Listening to shopkeeper Wang's long speech, Su Qing didn't dare to say anything, but Fang Weixu was tired of hearing it.No matter how good the words were, it was still a bit embarrassing to listen to them over and over again, so he interrupted Shopkeeper Wang's words very rudely.

"I heard that you are from Dongtou Village. I haven't seen you before." Fang Weixu seriously thought about the little brother in the village.It's impossible for him not to know about a brother as old as Su Qing, not to mention that Su Qing is quite beautiful.

"Then what, I only moved into Dongtou Village half a month ago." Looking at the young man in front of him, Su Qing felt a little uncomfortable, feeling a little hot on his face.

Fang Weixu was quite happy, the other party's face was flushed, which made her skin fairer and more delicate, and the red mole on her forehead also became redder, so beautiful.

I was a little crazy watching it for a while, and my heart was pounding.Since the age of 16, I have seen a lot, but I have never felt this way.

Shopkeeper Wang didn't pay attention, Su Qing took out the tea leaves he had prepared, and then asked Xiaoer to carry a pot of boiling water. If he wanted the other party to accept his own tea, he had to give the other party a taste.

Pour out the water from the first rinse, and drink the water from the second pot.Taking advantage of the opportunity to make tea, he also praised the efficacy of his green tea, such as refreshing the mind, dispelling fatigue, diuretic and antidiarrheal... Anyway, he praised this green tea a lot.

Su Qing doesn't know kung fu tea, so she doesn't pay much attention to it.What's more, there is no glass here, and the ceramic teapot can't see the effect at all, but the tea fragrance still comes out of the pot. Shopkeeper Wang didn't take it seriously at first, and he had never seen this tea before, just looking at it He's a little brother, and he's from the same village as his boss, so he just wants to be a good person and give him a chance.

Fang Weixu also smelled the aroma of tea, so he picked up a cup and poured a cup. The tea smelled so fragrant in an instant.

There is no comparison to what I drank before.

He took the earthenware pot in Su Qing's hand and poured out the tea leaves in it, buds one by one, not broken, not pancakes.

"How did you make this, and why is it different from other teas."

Su Qing glanced at the other party suspiciously. Could it be that the other party has never seen this kind of tea, but thought of the tea trees on the mountain, so she blinked her eyes.

"My method is inherited from my ancestors, so I can't tell others easily. And I can also concoct several kinds of tea. This is called green tea, as well as black tea, scented tea, and oolong tea. If your store needs it, I can sell all of these teas to you. .”

Fang Wei continued to squint his eyes. It seemed that this little brother was clever and even more interested. He exchanged glances with Shopkeeper Wang, and both of them had a gleam in their eyes.

Su Qing was a little nervous. He didn't know the prices here, and he didn't know how much the tea could sell for.

At this time, Su Qing thought that Daddy Fang was still waiting for him outside, and he didn't know how the other party was doing now.

Shopkeeper Wang saw that Fang Weixu poured another cup and continued to drink, so he took a cup and poured a cup, took a sip, and his eyes lit up, it was really good tea.

"Brother Su, how much of this kind of tea do you have?" Shopkeeper Wang said with a smile.

Su Qing also came back to her senses, "I still have about three catties. If you accept it, I can fry a little more. But you can see the price..."

Shopkeeper Wang took a look at Fang Weixu, and saw that the other party ignored him and kept drinking tea.

This is to let yourself decide, "Is this good? Your tea is indeed a good thing. If it is of this quality, how about I give you five taels of silver per catty. If you agree, you can give me ten catties first." Come over and see how the guests react."

Although I don't know how much five taels of silver is, but thinking about the TV I've watched before, five taels should be a lot.Hey, never mind, anyway, I will ask Daddy Fang later.

But in business, you have to bargain. Do you want to pay back the price? Hey, it’s all because I don’t know how to do business.

But the owner is from Dongtou Village, so he probably wouldn't cheat himself, so let's forget about it, and it will be troublesome if he doesn't accept him if he provokes him in a hurry.

So he nodded, "Okay, for the sake of shopkeeper Wang and the owner's family, this green tea is five taels. However, the process of other types of tea is more complicated, and there is no time now, and some teas can only be harvested according to the season. .If you want, the price is slightly higher."

Hearing this, Fang Wei continued to answer Su Qing's words, "If the taste is good, I will definitely give you a high price, so don't worry."

