Tian Nei Lizi looked at Xia Youjie suspiciously: "Who are we waiting for?"

"We..." Xia Youjie suddenly sensed something, "Ah, here we come."

I saw a white-haired super conjurer walking over with a man's collar.

"I've been waiting for a long time." Wujo Satoru said while throwing the person in his hand into the car, and he himself got in: "Hurry up, let's talk while walking."

Riko Tennouchi hid alertly: "Who is he?"

Gojo Satoru didn't know what he thought of, and smiled with his lips curled up: "It's a friendly army."



This car is too luxurious, there is a refrigerator and TV inside, and the smell of money is everywhere.

Under the enthusiastic eyes of the two girls beside him, Shen Gu Mingyi said with a slight smile, "Excuse me."

His voice is very soft and deep, always making people feel like he is coaxing others. There is a broken light in his eyes, and when he smiles, he is soft and not aggressive. Same in you.

The two girls blushed and waved their hands, "It's all right."

Gojo Satoru and Xia Youjie sat together, opposite to Kamiya Mingichi, although it wasn't obvious, it was indeed in an interrogation posture.

This car gave Shengu Mingyi great confidence. Such a rich man should not have a problem dealing with a Panxing Sect. He only thought for a few seconds before picking up the fruit knife on one side of the table. fate.

"You, what are you doing!" Riko Tenuchi was taken aback, subconsciously moving away from him.

Kuroi, who was in charge of protecting her, quickly stopped in front of Tenuchi Riko.

However, the two conjurers didn't move much. They all knew that this was an ordinary person, and it was impossible to assassinate Riko Tenuchi in front of them.

So I just looked at him lazily and with some interest.

Shen Guming held the knife instead, and stabbed it into his left shoulder without pausing. The tip of the knife stirred, and the scalp of the observer felt numb. With a light pick, a small black thing was picked out.

"Micro-bombs, Panxing Sect's method of controlling me."

Gojo Satoru looked at the open palm stretched out in front of him, on which lay a bomb the size of a soybean. Although small, it was enough to blow up the car and everyone in it.

The opponent pulled his palm and put the bomb in his hand.

"I leave it to you."

His expression didn't change the whole time, as if he couldn't feel the pain.

In fact, Kamiya Naruichi did not feel pain, which was discovered when he was on the plane.

The time he almost fell down before, his hand hit the back of the chair, but he didn't feel it at all. At that time, he knew that his pain sensation probably disappeared, otherwise Shengu Mingyi would never have dared to dig directly in such a cruel way. A bomb that enters the body.

The people in the car seemed to be frightened by him, they didn't make a sound at all, and even breathed a lot lighter.

I don't know how long it took, Gojo Satoru gripped the miniature bomb tightly: "You are very smart! You can see that I am the strongest at a glance, okay, leave it to me!"

Kamiya Mingichi didn't know what Gojo Satoru had done, and when he opened his hand again, there was nothing on it.

"Let me help you with a simple bandage for the time being." Xia Youjie opened the medicine box on the car.

Because he had to deal with the wound, Kamiya Mingyi sat next to the other party.

He unbuttoned the opening of his shirt, pulled down his clothes, and exposed his shoulders. While taking it off, he thought, I knew it would be dealt with, and I just took off my clothes before digging and bombing.

"It hurts a bit, bear with it a little bit." Xia Youjie's tone unconsciously tinged with comfort.

"It's ok."

While Xia Youjie was dealing with the wound, Shen Gu Mingyi explained the situation on his side: "My name is Shen Gu Mingyi, because I accidentally bumped into the conversation of the Panxing Sect, so I agreed to them in order not to be silenced. Help them spy on you."

He recalled the previous scene, "What they were talking about at the time was to find someone to monitor Riko Amane, but they were afraid that I would be discovered. I am not one of them, and they didn't tell me why they wanted to monitor you. I didn't know anything. I don't know, even if they get caught, they have nothing to lose."

"It turns out that's the case. Now, you are free."

"That's what you say..." Shen Guming carefully felt the uneasiness in his heart, "I think their goal has been achieved."

Animals in nature will rely on the instinct engraved on their DNA to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. Humans have lost this instinct for a long time, but occasionally there will be two people who are more sensitive to the perception of danger. Kamiya Naruichi is such a person.

"Don't worry, brother Kamiya," Gojo Satoru laid his hands behind his head and leaned leisurely to one side, "With me and Jie, nothing will happen."

Xia Youjie tied the bandage and smiled at him: "That's right, we are the strongest."

"Wujo Wu, and Xia Youjie."

To an ordinary person who doesn't understand the magic world and has no magic power, it's hard to say too much. I'll take them to Nitzi to treat them with the reverse spell. After that, they will never sleep again in their lives. There is an intersection.


Kamiya Mingichi doubted what they said about the "strongest" statement, because these two people are still students, and the only adult among them is himself, the strongest or something, it sounds like a second-year speech.

and many more?

"younger brother?"

