After packing up his things, Su Qing took the two children into the carriage.

The carriage was big enough, A Jia bought it from the town specially.

Ever since she found out that Su Qing was pregnant, Ah Jia was thinking that the master must let Su Qing go to the capital together. When sending the doctor back, he simply bought an oversized carriage.

The one from Su Qing's family followed behind the big carriage, and put a lot of things on it.

There are two quilts inside the carriage, thick and soft, and there is a thinner quilt on top to cover them.After Su Qing sat down, he set off. Although he was still a bit bumpy, he was still tolerable.

He opened the curtain beside the carriage and bid farewell to the people who came to see him off in the village. The village uncle and Yuan Amu stood at the front, happy for him to go to Kyoto, and told him to come back early.

To be honest, Su Qing is still a little nervous at the moment. After going to Kyoto, what will happen in the future? Can he still be as comfortable as staying in Dongtou Village?

There are some things that I can't think about, and I get upset when I think about them.

He doesn't understand a lot of things, he doesn't know much about how to deal with people, how to deal with people and things.It's not that I don't have self-confidence, but it's because I've lived in isolation for more than 30 years in my previous life and didn't dare to contact others.

He was afraid that if he was not careful, his secret would be spread widely, and he would feel ashamed and angry when the time came.

Living alone, all kinds of loneliness and loneliness, I can only hide in the rented room and watch TV.Later, computers became cheap, so I spent a little money and bought a second-hand computer so that I could surf the Internet and chat on QQ after get off work, but I didn’t dare to meet netizens.

He has no friends, and his mobile phone is the cheapest one, and the contacts in it are only a few colleagues and leaders.

At the beginning, many colleagues told him that they would introduce him to girlfriends, but he refused them all.The number of rejections increased, and the age gradually grew up. In the end, people secretly gossiped about him behind his back, saying that he was a slob, that he was sick, that he was neither male nor female, and all kinds of unpleasant things.

But Su Qing has been used to being talked about since she was a child, and she has long been numb.Let them talk, but I still feel sad.

He told himself whether to listen or not, and to go for surgery when he saved enough money. Because of this belief, he had the hope of living, but he was living a particularly depressed life.

This also led to the reason why later, when hope was gone, I jumped into the river when I couldn't think about it.

Su Qing's fear now is his confusion about the future. Duan Qirui, Gu Yiming, and even Song Yicheng, their identities are not simple, and he is just a country boy.

What virtue and ability does he have to make these three men fall in love with him for a lifetime, it is still new now, but what about in the future?The more I think about it, the more uncomfortable I feel.

Seeing Su Qing lying there with an ugly face, Ping An and Fu Gui were very worried and didn't know what to do.Fugui lifted the cloth curtain, and called out to Gu Yiming who was riding ahead on horseback, "Master Gu."

Gu Yiming pulled the horse to stop, and waited for the carriage to pass by before asking, "What's the matter."

Seeing Gu Yiming's imposing manner, Fugui was a little scared, but the master's appearance was really uncomfortable, so it would be better to tell the adults.Bite the bullet and say, "Yes—it's the master, he's uncomfortable, you'd better go in and have a look, my lord."

Gu Yiming got off the horse, let the two children get into the carriage behind him, took off his shoes, hugged Su Qing who was under the blanket, kissed Su Qing's forehead, and glanced at his face , not a little bloody, indeed quite pale.

Hug the person tightly, "What's the matter, is it starting to feel uncomfortable again? I heard people say that when you are pregnant, eating some sour candied fruit will make you feel better. I have already asked Ajia to go to the town to buy it, and you will feel better after a while. It's ready to eat."

"Why don't you talk to me and chat. Maybe it will be better." She picked up Su Qing and sat on her lap, leaning against her, and then pulled the quilt over Su Qing's body.

"I'm just a little scared. You say, I don't understand anything, I don't know anything. When I get to Kyoto, if something happens to me, I can't solve it. Will it embarrass you?"

"How come, Jingdu is similar to Dongtou Village, only bigger and more people. If you want, let's go out for a walk. If you don't want to, just stay at home. If you need anything, tell the servants, And don’t you still have me? If there are things that can’t be approached, just leave them to me.”

"How can I do that? I can't leave everything to you. You are already busy enough at work."

"Go to work?" Gu Yiming was rather curious.

"Yeah, going to court to work, isn't it just going to work." Seeing that he said something wrong, he explained it.

"Well, should I visit your parents? Will they dislike me as a country boy with little knowledge." He still hasn't forgotten that Song Yicheng's mother had disliked him back then.

Gu Yiming was silent for a while, and then said, "Probably not, besides, Qingqing is the best in my eyes. Even if they don't like you, it doesn't matter, we are already married, so what if it happens."

