[Oreka, wake up, the beast tide is coming. 】

Hearing Dabai's voice, Orika, who had been in a light sleep state, woke up instantly, quickly turned over and got out of bed, and ran towards another bedroom.

"Mom! Beast tide..."

In order to prevent the arrival of the beast horde, all the orcs and ordinary humans with strong fighting ability are on guard outside.

Naga has been standing guard outside these days, and Hill has been busy taking care of and comforting the old and young in the village.

Just when Orika rushed into the room, there was a deafening wolf howl outside, and the sound seemed to come from the square.

Hill, who had just fallen asleep, got up quickly, holding Wolf in one hand and Orika in the other, and ran outside quickly.

The villagers were obviously awakened by the sudden howling of wolves. Orika could see several figures rushing towards the outskirts of the village in the darkness. They should be the guards who just got off duty today.

"Oreka, you take Wolf to the refuge cave first, and mom is going to visit other people's homes."

Hill hugged Wolf, who was eating quietly, to Orika, and helped her tighten the neckline with some worry.

"Can you hold it, Wolf is a bit heavy."

Bai Xiaoxiao took advantage of the darkness to support Wolf with the snow, and there was no need for Orika to exert herself.While supporting Worf, she turned into a snow eagle to monitor the situation outside the village from a high place.

[Wow, a silly berber is locked in a cage. 】

[Uh uh uh, why is there still a beast running away, so cowardly. 】

Listening to Dabai's report, Orika felt a little relieved.

After a while, people entered the refuge cave one after another, most of them were old people and children.

"Everyone hide here, don't go out unless the door is open!"

Hill was followed by several female human beings. Orika knew them. These aunts who usually seemed gentle, now each held a bow and arrow and looked calm. They all seemed to be experienced hunters.

As the door of the refuge cave slowly closed, Orika's vision slowly fell into darkness.

After blocking the sound from the outside world, the surroundings suddenly became quiet. In the darkness, Orika could see that Dabai's eyes were shining with a light blue cold light.

Reaching out to hug Dabai in her arms, Orika turned sideways to block Dabai and also the only light source in the darkness.


[What's the matter, is there something going on outside? 〕

【Wolf grabs my fur!Woohoo! 】

Orika: ...

He stretched out his hand to touch it, and sure enough, Wolf's little hand tightly grasped Dabai's fur again. The little guy didn't know what happened, so he happily grabbed Dabai and didn't let go.

[Hurry up and save Bunny! 】

Orika reached out to break Wolf's hand, but the little villain's mouth was constricted, and he wanted to cry when he opened his mouth.

Thinking of the child crying endlessly, Orika had no choice but to rub Dabai's head helplessly.

[Maomao will grow again, Dabai, hold on for a while. 〕

Bai Xiaoxiao: ... Aww!Do you hear this rhetoric!

Snow Eagle's vision from the outside allowed Bai Xiaoxiao to clearly see the situation of the orcs and the beast horde. Just as Lao Gui said, as the temperature rises, fewer beasts descending the mountain can be seen with the naked eye.

After a rough estimate, compared with Bai Xiaoxiao's previous expected scale, the beast tide this time is only about half, and many of these wild beasts came to fish in troubled waters. Slipped away.

Xue Ying, who was overlooking the battle situation from the tree, looked at them with disgust, and suddenly turned his eyes to the dark night sky.

I have to say that the beasts are really cunning. It is cloudy tonight, the moon and stars are hidden between the thick clouds, and the orcs with weak night vision can only rely on torches to see things. After the whole battle, their hands are tied.

Seeing the little black dots flying in the distance, Xue Ying squatted on the treetop and narrowed his eyes slightly, lowered his body and hid himself among the leaves.

Noisy and sharp screams came from the sky, Hill frowned and clenched the bow and arrow in his hand.

"It's a flock of vultures, listen to the voices and mountain sculptures, put out the torches!"

The vulture in the sky let out a piercing cry triumphantly. To be honest, it shouldn't have come. Apart from the few nocturnal birds, most of the birds have no night vision ability. Now it is completely blinded.

But old vulture didn't care at all, he wasn't here to rob Twolegs anyway.

Ever since he was beaten away by that stupid wolf last time, my brother has been a little embarrassed in the group, and this time he came back mainly to step on it while he was in trouble.

In order to fill the battle, it also brought the mountain eagle boy to town.

