The family life of the wolf god in the snow mountain

Chapter 18 Bald Brother: I want to write a tragic word

Since staying at Naga's house, Bai Xiaoxiao's three meals a day have become particularly healthy.

It has to be said that Hill is a very virtuous wife, she will replenish Bai Xiaoxiao with leaves of grass every day, and sometimes a few nuts.As long as Hill doesn't go out, the small wooden bowl belonging to Bai Xiaoxiao in the yard will always be full.

Although... my body is a wolf!Eating grass or something, ahhhhhhhh!

Looking at the green grass in front of her, Bai Xiaoxiao kicked her small wooden bowl over with a grumpy expression.At this moment, only a "squeak" was heard, and Hill came out with a few nuts.


Hill looked at the rabbit in the yard who was flustered and using its short paws to scrape the grass leaves in the crooked wooden bowl, and bent his eyes a little funny.

"Did Dabai accidentally knock down the wooden bowl? It doesn't matter. I'll help you up. I just prepared nuts today."

Bai Xiaoxiao took the opportunity to grab Hill's calf and rub it pitifully.

Huh huh, mom, I want to eat jerky, and Tutu is crying.

Of course, Hill couldn't understand what Bai Xiaoxiao was talking about. After adding the nuts, he happily touched her back. The soft touch made her feel emotional again.

"What kind of rabbit is Dabai? It's so soft!"

Orika, who just learned to crawl, was lying by the window. She looked at the whole rabbit being rubbed in her arms, and twitched the corners of her mouth speechlessly.

Orika, who has already seen through Bai Xiaoxiao's naive nature, looks at this big white rabbit who is obediently rua'd, feeling nothing in her heart.

As her body grew, Orika heard the wolf god's voice more and more frequently, and the majestic image of the wolf god was completely shattered in her.

[Why has no one told me that the wolf god is actually a dry-cooked wolf obsessed with jerky. 】

As long as Orika lay down by the window, she would definitely be able to see Dabai squatting at the base of the wall where the dried meat was hanging, drooling. After a long time, the grass in that area grew more lush than other places.

[Host, do you know what the wolf god is doing now. ]

After the system finished asking, it fell silent and made a sound of big data calculations, as if trying to figure out the motivation and thoughts of the wolf god, but Orika knew that it was just using this sound to cover up the embarrassment of its program being down.

The wolf god's coquettish voice just now was still circling in his mind, and it lingered for a long time. Orika could hardly restrain his desire to complain.

You are a wolf god, just for a piece of jerky, a piece of jerky!The jerky is hung on the wall. It has no legs, no mouth, can't run, and can't bite. Why don't you get it yourself? You pester your mother every day!

[I guess... the wolf god doesn't want to eat grass. 】

[ah?No way? ] The system made a shocking sound, [He eats almost every day...]

Yes, that's right, even though she said she didn't want to eat grass, every time Bai Xiaoxiao ate up all of Hilga's fodder.

Bai Xiaoxiao's desire to eat jerky was perfunctory by Hill's stroking, and the rabbit who had no meat had to lie down next to the wooden bowl and bury her head in cooking.

Woohoo, today's nuts are really fragrant.

After looking at the rabbit for a while, Hill went into the house. Today, she still has to mend Naga's torn shirt and prepare the paste for Orika.


The vague voice that belonged to the little baby made Bai Xiaoxiao poke her head out of the rice bowl. She looked at Orika who was sitting by the window, and hopped carelessly to the corner of the wall by the window.

Orika pointed to a bunch of dried meat hanging on the wall, and the little fleshy body scratched in the void.

Um?Orika, do you want to eat jerky?

With a blade of grass in her mouth, Bai Xiaoxiao recalled Orika's multiple meals a day.

Well, milk and mush, sometimes some fruit, hey, so light, it seems like I want to eat meat.

Bai Xiaoxiao felt a little sympathetic to Orika. Although they were all timetravelers, at least she could sneak out at night and cook for herself. Orika really could only eat meat.Poor, so pitiful...