Originally, shopkeeper Wang said to make a contract, but Su Qing only said that he was too young to sign a contract, but promised Fang Weixu that as long as the tea he roasted by himself would be sold to Mingxuan Tea House first.Of course it will be sold to Mingxuan Teahouse, Su Qing doesn't know other teahouses either.

He kept the half catty of tea leaves, took two taels of silver and 500 copper coins, and gave the little second brother ten copper coins, which made the little second brother happy, and walked out of the teahouse under the grateful eyes of the little second brother, saying yes Bring the tea tomorrow.

After Su Qing left, Shopkeeper Wang rubbed his hands with a smile, "Boss, now our teahouse is going to distribute it, this green tea is really a good thing, it's delicious and delicious, with endless aftertaste.

What did the guy just say, this tea has many effects, such as clearing thinking and improving eyesight, promoting body fluid to quench thirst, clearing away heat and detoxification...Whoops, that's a lot, let's prepare quickly. "

After thinking for a while, he said, "See how long the restaurant next door can be arrogant, haha... I'll go and inform Master Qian and the others immediately."

Fang Weixu shook his head, this Uncle Wang couldn't hold his breath at all.But this tea is really delicious, I still think about how much I want to sell it for.


When Su Qing walked out of the teahouse, he saw Daddy Fang squatting in a corner not far away, looking up all the time, with a worried face, Su Qing felt warm in his heart.Seeing that Su Qing finally came out, she quickly breathed a sigh of relief, but luckily nothing happened.

"Daddy Fang, I kept you waiting." Su Qing said gratefully.

"It's okay, Brother Su, what's the matter, is the tea sold?"

"I sold it, and I agreed to take ten catties first, and let it be delivered tomorrow. You see, I returned two and a half taels of silver, and said that if the drinker likes it, he can take as much as he has." Su Qing was more thoughtful, and did not Said it was five taels of silver a catty.

"What, two, two and a half taels of silver, my God. Ten catties of tea can be sold for two and a half taels of silver. That's a lot, which is more than we earn as a part-time job. So what, how much tea do you have at home? "

Su Qing was taken aback. Is more than two taels a lot of money? "What's the matter, I gave half a catty just now, and there are probably more than three catties at home, less than four catties."

Daddy Fang did the math, isn't that still six catties short?

"Brother Su, didn't you say that if the teahouse accepts your tea leaves, let Shitou and the others pick them? How are you going to collect them?" But after asking, I felt embarrassed, "So what. I'm not ··”

Seeing Daddy Fang's uncomfortable look, Su Qing also smiled, "I know what Daddy Fang means, as I said, as long as the teahouse accepts my tea, I will take stones and they pick it, but I don't know Daddy Fang, tell me about the prices here.

Also, I hope you don't tell others the price of this tea, you also know that I live alone now, if some people..."

Having said that, Su Qing didn't continue talking.

Although Daddy Fang is very honest, he is not stupid either.Make a promise that you will never tell anyone.

Then the two of them walked towards the East Street while talking. The East Street is always connected to the West Street. Thousands of copper coins, while rice costs ten copper coins a catty, and some coarse grains like cornmeal can be bought for two copper coins per catty.

They only get 35 copper coins for doing small jobs for others, which means that they can only buy three and a half catties of rice for a day of hard work, and it is not every day that they can find work.No wonder Fang's family ate polenta.

Thinking about the tea that I just sold, it is really a sky-high price, no wonder Daddy Fang is so excited.

Su Qing thought for a while, one catty of dry tea needs at least six catties of fresh tea, and the labor is removed, firewood is miscellaneous, but no matter how he calculates, Su Qing feels that he has indeed earned money.

Thinking that there are still a lot of tea leaves on the mountain that have not been picked, if all of them are picked, then... Su Qing couldn't help being excited, and now she got angry.

"Daddy Fang, let's go shopping first and then go home.

As you can see, there are still a lot of tea leaves on the mountain, but this fresh tea needs to be roasted, and it takes several catties to roast one catty, and it needs to be top-quality to be worth the price. Other teahouses will accept it even if it is not like that. of.

If you are willing to go up the mountain, how about I charge you ten copper coins for a catty of fresh tea. "

Su Qing didn't dare to give too much, for fear that people would have bad thoughts. Fortunately, Daddy Fang was a good character and didn't have so many other small thoughts.

