Even if ghosts have their own important people, they are not soft-spoken when they eat other people's important people.The judge lowered his eyes and put a seal on the house so that the sound from the house could not be heard outside, and then let the prostitute Taro shout.

The prostitute Taro compromised. It is reasonable to say that they are bound by Mr. Wu Mi, and Mr. Wu Mi should be able to see what happened, but until now he has not heard Mr. Wu Mi's voice and can't care so much.

"The most powerful person in the world is Master Wu Mi, and we also have the contract of Master Wu Mi. His whereabouts are uncertain." Taro the prostitute closed his eyes and waited for the curse of Master Wu Mi to come. After a while, there was no movement, and he was a little hesitant. eyes open.

The god judge sat opposite him and frowned slightly. He could feel that the other end of the contract between the two brothers and sisters in front of him was also a ghost, and even the aura was exactly the same as that of the murderer who killed this house. If the strongest man at that time was a ghost, then Isn't he going to ask ghosts for help?The judges were a little disgusted.

"Aren't there any human beings who can defeat Wumi?" the god judge wondered.

Although the prostitute Taro is not miserly, he has no doubts about Wu Mi's strength, "Master Wu Mi is the strongest, who can defeat him? I have finished speaking, let my sister return to her original state."

The judge thought of Fox's function, and then asked, "What's Wu Mi's full name?"

The prostitute Taro was a little dissatisfied, his sister hadn't recovered yet, but the judge was impatient, and the chains began to tighten the necks of Yuji and him, "I know it's useless to kill one of you alone, I may not be very good at killing people, but I have no burden to kill you."

"Onimai Tsuji, no misery." The prostitute Taro said with difficulty as he was tightened by the chains.

The god judge looked at Fox's help, who understood the meaning of the god judge and began to use his own ability to find the whereabouts of Onimai Tsuji.

"Master God Judge, it's too far away, he's not in Yoshiwara." There was no trace of Kiwu Tsuji in the location search, which only meant that he wasn't in this city.

"Let my sister change back to the original." The prostitute Taro looked worried at the quiet sister next to him. They were twins, and he had never seen such a quiet sister except that he was burned to death by a samurai when he was still a human.

"It's just that it fell into a dormant state because of lack of anger, and a man-eating ghost is also worthy of negotiating conditions." The judge finished speaking expressionlessly, and the chains dragged the prostitute Taro who hadn't reacted and the silent fallen girl to the bottom.

After they left, the god judge sat on the chair and gritted his teeth and thought over and over again, the chains between his wrists were revealed. If the most powerful person in this world is a ghost, it would be a great shame as an onmyoji to seek help from ghosts.

"Impossible, all things are born and restrained by each other, not to mention a ghost, there must be other people who can restrain Wu Mi." The interrogator didn't quite believe what the prostitute Taro said.

"Let the first phase find a way to contact the ghost killing team. Since it is an organization that can fight against ghosts for a long time, there must be something special about them."

Foxnosuke nodded, "Good judge, what are you going to do with those two ghosts?"

"I can't keep two evil spirits in my yin and yang library. What if the gemstone gets some disgusting smell after a long time?" The judge leaned back on the chair and said, blowing the hair on his forehead .

"When we leave this world, if the two of them are still useless, send them to the place where ghosts should go." The judge closed his eyes and let out a sigh of relief, muttering to himself: "Little fox, this If no one in the world can untie my shackles, it will be a waste of two worlds."

Fox's help didn't say anything, it didn't know what to do, and the god judge didn't ask it for a solution.

"Forget it, let's go." The judge waved his hand, and Honosuke went out. After going out, he looked back at the judge. In the dim room, only the judge was sitting on a chair decadently. The spiritual lamps of the inquisitors were hung up everywhere, but only in this room, the inquisitors took down the spiritual lamps after confirming that it was his room, because he didn't need the lamps.

The childish Wuyou put down his hand that was pounding the medicine. He lost contact with the fallen princess and the prostitute Taro in the land of the string, but he could clearly feel that they were not dead yet. , besides Zhu Shi, who else in this world has such ability?The final scene, of men with swords fighting them, reminded him of Ghost Slayer.

It must be the fallen princess who dragged the prostitute Taro back, it was really useless, the care between the brothers and sisters was so close that being a ghost added a lot of unnecessary humanity.

"Tong Mo, Luo Ji and the prostitute Taro seem to be in some trouble in Yoshihara, you go to Yoshihara and clear all the members of the Demon Slayer Squad in Yoshihara."

Tong Mo, who was eating in the classroom, paused, then licked his fingers after eating the thighs in his hand, and said, "Oh my god, didn't you even hit the prostitute Taro? This time the Ghost Killing Squad really paid a heavy price. Woolen cloth."

"It must be the fault of Luo Ji. If she is killed, she will be incompetent. If she dies, she will die. It's just that the bugs in the ghost killing team are too annoying." Wu Mi counted the grams of medicine in his hand. He was a little concerned, so he planned to go to Yoshihara himself.

