Devil two hundred and five

Chapter 8 The Awakening of the Demon King Day 8

Hearing what I said, Minato showed a little astonishment: "... Has it been locked to someone?"

"Yes." I showed off in front of him ostentatiously, "I'm very good, right?"

"Yes, Pink is very powerful, so please catch that person."

I nodded, and stretched out my hand to lead the crow out of the shadows.The crow looked at me, stared at his pair of bean-like bird eyes, and quacked several times before realizing that he could actually speak human language: "...Your Majesty, it's not me."

"I know it's not you." I gave the crow a white look, "I just asked you, where can the damage of the holy power of the holy name artifact be suppressed."

The crow was dazed for a long time. In his knowledge, apart from the devil, there were only a handful of people who could survive the attack of the holy name oracle, and there were even fewer who needed to recuperate afterwards—even if there was such a place, the devil I must know better than him.

However, since I asked the question, the crow must also answer.

"I only know that the devil's bedroom does have a magic circle that restrains the sacred tool, which is the legacy left by His Majesty the first devil king. However, the door of the bedroom has always been a holy place guarded by my family, it is impossible..."

Before he finished speaking, I grabbed my neck.I searched the memory of the demon kings of the past, and soon found that place, which is also a place in the Temple of Demons. Most of the demon kings lived there as their lair. As soon as I recalled it, some inexplicable emotions flooded in.

I shook my head, suppressed those things that didn’t belong to me, held Minato’s hand, and revealed the horn of the devil—that place, even the devil needs a certificate to go in and out, and the Kuroba family is just to maintain the daily life there Only when it is running can it be qualified to enter and exit.

In the blink of an eye, the environment around me changed suddenly. The ground was made of a whole block of mithril, covered with gemstones of various colors the size of a baby's fist, and then sealed by a ten-centimeter-thick crystal—such a tyrant Except for the devil king, there is really no other person in this world for the magic circle created by hand.

At that moment, my mouth was watering.

——Take all these things away, and you don’t have to worry about buying the entire Temple of Light... No wonder everyone is screaming and beating the Demon King.

Of course, I have a mission to come here.On the big bed of the Demon King where more than a dozen beauties can lie on, there is indeed a man, with his upper body exposed and thick bandages wrapped around him, and he is resting with his eyes closed.Seeing three uninvited guests appearing in the room, the first reaction was to throw the dagger from the wall.

Because of the wound on his shoulder, he threw it with little force, and Minator tilted the hilt in his hand and knocked the dagger down.

With a blank expression on his face, Minato pulled the man off the bed like he was picking up a chicken.Only then did I take a closer look at the man's face. He had smooth white hair, was very thin, and had the unique vigor of a young man in his brows and eyes. Coupled with his snow-white body, he looked like a snowman from a distance.

As soon as the crow saw this person, the blood on his face immediately faded away: "Why, how could it be..."

His reaction caused Minato to glance at him curiously, and I immediately leaned over and explained to him: "This man is the elder brother of Crow and the eldest son of the Black Feather family."

"What crow...?" Heiyu's eldest son was still struggling restlessly as he was pressed to the ground by Minato.

"Your brother." I looked at the man's snow-white appearance again, "It's just right, you will be called White Crow from now on, and you will be a good pair with your brother."

"Bah... I have a name..."

Before the white crow could finish his retort, the crow knelt down on the ground subconsciously: "Thank you, Your Majesty, for giving me the name... This is really a wise and powerful name. Comparing my previous name with this name, it is like the light of fireflies." The bright moon... no, not even the fireflies..."

The crow's knife-like eyes forced the crow to shut up.

All in all, this is a very bloody story - in Crow's memory, his elder brother has far surpassed ordinary people's strength, wisdom and ability since he was young. Although he is still young, he has made most of the elders Those who have to be submissive... As for those who don't, he made them into undead guards.

Therefore, when he refused to fulfill the contract of the devil king and became the servant of the devil king, the entire Heiyu family didn't say a word.Crow also took over his responsibility without any objection. In the bottom of Crow's heart, his brother is so proud, how could he be willing to be someone else's subordinate?

But this matter, in my eyes, is another situation.

To be honest, the devil kings of all ages are strong, but whether they understand administration is another matter, and they often jump out when they are happy and disappear, even the devil king who didn't even recognize his subordinates before his death. There are a lot of people... so to be honest, the one who really holds the power is really the eldest son who made a contract with the devil.

Then, as long as you can make the devil happy, it is a job worth more than [-] people... The crow is driving ducks to the shelves, so he may not understand it, but how could the white crow not understand the principles of this kind of education he has received since childhood.

Then, there is only one possibility.

——He wants to overthrow the devil and become the devil himself.

It's a pity that he didn't accept the complete devil's contract, his strength was incomplete, and he was directly defeated by Brando, turning this big drama into a farce.

I clicked my lips regretfully, if it came true... how much fun it would be.

I explained the whole thing succinctly.After hearing this, Minato smiled and commented: "...It turns out that there are constant intrigues here."

"Ami, if you like it, I can put on a show for you every day!"

Minato's face darkened: "Don't make trouble."

Ever since the crow saw the white crow, he was out of his mind.The white crow didn't even give a single glance to his younger brother, but just stared at me in a haze, full of resentment and resignation, this kind of look seemed more like a demon king than my true card.

"I'd rather know one thing."

Minato forced his wrist to bow his head: "How did you convince the three-headed dragon... As far as I know, that dragon has always only obeyed the devil king from ancient times to the present."

