
Chapter 99

"Still thinking about the day's affairs?" Xie Baiyun picked up a dry cloth and gently wiped Tangning's hair.

Tangning slightly closed her eyes and hummed lightly.

Xie Baiyun laughed twice and said, "When you reach his age, you will definitely be stronger than him."

Tangning leaned on the back of the chair, raised her head slightly, took a deep breath, and said, "He first praised Yu'er, then talked about how he has no children and likes children, asked how many children I have in my family, and then asked who they were My children, and then asked where my brothers are and if they are married, I thought he would inquire about my connections, but he never asked where my colleagues, classmates and teachers were from the beginning to the end. "

Tangning suddenly opened her eyes, turned her head and asked, "What do you think he is up to? Neither of my elder brothers are in the officialdom. You only need to inquire about my background to find out."

These are things that can only be understood. Xie Baiyun couldn't say anything, so he smiled slightly, pushed Tang Ning back, and continued to wipe his head, "At least he knows that your elder brother is not an official. You underestimate yourself , although you did not achieve your goal, but he did not seek any benefits from you."

Xie Baiyun's words comforted Tangning a lot, and when she relaxed, she became confused.

In a daze, Tangning dreamed in a trance. He dreamed that Xie Baiyun finished wiping his hair, turned to him, and kissed his forehead. The wet touch seemed to be real, but he didn't move in the dream. , he was waiting for Xie Baiyun's lips to move down slowly, he was so looking forward to...

There was a muffled thunder outside and the sound of rain. Tang Ning suddenly opened his eyes, and what caught his eyes was Xie Baiyun's sharp chin. Then he felt that he was being hugged by Xie Baiyun, or a princess.

"Did I wake you up?" Xie Baiyun lowered his head and lifted Tangning up, bringing the distance between them closer, "You fell asleep just now."

The heartbeat in the dream was still there, but Tangning couldn't feel the heartbeat.

There was wind and rain outside, but the room was filled with dim lights, warm and ambiguous.

This kind of night is the fertile soil for people's inner hope. With the nourishment of rain, it will quickly germinate and grow wildly, throwing away all the constraints and growing up freely.

Taking advantage of this impulse, Tangning went up to Xie Baiyun's neck and bit the corner of his mouth.

The two people's chests were pressed against each other, and they could feel each other's heartbeats gradually merging together.

Xie Baiyun was startled first, then his eyes suddenly darkened.

In the next moment, Tangning was pushed down on the bed, and with a whoosh, something knocked out the oil lamp.

It was late at night, the temperature outside dropped sharply, and finally there was the coolness of autumn, the thunder gradually died down, and the rain was still falling.

The two of them in the room were very hot. Tangning felt that she was like the weather outside, where rain comes after a long drought.

Counting his previous life, he had lived for decades, but he had never had such an exciting experience, as if he wanted to burn out all the enthusiasm in this life.

He was like a flat boat in the wind and rain, allowing Xie Baiyun to play with it over and over again.

Time and time again, until he couldn't help begging for mercy, Xie Baiyun still didn't let him go.

Tangning was awakened by the sound of thunder. She lifted the curtains and saw that it was already dusk outside.

He got up hastily, his waist felt sore, and he immediately fell down again.

Tangning finally woke up completely. Thinking of what she did last night, her face became hot. Luckily, Xie Baiyun wasn't here, otherwise he wouldn't know how to deal with it.

Just as he was thinking, the door creaked, and Xie Baiyun came in with hot water in one hand and a tray in the other.

"I slept all day? Where are Yu'er and Hongyu?" Seeing Xie Baiyun, Tang Ning said the words without thinking too much, as if the two had been married for decades.

"One day, it's only noon, it's raining outside, and the sky is dark." Xie Baiyun said while putting the dishes on the tray on the table, then filled the copper basin with hot water, put a towel in it and soaked it , then fished it out, squeezed it dry, and handed it to Tangning, "Wipe your face, Hongyu and Yu'er are eating downstairs. What are you doing? I'll tell them you're sick, so you don't have to go down."

Xie Baiyun stuffed a stack of thin quilts from the closet behind Tangning's waist, and supported him to lean on the bed. Only then did Tangning realize that the bamboo mats on the bed the day before yesterday had been put away. The first is a straw mat with a layer of mattresses on top.

Xie Baiyun wandered around the room non-stop, and took out a small table from nowhere and put it on the bed, and put the porridge and a side dish on it.

Tangning had never enjoyed this kind of treatment before growing up. She was so moved that she didn't know what to say.

