Devil two hundred and five

Chapter 43 The Blackened Demon King Day 8

Manifestos are beautiful, reality is the backbone.Although I announced my decision to attack the city of Sarn, the management of the entire Pantheon was chaotic, and it took two and a half hours for tens of thousands of troops to finally assemble... I was so bored that I fell asleep on Delsis' head for a while Son.

When I woke up from my sleep, I realized that things were serious.

...mimimimi...Ami? !

etc!Shouldn't I wait for the official dispatch of troops?Why did I squint my eyes... I subconsciously defended myself.At the end of my field of vision, a golden figure passed through the layers of gunpowder smoke, and the army, like a bird fluttering its wings against the rising sun, flew towards me.

The awe-inspiring and handsome face, the resolute figure... I subconsciously wiped the corners of my mouth, retracted my wings, and said to Delsis: "... Let's discuss, why don't we go back now?"

Delsis: "..."

"But, but Ami is angry." I explained to him why.

Delsis: "..."

I cheekily resisted Delsis' speechless gaze.But with just one glance, I can see that Minato is really angry.I have been alive for a long time, this is the first time I saw Minato angry to this extent, although he is usually angry with me, but most of them are just pretending, sometimes halfway through the beating, I can't help laughing and rolling on the ground lump.

...feels like I've done something heinous.

By the way, did I really do something heinous?I thought about it seriously for three seconds, and found that I was exhausted, so I put this matter behind me—on the other side, some of my men had already stopped Minato in the middle of the road, and the two sides were coming and going, Minato prevailed.

Although those who are qualified to jump out are all elites, how can Minato's reputation as a brave man be in vain?

I sighed, suddenly feeling very sad.The devil's sickle landed directly on my hand, the wings spread out again, magic elements were mixed with dark power, and spells of the forbidden level began to take shape.At the same time, Delsis and Crow also sensed my call and began to prepare their own spells.

Delsis was the first to complete the preparations. The red, black, and purple dragon's breath spewed out from the three dragon heads respectively, twisted into one, and spewed out towards Minato. A lord, they turned into fly ash with almost no resistance.

…I don’t know why, but when I saw those cannon fodder who dared to attack Minato die, I felt a faint joy in my heart.

Well, I'm the Demon King?Isn't it normal that the devil is broken?

Delsis' attack was intercepted without a doubt, and Minato resisted the move when he clearly had a chance to dodge.I can also think of his reasons. Once Minato got out of the way, the one who had to bear such an attack became the city of Sarn.

hate me?

Don't think about such an answer anymore.I sneered at myself from the bottom of my heart, clenched my fists, nails stuck|into the flesh: yes, that’s it, if you really want to take Minato away, just pretend that you are the same as before, and act like a spoiled child. He cheated out.

...but what's the point?

Resent it!Be angry!Just like myself back then.

My spell was ready soon, but Delsis' attack was over.Just when the front force was over and the back attack hadn't happened, Minato rushed to me like a meteor falling from the sky.

it's beautiful.

The gesture of never hesitating in one's own beliefs is really like Etalon's expression on the day of betrayal, shining like a diamond.

I thought I must have gone crazy at that moment, when I knew that Minato had my heart and was qualified to kill myself, I was distracted in front of him.

I suddenly remembered that the first day I saw Minato, he was standing in front of me, his outline illuminated by the sun.He came from the sea of ​​blood, his body was covered with filth, but he himself was inconceivably clear.

Minato looked at me, as if at that moment, he was grateful that I was given to him by the world.

I stretched out my hand subconsciously, wanting to hold the illusory hand tightly.

The holy angel sword stopped two centimeters away from my body.Minato also stood on Delsis's head, his light wings stretched behind him, but his expression seemed to be about to cry in the next second.

Well, I take back the "like" because Minato actually cried.

He cried very sadly and was out of breath.No accusations, no anger, no hatred, just heartbroken.I watched him cry, and suddenly my heart was too uncomfortable.I reached out and hugged Minato.He connivingly, acquiesced to my move.

"Don't cry, don't cry..." How can I keep fighting when you cry?

Minato ignored my comfort, he just said intermittently: "Pink... you, you teach me what I should do now... me, why is this happening? I... the belief I have been fighting for, you , you come and tell me, how should I continue to fight?"

