The winter in the snow-capped mountains is difficult, the life of the wolves on the mountain is difficult, and the life of the orcs at the foot of the mountain is not much better.

The only thing that is better is that the diet of the orcs is much richer than that of the wolves. Although they can't get enough to eat, they don't have to force themselves to risk their lives to hunt in the mountains against the wind and snow.

The weather was fine that day, and Yeka took the orcs Gina and Tata into the mountain.

Lanny's belly was getting bigger day by day, but malnutrition made her extremely weak, and Yeka really worried that her body would collapse one day.

"Don't go any further, the upper part is the territory of the wolf clan."

In this snow-capped mountain, the ferocious mountain tiger is never the most terrifying, but the dozens of wolves acting together are the real butchers.

Adults are not as easy to believe in legends as children are. Although the white wolf has helped them, but now is the winter when food is scarce. No matter how intelligent animals are, they will not be kind enough to starve themselves to death. They dare not risk themselves. .

"We have to go back before the sun goes down. The snow-capped mountains at night are too dangerous."

The three of them were lucky, and caught a wild boar that was out looking for food at the warmest time of noon. Although the wild boar was not big, it was enough for three people to share.

Yeka wiped the blood from his mouth, tied the wild boar to the horned bull with a rattan rope, and patted Tata on the back with ease.

"Let's go, today's harvest is good."

At this moment, a tiger's roar suddenly came from the woods not far away. The deafening sound shook the birds living in the forest away. murmur.

"Come on!"

They've been in this situation before.

Mountain tigers attach great importance to their territory. Once they find orcs, they will definitely drive them out, no matter whether they are hunting or not.

Tata's load-bearing capacity is good, but its speed is its weakness.Yeka asked Gina to cover Tata and go first, and he stayed behind in the rear. In case the mountain tiger chased him, he could block it for a while.

However, Yeka slowed down and ran for a long time, only hearing the roar of the tiger, but not the shadow of the tiger, and the sound was getting farther and farther away from him, as if he had not moved at the same place.

Could it be that the tiger didn't notice them? In line with the principle that more things are worse than less things, Yeka originally planned to leave directly. As a result, he just walked out not far, and heard a few long howls of wolves between the roars of the tigers.

Could it be that the white wolf and the mountain tiger are fighting?

Yeka waited in place for a while, until the roar of the beast in the distance completely stopped, and then he ran over cautiously.

The further you go there, the stronger the smell of blood on the tip of your nose.

Yeka slowed down and stopped beside a red-stained snow field.There was a lot of blood on the ground, and the messy footprints showed that there were at least 20 wolves here.

The blood-stained footprints stretched all the way to the front, Yeka stepped on the spot hesitantly, and finally followed.

Following the footprints and walking under a tree, Yeka poked his head out, but was shocked by the scene in front of him.

In the clearing in the forest, there were no shadows of more than 20 wolves. The white wolf stood quietly in the middle of the pool of blood, biting the head of the mountain tiger.

The mountain tiger's headless body fell on the snow, and there was no intact part of the body that was bitten. The wound on the broken neck was bloody and bloody. It can be seen that its head was bitten off by the white wolf forcefully.

The white wolf spotted him the moment Yeka poked his head out, but it just glanced at him quietly, then bit the tiger's head, turned and disappeared into the depths of the woods.

Yeka watched it leave for a long time and couldn't calm down.

When encountering the white wolf a few times before, Yeka felt more agility and kindness similar to humans from it, just like a curious little girl who is innocent and lively.

However, this time, the white wolf's glance just now gave Yeka a chill in his back. He didn't feel any malice, but he subconsciously felt fear.

The white wolf's eyes were very calm, but there was still anger hidden in his eyes, that anger was like a howling snowstorm on a snowy mountain, and the aftermath alone made him feel fearful.

Maybe the white wolf is out for revenge.

Yeka looked at Shanhu's broken body and made such a judgment.

Killing the prey but only taking away the head, this kind of human-like behavior made Yeka realize that the wisdom of the white wolf may be higher than he imagined.