Hmph, the Twolegs on the ground must be in a mess by now!

The vulture was a little proud of thinking about it, and planned to go back to sleep after two laps.

As a result, when passing a green pine tree, a cloud of cold air blew over from the side of the body, making the vulture subconsciously turn its head to look over.

Snow Eagle: Aww——! (surprise~!)

Vulture: ... hastily!There is an ambush, brothers, run away!

Bai Xiaoxiao's Snow Eagle didn't have the restriction of night blindness, her throat moved slightly and let out a wolf howl, aiming at the vulture's forehead with a hard bite, pecking the vulture to howl.

Vulture: Brother Shandiao, come and help!Dude I was attacked!

There was darkness in front of Shandiao, and he was about to fly towards the direction of the sound, but a cold arrow on the ground wiped off a flying feather.

With his outstanding hearing, Hill drove back the birds of prey one after another, and the arrow with the cold light in his hand was steadily pointing at the mountain eagle's chest.

Shandiao: slipped away, one of the flying feathers has been knocked out, brother, please ask for blessings.

The mountain eagle escaped realistically, and the rest of the vultures also dispersed, only the elder brother was bitten by the head of the snow eagle.

Snow Eagle stepped on his brother's back, grunting in his throat, as if he wanted to tear him apart.

【You said why don't you learn a lesson. 】

The vulture had a desolate look on his face, feeling that he was going to be gone this time, and he was pitiful for the old and the young.

[Nonsense, everyone knows you are a bachelor. 】

Vulture choked, and turned to discuss with Xue Ying.

Sister, if you let me go this time, I will hang out with you from now on.

Dabai rubbed his chin secretly. To be honest, she has no shortage of younger brothers, but vultures can cause trouble too much. You can do it if you say so. The batch of returning food was caught by her twice. .

But let's say he ate him, eh—

Xue Ying let go of the vulture in disgust, stretched out his claws and kicked him, watched the vulture flying away crookedly, then continued to stare down at the beast tide below.

It should be said that Orika's trap is still very useful. The menacing beast was caught off guard at the beginning, and its momentum suddenly became chaotic.

But even so, the orcs had a hard time coping.

On the one hand, the number of beast hordes is not much different from that of orcs, and it can even be said that the beasts are stable.

On the other hand, the per capita combat power of orcs is also different. Strong aggressive ones like Yeka and Gina can barely hold back one or two beasts, but other orcs are different.

Bai Xiaoxiao looked at the orc who was dealing with wild boars with a stone knife, and vaguely remembered that he seemed to be the fish-shaped orc who was held in the water by herself and drank a lot of water.

Alas, it's no wonder they are so afraid of the beast tide. If it weren't for Orika's interception devices and adequate preparations in advance, the orcs might not be able to survive.

Seeing that the fighting below was getting more and more intense, Xue Ying flapped his wings and planned to help.

However, before she could call out her thugs, she heard a wolf howl not far away, and then, an overwhelming coercion came directly to her.

All of a sudden, the orcs and beasts who were biting fiercely below knelt down a large area.

Snow Eagle looked at the orcs and wild beasts who were crushed to the ground, and flew towards the place where the wolves were howling in a daze, only to see the statue "come to life" at some point.

It saw the snow eagle in mid-air, and showed a triumphant smile spiritually, but that smile looked familiar no matter how it looked.

Statue: Erha grinning.jpg

Bai Xiaoxiao: ...Laughing ass!Look what you have done!

Sure enough, this husky statue should have been smashed and rebuilt from the beginning, but now it’s good, it looks like a wolf on the outside, but it’s actually a Erha on the inside.

This time there is no need for help. Looking at the situation below, Wu Ya is lying on the ground, and he probably won't be able to fight anymore.

[Put away the coercion for me, stupid dog! 】

Xue Ying kicked the god statue's celestial spirit cover, kicking the dog so wronged.

Sure enough, as soon as the statue regained its momentum, the beast tide at the entrance of the village ran up the mountain like a tide against the current.

The orcs got up from the ground, looked around in surprise, and quickly retreated back to the village.

[Woooooh, Oreka, something happened outside. 】

In the refuge cave, Bai Xiaoxiao didn't care about Wolf who was still pulling her fur, and hurriedly tugged at Orika's collar.

Orika frowned, and subconsciously hugged Dabai and Wolf tightly.

