Devil two hundred and five

Chapter 50 The Brave's Determination Day 4

Fuck, what a divine unfolding this is.

This news shocked me for at least 2 minutes with my expression drifting—is this thing Aytalon's calculation?No no, although that guy is a bit scumbag, he has always been used to attacking head-on, so he unabashedly put Minato in the position of the brave.

——He never thought about it, turning Minator into the people of darkness can make me relax my vigilance?

Thinking of this, I slowly calmed down. I felt uncomfortable. Aitalon, who was far away in the sky, would only be even more unhappy. First of all, although he is the king of angels, the church is a servant of God, and the two are equal to each other. ...well, in name.Aitalong is the messenger of the God of Light in the sky, and the pope is the representative of God in the world.


If Aitalong, who has taken away the godhead of the God of Light, wants to forge the oracle, it shouldn't be difficult, right?

For so many years, Aitalong should have used this method to direct the church to play the game of the hero and the devil with him.And... I touched my chin... This is good news for me.

The angels of heaven watch the stars of destiny.Just as my pupil of the Demon Lord can analyze the past and infer the future, Etalon can do the same.But the real future has infinite possibilities. Even I can only look for the tiny possibility from the clues.

——Otherwise, I would not have been so miserable that someone stabbed me in the chest.

In other words, if you want to defeat Aitalong, the most important thing is to deceive him and let him speculate a wrong future.

Although I already have a general idea in my heart, I am still at a loss as to how to implement it.

"Ouch." While I was still thinking, I was bumped by someone unexpectedly.I raised my head and saw a group of mercenaries in different costumes passing by.The guy who bumped into me gave me a fierce look: "little boy, get out of the way, be careful that I accidentally smash you into pieces."

As soon as he finished speaking, a group of mercenaries behind him burst into laughter at the same time in very tacit understanding.

I feel like the veins on my forehead are throbbing.

Hey, although the muscles on my body are not very exaggerated, but I am a mage, have you seen any mage with muscles all over his body!You bastards with all your muscles growing in your brain!

Seeing that I was standing firmly in front of the mercenaries, an archer kindly reminded me, "We are going to participate in the brave test, are you going too?"

"Go!" I replied firmly with the mood of joining in the fun.But the mercenary who bumped into me laughed at me again, to the effect that my small body would probably be brushed off in the first round. really makes people feel a little uncomfortable.

I followed the crowd to the Temple of Light, where the Pope cleared the square and set up a very exaggerated arena.Because the venue was large enough, it was divided into four areas, eight people were divided into four groups, and they fought in the four areas of southeast, northwest, respectively.

The people on the stage were very serious, and the brilliance of fighting spirit and magic intertwined with each other, making it very lively.

I couldn't help but get angry.

--farce!What a farce!

This kind of thing dares to compete with Minato for the title of brave. Has the human world declined to this extent?Thinking of this, I couldn't bear to take a step and walked onto the ring.

"Hey, why did you go up, and you have to pay the registration fee in advance!" The archer called me anxiously.

I ignored him, those magic and grudges seemed to just avoid me, and did not cause any hindrance on my way forward.In the end, I stood in the center of the ring and raised my hands: "Come on, defeat me to be eligible to compete for the title of brave...You little ants, let me tell you, in this world, what do you do? How insignificant!"

There was an uproar on and off the stage, and many people were arguing: "Who is he?"

"Is he trying to challenge us all by himself?"

"This man is crazy."

very noisy.

I thought casually, curling my five fingers. In the temple of light, it is difficult to mobilize the power of darkness, but the power I can use is not only the power of darkness.

With me as the core, the six long fire dragons swept over everything in the square like blooming fireworks. The eight people standing on the ring were reduced to ashes before they even had time to exclaim.Instead, several rays of light erupted from the audience, counteracting the fire dragon's attack.

One, two, three... Are there any acquaintances here?

I blinked my eyes, feeling a little astonished in my heart. The young man named John grew up so fast. Although he borrowed some props to some extent, being able to intercept my fire dragon also proved that his talent is indeed extraordinary.

If I hadn't been here, maybe he would have had the chance to win the title of brave man.

But I am neither happy nor sad now, I also exposed my other hand from the sleeve, my fingers slid gracefully in the air, and the magic aura began to flicker at the fingertips.This time, it can be regarded as the strongest attack I can do without using the strength of the Demon King.

Sigh of Frost.

At first glance, this magic does not look good, it is just a beam of translucent light blue light, moving towards John in the shape of a zigzag line.But if the magic power in it erupts, it is enough to freeze half of Sarn.

It's an area magic.

So I don't care at all whether this slow forward speed can hit the opponent.

"Boom!" Naturally, John was very smart and ran away halfway.But to my surprise, at this time, there was an idiot standing in front of Frost's Sigh, and a sky-blue long spear made the sound of piercing through the air, with a resolute posture, reminiscent of a bird flying in the face of a storm.