"Is there any discomfort?" Xie Baiyun reached out to touch his forehead as he spoke, "I really have a fever."

Somehow, upon hearing Xie Baiyun's words, Tangning suddenly remembered that when she drew the cover of a novel in her previous life, she would occasionally read some Tanmei novels, and it was almost common sense that she would have a fever after doing this.Xie Baiyun also read Qianfan in his early years, no wonder he said it was true, and he couldn't help saying sadly: "Master Shizi really knows a lot."

Sure enough, the word has been accented.

Xie Baiyun is about to die unjustly. The concubines and male pets in his house have been disbanded 800 years ago. For so many years, he has guarded himself like jade and is self-sufficient in everything he needs. He doesn't even remember that he has had many male pets. Tangning actually still remembered and ate this old vinegar.

But Xie Baiyun became happy again after thinking about it. Tangning didn't care about his dark history before, or he didn't say it. After entering the bridal chamber, he was different. He could feel that his position in Tangning's heart was obviously different. .If he knew this earlier, he should have dealt with people first.

Of course, Xie Baiyun was only thinking about it in his heart and told him rationally that if he did that, he and Tangning might have broken off their relationship long ago.Although Tang Ning looked gentle and easy-going on the outside, she was actually very stubborn on the inside, a typical soft-spoken woman.

So Xie Baiyun smiled even more gently, picked up the porridge bowl, and blew on the spoon, "Why, I wanted to cool off last night, and I'm afraid you'll catch a cold from the wind."

Tangning avoided the spoon that was in front of her eyes. She was not used to the thoughtful service, "I'll do it myself. I'm not sick and can't take care of myself."

Xie Baiyun didn't force it. He knew Tangning better than Tangning herself. Although he really wanted to feed her, he knew Tangning wasn't used to it.

His body was sore, sore and he had a headache. After drinking the porridge, Tangning wrapped herself in a quilt and fell asleep. Shu Hongyu and Tang Yu both visited him during the period, and even the princess sent a maid to deliver the medicine.

Others thought that Tangning really had a cold due to the sudden change in the weather, but Shu Hongyu felt Tangning's pulse and found that Tangning had a fever due to inflammation. As for how the fever occurred, he had never eaten pork and had seen pigs run away, so he immediately pulled Xie Baiyun Go out and have a good fight.

Although the two have never fought before, they have their own assessments of each other's strength. Generally speaking, Shu Hongyu's aptitude is better than Xie Baiyun's, and he will become a hero in time; Xie Baiyun cannot be a hero, but he has a treacherous mind and experience Rich, it is not difficult to deal with Shu Hongyu who is still young.

After the fight, Xie Baiyun said with a pun: "Boy, you are still a little tender."

Shu Hongyu shot back: "So I can afford to wait."

The rain continued for three days without stopping. Tangning finally regained her vitality after three days of recuperation. However, her body was recovering, but her heart was even more anxious.

Not only because the itinerary was delayed, but also because of one sentence: after a severe drought, there must be a severe flood.

As a prefect of Yongzhou, he is responsible for the construction of water conservancy. Yongzhou is located in the lower reaches. If the rain does not stop, what he will do when he arrives in Yongzhou is not flood control and dam building but flood relief.

On the third day, Tangning recovered and the rain turned into a drizzle. Tangning couldn't wait any longer and planned to pack up and set off.

Before he left, he had to say goodbye to Mr. Pei. Although the two of them had their own little plans, they were both scholars after all, and they had a common language in many aspects. Moreover, Mr. Pei was very sociable. Some sympathy.

After leaving Mr. Pei's place, Tangning thought about it and went to the princess's yard to ask for an interview. After all, the princess gave him medicine when he was sick.The princess was attending her husband's funeral, so she probably wouldn't be able to receive guests. Tangning thought it was just a formality, but she didn't expect the princess to invite him in.

Things had come to this, Tangning had no choice but to follow the maid into the princess's courtyard. The post station's courtyard was not big, and the living room was just outside the door, but the maid led Tangning around the living room, going deeper and deeper, and finally went upstairs to the princess's boudoir .

Tang Ning felt strange, but thinking that most of the aristocratic daughters of the Dazhao clan had weird tempers, and Princess Funing even pinched his face, maybe this Princess Fushou is just as informal, and like Princess Funing, she is a lace person, so she has no scruples about men?

Princess Fushou's boudoir is very large. I don't know what kind of incense is used. The room is very quiet and there is a faint fragrance of Buddha, but it is much cooler than the fragrance of Buddha.

