Devil two hundred and five

Chapter 33 The King's Daily Day 8

If this storyline narrated by Ryder was taken alone, probably even the worst bard would not choose to sing.But fortunately, there are pictures and sounds at the same time, which greatly alleviates the boringness of the story itself.

Leder Dia, a descendant of the Bauhinia Empire for six generations, was also the eldest prince of that era.He was born in the midst of countless blessings and expectations. It was a cloudless and sunny day. His father happily held a national celebration, and the Pope personally baptized Ryder.This looks like a really good start.

Ryder grew up to the age of six amidst all the attention.He has no worries about food and clothing, is pampered, and naturally develops an absolute character that will never give up until he reaches his goal.What he does must be the best, what he wants must be unparalleled in the world, and the ideas he generates must finally reach...

... All in all, it is the late stage of the second disease.

He is terminally ill and there is no cure.

At this age, Ryder's little sister Helen was also born.What made Ryder quite psychologically unbalanced was that his little sister was born with a posture bigger than himself, which not only alarmed the Pope, but even an angel descended to bless her.

The angel said: "The Lord will behold her, and she will always amaze the world with her beauty and her heart that no suffering can break."

Of course, after saying these blessings, the two-winged angel flapped his wings and disappeared into the holy light.At this holy moment, no one noticed that the future king of the Bauhinia Empire twitched his lips slightly: Why, this newborn little guy is entitled to so much love and blessings?

Ryder felt a slight pinprick in his heart. He was so arrogant back then, and he didn't believe that he would be jealous of a little girl who didn't know anything.

As time went by, Helen also became more and more beautiful day by day, just as the angel blessed her.Ryder's eyes unconsciously lingered on Helen's skirt or the hanging hair at the temples for a long time.Of course, people didn't pay attention to his little action, because there are too many people doing this, one more than him is not too many, and one less than him is quite a lot.

But Ryder still has an advantage that those men do not have, that is, he is Helen's real brother, and with this blood, he can easily teach Helen as an elder brother.At that time, he was indeed better than most of the youths in the empire, and he was contrasted by his fat younger brother.Ryder easily won Helen's admiration.

Ryder didn't realize that if it wasn't for an accident that the deterioration of this relationship, he would probably cherish this kind of ignorant brother's affection forever until both of them got married.But that happened after all.

The king wants to send Helen to the church.

Ryder instinctively felt angry. He had been pampered for too long, and he always felt that his will should be obeyed by everyone.And Helen has long been classified as his own property, his things, when is it someone else's turn to decide the ownership?

"Your Highness, there is no room for rejection in this matter."

In the negotiation with his parents, Ryder, who was frustrated, instinctively decided to go to the church.Probably he went at the wrong time, the pope was advising Helen earnestly, he described the pain that each devil brought to this land, and finally, the pope concluded: "Princess, you should put the people of the world first."

Helen was silent for a long time: "I don't have the right to say no, do I?"

The Pope sighed and did not answer her.

"Leave me alone."

A group of people from the Church of Light left one by one, and Princess Helen's own room returned to silence.Ryder pushed open the door and saw Helen buried her face in the quilt, then raised her head and saw him, a smile immediately appeared on her face: "It's brother, I may have to travel a long way recently."

Ryder pulled Helen up from the bed, his words were firm: "Let's run away, Helen."

From a bird's-eye view, Ryder's escape plan is ridiculous. After all, he has so many noble lessons, which only teach him how to behave gracefully, and never teach him how to escape from the guards. No one thought that the eldest prince would abandon the entire country, he easily ordered the guards to open the door, covered Helen's face with a cloak, galloped on his horse, and easily rushed out of the royal city.

...but that's where it ends.

The pampered Ryder didn't even know that money was needed to buy things. They were targeted by horse thieves on the road and robbed jewelry and horses. Ryder used court swordsmanship to capture the freedom of the two, but the two who fled into the forest faced bigger problems.

They don't know how to cook, they don't know how to make a fire, and even lying on the ground full of fallen leaves feels unbearably dirty.When the guards got here from the jewels, the two hid in the tree hole where the grizzly spent the winter. Helen was so hungry that she was half unconscious.

...In the end, Ryder silently accepted that Helen is not his, Helen is the fate of the Demon King's "princess".He himself was punished for the first time for this escape plan.He was imprisoned for half a month, and when he came out again, his face was paler and thinner, and he could even see the shape of his bones, but these were very suitable for him.

The king asked him: "Do you know that you are wrong?"

Ryder pursed the corners of his mouth: "I know, I was wrong. I didn't know that the Bauhinia royal family is just a dog raised by the Illuminati Church, accepting the rewards from the other party and begging for mercy. I should destroy the Illuminati Church first. I don't have any of my things. People can take it away, but neither can God."

The king gave him a slap in the face.

Ryder wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said nothing, but the flames in his eyes burned more vigorously silently.