... That person is Brando, the Dragon Knight.

A thin layer of wind with snowflakes was immediately rolled up on the ground, and with Brando as the center, an area with a radius of three meters was immediately frozen.But these suddenly seemed insignificant compared with Brando himself.The Azure Spear was frozen, half of his body was frozen, and his brown hair turned white silently.After a few minutes, he took a stumbling step forward, fell to the ground, and coughed up a pool of blood—the pool of blood melted on the ground.

"Brando!" The person who made such a sharp voice could only be Helen.

I froze for a moment before I realized what I had done in a fit of rage.Brando resisted this spell that was as powerful as a forbidden spell with his body. If he fought alone, this spell might not hurt him at all-but he didn't get out of the way, because there were tens of thousands of people behind him. Inhabitants of Sarn City.

Helen helped Brando up, and Brando shrank into a ball, shaking in pain.This is a struggle of three forces, Brando's own grudge, my frost magic power, and the holy power derived from the holy name artifact. The former two are fighting to destroy Brando's body, while the latter is constantly repairing the damage. body.The pain of this cycle is hard to imagine by ordinary people.

Helen looked at me with a very complicated expression. My camouflage magic can hide it from other people, but it can't hide it from them who have the holy name artifact.

Brando seemed to want to say something to me, but blood gushed out of his mouth as soon as he opened his mouth, so he had to give up in the end.As time went by, in addition to the color of his hair, his eyebrows and pupils were slowly stained white.Except that his complexion is not so white, he looks a bit like a white crow now.

A paladin trotted to my side, with anger hidden in his eyes, but in the end he just said to me bluntly: "Your Excellency, congratulations on your victory, His Majesty the Pope would like to see you."

"Lead the way." Now that things have developed like this, it will be useless to regret it.Moreover, I don't know anything about healing magic...Anyway, I will never tell others about the fact that the last mouse that I performed a healing technique on has grown six legs or something.

I followed the paladin and soon arrived at the destination.The Pope was wearing a top hat and holding a scepter. When he heard footsteps, he turned his head and looked at me.He was very old, with folds on his face, and the years of vegetarianism made him as thin as a mummy.

The Pope saluted me: "Although this is not the first time we have met, it is indeed the first time we have met each other in this capacity... Hello, Your Majesty the Demon King."

Although I am very curious about how he broke my disguise without the holy name oracle, but when I think about it carefully, it is strange that there is no similar method.

"Looks like you're disappointed?" In this strange atmosphere, I pretended to be relaxed.

"A little bit." The Pope looked very calm, "Although I think you are here to kill me, but to be honest, my old bones are not worthy of His Majesty the Demon King's big fight."

I didn't say yes, and I didn't say no.

"Then let me guess why His Majesty the Devil would do such a thing." The pope said slowly, "No matter what, in the arena of the Church of Light, something happened that affected countless civilians, not just me as the pope. , the entire Church of Light will be impacted...Anyway, if you believe in this kind of thing, there will be four elemental gods instead of the God of Light. People will question the orthodoxy of the Church of Light..."

"...No matter who has the upper hand, in the end, I will no longer be the one who leads the entire human front. At the same time, as the servant of the God of Light, Aitalon, the king of angels, has to retreat to the second line under the general situation."

I couldn't help but applaud him, he is really old and cunning enough to be the Pope.

"...If you set your target on the King of Angels, then you will definitely not kill me, because once I die, it can only be done by the assassins of the dark forces. If such a thing happens at this moment, it will only make people Everyone is excited."

I can't deny it, but his attitude made my hands itch, wanting to see how he died.

The Pope was confident, he said slowly: "Our selection of the brave this time is actually just selecting a strong man who is willing to sneak into the Temple of Demons. Of course, I don't really want to kill Minato because of this. Minato is a good boy, and there are very few people in this world who can defeat him, even you, the Demon King, may not be able to defeat him."

"However, it is well known in the world that there are seven gods of the holy name. This statement is wrong. The sword of the holy angel was not actually a sacred tool of the holy name at the beginning, but was transformed into the king of angels later. And the holy angel that no one in the world knows The sacred tool of is called sacrifice, and it has only one function, which is to forcibly cut off the connection between other holy name sacred tools and their masters."

I knew that what he wanted to say was definitely more than that, so I continued to listen to him quietly.

"And Brando's body resists your attack, and his body has been abolished... So, if nothing else happens, we will use 'sacrifice', and then choose a new owner for the spear."

I laughed back in anger. Brando, who had lost his sacred name, would only be frozen into an ice sculpture by ice magic, and the possibility of surviving was almost zero.I have always been the only one who makes things difficult for others. For the first time, I was threatened by the enemy like this.

"...Of course, it's just not an accident."

The author has something to say: ... hide your face.The development of the plot is a little bit uneasy.

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