Devil two hundred and five

Chapter 52 The Brave's Determination Day 7

I enjoyed it quite a bit, the thrill of the crowd's glasses breaking and their jaws falling off in all directions.His Majesty the King looked at me with a very depressed expression: "That is to say, the so-called endless war between the devil and the brave, so the soldiers who all died... It's because you two guys who fell in love and fell apart, are arguing." ?"

"That's right... er, no."

I subconsciously admitted, but in the next second I immediately realized the slight condemnation in His Majesty's tone - I don't care about it, anyway, the dirty water has never been poured on me, for example, stupid, stupid, stupid, *... But pouring dirty water on Minato, I just... can't bear it.

"Under normal circumstances, this world should have been destroyed long ago! If it wasn't for Aitalong to protect you, your countless generations of ancestors would have been gone."

I said with certainty.

Delsis kicked me behind me: "Your Majesty, stand." He reminded me.

...Well, at present, the brave man and I are enemies, so we shouldn't raise the enemy's prestige.

Well, Etalon is my enemy.

I said to His Majesty the King with a firm face: "That's right! Aitalon is the big villain who bullied me like this."

His Majesty the King looked disgusted by the show of affection: "You still...forget it."

"Anyway, I'm not a good person in nature, and my current position is also very suspicious, and I don't want to punish you for myself... I don't bother to condemn you, it's good that you know the evaluation of the world in your heart, although I know you are probably [-]% won't care..."

"Anyway, I won't stand against you. After all, we are family."

I suspect something is wrong with my ears.

There must be something wrong!A guy like His Majesty the King who has no benefit and never does anything, said one day that we are family... Isn't this too suspicious?

"Besides, it's no good standing on the opposite side of you."

I guessed it: "It's because it's not good for you to keep quiet." Why bother with the big brand of kinship.

"That's right, that's it!" He admitted it!He admitted it!

"If it wasn't you guys who don't care about mortals standing around, I would definitely scold you very strongly, emphatically stating that I am only thinking of the entire human race, whether it is the church or the demons, they are all indifferent, selfish and superior , completely use your bastards, only the empire is the true leader of mankind..."

"Replace the details and turn the empire into me, and there will be no problem."

His Majesty's candor left me speechless.

Please let me send the comment of indifference, selfishness and condescension to His Majesty the King himself, where am I being indifferent, selfish and superior?I just don't pay attention to humans at all!

However, having said that, this habit of His Majesty the King may just be able to help me.

I asked His Majesty the King with a very serious expression: "Help me analyze one matter, and I will give you benefits."

"What's the benefit?"

"Follow your orders and do one thing. You know, I am the devil king."

Demon King is a great title!

Well, yes, since it's what I'm called, it's great.

The king was silent for a while, as if hesitating.

I can't understand his silence.If any careerist were here, the performance would be nothing more than ecstatic, and then use all kinds of magic to guarantee the contract.And, I swear, at this moment, I am very serious about my promise - I am not in the mood to watch a joke!I'm not ready to renege!


What is he silent about?

After a long time, His Majesty the King finally raised his head and looked at me with a tangled expression.

He said: "The problem is, even if I don't help, you will honestly do what I want you to do."

"How is it possible?" I am a domineering, cool, and arrogant devil king!

"For example, I want you to come back now... Alas? Why did you come back, Minato?"

"Where is where?" I hurriedly turned around and looked around.

"Look, it's that simple."

What is so simple, I don't know why.But I am only sure of one thing: "You lied to me!"

"...The point is to lie to you?"

"Of course! Minato is obviously not standing behind me!"

The white crow laughed maniacally without giving me any face (if he didn't use Minato's body, probably I would have stepped on his face, laughing hair), and the crow had a hard time holding back his laughter.Delsis rubbed his temples helplessly.

And His Majesty the King covered his face as if someone had refreshed his understanding of the whole world.

His voice came out from between his fingers: "Forget it, you're stupid anyway, it's not the first day I know... Besides, I should have known, you are not willing to talk quietly and honestly at all. Lord of love—you will never rest until you drag the world into the water."

Nonsense, when did you see that Chuangshishen is the honest Lord?

Even if it is Jehovah next door, he is still the Lord who does not even bat an eye when the flood destroys the world.

...Can you find a good person (only Etalon) who is less bothered about messing with humans than I am?

"Let's make things clear first."

"Ahem. This is a long story..."

"Please be sure to hold back your confession*. I know that demon gods have a good memory, but I'm just a mortal with a limited lifespan. Please save time."

……All right.

I tried my best to talk to His Majesty the king with simple content, but the time is too long, no matter how concentrated the time of tens of thousands of years is, the weight is still very long—I express my admiration for my condensed skills——

I finished it in just seven days.

The white crow left after only half an hour of listening, Delsis listened for about two hours, and did not leave the stage out of respect for me, but huddled into a ball and made a whirring sound.Surprisingly, the crow carried it for three days without closing his eyes, but on the fourth day he ran away with a serious face saying "don't make me disillusioned with this world anymore".

His Majesty the King has been unable to leave the scene because he put himself in the mirror, and the mirror was pinched in my hand.Judging by his expression, he probably developed from toothache to facial nerve stiffness, and then his whole body was not right...

All in all, when I finished the whole conversation, His Majesty the King picked his ears in disbelief: "'s gone."

"Well, it's almost there." I showed off to him triumphantly, "It's concise enough."