The wolf and the wolf who were pitiful to each other showed great sympathy at the same time, and they fell in love with each other for a while.

Seeing that the wolf god hadn't moved, Orika simply leaned out to grab the jerky outside.

As a result, before the little hand touched it, a piece of jerky with the aroma of cumin was stuffed into his mouth.

Orika: ...? ? ?

Slowly taking the jerky out of her mouth, Orika turned her head to look at the big white rabbit who jumped out of the window at some point, and there was no place to put the jerky in her hand.

[Why don't you eat? 】

The voice of the wolf god made Orika very confused.

Isn’t it the wolf god who wants to eat jerky? Why did he feed me jerky?

Orika looked at the jerky with her own saliva in her hand, hesitated for a while, looked at the saliva dripping from the corner of the rabbit's mouth to the window sill, and stuffed the jerky into Dabai's arms.

Bai Xiaoxiao hugged the cumin jerky, her nose twitched cutely, if she didn't understand what Orika meant, she would be a fool.

【oh!Orika is a little angel, I will follow you from now on! 】

Orika looked at the rabbit who couldn't wait to start eating the jerky, and suddenly felt that this wolf god was a little innocent and cute.

False Babies: Orika

The real baby: Bai Xiaoxiao

After eating the jerky, Bai Xiaoxiao's whole rabbit became fluffy. After being infected by her, Orika's mood improved a lot.

At this moment, a sharp cry pierced the tranquility and beauty.

The sky darkened all of a sudden, and Hill walked to the door and looked out for the first time, and was so frightened by the scene in front of him that he lost his voice for a moment.

Under the blue sky, dense black birds gathered and screeched, hovering at the top of the village. The blackness made one's scalp tingle at a glance.

Bai Xiaoxiao, whose eyesight was much better than that of a human's, saw at a glance that it was a large group of vultures. They jumped down from the window with the dried meat in their mouths and disappeared at the gate of the yard.


Hill closed the door and rushed into the bedroom. She looked at Orika who was sitting by the window, quickly carried her out of bed, and closed the wooden window by the way.

Orika, who was hugged in her arms, grasped Hill's clothes slightly, as if sensing her uneasiness, Hill hummed softly and patted Orika on the back to coax her.

The orc's house is not as well-crafted as modern ones. Through the gaps in the windows, Hill can clearly see the few vultures that landed in the village. According to visual inspection, the average wingspan of these birds is about five meters away.

The place where White Wolf Village used to live was also visited by scavengers such as vultures. These big birds could easily overturn the tents where the orcs lived. After being attacked once or twice, White Wolf Village learned how to build houses from other villages. skill.

The house they live in now was built by Naga himself. Hill believes in Naga's technology, but he can't help worrying about other people.

Scavenging birds such as vultures generally dare not directly attack orcs, but they will treacherously harass ordinary humans who do not have the ability to transform into beasts. Ordinary humans and children are on top of their diet.

Hill's complexion was very ugly. Most of the orcs in the village had gone hunting in the mountains today, and the orcs who stayed in the village might not be able to withstand the attack of so many vultures.

Orika curled up in Hill's arms, looking like she was frightened, but she was actually concentrating on listening to the sounds outside.

[No vultures seem to have landed on our house. 】

[Normal, the instincts of beasts to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages are much sharper than humans. There is a terrifying aura of wolf gods in this yard, and they dare not come here to make trouble. ]

The system can see the situation outside, and most of the vultures haven't really launched an attack yet, probably because they are afraid of the coercion of the wolf god.

But now the wolf god doesn't know where he has gone. Creatures like vultures are very thieves. I don't know if they will leave honestly.

Orika frowned, she was a little worried about the situation of grandpa and aunt.

Just as he was thinking about this, the calls outside suddenly became noisy. The noise-like chaotic calls made Hill hold Orika tightly, but Orika keenly heard a few wolves from those calls. Call.

Could it be that the wolf god drives away the vultures?

