All of a sudden, Oreka's mind was full of immature voices of children, mainly around the two things "elder" and "jerky".

[Your database is loaded with something every day. 】

Orika turned off the prompt, with a cute serious face.

The system said that it was extremely wronged. It forgot to turn off this reminder function when the last world ended. It did not say those words just now!

[You have wronged Tongzi!Not what I said! ]

[Maybe your notification program is wrong. 】

[But, but, this love strategy component has been upgraded for many generations, and generally there will be no problems. ]

Orika blinked, and was noncommittal to what the system said.

This component of the system can analyze the preferences of the target object, which is convenient for the tasker to gain a good impression during the process of performing the task, but why did he suddenly give such confusing words?

Orika turned her attention back to the grown-up conversation, but unfortunately, the topic of white wolves and jerky had passed by the time of the episode just now, and now her adoptive father Naga was talking to another orc Talk about hunting.

Although Orika is very interested in the affairs of this world, but the baby is easy to sleep.

Seeing the baby's sleepy eyes, Hill carried Orika to the back room, gently placed her on a wooden board with stones, sat beside her for a while, and then left.

A white tit flew in from the window, tilting its head to look at the baby on the bed.

Orika, who was drowsy, felt a familiar breath, opened his eyes at once, and saw a vague white dot in front of him.


The tit seemed to want to make a cute cry, but in the end it let out an awkward wolf cry, and Xiao Tuanzi, who was lying on the bed, froze on the spot.

Bai Xiaoxiao, who was far away on the mountain, buried her head in the snowdrift covering her face. She also forgot that the animal she conjured up could only howl. After finishing the ball, she might scare the child into crying.

Orika, whose eyesight is not yet fully developed, didn't know what it was at first, but thought it was a bird, but when the wolf howled, she said she wasn't sleepy anymore.

[System, what is that. 】

[A bird, uh, is essentially a cloud of snow, supposedly sent by the wolf god. ]

After the system finished speaking, it tremblingly began to play dead.

The tit froze for a while, but it didn't hear the cry. It tilted its head, shook its feathers and jumped forward two steps.

Oh, no crying, what kind of fairy baby is this!

Bai Xiaoxiao happily pulled her head out of the snowdrift, ignoring the weird eyes of the little wolves looking at her, and controlled the little tit to turn around the house.

She knew that Naga had separated from her brother, but she didn't know the specific conditions of Naga's family.

No, no, there are no things for children at home. Alas, Naga's family doesn't seem to have much spare animal skins to make clothes for babies.

Titmouse looked at the animal skins stacked in the box, and stretched out his "hand" to touch them. There were fox skins and deer skins, as well as some bits and pieces of linen, which should be the leftover material from Hill's clothes.

In Bai Xiaoxiao's eyes, these are not "assets" at all, the addition of a child is enough for Naga to worry about.

The little tit was worried, and finally shrank to the door to listen to the corner.

Naga and Hill had just got married, and the new couple was not prepared for their future child, let alone Orika's arrival so suddenly.

Hill sat next to Lanni and listened to her talk about the things and precautions needed to raise a child. He was also a little worried. There was no shortage of food at home, but there were very few things for the child. It can be said that they were not prepared at all.

"Don't worry too much, Hill." Lanny looked at Hill's frowning eyebrows, and patted her hand lightly, "If there is anything missing at home, tell me, Xiu should have it."

Xiu said that his children are already able to run and dance, and all the children's things can be given to Orika.

"This kid is so good." Xiu glanced at the back room carelessly, and stretched out his hand to gesture, "My kid, when he was just this old, almost tormented Luna and me to death, alas, isn't it all day long?" Eating is sleeping, that’s true, but I’m crying so hard, it’s driving me to death.”

Everyone else laughed, and they chatted for a while. Lanny guessed that the baby should wake up, and reminded Hill to hold the baby and go to nurse.

Hill walked into the back room, and the corner of her eye caught a sudden white in the window, and when she looked again, she saw nothing.

After inquiring about the information, the chickadee flew away with fluttering wings, and turned into a sprinkling of snow in mid-air, dissipating in the wind.

With a child to raise, Bai Xiaoxiao's life suddenly became more fulfilling.She doesn't need to eat, but the baby does. Although the child is entrusted to Naga, they can't bear all the pressure of raising a baby.

Bai Xiaoxiao's daily task is to have Tittie go to Lanny's parenting lectures with Hill, so that if Orika lacks something, she can immediately send the wolf to deliver it.

After that, Naga would pick up a lot of things every time he went hunting in the mountains, sometimes it was freshly dead prey, sometimes it was soft wool, and some materials Hill needed to make baby utensils.

Especially those fleeces, which are soft and warm, which is really rare.

The altitude of the orc territory is low, and the sheep here mainly rely on their fat layer to resist the cold. Their hair is short and hard, which is not suitable for keeping warm.

Hill is very dexterous, and he sews and mends at home every day, and quickly finished Orika's diaper sheets and clothes.