Compared with the lives of Fallen Princess and prostitute Taro, it is obvious that the experiment in front of him is more important to him.

"Understood, Mr. Wu Mi." Tong Mo wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth with a handkerchief, squinting his eyes. He was in a happy mood after eating just now. Looking at the blood stains here, I was a little annoyed. It was all because the woman was struggling too much, and I had to clean it up this time.

Wu Mi doesn't like Tong Mo very much. If the prostitute Taro dies, Wu Mi might feel a little pity. Not even giving him a look.

After he ordered Tong Mo, he took his mind back and focused on the medicine experiment in front of him.

After there were no more words in his mind, Tong Mo waited quietly for a while to make sure that Wu Mi had left, and then rolled up his sleeves to clean the room. Nowadays, people's tolerance for cannibalism is getting lower and lower, so that he can't even find it. If you find a suitable servant, you can only do it yourself.

After tidying up, Tong Mo set foot on the road to Yoshihara.

On the second day, the house was almost repaired after a night of hard work by the Fusangshen. Yamato Shou'an wiped the sweat from his forehead, "Next time we have to fight outside, or let the lord give the house a house. A hood, otherwise it will be scrapped in a fight."

California Qingguang was next to him, and the two teamed up to repair the roof that was knocked off during the fight last night, "An Ding, look at my nails are scratched, and there are no houses here, so I can't buy good-looking nail polish. "

Yamato Mamoru Anding leaned over to look at it, "Really, how about you dye it with the juice of flowers, it would be very elegant."

Jiang Xue Zuowen and the first issue, one shaker, one person, and a basket of washed clothes walked through the atrium to the backyard and planned to hang them to dry. Sanriyue and Xiaoye sat on the porch holding tea and looked at them. Xiaoye put down the teacup and walked over to help his brother. , was rejected by Jiang Xuezuo's text, and she is not as tall as the frame.

The other knives were playing in the repaired vestibule after finishing their work. Maeda and Akita squatted on the ground to watch the ants carrying food in a line. How could there be food after this place had been deserted for so long? They followed the movements of the ants. The line found Tsurumaru Kuninaga and Ran who were stealing sweets at the corner.

Wuhu Tui and Hepingye were discussing which one to shovel and plant in front of the withered flowers, and Jinjian went to look for the god-inspector with the decoction prepared by the medicine research and the candlestick-cut breakfast.

In the room, the God-inspector was lying on the bed, and the five tiger cubs and Fox Nosuke who retreated from the Five Tigers nestled around the God-inspector and surrounded him. A little tiger turned over and fell, and Jinjian knocked on the door.

"My lord, get up, eat and drink medicine."

Foxnosuke was the first to be startled by the knock on the door, and got down from the bed to open the door for Imai, the god judge opened his eyes, the little tigers turned over and smashed their mouths still in sleep, he got up and opened the door The two cubs were hugged inside, and after the guardrail disappeared, the chains helped the examiner get up.

After Jin Jian came in, the god judge was already sitting on the chair. Jin Jian put the god judge's breakfast on the table today, and put the medicine jar aside first.

"Tell Yaoyan that my illness is almost cured, so you don't need to boil the medicine for me." Before the medicine jar was opened, there was a faint smell of medicine that surrounded the sense of smell of the god examiner.

Jin Jian pouted in anger, he didn't dare to spread nonsense about such an important matter as the lord's body. "My lord, these patients tell the doctor themselves, and it's useless for me to tell the Yaoyan Palace."

The god judge stirred the porridge in the bowl, Foxosuke hugged the god judge's leg on the ground, the god judge lowered his head and hugged it on the table, and Imai pushed another larger breakfast to the "Foxosuke, here's your breakfast."

"Have you eaten?" the judge asked.

"I ate it. Candlestick Kiritou said that due to the influence of the ingredients and utensils of this era, the food may not be as delicious as in the previous world. I hope the Lord will forgive me." Imaiken poked Foxnosuke who was drinking porridge with his head down, Foxnosuke Seriously eat without being disturbed.

The little tigers on the bed smelled the fragrance and got up one after another, and ran to the feet of the god judge. Jin Jian lowered his head and picked up one curiously: "My lord, why do the little tigers from the Five Tigers Retreat love to follow you so much?"

"I don't know." The judge drank the porridge, unmoved by the cubs' rubbing.

The one picked up by Jin Jian broke free from his arms and ran to the side of the god judge, looking at the porridge in the god judge's bowl, salivating a little. The god judge drank the porridge slowly while blocking its approaching body.

The little tiger didn't need to eat at all, it came over just curious about his movements and wanted to try it out, if it was given a special bowl, it wouldn't be interested after licking it.

The little tiger at the foot found that it was useless and began to grab the pants of the judge and wanted to climb up. The judge had no choice but to hug the little tiger on the table and sit on the ground and put his pastry on the floor They shared it with the cubs on the Internet, and as expected, after taking a bite, they diverted their attention and began to bite their brothers' tails to play.

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