Orika was depressed for a long time after knowing the truth. Although she didn't show it too obviously, 02, who knew her host well, still noticed her depression.

She hasn't told the whole truth to the host and she is so sad, what should I do.

02 is a world-savvy Tongzi who has experienced many worlds with Orika. It means that he will not let the host fall into the kind of you love me, I don’t love you, and what I love is your previous life.

Protecting the host starts with me!

[Host, don’t be too sad. In fact, it’s a good thing not to go back. Once you go back, flattening and rounding are just a matter of God’s thought. Now you are out of control and you can start a new life. ]

Orika wrinkled his nose, did not respond to the system, and continued to push Naga's face with his small hands, refusing to play the game of lifting high with him.

It's not that she still has any nostalgia for her past life, but she just thinks it's ridiculous that her life is so easily controlled by the so-called gods.

"Hey, isn't Orika not very happy recently?"

Hill looked at the little baby who was a little worried, and reached out to touch her short blonde hair.

"Maybe it's too boring to stay in the house all the time." Naga made a face at Orika, but she still didn't look very energetic, "Take Orika out today to recognize someone, everyone hasn't met yet What about our girl."

Hill put a small hat on Orika, and the three went out warmly.

This is the first time for Orika to go out to visit. Although she is being hugged, she still tilts her head hard to see the village she lives in now.

Compared with the small tents that Bai Xiaoxiao saw at the time, the orcs are now planning to settle down. There are mostly wooden houses in the village, and the residential area has expanded a lot compared to before.

There is a fence more than three meters high around the village, which is good enough to resist other beasts, but it is not enough for a "recidivist" like Bai Xiaoxiao.

Few people go hunting in the village at this time. The men are doing some carpentry in the yard, and the women are weaving animal skins with twine.When someone saw the Naga family on the road, they would take the initiative to hug Orika.

This was a scene Orika had never seen before, but it was so warm that her eyes warmed up.

"Naga, Hill, is this your little baby, yo, he looks so good."

Naga looked up and saw that it was Gina the orc.

Gina has orange-red hair like the setting sun, tanned skin, beautiful and explosive muscles, but she looks a little tired now, as if she has gone through a long journey.

"Sister Gina, this is my daughter Orika. It feels like I haven't seen you for a long time. It seems that I haven't seen you much recently."

Gina touched her neck and said proudly:

"I went around and just got back."

Naga who knows Gina knows that the scope of this "surrounding" is really very wide.

Gina seems to have inherited the wandering nature of leopards. She doesn't want to stay at home and always wants to go out and explore.

If it weren't for this personality, she might have been married long ago. There are many orcs in the village who like Gina, but everyone knows that she is a person who does not return home.

The village chief also understood Gina's temperament, so he simply sent her to go out to investigate, so that Gina could harvest some dried meat and animal skins as rewards when she came back.

"Well, it seems that your trip seems to be very rewarding." Naga smiled.

Hill and Orika listened curiously. No one would dislike hearing stories, especially living in such a small village. Everyone's news is very closed, and there are few new things happening.

"I only found one village this time, and it's quite far away. But I think it's a good thing to be farther away. The overlap of hunting grounds is easy to cause friction. By the way, where are you going later?"

"We're going to take Orika to the village chief and priest." Hill hugged Orika to Gina, "Look, isn't she cute?"

Gina stuck out her tongue and made a grimace at Orika, and then saw the baby's mouth open and close, as if to say: "Abaaba".

"She's so good, she's smart at first glance. When Naga saw me like this when she was a child, she was so frightened that she cried."

"How can I! I'm also very smart!"

Naga subconsciously turned his head to look at his wife, only to see Hill pursing his lips and snickering, and let out an exaggerated wail, and now even Orika laughed too.

"Then let's go together, I just want to report to the village chief about the surrounding situation."

The four of them walked to the village chief's house together, and happened to see the village chief and the priest sitting in the yard drinking tea.

"Yo, Gina, you're back."

The village chief is a tall male orc named Kuntu in the form of an elk.

In fact, after a long period of evolution in the orc society, everyone has realized that force alone is not enough, so when choosing a leader, they will also pay attention to the cultural level of the candidate.

Back then, Kuntu stood out from the crowd of carnivorous orcs by virtue of his meticulous thinking and rich knowledge, and became the village head.

Facts have proved that he is indeed a qualified leader. Before the situation became more serious, Kuntu was the first to lead the villagers to migrate.

"Naga, this is your little girl, she looks really good."

The priest mother-in-law next to her also came forward and hugged Orika, her eyes were slit with a smile, "He is a good boy, and he must be a blessed one in the future."

"Gina, tell me about your experience this time."

Kuntu handed them tea, sat back on the stool and looked at Gina.

Gina gulped down the tea, took out two animal skins from her waist pocket, and handed them to Kuntu.One was drawn with zigzag stripes, which looked like a rough map, and the other had some small patterns on the hide, like some kind of writing.

"I walked a long way before I found a tribe of orcs. There are about 40 to [-] people in the village. They are quite friendly to outsiders. After knowing the situation in our village, it seems that there is an intention to communicate. This is a letter from the village chief. I I don’t know how to read, and I don’t know what it says.”

