These days, Orika has been dreaming the same dream.

In the dream is still the ice field of Yongye, and the silver-haired woman standing on the snow.

But unlike the first dream, the figure that once gave her warmth became so far away that no matter how she moved forward, she couldn't touch it.

She fell on the snow exhausted, the icy wind drowned her, and the night above her head sank like a distorted monster, sinking, sinking until it stripped and swallowed her from that world.

Orika closed his eyes wearily, thinking that he would disappear into the boundless silence again this time, but was suddenly dragged out by a force.

At that moment, she saw the long-lost light.

[Get up, Oreka, why don't you sleep in late, don't you have to go to school today. 】

Orika hadn't reacted from the dream with unknown meaning, when she felt a warm ball of hair suddenly slipping into her arms.

"It's so cold, you, don't come in..."

Although she said it disgustingly, Orika still hugged the soft dumpling tightly.

[Wow, the quilt in winter is really good - I don't know what mom will make for breakfast today. 】

The gluttonous rabbit in her arms kept thinking, Orika had no choice but to open her eyes.She gently lifted the quilt, and sure enough, she found a big white ball curled up under the quilt.

"I guess it should be roasted whole rabbits, especially those with a lot of meat."

[Liar!My mother is not willing to eat me. 】

Dabai came back from the mountain three days ago, he looked no different from usual, he was still laughing and joking every day.

Orika gently stroked her back, and buried her face in Dabai's soft belly.

"Let me cuddle for a while and sleep for another 5 minutes."

After a while, a tickling sensation came, which was very comfortable. It felt like a kitten was rubbing its chin on the top of her head.

[There will be a fee, the little bunny can't be hugged casually. 】

Orika didn't speak, and went straight to grab her rabbit's ears, which made the little bunny howl.

According to Dabai, Tong became the new wolf king.

Orika was not surprised when she found out about this. She could see that although Dabai always disliked Hitomi in every possible way, he actually valued him very much.

After all, Hitomi is the oldest brother among all the wolves, and his prestige in the wolf pack is second only to the wolf god, and he is also the most convincing existence for other white wolves.

"That's good, the white wolves don't have to fight for the position of the wolf king."

After hearing this, Bai Xiaoxiao waved her hands frantically, her expression was indescribable.

[Oreka, you are too high on the awareness of those brats, those lazy bastards are really more salty fish. 】

[You don't know how much they go too far!I told them, "The little wolf who wants to be the wolf king, step forward", and they all jumped back for me! 】

Orika smiled and rubbed her cheek against her stomach.

"But why do I feel that the attitude of this salted fish is a bit like a certain little greedy rabbit?"

【illusion!It's all an illusion!And I'm a wolf, not a rabbit, definitely not me! 】

"Yeah, you're right, it seems that Hitomi is more reliable."

Bai Xiaoxiao let out a "humph" and patted the top of Orika's head with her little paw.

[Of course not, you really don't know him too well, he just reacts too slowly. 】

【When that idiot Hitomi was kicked by another wolf when he was going backwards, that guy looked stupid when he jumped forward. I have never seen a more idiotic wolf than him! 】

Bai Xiaoxiao spoke angrily, and suddenly found that the shoulders of the person who buried her face in her arms were shaking.

Orika felt that she couldn't hold it any longer, and she had a stomach ache from holding back her laughter.

"Puff ha ha... sorry... ha ha..."

Bai Xiaoxiao angrily raked her hair with her small paws.

[Woman, you laugh at me, you don't love me anymore. 】

Orika laughed for a long time before stopping, and reached out to touch Dabai's chin.Maybe it's because she casually mentioned Ba Zong Literature a few days ago, Dabai has become a little oily recently.

"Does any bunny want to have breakfast?"

[Me, me, me!I want to eat meat! 】

The weather is fine today, the heavy snow stopped last night.After breakfast, Bai Xiaoxiao followed Orika to her mother-in-law's house for class as usual.

[It seems that there has been no snow in the village. 】

Bai Xiaoxiao jumped and followed behind Orika, stepping on her footprints on the snow.

