After dinner, Aunt Toko decided to let the new boy stay with Natsume for one night, which just happened to provide Akira Tenaka with an opportunity. He followed Natsume up the stairs to the second floor. It was a short flight of stairs, since Natsume knew After finding out that the boy's eyes were not good, he turned around repeatedly to see if he needed help.

Tian Tianzhao was still immersed in his own thoughts at first, but gradually he felt that the person in front was walking slower and slower, so he raised his head.

Natsume met his eyes, and for some reason, she always felt that she was seen through.

"Natsume-kun, thank you for the hospitality tonight, please don't take me too seriously." Tenaka Akira had a smile on his face, but the smile didn't reach his eyes.

Madara, who was full of food, rolled over in Natsume's arms, "Don't trust liars easily, Natsume."

Natsume covered Teacher Cat's mouth, and looked at Akira Tengami in embarrassment. The smile on Akira Tengami's face remained the same, and he didn't care about the facts that the monster said.

Natsume quickly walked up the stairs with only a few steps left, and when she returned to the room, Madara jumped out of Natsume's hand and turned into the original body, with her big tail encircling Natsume, leaning against Natsume to watch Look at the one in front of the door.

"Tokyo is so big, where are you going?" Madara, who had turned into the original body, asked in a low voice, looking at Akira with fear and covetous eyes.

Tianshang Zhao was calm and relaxed, he closed the door and said, "You will know when you arrive in Tokyo."

Since he couldn't ask anything, Madara didn't care. He looked at Natsume, hesitating whether to take him with him. With the pace of a monster, the time to go to Tokyo and back is not so fast.

Tianshang Zhao noticed the big demon's murmur, thought for a while, and turned his gaze to Natsume. In his spiritual force field, he could only feel the young boy's warm and powerful spiritual power, and there was really no other contract status. What is the situation? Tianshang Zhao didn't want to explore it for the time being, he had other important matters.

"Natsume-kun, why don't you go together, even at night, Tokyo must be worth seeing." Akira Tenaka issued an invitation.

Natsume was a little eager to try, and Madara was even more suspicious at the moment when Akira Tenaka sent out the invitation. He originally wanted to bring Natsume with him but preferred not to. Who knows what this liar wants to do to Natsume.

"No, Natsume, you have to go to school tomorrow, you'd better wait for me at home, I'll go back as soon as I go."

If he didn't want to take it, he didn't take it, and he didn't care. After being refuted, Tianshang Zhao looked down at the ground and didn't make any comments. Natsume was a little moved by what he said. He looked expectantly at Mr. Cat, and Madara looked at him. That's a bit of a headache, and I know it's useless to say anything.

In the last dark night, two teenagers sat on his back and flew towards Tokyo in the night sky.

Although Natsume had the experience of sitting on the back of the cat teacher, most of them rushed to the destination in a hurry, and it was rare to enjoy the night view in the sky at leisure.

Teacher Kitty flew unhappily. Out of some kind of anxiety, Tenaka Akira did not urge too much. Natsume stretched out his hand to feel the wind blowing over his fingertips. Madara's figure could often flash in the scattered clouds. Natsume raised his head, The stars in the night sky also appear large.

He relished wanting to share his mood at the moment with another person beside him, but when he turned his head, he found that the young man was looking down at the ground covered by clouds, his brows and eyes were drooping, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

The expression on Natsume's face gradually subsided, always feeling that sometimes the young man around him was just an empty shell, Natsume was startled by his inexplicable thoughts, and shook his head to dispel those thoughts in his mind.

He looked up to the sky and found that he was looking up at him at this moment. Natsume licked his lips and asked curiously: "Tiantian, are you going to Tokyo to find your family?"

Tianshang Zhao shook his head, "No, I actually don't have any family anymore. I went to Tokyo to find my friends."

Madara flying under him rolled his eyes and let out a sneer, he still remembered someone's lies at the beginning.

The two teenagers sitting on him tacitly pretended not to hear it. Natsume thought he had poked someone's heartache, and he didn't know what to say. The sky showed that he had nothing to say, and he didn't intend to start a topic. Then he turned his gaze to the ground.

The atmosphere quieted down. The two people and one monster present were not people who couldn't bear the loneliness. They just arrived in Tokyo in silence. Before Madara could say anything, Tenaka Akira released an origami crane from his cuff first. When it came out, it was a little staggered by the wind, but after slowly mastering the flying state, it flew in front of Madara.

As soon as Madara saw the paper crane, he understood the identity of the young man on him. He paused in the air, turned his head to look at the young man on his back, frowned and said, "Are you an Onmyoji?"

"What? Do you have any opinion on Onmyoji?" Tianshang Zhao looked up at him.

