Devil two hundred and five

Chapter 37 The Blackened Demon King Day 2

The fact that I am a little relieved is that although both Minato and Keressa did come to this "date", the communication between the two was only in words, without any physical contact.But I still couldn't help grinding my teeth—seeing Ke Leisha's shy face really seemed like a provocation to me.

After thinking about it for a long time, I found a less obtrusive way to appear - if it is too abnormal, it will provoke Minato's tolerance - the waiter.

Do it when you think of it!

I pretended to get up to go to the bathroom, and at the kitchen entrance, easily hypnotized a waiter to take off my clothes and change them for me.I moaned and slapped a cup of yellow unknown substance in the toilet and put it on the tray-let you grab my Minato!

After all the pretense is done, I have a formulaic smile on my face.Because the two people present have the means of passively detecting magic, so, when I can't use magic to disguise, I can only lower my head and not look at them, so as not to be noticed.

but it does not matter!

I have memorized the positions of Minato and Cressa, so I just need to follow my memory.

When I arrived at the destination, I calculated the distance in my head again, and then oops, pretending to be hit by a chair.The tray flew out, and the liquid in the glass splashed on the person in front - well done!I gave myself a thumbs up from the bottom of my heart. Sure enough, only I can calculate so accurately.

However, at this time, the identity could not be concealed.But it doesn't matter anymore, no matter how angry Kressa is... I did it on purpose.I pushed up a hypocritical smile: "Ah, guest, I'm so sorry, I'll wipe it off for you..."

The other party: "Hehe..."

"I really don't have a reason..." The last Italian word stuck in his throat, and he couldn't get it out again.I stared dumbfounded at the dripping yellow liquid on Minato's clothes, which also exuded a strange smell.Minato looked at me with a slightly strange expression, then pulled up his sleeves, smelled it, and his expression became even more strange.

"Ahh, Ami, you have to listen to my explanation!" I threw myself on Minato, anyway, let Minato's people stay first, and the rest are negotiable things - think I think so, but in the face of the cruel reality, I must be prepared to be beaten to the point of being paralyzed by Minato.

Minato let me hold him tight.It was probably my illusion, but I actually heard Minato pursed his lips slightly and let out a soft snort: "...Is this yours?"

Acknowledging this fact is a life-challenging task.

In this case, there is no difference between telling the truth and lying.From the bottom of my heart, I drew a big cross on Ke Leisha who suddenly disappeared—if it wasn’t for her, how could I be in this dilemma now, it’s all her fault!That's right!It was her fault!

But I still have to answer Minato's question. After hesitating for a long time, I still nodded.

Minato laughed again, he didn't seem to be as angry as I imagined...Recently, I really don't understand what Minato is thinking.Minato said, "Come down, I'm not angry with you."

"Huh?" I was very surprised.

"At first, I wanted to be angry, but the problem is, seeing you so stupid that I was afraid of getting angry, I just wanted to laugh." When Minato said this, he was indeed smiling. A very warm smile, not the usual formulaic smile, "Seriously, don't you think it's dirty?"

What is dirty?

I froze for a moment before I realized that Minato was referring to me throwing myself on him, so I was naturally contaminated with those dirty things.But please hurry, who has time to care about these?

But sweet words are absolutely indispensable: "How could I despise you! Even if you fall into the cesspit, you are the most important in my eyes."

... As I said that, I prayed subconsciously: Minato must not try such a thing on a whim.

Minato tilted his head slightly, his ears were a little red.I was thinking that he would find something to cover up, such as the holy code of light, but Minato just hooked my finger lightly with his finger: ""

It was a very soft sound.

But for some reason, I feel like my whole body has been hit head-on by a giant hammer.I should be happy, but when I think about it carefully, I'm actually not that happy. It's more shocking, and then I'm at a loss.I just want to be a girl who just fell in love and knows nothing, being pulled by Minato like this.

We left the restaurant and didn't go back.

Minato found a nearby hotel and took a bath in the bathhouse there.He took a bath in it, and the sound of running water sounded from time to time, which was a bit seductive.I sat on the bed in the bedroom, my whole mind was still a mess.

Wait, isn't Minato's state wrong?

Why am I cast here like a pillar? ——When the time is right, I should rush in, jump into the bath and take a bath with Minato.but……

But still feel something is wrong.

If Minato didn't beat me up, I felt something was wrong—I finally figured out the logic, and buried myself in the quilt silently: Wait, how did I become a Shaking M?I'm obviously right to shake S, let others fall in love with me, observe the way the other party fights for me, like teasing a pet, watching the final ending, their desperate expression...

...Strange, obviously in those memories, the demon king is the absolute controller of emotions. The demon king can read people's hearts, so they play with human nature. He doesn't believe in love, but only worships hatred, so he plots one after another human tragedy to entertain People entertain themselves.

But, I...Minato...Ahhh, I have a headache.