Orika looked up to the outside of the village. Although the weather has improved today, there are not many people going out in the village. Everyone is busy with their own affairs in the yard.

"Is the snow outside the village very deep?"

【snow? 】

Bai Xiaoxiao instantly thought of the funny embarrassment of accidentally burying herself in the snow yesterday, so she touched her ear guiltily.

[It seems like... It's really not shallow. 】

When passing by the village square, Orikado took a few glances at the statue of the wolf god standing in the center, and felt that the texture of the statue seemed to have changed a little.

It was no longer a pure and transparent ice cube, but looked like a milky white stone. This change caused her to take a second look, but other than that, there seemed to be nothing worth noting.

[Do you still want to study herbal medicine today? 】

It was said to be a herbal medicine class, but in fact most of the situation turned into Orika speaking in the front, and a bunch of orcs sat below to listen.

Now everyone in the whole White Wolf Village knows that Orika is the next priest, and Bai Xiaoxiao usually gets a lot of credit along with her (referring to food).

Orika glanced at her notes, then rolled up the hide and stuffed it back into her bag.

"Today I want to try farming."

Bai Xiaoxiao once thought that there was something wrong with her ears.While looking at Orika, she patted the snow ground that was trampled by pedestrians with her small jiojio, and the sound was quite solid.

Even outside the village, there is thick snow on the permafrost.farming?Whether or not the land can be opened is a problem.

[I don't think it's okay. 】

Orika showed an inexplicable smile, "I think it's okay to work hard."

Bai Xiaoxiao's heart was full of alarm bells, and every time Oreka wanted to play tricks on her, she always smiled like this.

Woman, put away your evil smile!If you laugh like that again, Little Bunny will be scared!

Orika lowered her tone, and gently touched Bai Xiaoxiao's dog's head, ah no, it was a rabbit's head.

Bai Xiaoxiao: ... the child is afraid.jpg

"Xiaobai, can't you change the temperature of the environment? We can try to find a piece of land behind the village first."


"I believe that with your hardworking hands, we will be able to create a better tomorrow."


"Can barbecue and jerky satisfy you already?"


"Maybe there will be sweet little cakes and candies in the future!"

[Gulu Gulu——]

【...Okay, okay, you won. 】

Bai Xiaoxiao patted her stomach, then raised her head and glared at Orika.

[Look, you sinful woman, how much you have made Little Tutu so greedy, you will put out the fire you caused yourself! 】

After all, he stretched out a small claw and hooked towards Orika.

Orika put a nut on her paw, stretched out her hand and pinched her face, "Did you steal lard on the mountain, you greedy rabbit, it has turned into a small oil now."

Bai Xiaoxiao, the oil in the world, was finally bribed by Orika with two nuts, and was pulled to act as a young man.

Thinking back, the boss wolf who kept squeezing his employees has become humble enough to work for others. It is really gratifying, gratifying and congratulatory.

"Is it cold-resistant food..."

The priest mother-in-law who was asked sat on the chair and thought for a while, then shook her head regretfully.

"White Wolf Village used to live in a warm and humid place, close to the river, where all rice was planted, and some seeds were left when we left..."

[Obai, what is the maximum temperature you can increase. ]

Bai Xiaoxiao blinked her eyes, a little unsure:

[I haven't adjusted the temperature for a long time, wait, you don't want to grow rice, do you? 】

Seeing Orika didn't answer, Dabai waved his paw at her.

[No, no, no, don't think about it, even if I can adjust the temperature to [-] degrees, it is impossible for this subtropical crop to be popularized in the snow-capped mountains. 】

[In order to develop a field that can supply food for a village, not to mention how much open space it needs to occupy, this large-scale temperature change alone will have a considerable impact on the surrounding area. 】

Orika thought about it and found that it was the same, and the amount of water needed by the rice fields was not small, and a lot of water must be diverted from the river, which would have a great impact on the nearby ecology.