He has already arrived in Tokyo, and he is only one step away from his greedy reward. Even if the counterparty of the transaction is an onmyoji he doesn't like, there is nothing he can do about it. : "Sure enough, only onmyojis can be so cunning and shameless."

The voice was undisguised, and Natsume, who was sitting next to Tianshang, felt as if he was sitting on pins and needles, but he had no choice but to smile at Tianshang Zhao, but when he saw Tianshang Zhao's empty eyes, he remembered that he couldn't see him at all. With a smile, he had no choice but to explain bluntly, "Ms. Cat has no other meaning."

Tengami Akira's attention is now on the destination that is getting closer and closer, and he doesn't really care about Natsume and this monster's thoughts. Madara followed behind the paper crane, flying and suddenly stopped, his casual expression Retracted, the eyes looking down were full of guard, the fur all over his body was about to explode, Amakazaki's eyes slowly lit up, Natsume stroked Mr. Kitty's fur with a little worry.

"Mr. Cat, what's the matter?" He sensed from Mr. Cat's arched body that he had entered a fighting state.

Madara gritted his teeth, he felt being targeted by an existence stronger than him, in the woods below, he comforted Natsume, "It's okay, Natsume, hold me tight, I'm going to speed up." If If it weren't for Natsume's side, Madara's competitive spirit would probably have rushed down to fight the opponent for [-] rounds.

After all, the strength of monsters grows in battle, and Yayuan, where he settled, no longer has such a powerful existence.

The paper cranes in front slowly turned into fluorescent lights and dissipated. Akira Tensaka stood up, and Natsume turned to see his movements, which were a little unclear.

"My lord?"

Tianshang Zhao smiled, this time his smile was completely sincere, and he looked at Natsume with crooked eyebrows, "Thank you Natsume-kun and this cat teacher, I think I have arrived at my destination."

Natsume wanted to stretch out his hand to hold him, after all he was a little dangerous in the sky, who knew that Akira Tenaka fell back and fell straight down.

Madara was startled, he was all on guard just now, but he didn't pay attention to what Liar said. Although he hated this person, he didn't want him to die. He ignored that existence and told Natsume to hug him tightly and rush down to think about it. Grab the liar and slip away.

Tian Tianzhao looked at the man and the monster rushing towards him in the spiritual force field, and laughed. He waved his hand and sent out more spiritual power than he had promised, and the spiritual power formed a circle and surrounded Madara and Natsume, slowly penetrated into their bodies, Natsume felt something strange, rolled up his sleeves, and found that the injuries he suffered when avoiding monsters when he was a child were gone.

Madara benefits more from being a monster, but through the spiritual power in his body, Madara knows the ability of the rapidly descending onmyoji below, so he doesn't need to worry about it at all, maybe he can't win if they fight, although he doesn't think much about it admit.

And ever since the onmyoji fell, he couldn't feel the threat from the existence below. Madara stared at the smiling onmyoji with his back to the forest and opened his hands, pouted.

"It seems that there is one more onmyoji in this world who is friends with non-human beings."

Natsume heard Mr. Kitty's words. With human eyesight, he couldn't see the sky. Natsume asked Mr. Cat nervously, "Is Tianshang okay after falling from such a high place?"

"The person below will catch him," Madara said so firmly, but in the end he waited to see the onmyoji being caught by a force and slowly descending before raising his head and leaving. Natsume turned his head and looked at the person who was getting further and further away from him. Forest, slowly heaving a sigh of relief, smiled.

"Although we have only met each other not long ago, it is also very good to see the Lord of Heaven fulfilling his wish."

Madara and Natsume talked and walked away slowly, but Akira Tenzhang was caught by a familiar force and turned over before landing. He looked towards a certain place with a smile on his face, and a blue figure slowly emerged from the darkness. walked out.

"If I hadn't caught you, my forest would be stained with blood." Qinglie's voice was full of laughter.

Tianzhao looked at the familiar people, listened to the familiar voice, smiled and shed tears like beads. The goal in his heart stood in front of him completely. Tianzhao was both happy and confused.

The man who was the incarnation of the wind in the forest saw the young man crying, panicked for a moment, and came to the young man in an instant, leaned over to wipe away the young man's tears and coaxed softly: "I didn't say anything, why did you cry so hard?" so?"

Tian Tianzhao grabbed the man's hand, and he looked at the man in front of him stubbornly, but in fact he couldn't see it anymore, he could only imagine the face of the man now from the picture in his memory.

The pair of eyes similar to those of the boy softened when he saw the boy's appearance, "Zhao, can I give you my eyes back?" He said softly.