"As for whether to visit them, that's fine. I'll take you to meet them tomorrow when I go to court. If you have a better attitude, we'll stay and have a meal. If not, how about we go home directly?" .

In the future, I will go to see it during the holidays, and it has nothing to do with us. "

Su Qing was a little surprised, "Is this still possible? Won't it be said to be unfilial?"

Pinching Su Qing's nose, "No, I'm married. From now on, we'll be considered a family, you know, don't think too much, I'm here for everything."

"The elder brother's family, should I also go to see him?" Su Qing thought for a while and asked again, after all, he and Duan Qirui were also married.

"He's there, don't go now, wait for Duan Qirui to come back."

Su Qing showed a smiling face, and her bewildered heart was comforted.Can't help but sigh, the feeling of someone hurting is really great.

"By the way, husband, may I ask, do all brothers in that Dacheng country have to marry three or more men?" Su Qing was very curious.

Gu Yiming saw that he was a little more energetic, and he was also very happy, "Yeah, what's the matter, I'm curious about this?"

Su Qing opened her eyes wide, said "hmmmm" twice, and nodded her head several times, how cute and cute that little thing is.Then he looked left and right, and asked in a low voice like a thief, "What about the emperor, is he the same as other men?"

Seeing that he asked cautiously and couldn't hold back his curiosity, Gu Yiming felt very amused, so he slapped him on the forehead. "You are not small, you dare to inquire about the emperor's affairs."

Su Qing rubbed her forehead and pouted, "I'm not curious, that husband, you just tell me. For the sake of being hit on the forehead by you, okay?"

Gu Yiming enjoyed Su Qing's acting like a baby very much, and he became much more energetic and his face was flushed, so he was willing to say something to distract him and make him happy.

So next, it was Gu Yiming who gave him a popular science about the private life of the current emperor, and the princes by the way.

The emperor of Dacheng Kingdom is called Duan Zhengtian, and he is 48 years old this year.He has a righteous king and two kings, who gave birth to four princes and two county kings. However, the two county kings are still young, and the four princes have grown up. Prince.

The monarchs on both sides were surnamed Liu and Yu respectively. Mr. Liu gave birth to the second prince and the prince of Dajun, and Mr. Yu gave birth to the third prince and the monarch of the second county.

As for the prince, he can also marry a righteous monarch alone, but he cannot have a side monarch.If you want it, wait until you become the emperor.

Of course, if you have no intention of inheriting the throne, you can also marry.But in this case, it is impossible to have a Fulang alone.

Dacheng Kingdom originally had few brothers, and every family would report to the local government office when they gave birth to a brother, and they would also receive a considerable bonus. However, the ratio of men to brothers is basically 7:1. quantity.

So there are still a lot of men who don't have brothers, and those who go to the battlefield are all without money and dowry.No brother is willing to marry, so they all want to fight. If they have military achievements, they will naturally have a dowry.In this way, maybe there will be brothers who will fall in love with them.

Su Qing felt very sad when he heard this, "Do you know why there are so few brothers?"

In modern times, he also heard that there are fewer and fewer girls because many people want to have sons, so they secretly took a B-ultrasound scan, and if they knew it was a girl, they would get rid of it.

Then here, why did it become like this.

Gu Yiming smiled, "As for the following words, you just listen to them as stories. I don't know if they are true or not."

Su Qing nodded.

Gu Yiming continued, "I heard from some old people that it is true. In ancient times, there was no such thing as brother. At that time, people who gave birth were called women.

Because there were a lot of women at that time, and the men were too carefree. Some men with ability and status often had three wives and four concubines, and some even had more. For the sake of favor and family property, you hurt me and I hurt you. The house was full of smog and strife, there were many women but few heirs.

In the end, the gods in the sky couldn't stand it anymore, and felt that these people were too stupid, so they took all those women away in a fit of anger. "

Su Qing grabbed Gu Yiming's hand nervously, "Then, what then?"

"Look, you were so anxious. Later, there were no women in this land. How would you reproduce the next generation without women? The ruler at that time was very anxious, so he invited many psychic wizards to pray to God, hoping that God give them another chance."

"Later, the god saw them and realized his mistake. So he told the ruler at that time that there would be no more women here from now on.

But in order not to let you go extinct, there will be another group of people among you, they are called brothers, and they can give birth to the next generation.

But you still have to be punished. Men are no longer able to have three wives and four concubines like before, but the opposite. Brothers can have three wives and four concubines, but if men are incapable, they can only live alone forever. "

"In order to distinguish brothers from men, a red mole is dotted on the foreheads of those brothers. After they get married, flower petals will grow, and there will be several petals for a few men.

At the beginning, many brothers were unwilling to marry a man. After all, they were originally like men, and no one wanted to be oppressed.