"Well." His Majesty the King nodded with necrotic facial nerves, "Understood, it was a devout believer who fell in love with his god, and then the god turned him into an angel, and because he had nothing to do, let him He helped to manage the world. The transformation from a believer to a manager shattered the other party's three views, and the god who had nothing in his mind didn't realize it at all, and the conflict broke out."

"The original gods repaired the world by destroying and rebuilding, and the angel established the system of the devil and the brave to improve the world's original drive to degenerate, but at the same time, he had no lingering affection for becoming a devil, so Every time the devil king reincarnates, he will stay in the body of the princess, accompany the devil king until the reincarnation ends, and then return his body to the princess..."

"Then, in the last session, the devil broke out once, and the angel promised to end the reincarnation. So this time, he cut the part of his feelings for the devil from his soul and made it into rice. Nato, reincarnated as a hero."

"That's it, is there anything missing?"

"..." I stared at His Majesty the King dumbfounded. He just finished speaking in 7 minutes, right? 7 minutes, right?In such a short period of time, I can summarize the full text, and even add adjectives like "I don't have anything in my head"...

"Okay, I kind of understand the problem now."

His Majesty the King yawned and rubbed his temples: "To be honest, what kind of person do you think Minato is?"

This question is easy to answer: "A (accent) beautiful (accent) person who is strong, kind, and principled."

"Strong? Kind? Principled?"

His Majesty the King repeated my adjectives with a weird expression: "Of course, I don't deny that you are beautiful... But, should I laugh at your lack of vocabulary, or the first time I see—live!—beauty in the eyes of a lover... …this or that, it’s a real conundrum.”

"Then tell me, what kind of person is Minato?" I asked back not convinced.

"Strength can be seen, and perseverance is worth it." The king first praised a few words in a seemingly fair manner, and then changed the subject, revealing his venomous tongue, "Emotions are hard, love to think wildly, and get into the horns...Of course, these can also be regarded as Love|interest, but Minato has a big problem, that is, he is easily influenced by other people."

"Because the Pope told him that it is best not to be smeared by homosexual scandals, so he is not out."

"Because you like him and want to be with him, so he agreed."

"What about this person—when he thinks about problems, he rarely thinks about himself. He will blindly believe in the rules, principles, and situations told to him by others, and completely accept the other party's assignment. Even if this behavior is against his nature , Minato can also find a reason to act according to the other party's words... This ability is really admirable."

"However, this obedience pained him."

"When the pain reaches a certain limit, Minato will collapse directly. At this time, let me tell you, it is not strange for him to do anything."

"Crash, collapse?" I was startled by this sentence.

"Well, literally—I've known it twice, one time was Etalon's betrayal, and the other time was when he became hysterical in front of you and turned into a crying bag."

"Crying, crying bag?" Don't blame me for repeating numbly, because my mind has become numb and rigid.

"I didn't quite understand how this guy developed such a weird personality before—of course, it's quite easy to use... Ahem, now I finally understand that you have to bear most of the responsibility. "

"Whether it's gods and believers, or gods and angels, between the two, the status has always been that one party gives orders and the other party obeys. In addition to your character... you have always been used to this kind of asking, no wonder Minato will end up like that."

"As for the betrayal, don't be angry. I believe the other party's pain is no less than yours."

"And, if there is no instigator behind it, Aitalong can't do such a thing."

Well, I think I vaguely get it, and vaguely don't, but the point is: "So what do I do?"

"Is your devil's eye dead?"


"You've never used Minato before, have you?"

He guessed it, how should I say it?I have always watched other people's inner world with the mentality of watching jokes, but I don't want to treat Minato like this...or, I'm more afraid of seeing any negative emotions from the bottom of his heart.

because of love.

So I am afraid of hurting the other party.

I have witnessed each other in terms of interests, and I have also encountered madness and desire in the heart.I don't care what the whole world thinks of me, only Minato... can't bear it, can't... turn a blind eye.

"Okay." His Majesty the King couldn't help rubbing his temples, "Go and try to take a look into his heart."

"...I don't dare."

"You have to believe in true love. He loves you no less than you love him."

"...still dare not."

"I knew it." His Majesty the King rolled his eyes at me, "Then when you see him, bring the little deer that can tell lies... Probably, that thing is for this moment."

I thought about it seriously, and this is indeed a very clever solution, so I sincerely thanked His Majesty the King: "Thank you."

"Go away, I have to go back to sleep, I'm so sleepy."

"Well, I'm off then."

"and many more."

"what happened?"

"Just tell Minato... If it were me, if someone said that homosexuality is not tolerated in the world, I would slap him in the face, then make homosexuality the norm, and put heterosexuality on the stake."


"I'm going to bed."

"Wait, don't sleep."


I laughed very strangely: "I just want to ask you, are you interested in working part-time as the God of Light?"

The author has something to say: a small theater.

King: I've always wondered about one thing.

Demon King: What is it?

King: Why did you refuse to forgive him before, and suddenly want to reconcile now?

Demon King: Oh, it's a normal thing.It's like when you and your girlfriend quarrel, when you are angry, you are still angry at what others say, but when the anger subsides, you will naturally continue to love each other.


Demon King: What's the matter?

King: Don't you think this angry one is a little too long!

Demon King: How can there be?You want to compare the lifespan, if it is equivalent to human beings, my breath is not as long as 1 minute?Now, don't you think I'm extraordinarily good-tempered?


(Voice: I have no common language with this group of bastards who have no life limit!)


I was a little bit tempted to put a small theater into the main text to mix up the number of words, but in the end I gave it to everyone for free!

Come and praise me for being so cute!

(I thought I could finish writing before 12:[-], but in the end it was _(:з」∠)_)

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