Hearing his words, Tian Tianzhao suddenly retorted, "No!" There was a sharp unease in his voice that was different from before.

With such a strong emotion, the man knew for a moment that if he continued talking, it would only be unpleasant. He didn't want to quarrel with his best friend after reuniting after a long absence, so he took his hand and walked to the residence on the mountain.

Tian Tianzhao quietly and obediently followed behind him, the huge surprise still enveloping him, making him feel like he was stepping in the clouds with every step, if he hadn't been led by someone, he wouldn't necessarily have fallen just like that.

On the dark and silent road, the sky was like a dream, he murmured, "I thought you were dead at this point in time."

"What if I really die?" The man walking in front turned to look at him.

Tianshang Zhao blinked, and said obediently: "Then revive you."

Holding his hand and walking in front of the man's footsteps, he looked at Tianzhao, and found that what he said was extremely serious, and there was no sign of joking at all. The joyful expression on his face slowly subsided, and the missing The return of power also brought back the memories of being with his best friend so far. He slowly said, "It's not easy to revive the monster. How did Zhao originally plan to revive me?"

Tian Tianzhao looked down at the opponent's hand in his palm, the touch was so real that he still suspected that he was in a dream at this moment, he knew that what he said next might make the opponent angry, but he still didn't intend to lie to him, if anyone in this world could get his All sincere, there is no doubt that there is only the other party.

"By all means, I'll grab whatever you lack."

He looked up at the man in front of him, and said word by word: "I've already thought about it. If you lack a body, I will grab a god's avatar. If you lack strength, I will give you my strength. You The demon power used to protect me also contains a ray of your distraction, and I will borrow some demon soul from you in the past and fuse it together, and you will be able to come back."

After Tianshang Zhao finished speaking, he looked at the other party desperately, trying to find a trace of agreement with his thoughts on the other party's face.

Unexpectedly, after the man listened to his words, he felt a gnat in his throat, and he let go of the other's hand, with a complicated expression on his face.

"God's avatar, where is Zhao going to grab it?"

He stared at Tianzhao, and suddenly he didn't want the other party to be too honest.

Tianshangzhao thought of those Fusangshen, adult Fusangshen's body, which was what he had been thinking since he saw it. He opened his mouth, but he couldn't speak for some reason, and finally he just said dumbly: "800 My God, I always have a lot of ways.”

"For example, your Fusangshen?" The man looked at him like this, and asked out of nowhere.

Tianzhao acquiesced.

"Zhao, don't those past people and events have left any traces in your heart?"

Tian Tianzhao instantly thought of the messy fox crying in his arms, those swords and swords that expressed to him with words and actions that they hoped to serve him for a long time, and the past scenes echoed in his mind.

"...No, nothing," he said decisively.

His best friend couldn't resist his self-deception, so he had no choice but to let him speak hard.

When he arrived at the residence, Tianzhang saw the same shrine as before in the spiritual field, and he remembered the ambition he had set before.

"I said before that I want to build a magnificent and magnificent shrine for you. Who knows that after so long, you are still only here."

The man didn't care, "What you gave me is enough."

Tian Tianzhao looked at him, and asked the question that had been lingering in his mind when he first felt the other person, but the overwhelming surprise at that time made him hold back.

"I clearly remember that at the beginning, you disappeared in front of my eyes. I was ready to resurrect you. I never thought that I could get you back."

The man laid the bed for him to sleep in the room tonight, and said lightly: "Before I went to save you, I made a way out for myself, but I didn't expect that you would leave your eyes in this shrine. You helped me by mistake, I know you will come back, so I have been waiting here for you."

"Zhao, do you really don't want to look back at your eyes?" The man turned his head to look at the young man who was leaning on the door frame to look at him, met his gaze, and asked seriously.

Tian Tianzhao shook his head, "Here's it for you, I don't want it anymore, the world is dirty and ugly, as long as I've seen you, it doesn't matter if I don't see the rest."

"Or, do you think I'm scary like this?" Tian Tianzhao touched the end of his eyes, removed the aura from the fake eyeballs, and revealed two empty eye sockets, looking at the man.

The man put down the quilt in his hand, walked up to the boy, looked at him distressedly, covered his face with his palms, hugged him, and said in a low voice, "I never thought you were scary, Zhao, I was just worried about you."

"I'm fine, there's nothing to worry about." Tianzhao lowered his eyes, he hesitated behind his back for a while, and finally wrapped around the man's back, and put his head on his shoulder.

Like a passer-by who has been trapped in the desert for a long time, he was finally discovered by the god who passed here. Before he saw the god, he could survive, but after seeing the god, he entrusted everything to the god.

He felt his best friend who still had a ghost in his arms, and he had an idea in his heart.

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