"My dream day, the devil king falls, and then...then the two of us can travel together, or find a place to live...until one day, we are all old, too old to move anymore It's gone...but..."

"But Pink, tell me that things have become like this now, how can I not waver anymore, and continue fighting with the holy angel sword in hand."

I didn't answer, just grabbed Minato's hair, aimed at his lips, and kissed him deeply.Then, the light bloomed, Minato's blue eyes rolled, and his limbs limp and paralyzed.

I put my arms around Minato, he is a little thinner than before, and when I hug him tightly, he will feel a little tight.He probably didn't expect that at that moment, I would sneak up on him.

Thinking of this, I pulled the cloak behind me to wrap Minato tighter.Although he fell into a deep sleep, there were still tears on his face, and his brows were furrowed, which was a very sad expression.

"Your Majesty." The crow came late, and he glanced at Minato with a strange expression, "...Your Majesty, have you replaced the deadly forbidden spell with the spell of imprisonment and sleep?"

The confinement technique sealed Minato's strength as a brave man, so the sleep technique took effect smoothly.In just a few minutes, hundreds of seals were interconnected and bloomed on Minato's skin. The holy power in Minato's body resisted instinctively, but they lost control of their master. In the end, they could only whine helplessly. Silent in the depths of flesh and blood.

I gently touched Minato's cheek: "...When will it be your turn to question my decision?"

The crow opened its mouth, and another bunch of flattery came up.On the contrary, his expression has always been in the state of "I knew it would be like this", so that I miss the earliest crows a little bit - he can make a fuss about a little thing - such a comparison, the current crow is really annoying.

But I'm not in the mood to scare this guy right now, so I fluttered my wings and said to Delsis at my feet, "Retreat, I don't want to fight anymore."


When the battle broke out, Helen's first reaction was to grab her brother.At this moment of crisis, His Majesty's fighting power is really not enough.But Helen herself is not in a good state - she is a magician, and in close combat, Helen is completely passive.

For example, right now, a troll is chasing Helen and His Majesty the King.Helen fled in embarrassment, and she was still wearing a heavy court dress and high heels, which brought unparalleled difficulties to her escape project.

"It's too embarrassing." Helen fell, and His Majesty, being dragged by Helen, also fell.He was worse than Helen, and he couldn't get up for a long time.

Holding the holy wooden staff, Helen thought to herself, the most beautiful woman in the world just died like this, and she was smashed to death by the troll's hammer, she really is not beautiful at all.

"I really admire you, you can still be distracted at this time." A low sigh sounded, and the ferocious troll was pierced through the head with a spear. The blue spear was like a rainbow, invincible.The troll's body crashed to the ground, and Brando's fighting figure came into view.

Helen was furious, and was about to scold Brando where did you die.But in the next second, she held back her furious *, and put on a sensible lady's expression: "Brando, you cover me, I'm going to prepare a spell."

——There is no other reason, while Brando was fighting, he also pulled a little girl wearing a sacrificial robe of the Water Temple.

Brando first protected Avril under his wing, and then came to rescue Helen.

His Majesty the King rolled his eyes at this, and sighed, love is really an unsolvable thing.Helen, this guy is really a dead heart.

Fortunately, the battle didn't last long, and it was over.

The dark forces retreated first, but the brave did not return.

Helen couldn't bear being the light bulb, so she ran to harass His Majesty the King.She was so angry that it wasn't Francis, but she yelled at Francis: "That guy is so unreliable, what did he do?"

His Majesty the King patted Helen's hand. He knew how hard his sister was suffering right now, so he tried to find some remote paths to walk.At the same time, His Majesty the King was trying to comfort Helen: "Things will be fine, that guy Francis... must be Minato ticking his little finger, and he will come back with all his heart. All in all, things will definitely turn around." ..."

His Majesty's voice suddenly stopped.

"What's the matter?" Helen didn't understand, so she followed His Majesty's gaze and looked forward.She saw a man with white hair and white clothes sitting on top of the ruins, dazed in a daze, his eyes stopped in the direction where the devil left.

His Majesty the King patted Helen's hand, showing a bright but also unpredictable smile: "...the turning point has come."

Inexplicably, the white crow shuddered.

The author has something to say: I am a generation agent

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