Kuntu looked at the words scrawled on the animal skin, his expression unchanged.

"What's written on it?" Naga asked curiously.

There are not many people in the village who can read and write. The priest's mother-in-law taught everyone to learn to write, but the children couldn't sit still, and few people studied hard, and they had no time to wait until they were adults.

Orika glanced at the weird writing on the animal skin, and after realizing that she didn't recognize it, she asked the system to translate it for her.

[To friends from afar: Gray Fox Village is very willing to establish a friendly relationship with your village. If there is a need for trade, caravans are always welcome. ]

After listening to it, Orika thought for a while and understood. Although she didn't know much about the world, there was only one village near the snow mountain, which must have occupied a lot of resources. It's not surprising that other villages want to trade. thing.

[Huihu Village is so active in wanting to trade, it seems that there are indeed a lot of resources in Snow Mountain. 】

[Whether it is prey, medicinal materials or wood and stone, it is very rich, but I don’t know why no one moved here before. ]

[Is it because the weather is too bad? 】

However, Orika quickly denied this conjecture. The orc's tolerance to extreme weather is not good, but it is definitely not weak. At least the foot of the mountain is still suitable for living.

Obviously, Naga and Kuntu have the same doubts about this.

"I heard from the people in Gray Fox Village that they did move here before, but they moved away soon." Gina said this with a serious expression, obviously a little worried.

"Less than half of the people in their village survived that migration."

Kuntu seemed to have thought of something, and his eyes suddenly became sharp.

"Because of the beast tide?"

"Yes, because of the beast tide. The climate in the snow mountain is too harsh in winter, and the orcs can't hunt prey, and the beasts on the mountain are the same. They said that the beasts on this snow mountain are more cunning than the beasts in other places, and they will be found by the sentry post." At that time, the beast horde had already surrounded them."

Everyone was a little silent when they heard this.

"We actually had a... very, very, tough winter."

Kuntu spoke slowly. He looked at the other people's faces that became unnatural for a moment. Obviously, that winter left a certain degree of shadow on everyone present.

"Although it was cold and hungry that winter, at least we didn't encounter beast hordes..."

"Originally, it should have been encountered."

The old and kind voice interrupted Kuntu softly, but it was not offensive.

Everyone else's eyes fell on the priest mother-in-law, and Orika also looked at this mysterious mother-in-law curiously.

The priest touched Orika's cheek kindly, and said without haste:

"Before that winter, I performed a divination."

"I foresaw cold and hardship, and I also saw..."

She paused for a long time, then took a slow, deep breath.Orika saw the water from the corner of her somewhat cloudy eyes. Although she didn't know why, she felt an uncontrollable sadness, which made her sob uncontrollably.

The priest wiped her tears lovingly and patted her gently.

"I saw the sadness and anger of the gods."

"Even the dullest creature would not dare to test its minions against the wrath of the gods. That's why I didn't let everyone leave."

Naga was shocked by what the priest mother-in-law said. He suddenly remembered that in that harsh winter, when he was still young, he could not eat enough for a few days. The adults were obviously worried about something. He saw Yeka and Abba in the Packing his things, he thought he was going to move again.

But later, the situation improved a lot, and later, Yeka said that he saw the white wolf kill the mountain tiger.

The orcs took over the mountain tiger's territory, and because of this, no one in their village starved to death even though that winter was so cold and impersonal.

"Although it seems a bit offensive to speculate on the will of the gods," the priest said with pride and joy on his face, "but I think we have been accepted by the gods. At least, that noble existence doesn't hate us."

Kuntu and Gina were skeptical that there really was a god, but for Naga and Hill, it was a cause for joy.

Kuntu breathed a sigh of relief, he looked at Gina and said:

"Gina, are you planning to go out soon?"

"Yeah, village chief, you know me well. I can't be idle at all." Gina scratched her hair, not at all dimmed by the exhaustion of the long journey, but even more dazzling because of it.

"Then I'm going to visit Gray Fox Village in a few days, and I'll trouble you to show me the way."

"It's trivial!"

Kuntu and Gina went out to discuss matters related to going to Gray Fox Village. Naga looked at the time and planned to take Hill and Orika to Yeka's house to visit Abba.

"Naga, wait a moment."

The priest stopped him before he left, and took off a necklace of animal teeth from his neck. The jade-colored animal teeth reflected a warm color in the sunlight.

The priest put the necklace in Orika's arms, and the meaning of this move was very clear.

"Priest mother-in-law, this..."

Naga was taken aback. This necklace is a symbol of the status of each priest. Such a valuable thing cannot be given away at will, and can only be kept by the next priest.

"I can feel that this child is not an ordinary person."

The priest mother-in-law turned her head and stared at the peak of the snow-capped mountains in the distance, showing a reassuring smile.

"May Lord Beast God bless this child."

"May Lord Beast God protect our White Wolf Village."


The author has something to say:

Bai Xiaoxiao: Why didn't I appear in this chapter, dog probe.jpg

Author: Your tall and glorious image will always live in everyone's memory

Bai Xiaoxiao: ... Good guy, are you polite?

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