[Is it an orc...]

【That's not true. 】

Bai Xiaoxiao took a look at the situation of the orcs through Xue Ying's vision. Although some people were injured, they were not fatal.

【Well, anyway, it should be considered a good thing, at least the beast tide has subsided. 】

[So fast. ]

The time calculated by the system has just passed more than ten minutes, and she thought it would take at least half an hour to finish.

Sure enough, after a period of noise, the door of the refuge cave was opened.

"The beast tide has receded, everyone can come out."

The people in the refuge cave breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly sent the children out first.

Orika finally tore Bai Xiaoxiao from Wolfe's hand, looked at the rabbit fur that Wolfe was holding, and rubbed Dabai's back guiltily.

"Naga, here we are."

Hill saw the gray wolf running from the gate of the village, and waved at him. She had just heard the news that the beast tide had receded.

"Why did it end so soon this time?"

When the gray wolf ran to the front, it turned back into a human form. Naga was panting heavily, with some paint on his face. He didn't care about explaining, and shouted to the crowd:

"Are the priest mother-in-law and Orika here?"

Orika heard Naga calling herself, and waved at him on tiptoe.


After hugging Worf to Hill, before Orika could speak, she was carried on the back by Naga who had turned back into a gray wolf. Dabai and her mother-in-law were with her.

Orika, who was sitting on the wolf's back, looked at the surrounding environment. Obviously, the beast tide did not invade the village, so the situation should be relatively optimistic.

The injured villagers were carried to the square. Bai Xiaoxiao took a look at the statue. At this time, it had returned to its original appearance, but for some reason there was a swelling on its forehead.

Bai Xiaoxiao: ...hehe

Because of the relatively sufficient medicine, most of the injuries of the wounded have been effectively controlled, only a small number of them were bitten severely, and they may lie in bed for a few more days.

Orika helped her mother-in-law prepare the medicine, crushed the herbs and distributed them, and was too busy to take care of them for a while.

Taking advantage of no one paying attention to her, Bai Xiaoxiao found a corner and lay flat on the ground.

Hey, everyone is so busy, now both the orcs and the beasts may have to cultivate for a while.

"Wow wow-"

Yes, yes, it is thanks to you, the boss, that the two sides stopped in time.

Bai Xiaoxiao: ...Who are you!

Looking at the vulture squatting next to her, Bai Xiaoxiao didn't know what to say for a moment.

【Why are you staying? Do you want to be beaten up? 】


How dare I dare, hey, I just can't see things clearly, thinking about leaving until dawn.

Brother Vulture is completely discouraged at the moment, his head is swollen like the statue of Erha, and he looks miserable.

[You just owe it, can something like excitement be made up. 】

[Also, you are obviously a bachelor, but you still say that you have seniors and juniors, don't you feel guilty when you say this. 】

Brother Vulture shrank his head and remained motionless, as if refusing to communicate.

Vulture: Thank you, the bird has closed itself, so don't cue if there is nothing to do.

Bai Xiaoxiao ignored him, watching Oreka busy with sweat on her forehead, she felt a little distressed.

Taking advantage of the crowd, a few snow hands quietly touched Orika's body, took the small stone pestle in her hand, and helped smash the herbs.

With Bai Xiaoxiao's help, Orika's pressure dropped sharply, and the work of bandaging the wounded was quickly completed.

Orika sat on the ground with Dabai in his arms, too tired to move at all.

[Go home and go to sleep, the baby will not grow taller if he stays up late. 】

Bai Xiaoxiao touched the black spots under Orika's eyes, and gently rubbed her face.

Maybe it's because Orika is always so reliable, and sometimes she forgets that Orika's body is just an eight-year-old child.

[Today you have to rest well. 】

Orika rubbed Dabai's soft fur, lay down on the ground and closed her eyes.

"Then I'll go to sleep, Dabai good night."

【Eh!No, wait, go home and sleep again, hello! 】

Called a few times but the other party didn't respond, Bai Xiaoxiao looked at Orika who was already asleep, sighed helplessly, and got into her arms to insulate her from the low temperature of the night.

The big white rabbit yawned and patted Orika's hand lightly.

[Oreka good night. 】



The author has something to say:

Author: The beast tide is over, Orika should grow up a bit (sigh)

Orika: Am I growing up?

Bai Xiaoxiao: Good!

Author: Forbidden!

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