The system relayed the outside scene to Orika in time. Seeing the entangled black and white in the sky, Orika was shocked in place for a moment.

A large group of snow eagles appeared from nowhere, with the absolute advantage in number and size, they rushed into the vulture group like an avalanche, smashing the vultures into scattered pieces.

The vulture group would attack Bailang Village purely because all the orcs in this village went hunting. After the treacherous vulture found out, he was tempted to steal the house. The coercion made him tremble with fear.

Vultures have suffered from Bai Xiaoxiao for a long time, since Bai Xiaoxiao was born in the snow mountain, there have been more and more strange combinations of animals.

Sometimes you can see groups of snow wolves go out for food, sometimes you can see groups of snow hawks go out for food, sometimes you can see groups of snow wolves and snow hawks go out for food together!

Good guy, it's really crushed by the advantage of numbers.

When Bald was young and energetic, he was not sensible. Seeing that the pups of the Xueshan Wolf Clan seemed to be delicious, he took his brothers to show their teeth and claws, and finally came back with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

The vulture, who had been beaten by Fatty, lived in fear every day on the mountain, but he didn't expect that he would still be unable to escape the oppression of the rice wolf when he went down the mountain.

Bald brother really feels wronged this time, it wants to leave, did you give me a chance, if you don’t say hello, send Xue Ying to rush over and beat it hard on its bald forehead, cub ah!Cub species!

Bald Brother: Are you polite!

The vultures didn't dare to confront the snow hawks because of their huge formation. After screaming a few times, they flew away, leaving behind a blanket of bird feathers.

The sentry orcs were not very happy when they saw the vultures leaving. The vultures were gone. What about the snow eagles? Certainly.

When the sentry was standing on the tree with cold hands and feet, the snow eagles in the sky circled and flew away without hesitation, and their vigorous figures disappeared on the distant peak of the snow mountain.

The sentry rubbed his eyes in disbelief, and after repeated confirmations, he finally transformed into a beast and flew into the air, sending out a long cry that relieved the danger.

"It's okay, the vulture should have left."

Hill touched the sweat beads on Orika's forehead, and kissed her forehead lightly.Orika could feel the trembling of Hill's lips, and was obviously frightened.

【Wolf God... Dabai is back yet. 】

The system glanced outside the house, and found that the wolf god was squatting in his den, happily gnawing on the piece of jerky.

[...I'm back, and I'm continuing to cook. ]

Orika breathed a sigh of relief, and closed her eyes tiredly. After being tense for so long, she suddenly relaxed, and she was a little sleepy.

The orcs in the village rushed back immediately when they saw the flock of vultures in the sky, and heard the evacuation alarm from the village sentry on the way, knowing that the situation was serious.

Naga was one of the first orcs to rush back to the gate of the village. His beating heart calmed down when he saw the cheering guard standing at the gate.

On the way home, his whole body was light and light, and his feet felt as if he was stepping on cotton. It was not until he saw his wife who was holding his daughter standing in the yard waiting for him to come home, that he finally felt as if he had come from an illusion. back to reality.

Naga stepped forward and hugged his wife and daughter, his eyes were a little red.

"I'm sorry I wasn't by your side."

Hill was also a little choked up, she didn't say anything, but hugged her daughter and husband even tighter.

Bai Xiaoxiao looked at this scene from the side and felt a little emotional.

【It's nice to be together as a family...】

Before she could express any emotion, she heard that familiar soft voice.

[Thank you, Lord Wolf God. ]

Bai Xiaoxiao was frightened, her rabbit's ears pricked up.She looked at Orika who was held in the arms of Hill and Naga, then looked left and right, and Xiao Duan pointed at herself.

【Are you talking to me? 】

[Yes,] Orika smiled, [Thank you for saving the village. ]

Bai Xiaoxiao: You're welcome... Wait!When did my vest fall off!


The author has something to say:

at first...

Bai Xiaoxiao: I want to hug my vest tightly


Bai Xiaoxiao: This woman is picking at my clothes!

This week is busy, the update is not fixed, sorry sorry

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