And it was still suppressed by several people, and the ruler at the time said that if he didn't want to, he would force the distribution.

Those brothers have no other choice but to compromise.But after all, there are still too few brothers, so what to do with so many men, and later it was gradually stipulated that when the brothers are full, they must marry at least three men, otherwise, the government has the right to distribute them. "

Su Qing suddenly realized that this is the case, maybe this is true, you must know that in the previous life, it was like this, the rich and powerful man is not a red flag at home, and the colorful flags are fluttering outside, maybe one day in the future, it will also change. In this way, it is not necessarily true that a woman can marry many men.

"Hehe." Thinking of this, Su Qing suddenly laughed.

"What are you thinking? Smile secretly by yourself, and tell me too." Gu Yiming said dotingly.

Su Qing remembered Gu Yiming's words again, saying that those brothers and men have the same body, so what about me?

Can't help but ask, "Husband, um, do you feel---my body is different from other brothers."

Gu Yiming suppressed a smile, "Once my brother is born, he will be taken good care of by E-Mum. Apart from you, I haven't seen what other brothers look like, but I'm also curious, that..."

Gu Yiming blushed suddenly, and Su Qing was even more curious, "Say it quickly, why are you hesitating."

"Someone gave me a book of Spring? Palace? Picture. I glanced at it inadvertently, but I threw it away immediately. But the picture on it is indeed---different from yours."

Su Qing's face turned pale again, didn't it?

Gu Yiming didn't see Su Qing's face, he still hesitated and said, "The painting is very blurry, but I know it must be a mistake. That person must have never seen my brother with his own eyes."

Su Qing is in a better mood, that's right, there are very few brothers here, maybe that person drew it according to his own imagination, otherwise the elder brother and Gu Yiming, how could they not notice the difference between him.

Tell yourself not to scare yourself, maybe those brothers are intersex people, otherwise how would you have children.

Gu Yiming came back to his senses, saw that Su Qing was thinking about something with his head down again, and hurriedly turned him over to face him, "Qingqing, what are you thinking again? What else is hidden in your little head? If you don’t know, come and tell your husband.”

Su Qing rolled his eyes at Gu Yiming, this person had been sleeping with him for several days before he realized that he knew nothing about him.Buried his head in Gu Yiming's neck, "By the way, you haven't told me about your family's situation! Come on, tell me the truth!"

Deliberately slapped himself on the forehead, "Look at my head, I'm usually very smart, how come I forget everything when I meet Qingqing. It's really beautiful."

Su Qing rolled his eyes at him again, urging him to explain quickly.

"Okay, now let's talk about my family's situation. My surname is Gu, and my name is Yiming. I am the third eldest in the family. My mother is the elder brother of the Gu family. There are four fathers in the family, and two elder brothers above. One is a brother, and there are two younger brothers below, and there is also a brother. My fourth father is the emperor's younger brother."

"Ah, two elder brothers. And isn't the fourth father a prince?"

"Yeah, what about the two elder brothers, not bad. The fourth father gave up being a prince and married my mother."

"My mother is 45 years old this year, my eldest father is 50 years old, my second father is 48 years old, my third father is 47 years old, my fourth father is 40 years old, my eldest brother is 28 years old, my second brother is 25 years old, I am 23 years old this year, two younger brothers, one nineteen and one Only ten years old."

After hearing this, Su Qing sighed and said, "Your mother is really amazing."

"Hehe, you will be stronger than him, believe me." Gu Yiming smiled badly, and carefully touched Su Qing's stomach.

Su Qing really wanted to slap you in the face and make you look like a fool.

"My lord, the candied fruit you want." Ajia stuffed it into a box from under the cloth curtain.Gu Yiming stretched out his long arm, took it, and opened it.

Su Qing glanced at it, it was red, yellow and yellow, much like dried fruit.

I took a dried red fruit and put it in my mouth. It was sweet and sour, and the taste was not too good.Seeing that he was eating happily, Gu Yiming also took one to taste.

The sour taste is a bit stronger, but it is still tolerable.Put the box next to Su Qing, "How do you feel, isn't it uncomfortable now?"

With something in his mouth, it was bulging, and it was difficult to speak, so he nodded, indicating that he was indeed much better.

After swallowing what was in his mouth, "Brother Gu." Seeing Gu Yiming staring at him blankly, he later realized that he had called wrongly, "Husband, how long will it take us to reach the capital. "

"If you ride a horse, you can get there in one day. The carriage we take is relatively slow, and we may have to walk at night, but it doesn't matter. If you are tired, you can sleep in the carriage."

The author has something to say: write about the emperor in this way, I hope those who doubt it will stop asking.

The following is to thank my cute animals

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