He didn't feel it himself, but in the eyes of others, he looked like a high school student at best.

Kamiya Naruichi has always been very steady, and this will finally be a little emotional, Gojo Satoru can't help but continue to tease him: "Is there something wrong?"

"It's right to call you brother." Kamiya Mingichi corrected seriously.

"Don't! God~gu~brother~brother~"

Seeing Wujo Wujo who provoked him, Shen Guming turned to Xia Youjie.

——This is the strongest in your mouth?

Xia Youjie just expressed helplessness, and rubbed Shen Gu Mingyi's hair by the way, "I realize that's what he is, don't look at him like this, in fact, he is super strong."

Shen Guming covered his head and found out in despair that even Xia Youjie thought he was his younger brother.

Oh, by the way, he has lost the emotion of despair.

Mood instantly worsened.

Along the way, Kamiya Mingichi tried to explain that he was an adult, but no one believed him.

He didn't ask where he was going to take him, anyway, it couldn't be worse than Panxing Sect.

When the car stopped, Kamiya Mingichi had given up struggling, the younger brother should be the younger brother.


"You can just call me by my name, brother or something...forget about it." Otherwise, people will always feel that they are mocking him.

No one looked at him, only shouting haha.

Standing at the foot of a mountain, the mountain road in front of you can't see the end at a glance.

Xia Youjie said: "You go to school with us, and our school doctor will treat your wound later."

Kamiya Mingichi did not refuse. Although he will not be in pain, he will be cold if he bleeds a lot, and there is a risk of infection. It would be better if a professional can help him deal with it.

In fact, even if he is sent to the hospital, he has no money now, and his wallet is still on the coffee table at home.

I can only rub against other people's school doctors.

There is a row of torii gates on the mountain road. It doesn't feel like going to school, but stepping into the kingdom of God.In Kamiya Naruichi's impression, there should be a shrine in front of him.

A school built in a shrine?

As the steps moved, the torii gates in the eyes passed one by one, and the red color occupied the entire field of vision, obviously representing the residence of the gods, but Kamiya Naruichi felt that this kind of red gave people an ominous feeling.

How should I put it... He has been to the shrine, and the torii here is completely different from other shrines.

Seeing him staring at the torii gate above his head, Xia Youjie lowered his voice and asked, "What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

Shen Guming shook his head, "It's just that I didn't expect that young masters like you would go to a school in the mountains. I thought it would be that kind of noble school."

Xia Youjie smiled and said, "Really."

Finally climbed to the mountain, Kamiya Mingichi's face turned pale again.

Having said that, if he had known that the mountain was so high, he would not have agreed to go up.

What the four of them were talking about, Shengu Mingyi didn't hear clearly at all, he just wanted to go to the school doctor as soon as possible.

Suddenly, there was a chill behind his back, and a creepy chill made him instinctively on guard.

The next moment, a knife pierced Gojo Satoru's abdomen, and a man with short black hair appeared behind Gojo Satoru out of thin air.

Everyone was shocked, and Shen Guming couldn't be shocked even if he thought about it, so he seemed the calmest among them.


Gojo Wu glanced at Xia Youjie, and smiled slyly: "I'm fine, Jie, take them to Lord Tianyuan."[1]

I don't know how to stab it with a knife and it will be fine, anyway, Gojo Satoru is really fine.

Xia Youjie and Wujo Wu seemed to have said something, but Shengu Mingyi couldn't understand at all, not a single word.

He ran behind Xia Youjie, holding down the open wound.

Finally, he looked back at Gojo Satoru, as if he was fighting another person from a distance.

That scene... If there was emotion, Kamiya Mingichi felt that he would feel very horrified.

"Don't worry, Enlightenment is very strong." Xia Youjie noticed Shen Guming's hesitation and comforted him.

"Oh, I see."

He didn't know where he was, but Kuroi, who had been protecting Riko Tenuchi, stopped suddenly.

The two girls looked like they were going to part ways soon, and they seemed very sad.

Shen Guming watched them say goodbye quietly, and when Xia Youjie was about to leave with Riko Tenuchi, he subconsciously stepped up to keep up, but was held back by Heijing.

"No." Heijing had tears in his eyes.

"But summer oil..."

Kuroi didn't speak, just looked at Naruichi Kamiya sadly.

"………All right."

Some pictures suddenly flashed before his eyes.

Those pictures disappeared so quickly that I didn't see them clearly at all.But it feels like something bad is going to happen.

The place was very empty, and Kamiya Naruichi and Kuroi stood side by side, silently watching their figures go away until the sound of footsteps gradually disappeared.

Kuroi wiped away his tears, turned around and said to Kamiya Naruichi, "Okay, we—"

A hand knife fell heavily, and Heijing couldn't finish his sentence.

As soon as Shen Guming caught the fallen Hei Jing, he carefully put her aside and asked her to sit against the wall.

Looking at the sleeping girl, Kamiya Ming took off his coat and covered her body.

Said softly, "I'm sorry."

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