I did it to admire Minato's painful expression... No, this is not my idea, get out!I let out a low growl, and then a slight laugh sounded from the bottom of my heart—it really was that guy who was playing tricks, so it turned out that it was not Minato who was strange, but me.

The other me mocked my idea in a low voice: "No, this is your real thought, Francis... There is no real love like you, who has imagined every reaction of the other party, and emphasized every action. "Yo, Minato, I love you, I do this because I love you"... You just used the illusion that I love you to lure Minato to fall in love with you..."

"Get out." I don't want to say anything more about this guy.

The guy snorted softly, and finally disappeared obediently.I sighed, suppressing the uneasiness in my heart.I rubbed my face, smiled in the mirror, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong with my appearance, I happily ran to attack Minato.

...It turns out that one cannot take a chance to determine something later.

So I was beaten by Minato.

Although Minato seemed to regret it a little afterwards, he still insisted on his decision not to have sex.But he finally made a concession under my soft and hard paw: two people squeeze into a narrow single bed. Apart from holding me, Minato has no other sleeping position to choose from.

A night without dreams.

The next morning, when Minato got up, I was still lazy and didn't want to move, and finally Minato picked me up.Minato is really a guy who doesn't enjoy life, so he should follow his instinct and continue to sleep at this time...

I dressed and washed slowly, resisting Minato's impatience with a procrastinating attitude.Of course, the reason I didn't piss people off by doing this was because I thought of the perfect excuse!

"I really want our private time to be a little longer."

So Minato relented.

As long as he masters the method, this guy is actually easy to talk to.

In the end, Minato still couldn't stand my slow pace.He took the comb and slowly began to comb my messy hair.His work was not going well, and the movement made me a little hurt.But Minato quickly controlled the intensity—although I personally think his meticulousness is unnecessary, anyway, my hair is usually messy, but I will not miss the time when I can secretly catch up on sleep without using hands.

...Hey, why do you need to catch up on sleep?

Last night, the delicious food was right in front of my eyes and in my arms, but the pain of not being able to eat it can make people lose sleep!

However, this peace was quickly interrupted.

"Yong, Your Excellency Brave, so you are here." A paladin rushed in out of breath, and when he saw the current state of Minato and me, he subconsciously took a step back.But the paladin quickly regained his composure.

"Your Excellency, the Pope asks you to return to your post as soon as possible."

I silently poked 1 holes in each other with my eyes, but none of this stopped Minato from going to work.He pulled up his hood and strode out with the other party.

I had to hum and chirp behind the two of them.

"What happened, the situation is so urgent?"

"The battle report we just received shows that the line of defense has been violently attacked..."

Minato's pace paused: "The defense line has been breached...?"

"No." The paladin hurriedly explained, "After receiving the emergency report, Ms. Cressa and Ms. Nini rushed to the scene using the space teleportation array... At the same time, we also sent an emergency report to our allies. The Temple of Great Elements should have also contacted the corresponding power."

"Oh." Minato didn't seem to know what to say for a while, so he just oh.

Minato's footsteps were fast, and he and the paladin arrived at the temple in no time.The paladin bowed to him, and hurried off to his own ranks.I followed Minato and went to the main hall with him.His Highness the Pope held the scriptures, with a merciful expression on his face, and folded his hands on his chest.

It is a gesture of blessing the dead to rest in peace.

My heart sank slightly.In addition to the pope, the companions of the brave and the holders of the sacred relics were almost all present.There was a slight sadness on everyone's face... Oh, no, Cressa is not here.

I glanced at Nini suspiciously. The old loli was holding her bottle, her hair was messy, her face was covered with dust, and her clothes were stained with blood. It was obvious that she had just experienced a fierce battle.She noticed the gaze of Minato and me, looked up at us, and said in a sad voice, "Cressa is dead."


I blinked, and suddenly felt an unreal feeling in my heart, like a drama skipping the key turning point in the middle, and went straight to the last scene: "How did she die?"

"We controlled the situation at the beginning, but... we didn't expect a sudden increase in troops. Black Feather appeared on the battlefield, and then, Ke Leisha was pierced through the chest with a sword. Although we finally held the front line, but... ..." Nini covered her face, although she already had the mind of an adult, she still couldn't remain calm in the face of her friend's departure.

"But..." I still wanted to find a flaw—that guy died so simply?Hey, stop joking, I haven't even slapped Minatosu in the face yet!Even if she died, she should have died under my careful arrangement.

"Enough." Minato interrupted me.

Minato is angry.

I was stunned for a moment before I understood this matter: Minato was actually angry with me because of Keressa.

Too, too much!

—Did he think that Cressa's death was my fault? !

Although I can indeed do this, and it's an eyesore for Cressa, how can I do things so simply and rudely?How could it be possible for Minato to suspect me?

Minato is just too much!

The author has something to say: In fact, what Minato is angry about is why Pink is not sad at all about Cressa's death. (As for the cause of death, he never suspected Pink

But Pink said he didn't feel the need to be sad at all, and he didn't think about it at all.

This is how misunderstandings arise~

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