all, his memory was only related to the part that could not be forgotten. I doubt that this "Leder" Didn't even know Francis the man.

"Probably so," Ryder replied. "I've seen 'myself' wearing a crown a few times, and honestly, it doesn't look like me."

"Why?" I was a little surprised by his comment.

"Because he looks neither happy nor joyful."

Ryder said calmly that he made a very clear distinction between his grown-up "self" and himself.Although I have hardly seen a ghost, but such a guy with personality also makes me very interesting.

Ryder reminded me leisurely: "Your Excellency, if you don't go down, the next thing may come to an end."

"Eh?" I just remembered that Helen and Brando, who had just entered the basement, urged the ghost in a panic, "Hurry up, take me down."

Ryder unhurriedly wrapped me with his translucent body, and then leisurely penetrated the floor.I thought I would see something like translucent internal organs, but to my surprise, although Ryder's body was full of chills, the field of vision was only covered with a white veil.

It's like wearing an invisibility suit on his body, which is very easy to use.

The light in the basement was a little dim. After Helen entered, she lit a few magic lamps.Only then does the entire interior view appear in the field of vision.This looks like an altar for a mysterious ceremony, with all kinds of magic books and notes on it, and a magic circle painted with blood on the ground, which seems to be flowing vaguely.

I suddenly had a headache. If my body was still there, I would know what the magic circle was for at a glance.

Helen didn't feel distressed at all, and directly released the burning hand to burn those books one by one.The self-protection magic that came with the magic book was immediately activated, or released an anti-magic force field, or sprouted wings to escape, but all these resistances were suppressed by Helen.I think I can even hear the wailing of those spellbooks.

...Whoever marries Helen will definitely suffer a lot.

Those books are sold for a lot of money, even if you don't want them, you can give them to me.

After Helen burned the books, she also smashed the magic circle on the ground.As the magic lines broke one by one, black mist-like dark energy overflowed from them, drifted into the air, and disappeared quickly.I felt that Ryder ate a lot secretly.

After Helen finished all this, she knelt on the ground with her arms around her knees, and watched silently for a while, as if she was remembering something.Finally, she got up and walked to the door.

Helen's pace stopped: "Brando?"

Brando didn't answer Helen's question, he frowned and looked at the ashes on the ground.With the help of the omnipotent perspective provided by Ryder, I can see that Brando has actually been standing there for a while, but he just sneaked through the strength and did not let Helen find out.

Although Helen's strength is good, she lacks actual combat experience. In a real fight, she is just a rookie in front of Brando.

"...You should report these things to the Pope." Brando finally said that after a series of difficult psychological struggles.

Helen shook her head: "Then what? Let the heretical jury investigate what happened here?"

Brando looked around the room, and he considered his words: "Is this not good?... At least, dark magic is not a good thing."

"In this world, there will always be some darkness that cannot be illuminated by light."

Helen continued to play charades.Not to mention Brando, I have a headache hearing her words, and I don't know what she wants to express.

Fortunately, Brando was much more straightforward than Helen: "I don't understand."

"Okay." Helen replied violently, "My father made these things... As the monarch of the Bauhinia Empire, he secretly betrayed the Church of Light, joined the power of Black Feather, and began to study dark magic. In the end , His mind is distorted, and he even intends to sacrifice me and Brother Wang to the darkness in exchange for stronger power and eternal life."

Brando was frightened by the story.

I was also shocked by the news, and couldn't help poking the ghost Ryder: "Did you really do this kind of thing?"

"I don't know." Ryder corrected me sternly, "I'm not exactly the same as him. But... he probably can do this kind of thing."

"But, but you are still alive..." Brando tried his best to find out the irrationality in this story.

Helen replied lightly: "That's because Brother Wang rushed up and stabbed Father in the chest. The ceremony was interrupted... This is the truth about Brother Wang's seizure of power. At that time, half of his vitality had been taken away." , although he survived, but his health has not been good."

Although Helen's account omitted many details, I can still imagine how crazy the scene was.

"I hope you don't tell this matter." Helen begged, "The establishment of the Bauhinia Empire has an inseparable connection with the Church of Light... Over the years, we have paid enough price. Do you think Was my escape from marriage just a pursuit of free love?"

She asked herself and answered: "Because, as long as the church needs it, I am the princess who will be snatched away by the devil. Even if I have the holy name, it is useless. Brother Wang doesn't want me to suffer such a fate, so I am the princess." I hope that I will marry into another country... He didn't get the church's approval for this before."

Brando listened silently.

"Do you think I'm really a person who pursues true love? This kind of thing doesn't belong to me at all... I dare not accept Percy's marriage proposal because his status is too low. He can't protect me, this kind of thing Things will only make more people suffer." Helen sniffed, her eyes flushed, "For the victory of the whole world, personal happiness can be sacrificed at any time."


Wake up, Helen!

Although you look good, you are obviously not as good-looking as Minato, and your temper is not as suitable as Minato.Although there have been many incidents in which the devil kings of the past robbed Princess Bauhinia, it was only because they had not met the best like Minato.

And... what's the matter with this feeling of being strong... a woman from a good family?

Those princesses obviously came here voluntarily, okay?How can you blame me for forcing someone's self-sacrifice to divert the Demon Lord's attention? !

I accused angrily.After about two or three minutes, I sighed and sat down on the floor.Although I don't seem to have done any big bad things in this life, the things the previous demon kings have done are probably heinous by human standards-although humans will probably be detained for doing such things. Although many people were killed, a greater evaluation of Albert was established.

...But people don't give the devil a chance to build a great career.

This is probably the true portrayal of winners and losers.

All in all, I want to learn from Ryder, resolutely put aside the relationship with the previous devil, and resolutely refuse to admit that it is the same should be able to fool me.

Brando's voice pulled me back from my distraction: "...Everyone has everyone's misfortune. I promise you, Helen."

Brando's statement finally brought the sunshine back to Helen's face.She even joked a little leisurely: "As the grandson of the Sword Master of the Earth, he also became a Dragon Knight at a young age. With such a rich and handsome personality, and a beautiful wife at home, what is so unfortunate about you? You Do you know that you are a very popular brick in fanbooks?"

Brando smiled and didn't answer Helen's words directly: "I thought Minato was the one."

"Minato's character design is too illusory. It always makes people feel that the old man of the God of Light is deeply attracted to him, but he can't become popular... If Francis, a guy who spends a lot of money, has not been spending money, this character will probably be colder. "

They talked and laughed and left the basement like this.Ryder let go of me, and floated around the empty hall, preying on those masterless dark forces.

I rubbed my temples, and suddenly found that my head was not as dizzy as before.I stared at the floating Ryder, thinking: "Can you absorb the power of darkness?"

"Your Excellency, the dark power is the food of all the undead who act in the world." Ryder explained.

"You ate part of the dark power in me?"

"...A little bit."

Great, problem solved.I thought happily, there is no limit to the road, and I finally found a solution to the frailty of His Majesty's body: raising a ghost.

However, one more thing to confirm is whether his wish is easy to achieve. If he is half-raised, he will be freed from his wish. Where can I find another ghost?This thing is not a skeleton, as long as you think about it, you can recruit as many as you want.

"What is your wish, Ryder?"

"That's not important anymore, Your Excellency." Ryder replied politely, "Because the other person in my wish has died forever, forever."

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