I heard that Su Qing said that ten copper coins are one catty. Doesn't that mean that the more you pick, the more money you will have? If you can pick ten catties in a day, it will be a hundred copper coins.Thinking about working hard for a whole day and only getting 35 copper coins, what else can I say, I will definitely do it, and I am a fool if I don’t.

Daddy Fang couldn't stay for a while, but he still went to see if the other people found jobs. If not, let them go home and pick tea leaves.

When I came to the busy market on East Street, I quickly found a few people, because there were a lot of people looking for work, and several people from the Fang family were waiting there.Normally, Daddy Fang would definitely be worried. It has been an hour and he still hasn't found a job. Today is probably another day of waiting for nothing.But now he was full of joy, pulled several people together, and talked about Su Qing's tea collection, and they were very excited after hearing this.

A leaf worth ten cents a catty is really pie in the sky.

It was unanimously decided that everyone should go home to pick tea leaves. Su Qing was very happy to see them, so the other party’s elder brother said, "If not, leave one of you to help me, and the others will go back first, and let Shi Shi tell you how to pick tea leaves." Shitou and Si'er picked it yesterday, and they both know how to do it."

Several people nodded in agreement, and in the end Daddy Fang stayed to accompany Su Qing to buy things, and everyone else went back.Su Qing thought about it, in fact, there was still food at home, but some vegetables and seasonings were missing.

The two came to West Street. There was a vegetable market here, selling meat, fish, vegetables, and snacks. Su Qing felt that no matter where they were, this vegetable market was always so lively.

I asked about the price of pork, it was a bit high, it cost twenty yuan a catty, and not many people bought it, but even rice cost ten yuan a catty, so the meat was not so expensive, besides, there was no one at home. what dish.

Su Qing asked the boss to cut off ten catties, and the boss chopped it off with four ribs, which weighed exactly ten catties.

Su Qing admired him very much, the chopping was really accurate, it was too powerful, and asked him to help chop the ribs, but he was not strong enough, so he would definitely not be able to chop them when he took them back.

The boss also chopped the ribs very readily. Su Qing counted 200 copper coins and gave them to the boss. The boss was very happy and made a pig's heart.

Su Qing was also very satisfied, and the pig's heart was also delicious.There are also pig lungs, which Su Qing also likes to eat, but if I haven't seen them, forget it.

Daddy Fang quickly helped to lift the meat in his hand, envious in his heart, since his family hadn't eaten meat for a long time.

Su Qing thought that she didn't have a backpack at home, so she just bought one.I talked to Daddy Fang, and Daddy Fang said that someone he knew was selling it in the town.I went to someone I knew and bought a basket, which cost fifteen renminbi. When I saw that the basket was well made, I thought that the craftsmanship should be good, so I wanted to ask someone to weave a few big flats for tea. .

I asked the person who set up the stall if he knew how to make it up. The man happened to be married in Dongtou Village, and his surname was Li. He said that although he hadn't made it up, he said he could try it at home.

Su Qing ordered six, and the man asked the person next to him to help watch his pannier. If he didn't sell it at night, he asked his brother to carry it home, and then he went back first.

Now that I have a basket, I bought some other vegetables and two jars of wine, which are also expensive, costing a hundred cents a jar.It was only about two catties, and I bought some ginger, garlic, star anise, a catty of soy sauce, vinegar, and finally a fish.

Walking past the steamed stuffed bun shop, Su Qing's stomach started to growl when he smelled the fragrance. Anyway, he still had change, so he spent twenty copper coins to buy ten big meat buns. One, and the rest were given to Daddy Fang.

Daddy Fang is embarrassed to ask for such an expensive meat bun, "Brother Su, this meat bun is too expensive, so I don't want it, you just take it home and eat slowly, I'll carry it back for you."

"Daddy Fang, don't be polite to me. Meat buns are expensive, but I am more grateful to you and Fang Amu for taking care of me. You also know that I am still young and only have one person. I must have a lot of things to do in the future." Please help me, if you are polite to me, I don’t know who to ask for help, and I still earn money now, and I will earn more money in the future? You can take these buns home and share them They eat stones together."

In the end, Daddy Fang accepted it. He was reluctant to eat it, so he put the buns away, thinking of taking them home for others to try.

After walking back home for less than an hour, Daddy Fang helped Su Qing carry the things back home, and then hurried home with the buns. He also went up the mountain to pick tea leaves.

Su Qing yelled from behind, "Daddy Fang, tell Fang Amu, don't cook at night, come to my house for dinner."

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