Su Qing also wanted to help with something, not just washing vegetables, chopping vegetables, washing dishes and so on. work.

Then there are those Ah Mu who are helping, and Grandma also stops him from doing it, saying "Brother Su, you rest and let me come, how can I let you do these jobs, look carefully at your tender little hands. "

Su Qing couldn't help it. Anyway, there were a lot of people here, so he could come here even if he didn't help them.Besides, I don't know what's wrong these two days, my back is very sore, and I'm tired after standing for a while, so I had to move a stool and sit on the sidelines to watch the fun.

There were two children by his side, one on the left and one on the right, standing behind him, Su Qing was a little dumbfounded, like this, can he still watch the fun?

Busy let them find friends of the same age to play.The two children are only nine years old, and it's time for fun, seeing other children playing is also eye-catching, but they know that their identities are different from these people, so how dare they play on their own.

But Su Qing pushed them away, and they didn't dare to stay here disobediently. When Fang Xiaoyu's two younger brothers greeted them, Su Qing nodded and ran away.

Su Qingle's freedom.

There are six tables in the yard, and two tables in each of the main rooms. There are ten tables in total. The bought chicken, duck and fish are all piled up at the kitchen door, and there are several large wooden basins, as well as a lot of vegetables, white tofu, etc. There are also two boards, dried tofu, and a basket of fried tofu.

It seems that life at Yuan's mother's house is really good. Although my brother's marriage is going to be a big deal, the family must be able to afford the big money, otherwise, when you can't even eat, you can't afford it if you want to. .

On the carriage yesterday, I heard Song Yicheng gossip about the wheat harvest.

It is said that most of the villagers in Dongtou Village had a bumper harvest, almost half the harvest compared to previous years.But also full of particles, the price is extremely high.

Su Qing was also taken aback when he heard it. Although he didn't understand what was going on at the time, he was also happy for the villagers who had a good harvest.

It was also Song Yicheng who told him that the people who had a good harvest followed his planting methods, plowing the wheat fields deeply, burying manure, and spreading lime to prevent pests.

Stamp the wheat seedlings that grow too well before winter.Although there is a little bit of rain in the beginning of spring this year, the wheat is indeed more pleasing than in previous years.

Su Qing still remembers these things very clearly. The most prominent thing is the trampling on the wheat seedlings. At that time, many people did not understand and came to dissuade them. It is a pity that the good wheat seedlings are trampled.

Seeing that these villagers came to dissuade them sincerely, Su Qing had no choice but to explain the seriousness of doing so.

Because the crushed wheat seedlings are objectively damaged, the aboveground part can reduce nutrient consumption, promote the growth of wheat seedlings, and increase the cold resistance and drought tolerance during winter.While stepping on the wheat seedlings, shallow hoeing should be carried out in time, so as to achieve the effect of eliminating weeds and loosening the soil to preserve moisture.

Many people listened to Su Qing's explanation. Although they still had doubts, they also felt that Su Ge'er's words were good. After returning home, they all followed Su Qing's example, and after the wheat seedlings were tilled, they stepped on them in due time according to the situation.

And there are quite a few people in Dongtou Village who do this, which also leads to a lot more wheat harvest this year than in previous years.

At that time, Su Qing was very happy that the villagers were ruthless and stepped on the well-growing wheat seedlings. In this way, he would not have to be the first bird of Dongtou Village when the wheat harvest was bumper in the future. He was not stingy with some things. Everyone Good is really good, isn't it?

But for those who don't believe in him, he won't say much. Everyone has their own fate, and they can't be forced.

Pulling back his thoughts, the yard is still so lively. Maybe it was because he was too lonely in his previous life. Since he was newly married, his heart disease has gone. Now he likes to stay in crowded places and it is lively.

At noon, everyone had a casual meal, and the most important meal was at night.

The bridegroom didn't arrive for a while, and the washing and cleaning work was almost done, Su Qing was useless, and he didn't have to accompany Fang Xiaoyu, there were only unmarried men there, so he could only sit in a corner of the yard bask in the sun.

It was only then that he remembered that he hadn't seen Fang's family. Didn't it mean that the two families had a very good relationship?Logically speaking, on a day like today, you should be able to see them here. Even if you are busy, Fang Amu should come.

There are also two children, Shitou and Si'er, who always come to join in the fun. Su Qing thinks it's a bit weird, but it's not easy for him to catch someone to ask.

Fang Amu was the first person to come into contact with him, and he felt good. Su Qing also liked Shitou and Si'er.Besides, Daddy Fang and the others are not that kind of snobbish people, maybe something happened to their family.

But looking back, since the Fang family's tofu shop opened, their family has become more and more busy, making tofu at home every day, and there is no time to go out and walk around.It was only then that Su Qing remembered that he hadn't seen Shi Shi and Si'er for a long time.

What is going on here, Su Qing is a bit puzzled, but he doesn't want to think too much about it.Today is a happy day, don't spoil your mood because of these things, let's think about something happy.

Calm down, Su Qing doesn't want to go home, compared with here, the house is empty, there are many people here, very lively, Su Qing seems to be infected, with a smile on her face, such a good day, don't worry Food and clothing are not worrying about, and people will not look at them with the same eyes. If the eldest brother is there, it will be more perfect.

Thinking of Duan Qi, her heart ached slightly, but the smile on Su Qing's face remained undiminished.

At about Shenshi (three o'clock in the afternoon), I heard the sound of firecrackers in the village, and some people shouted, "The bridegroom is here, the groom is here." ran to the village head.