"Because I am more qualified to be the Demon King than him."

When the white crow said this, his tone was full of grief and indignation that couldn't wait for me: "Why would such a thing be the devil! He would be the master of our dark creatures! He will act recklessly, and even say things like not being a devil, He even hooked up with the Temple of Light... It is precisely because of such a demon king that we have lived in darkness for generations, hiding like mice in the trench."

"He doesn't want to be a demon king, I will be, and I will lead the entire dark world to achieve results that even 250 generations of demon kings cannot achieve."

well said!

I almost couldn't help applauding him - besides His Majesty the King, this is the second time I've seen someone who can speak of ambition so brightly, deafeningly, and from the heart.This kind of person is a character who can shine brightly in the history books if he is given some sunshine.

It's a pity that the white crow has now fallen into the hands of Minato.

So I just had to wax him.

"Should I turn my head away?" I asked seriously.

Minato thought for a while and replied, "It's better to stand at the door and help me guard the door."

"Okay." I walked out obediently, and by the way, I also helped to bring out the crow that had been stuck there like a wooden stake, and then locked the door.

However, Minato doesn't seem to know that the pupil of the devil has the function of passing through walls, and my hearing has also been greatly strengthened. Moreover, the magic circle in the devil's bedroom is completely opened to me—so, I can also pass through the door. Continue to watch the play.

Minato smashed the white crow to the ground—he really did it, and I trembled at the force of it. I have to admit that when he beat me up this morning, he was still merciful: "Generations of generations live in darkness. Middle... why don't you think about it, has someone forced you to live in darkness! This is the path you chose, killing civilians, plundering wealth... such a thing, are you ashamed to say that others forced you!"

"The so-called ruling the world depends on the kingly way, not the way of tyranny. Don't you understand such a simple truth!"

The following words are roughly the same as saying the original words upside down several times.The white crow resisted at first, but after a few minutes, it was suppressed by Minato and stopped moving.

Only about 10 minutes in total, Minato opened the door with a warm expression, holding a white handkerchief in his hand, slowly drying the blood from his nails.If the background wasn't too scary, maybe a little girl would mistake him for an angel who fell into the mortal world.

I silently sighed in my heart, Minato behaved so tenderly, he must be in the worst mood.Thinking of this, I patted Crow's shoulder: "Hurry up and bandage your brother."

The crow woke up suddenly, and broke away from the state of self-entanglement.

Minato glanced at me, then slowly moved to my side, and sat down side by side: "You should go by yourself, that kind of person is very proud in his bones, so he won't owe favors easily. If you show that you never The attitude of saving him from my hand, even if he doesn't say it, he must have a little bit of concern in his heart... Besides, if I beat him like this, although he will hate me, but at the same time he will seriously think about what I said , given time, maybe we can really cultivate a useful subordinate."

"I didn't think much of it," I admitted. "I'm honestly surprised you didn't just kill him."


"Not only did he show mercy, but he also helped him draw out the holy power that destroyed his body... Is this you? Ami, haven't you been more ruthless than anyone else in attacking monsters?"

"...I want you to take care of it!"

Minato's face darkened, but I knew that his mood was actually much better than when he just left the house.

I couldn't help laughing, put my arms around Minato's shoulders, and rubbed my face against his hair: "Actually, I ran to tell you that when I was the devil king, I was ready to be attacked by you in a fit of anger." Prepare to be hacked to death... I know that you used to have a very happy family, and it was all because of me, and all because of monsters, that it was destroyed."

From the day the devil was reincarnated, the power of darkness in this world became active. Many normal animals were demonized and turned into monsters. The monsters are cruel by nature and often attack villages.Minato's family was destroyed by monsters when he was young.For revenge, he joined the mercenary group at a young age, and suffered countless hardships.

"...Those are all in the past." Minato shook his head, his blue eyes could not help showing a touch of sadness, "Even if I kill all the monsters in the world and kill the devil king, what I lost will never come back ...I'm really aware of this matter."

He sighed, lowered his head, and looked at my hand: "So, if you haven't lost it, you should hold it firmly in your hand."

I volunteered to recommend: "As long as you need it, you can play as many times as you want, and I will make you the most powerful hero."

"Fool." Minato sighed, "I didn't really become a brave just to become a brave."

"...for the ideal of His Majesty the King?" I asked, with a somewhat sour tone.

"No." Minato shook his head, "Whether it's a brave man or helping His Majesty the King, it's just a means to achieve my goal, not the end... My ambition is much bigger than you imagined, it's so big in In this process, there should be no mistake or blemish.”

"what is that?"

"Yesterday's version is different from today's version, which one do you want to listen to?"

"Both!" I held up my hands.

Minato nodded helplessly, his eyes drifted to the clouds in the sky, and the setting sun painted them with a layer of gold, and the light splashed out, shining with the broken hair beside Minato's ears: "Everything exists for its reason, then, the devil king The fate of the brave has been repeated for so many years, and there must be a deeper reason... One day ago, I wanted to find out such a reason, then smash it, and let it become eternal history with the Demon King."

My heart skipped a beat, and when I spoke again, I felt a bit bitter in my mouth: "So, now?"

"I will control the mouthpiece of fate, and I will end the fate of the brave and the devil fighting each other for tens of thousands of years... I have lost too much, and I have paid too much... Heaven rewards those who work hard, I will never be unable to guard even this little wish."

Minato turned his face, showing a smile as bright as the clouds in the sky.

I firmly believe that at that moment, even if Minato told me to die the next second, I would accept such a fate obligingly.

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