[That still needs to be obtained locally. I don’t know if there are any crops with relatively large yields on the mountain, or I can ask Dad to trade back some cold-resistant crop seeds with the people in Huihu Village. ]

Although the temperature in Huihu Village is not low, it is still much better than Bailang Village at the foot of the snow mountain. According to Naga, Huihu Village does have arable land.

It's not that the people in the village have never thought about planting something, but there is permafrost for a hundred miles around, and there is no way to open up farmland.

Bai Xiaoxiao nodded solemnly.

[Although, it is okay to find a place to grow less rice, because I also want to eat rice. 】

She gestured with her hand, and it was really a small piece of land.

Orika: ...I just wanted to praise you for being thoughtful, but where are your principles?

The priest's mother-in-law looked at the big white rabbit that was being pulled back and forth with its little paws, and took a sip of hot water with a smile.

After leaving the priest's mother-in-law's house, Orika and Bai Xiaoxiao went to the mountain.

Nowadays, the poisonous plants of various shapes have been restrained a lot, and there is room for other plants to live.

"Dabai, did you find any crops that could be grown when you were in the mountains?"

The system had identified some plants before, and indeed found some plants that could be grown as crops, but Orika was not very satisfied with those, because the output was too limited.

【Well, I remember...】

The white wolf quickly shuttled through the forest, and soon entered the territory of the wolf pack.

Bai Xiaoxiao took Orika to find a relatively flat open space, and gently sniffed it.

After choosing a location, she stretched out her sharp claws to dig directly on the ground, digging a deep hole every time, and after a while, a big hole was exposed in the ground.

After freezing the other exits, Bai Xiaoxiao squatted on the spot and waited for a while. Suddenly, there was a "squeak", and a black mass jumped out of the hole quickly. on the ground.

"This is... a mouse?"

Orika looked at this big squeaking guy, and visually estimated that this guy could be [-] centimeters long without counting the tail.

[I don't know what kind of mouse this is, but they are especially good at hoarding things, and they have a big mouth, so you should be able to find what you want by poking around. 】

The big mouse watched Bai Xiaoxiao let some snowmouses steal its house, and was so angry that he kicked his legs on the ground and pretended to be dead.

The snow mouse brought out a lot of things, including nuts, blades of grass, and even a few pieces of jerky.

[Good guy, did you go to the village to steal food! 】

The big mouse "squeaked" twice in protest.

It is said that cooking rice, cooking rice, and cooking rice mice can be said to be stealing.

"this is……"

Orika didn't look at the nuts, and squatted down to dig out a white lump from inside.She twisted it with her hands, and the familiar texture reminded her of sweet potatoes and taro.

[Bai Na root is the root tuber of the lower part of Bai Na grass, which is rich in starch.This kind of plant has strong cold resistance and is regarded as a dominant species in other places, but it is still difficult to grow in large quantities in such a harsh low-temperature environment as snow-capped mountains.

"Isn't this the cold-resistant sweet potato?"

[The suitable growth temperature is -5~25°C, the growth cycle is 80~120 days, and the yield per mu can reach 6000 jin. However, this thing is the same as sweet potato, with low protein content, so it cannot be eaten as a staple food. ]

Orika put the white tuber back, clapped his hands and stood up.

"Dabai, let's go and dig sweet potatoes."

【sweet potato! 】

Just as Bai Xiaoxiao cheered, she heard a pitiful cry from the little mouse under her feet.

Robbers, demolish houses!

[Hey, don't be stingy, at worst I'll bury it for you. 】

A few snow mice moved the nuts back on the ground like a moving team, and Bai Xiaoxiao kindly threw the little mouse back into the hole, and even helped it bury the hole.

After doing good deeds, Bai Xiaoxiao happily ran away with Orika on her back.

【sweet potato!sweet potato!Go, go, go! 】

The mouse lying on its back in the hole: Oh shit, damn it!


The author has something to say:

Bai Xiaoxiao: Do ​​a good deed every day, you're welcome!

Mouse: I TM thank you!

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