Su Qing was also curious, stood up, and walked out with the crowd. On the road beside the village, he saw several suona players, whistling, followed by three young men in red clothes.

Su Qing took a look. Although he was not as good as his elder brother, as farmers, these three young men were all good-looking, very energetic, with smiles on their faces. They were chatting and laughing with everyone. The groom was from the next village. , not far from here, I often walk back and forth, so I know a lot of people.

There are a few men behind, carrying boxes, quilts, and even buckets and basins. These are all dowries, Su Qing counted, and there are six sets in total.Listening to other people's tone, this dowry is already very good.

They are all pasted with red paper, and there are cypress branches, and some peanuts and red dates, wedding cakes and wedding cakes are threaded on the branches.It seems that the family conditions of these guys are also good.

The road was full of excitement, and the villagers who hadn't gone out all ran out to watch the fun, pointing and discussing with each other about the groom's appearance and the amount of dowry.

When it was time to enter the door, another string of firecrackers was set off, everyone laughed, and the children followed them to eat sweets.

Yuan's mother couldn't close her mouth. The groom came in, and the dowry was carried into the new house. Fang Xiaoyu, who was covered with a hijab, was also led out by the matchmaker. Su Qing was very curious, how should the three husbands pay homage? Woolen cloth.

When Su Qing was struggling, the others had already started. First, the oldest of the three men worshiped Fang Xiaoyu first, and so on.

It was only then that Su Qing suddenly realized that this was the way to pay homage.

But in this case, Fang Xiaoyu would have to pray three times, and Su Qing shed tears of sadness for Fang Xiaoyu's knees.

At this time, he was very fortunate. Fortunately, he only worshiped with his eldest brother at the beginning, but he suffered a lot less.So he laughed unkindly, others thought he was happy for Fang Xiaoyu?

After worshiping, Fang Xiaoyu was sent back to her new house.The groom has to stay with the chef who knows the elders and helps cook in the kitchen, and starts to cook. Fortunately, several hard dishes have been done, and only some easy ones are left.

The other helping mothers divided the cooked dishes into bowls and put ten bowls of each dish. When the time was about the same, they put them in baskets (there was no tray, so we had to use baskets) ) then slid to the yard and put them on the table. One table had eight dishes, four meat and four vegetables, plus two bowls of sharp mouth.

There was a jug of wine on the table in the main room. Su Qing originally wanted to sit in the yard and eat whatever he wanted, but was caught by Yuan Amu and pushed into the main room to sit down with a large group of people. The old man made a piece, and Su Qing was very uncomfortable. It was the village chief who saw him awkward and helped him out.

Changing to another table, this is the table where the groom and Fang Xiaoyu's family sat. Fang Xiaoyu's fathers got up one after another. Su Qing was ashamed to stop him, so he just sat on the side, and the three grooms all stared at him. They all showed curious looks.But no one asked.

After eating a bit, the groom got up to toast, and suddenly the table was much empty, so Su Qing secretly breathed a sigh of relief, hey, it's really awkward.

After dinner, Su Qing followed everyone around for a while in the bridal chamber, that is, a few younger brothers and men joked about the groom and the new brother, and the words were a bit rough, but today is a happy day, and they also Will not get angry, at most make a big blush.

Su Qing thought for a while, on the day she got married, no one seemed to be making trouble in the bridal chamber, she only remembered that she had a cup of wine with her elder brother, and then..., then she couldn't remember.

On the second day, he was eaten and wiped clean, and his whole body was in pain. He thought he had been beaten up by his elder brother, and he even cried sadly. Later, later...

I really miss my elder brother, and I don’t know how he is doing now, whether he has been on the battlefield, or whether he will send a letter, which is really worrying.

But what will happen to these people in front of them, Su Qing is very curious, but he can't stay onlookers, what a pity.

Bid farewell to Aunt Yuan, and went home with the two children, and saw Song Yicheng sitting on a stone bench in the yard with a dark face, Su Qing went in without knowing it, and asked kindly, "Second brother, have you had dinner ?”

The person who was sitting there immediately frowned, "I'm almost starving to death, don't you remember me at all?"

Su Qing was a little guilty when asked, he really forgot, but he was in a bad mood, and this person came to tease him, so he started to get angry on the spot, "I'm not your servant, if I'm hungry, you won't let me Someone will do it for you, besides, what is the relationship between us, why must I remember you. "

Song Yicheng was taken aback. Seeing that Su Qing had a bad face, he didn't dare to say that he was hungry, so he hurriedly asked, "Su Qing, what's wrong with you, you were stimulated, and you were still bullied." Then he rolled up his sleeves, He looked like he was going to fight, "Tell second brother, I'll beat him up for you."

Su Qing got angry just now, and immediately suppressed it. Seeing Song Yicheng's attitude, his mood improved a lot. He thought to himself, although this person has a thick skin, he treats him pretty well.

So I asked Ping An to light the fire, while I dug the flour myself, "Forget it, I'll help you make a bowl of noodles."

Seeing that Su Qing's anger subsided, Song Yicheng hurriedly flattered him, "It's Su Qing who treats me well, knowing that I like noodles the most."

Su Qing really wanted to hit him. I didn't know you like noodles so I made them. I just made noodles to save time. But after thinking about it, forget it and let him misunderstand like this.

The author has something to say: I thought, Song Yicheng is actually a very simple person, that's why he is so stupid.Come on, Erhuo, overwhelm Su Qing as soon as possible.Make a fist, hey

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