Ryder finished recalling, his eyes were empty, as if he hadn't pulled out from the memory of the past.His Majesty's expression was a little subtle, a little pity and a little sigh, but he didn't waver. From this point of view, the father and son really look alike.Finally, His Majesty asked: "What do you think, Francis?"

I murmured: "Although I'm not very moral, but why are those people in the Guangming Church so heavy-handed? I'm not an Oedipus, hey..."

"They don't know that you will be reincarnated as Helen's son...they can't even determine the exact time of your birth." His Majesty the King twitched the corners of his mouth, and then turned to Ryder, "So, your wish is to destroy the Church of Light ?”

Ryder looked down at His Majesty the King slightly, and shook his head: "It's just what he said, and in the end, this sentence even deceived Ryder himself. In fact, my wish is... If possible, I want to have a relationship with Helen Another escape, and this time I won't fail again."

He looked down at his slender palm, as if counting the lines on it.

Seriously, this wish is not as good as the previous one.

His Majesty the King did not say anything about Ryder's wish.He just asked the second question: "He's still alive, isn't he?"

"Dead. But if you mean the undead, he is alive."

Hearing this, His Majesty the King showed a thoughtful expression, and subconsciously knocked on the table with his fingers.I know that when His Majesty the King shows this expression, it means that bad water is rolling in his stomach.I can't help feeling a little sympathetic to Ryder, but Ryder probably doesn't have much interest in what happens to his other self.

After a few minutes, His Majesty the King probably sorted out the logic in the middle, and the bad idea was finalized.He said goodbye to both me and Ryder.I watched with nostalgia the back of His Majesty the King leaving. Although he himself was quite annoying, the shell he was using now belonged to Minato after all.

However, I finally figured out one thing: the lord of the undead mentioned by the white crow is probably the resurrected Ryder Dia.I am not surprised that the extreme Ryder has gone to extremes, but the Bauhinia Empire has a long history of divine power over royal power, and more than 90.00% of the citizens are not only the people of Bauhinia, but also the lambs of the God of Light .Therefore, this kind of thing cannot be achieved by Ryder shouting slogans.

And the Black Feather Clan, who started preparations for the birth of the Demon King, naturally aimed at this king who was hostile to the Church of Light and was hitting walls everywhere.The two hit it off immediately, and Ryder fell into a depravity, began to practice dark magic, twisted his mind, and even became crazy enough to drive Helen to death in the end, inheriting his own pair of children.

... After all, I feel that the hatred I shouldered, in the end, turned out to be the responsibility of the battle between the Demon King and the God of Light since ancient times... That is to say, I have to bear at least half of the responsibility, or even more.

I suddenly felt tired.

This exhaustion made me miss Minato even more.

... To be honest, I suddenly wanted to discuss life with that self, wouldn't it be good to live a good life?Although being able to have such a satisfied partner as Minato is the reason why he is the Demon King, but... living like this is very boring.

I am very satisfied with my current life, and I haven't reached the point where I have to destroy it and observe everyone's crazy state for fun.

...So, it's all a bunch of idiots.

How could the devil be defeated with real guns and swords? The flames of war can only breed hatred.To deal with me, you should use sugar-coated bullets.

I clapped my hands: "Prepare the horse, I want to visit Ami...oh no, the estate of Earl Francis."


My surprise visit has thrown the estate into chaos.The head maid explained in a flustered manner: "The Earl is not able to see guests for the time being..."

"It's okay, I'll go see him."

I waved my hand pretending not to care, and a cluster of flames sprang up in my heart—it was already two o'clock in the afternoon, and I couldn't see guests at this time. Who was Minato with?

A sense of joy suddenly rose from the bottom of my heart to catch the mistress.

"Pound!" I slammed open the bedroom door, but to my surprise, there was no visitor in the bedroom.A man with messy black hair was huddled under the blanket, showing half of his face, squinting his eyes and looking at me: " that you?"

Minato finally remembered at the last second that I am not His Majesty the King anymore.

Although there is no third person to prove Minato's loyalty to me, what is this vague sense of loss?I rubbed my face, signaled to my servants that there was something important to discuss in secret, and told them to retreat.Then I sat on the edge of my bed at home, and I miss that familiar softness.

"You're actually sleeping late." After checking the bed without giving up, I had to admit this fact.

Minato yawned, and after rolling the quilt into a ball, he replied lazily: "...Actually, I didn't fall asleep, I just didn't want to get up."

No, something must have gone wrong.

My Minato is a brave, never-say-die, high-spirited guy.Where did this guy who seemed to have lost the battle, lost his helmet and armor, and even lost the courage to fight again come from.

I dragged this guy out of the bed and shook his shoulders: "Kevin! Kevin is you! Why are you here? Where is my Minato?"

Minato narrowed his eyes, stared at me for three seconds, and then flipped me over with a sideways turn.Then a bare foot stepped on my face, very fast and merciless.

Ow ooh.

I was wrong, Ami.

I shouldn't doubt you, this kind of ability to beat me without hesitation, this kind of strength and angle, is indeed only you.

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