Seeing a gauze curtain erected in front of her, Tangning felt relieved. This princess is still a bit modest.

After a while, a graceful figure of a woman appeared behind the gauze curtain.

"My minister Yongzhou's newcomer, Tang Zian, welcomes the Princess." Tangning hurriedly saluted.

"Don't be too polite, are you feeling better?"

"Thank you for your concern, the princess, the minister is fine."

"So soon, I thought if you are still not well, I will go to see you in person."

"Ah, thanks to the medicine given by the princess, I can recover so quickly. I will always remember the princess's great kindness."

There was a crisp laughter behind the gauze curtain, just like a young girl. Just hearing this voice, others would never believe that the person behind the curtain was a 30-year-old widow.

Tangning's hairs stood on end when she heard this melodious laughter, it was so pervasive, almost like the female fairy in Journey to the West.

The princess laughed enough, and said: "Then... how do you repay me?"

"Huh?" You have to repay me for giving some medicine, are you really taking polite words seriously?Tang Ning really wanted to slap herself, there were too many clichés, so she just said it.

"The kindness of a drop of water should be repaid by a spring." The princess glanced at Tangning with a hook in her eyes.

"This..." Tangning's mind raced. What does the Princess mean? What benefits does she want?She is the legitimate daughter of King Zhong, and she is a princess in Yongzhou. What can a little friend like him give her?Could it be that she wants to meddle in government affairs and win over him to pass on news?

Tangning thought more and more deeply, but she said with hesitation on her face, "What the Princess wants me to do, I will definitely do my best."

Suddenly a slender hand stretched out from the middle of the curtain, beckoning at Tangning.

"Come, come in." The princess's tone seemed to be coaxing a young child.

Tangning didn't move.

"Come in." The person behind the curtain turned coquettish.

"Princess, this is not in line with etiquette."

"You, with this white face, why is it like those sour old men on the inside?"

After the words fell, the princess opened the curtain and came out by herself.

Tangning immediately lowered her eyes and dodged to the side, not daring to raise her head.

Princess Fushou stretched out her well-maintained hand and placed it on Tangning's shoulder.

Tangning shrank her shoulders, and the Princess' hand was empty.

"What are you afraid of?" The princess finally became unhappy, "I don't want you to marry me. You want to marry me, but I don't want to marry yet. With your background, I let you be my guest of honor. Give me a word, do it or not!"

Tangning never expected Princess Fushou to have such an idea. She was going to raise a harem when she was a widow just now. Maybe she raised a lot when she was not a widow. Fortunately, he has seen Princess Funing's toughness. Princess Fushou is relatively She was a normal person, so Tangning remained calm.

If a normal woman is in the position of Princess Fushou, powerful and free, she may not want to raise a harem.But understanding is understanding, it’s not enough to hit the idea on your own head.

"Thank you Princess for your love, I am ashamed of myself."

"You have nothing to be ashamed of. I don't want you to be responsible. It's just a dewy affair. As for the reputation, I don't care about it. I have my own mansion in Yongzhou, and the Tongzhi of Yongzhou doesn't have to live in the government office. If you don't tell me, I won't tell you." , who would know. After you have worked for three years, I will tell the queen mother that I will give you a promotion. As long as you are still in Yongzhou, I will guarantee you a safe future."

It seems that the Lord Fushou County really cares about it, and his words are full of certainty.

This errand looks very good, you can get money for nothing, and you don't have to be responsible. There are many advantages and few disadvantages. Even if it breaks out, it can only be regarded as a romantic reputation, and the princess is not bad.But Tangning didn't want to be taken care of at all, and she firmly refused, "It has nothing to do with these things, I already have my own heart, and I will never change it until death."

"Oh, you are talking about Xie Baiyun who is with you, right?" Princess Fushou said disapprovingly, "I was just about to tell you that it is impossible for you and him to get married, anyway, it's just a fling, why don't the three of us go together ?”

This time Tangning was really terrified. She thought she had heard wrong, so she widened her eyes and said, "Huh?"

"Although he is a bit dark, he has a unique charm. He is worthy of being from Kunnan. After all, he is still my cousin."

"How do you know he is..."

Princess Fushou smiled, leaned on Tangning, and said in a charming way, "It's not like I can't even remember my cousin's name. I knew it when you called him that morning. Don't say anything else, just look at it." Look, you really match each other, I can't help but feel excited when I see it."

Tangning: "..." This princess is not a hidden corrupt girl, is she?

While talking, the door was suddenly opened, and Xie Baiyun stepped in with a sullen face.

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