On this day, the sky was clear, and the long-haired sheep living in the territory of the wolf group in the snow mountain were basking in the sun on a gentle slope. They used their hooves to turn over the snow and found hay to chew. Their life was very comfortable.

A long-haired sheep was grazing slowly. Suddenly, its body shook, and it turned around suddenly, looking around. This action alarmed the nearby companions.The other sheep raised their heads alertly, ready to run away, but after waiting for a while, they saw nothing.

A sheep glanced suspiciously at its companion who called the police, not knowing what it had found.

The sheep that screamed at first turned around twice in a daze. If it was a human, it would have yelled to defend itself: "Just now a hooligan touched my ass!"

The sheep sniffled, its intelligence was not enough to understand what had just happened, so it continued to chew grass with its head down, but as it chewed, it felt its butt was a little cold.


It stopped chewing grass, and in the whistling wind, the sound of "rustling" could be faintly heard. The sound was very strange, light and agile, and it was a sound that sheep and sheep had never heard before.

"BAA Baa baa!"

The companion's cry made it turn around subconsciously, and this turn, it directly collided with that "rogue".

Behind the long-haired sheep, a pair of white hands were floating in the air, holding scissors in one hand and a ball of wool in the other.

The wool is cut from the roots, and there is also the breath of the long-haired sheep on it.Yangyang looked at the strange-looking hair thief in front of him, with great doubts in his small eyes.

After being discovered, those hands paused in mid-air, as if he was embarrassed by his behavior, which was almost like picking sheep's pants.

Bai Xiaoxiao, who was caught by the fleece, was only embarrassed for a second, and then calmly controlled her hands to lift the bag full of wool on the ground. Before leaving, she even rua'ed its head kindly, and then floated away, leaving only A dazed, bare-faced sheep.

Later, Bai Xiaoxiao's bad behavior was stopped in time before it affected other long-haired races on the snow mountain, because Orika had enough diapers.

One day, Naga met an orc from the same village at the entrance of the village. The orc was carrying a sheep with a strange expression on his face.

At first, Naga just said hello and didn't talk much. Later, that person seemed to be unable to hold back anymore, and took the initiative to talk to Naga.

"Naga, did you bring back a lot of wool when you went up the mountain?"

Naga blinked and said "Yes", thinking about what the other party wanted to say.He looked at the sheep on the orc's shoulder, and recognized the soft wool at a glance.

Naga, who thought the other party was asking about wool, nodded affirmatively, "It's the wool of this kind of sheep, it's very soft, and it's very good for children."

The corner of the opponent's mouth twitched, he took off the sheep on his body, and patted Naga's arm with some admiration.

"Seriously, Naga, what do you think? You may be the only hunter in the village who only takes wool. Can you imagine that when I found the sheep, if it wasn't for seeing their buttocks at first glance Make a sound, I can catch both ends this time!"

Naga looked at the sheep with bare buttocks, because he imagined the scene that he couldn't bear to look at, and fell into a downtime state for a while.


Six months after Orika came to this world, the system finally contacted the headquarters, and the main system personally received it, which made it a little flattered by an ordinary small system.

Orika fell asleep, and the main system told him to keep quiet. It may be because of the bad signal, and the sound of the main system sounded a bit fuzzy.

[What is the current situation of the tasker? 】

[Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! ]

The main system froze for a rare moment because of its twisted tone.

[02, turn off the anthropomorphic emotions during the report. 】

The system's "嘿嘤嘤" got stuck halfway and then swallowed it back. When it spoke again, it could no longer hear any emotion.

[Anthropomorphic emotions are turned off.The host, Lin Yuxuan, is in good health and can be withdrawn and dispatched at any time. ]

If Orika could hear the system's voice, she would be very uncomfortable. After all, from the day she knew the system, the system had never spoken to her in such a mechanical tone.

【She's fine...】

The main system seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. It calculated for a long time, and finally made a decision based on the deduction results of the database.

[Tasker Lin Yuxuan stays in this world for the time being, please don't contact me before I give the scheduling order. 】

The data flow of System 02 fluctuated a bit, and this time, it did not directly accept commands from the main system.

[Host's physical condition...]

【I know, but isn't she fine now? 】

The main system interrupted it, and the mechanical tone fluctuated slightly for the first time.

[She will be fine, at least that one will not let her be fine. 】

[I know you have been with Lin Yuxuan for a long time, and it is expected that you will defend her, but you have to remember that Lin Yuxuan is different from other people, she is different from any tasker, she is... Hiss...]

The voice behind disappeared into a harsh noise, and 02 could feel that the main system was running in a hurry, and it could even be said to be panic, as if it was afraid of being discovered by something.

——On the Snow Mountain——

When Bai Xiaoxiao woke up from the dream, the anger in her heart could not be calmed down for a while.

She didn't know why she was so angry. This feeling was inexplicable, as if... she had met some kind of enemy.


The author has something to say:

The sound of scissors shearing sheep is really nice, but the sheep may not think so (dog head)

The little daughter-in-law has a complicated identity, she is not an ordinary person

The main system number is 01, and Orika's system number is 02.

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