The white wolf is too mysterious, maybe it is really a legendary beast.

Yeka looked at the woods where the white wolf disappeared for a long time, and finally turned and left decisively.He didn't move the mountain tiger's body, because his intuition told him that if he took the body away, the white wolf might not be happy.

Not long after Yeka left, the snow on the ground condensed into three white wolves, they looked around, bit the dead body of the mountain tiger and left.

It didn't take much effort for Bai Xiaoxiao to kill the mountain tiger. After all, ants kill elephants more often, not to mention that this "ant" is still a wolf with teeth and claws.

After the wolf father disappeared, Bai Xiaoxiao and a wolf followed the scent to find the place where the wolves were hunting.She scraped through the deep-buried snow, and found three broken wolf corpses, and the breath of the mountain tiger left over from the wounds.

There was not much preparation for the revenge plan. After that emotional upheaval, Bai Xiaoxiao's supernatural powers increased explosively for the first time, and the surging energy almost tore her body apart.

When she was about to lose consciousness in a daze, she felt someone gently stroking her forehead.

When she woke up, she saw the wolf mother standing in front of her.

The scars ruined her appearance, but to Bai Xiaoxiao, she will always be that gentle and proud mother who saved herself again and again.

It took a few days to get familiar with her abilities, and after confirming that she really had the power to take revenge, Bai Xiaoxiao acted decisively.

Twenty-three white wolves surrounded the mountain tiger. Bai Xiaoxiao stood on a high place and watched what happened below. This was the first time she used her supernatural power for revenge. However, she didn't feel happy, but felt a little remorse and regret.

She got stronger too late.

The male mountain tiger tore up the snow wolves one by one, but there was always a steady stream of snow wolves surrounding them. It fought for a long time, and finally fell down with many wounds.

When Bai Xiaoxiao brought Shanhu's head and body back to the wolves, the wolf mother almost went crazy and tore at Shanhu's body.

But the wolf king just stood by and watched, and then he let out a long howl, and the wolves stepped forward to carve up the mountain tiger.

Winter passed quickly, and the prey became abundant again. However, for Bai Xiaoxiao, life could not go back to the way it was before, and she lost a very important family member.


When did she start to become lonely? Bai Xiaoxiao didn't know the answer to this question.

At first, it was the body of the wolf mother who was deteriorating, and then the familiar wolves around left one after another.The pack of wolves has changed for three generations, but Bai Xiaoxiao still hasn't changed at all.

Her time seemed to be paused at a certain moment. Aging and death had nothing to do with her, but they never really went away.The departure of the tribe made her feel sad. Although new lives are always being born, she no longer has any elders who can rely on acting like a baby.

The child of the gray wolf orc at the foot of the mountain has grown into an adult, and the child named Naga has also married a wife and had children. Although Bai Xiaoxiao hasn't sent the snow wolf to the foot of the mountain for a long time, he still sits in the yard and waits every day.

Humans in this world seem to have a relatively long lifespan. At least four to fifty years have passed, and most of the orcs are still in a healthy age.

Bai Xiaoxiao wandered around the snow-capped mountains for decades. It's not that she didn't think about going to human society, but some kind of induction made her choose to stay away from the crowd.

Her position in the wolf pack has also undergone subtle changes. Although she is not the wolf king, she has authority no less than that of the wolf king. Like some novels, she has become the "elder" of the wolf pack.

Until one day, a female wolf in the pack gave birth to a cub with white fur, and Bai Xiaoxiao finally had a companion.

Those newborn white wolves are her family members, produced by the snow mountain wolves under the influence of her abilities.Although these little guys have no supernatural powers, they have the ability to communicate with Bai Xiaoxiao in "language".

When she first heard a voice calling her, Bai Xiaoxiao thought there was something wrong with her ears, how could anyone in this world speak Chinese.

But then, a cub hilariously biting her tail caught her attention.

"Old aunt, old aunt!"

Bai Xiaoxiao looked at the little white wolf who was barking like a milk wolf, and blinked in disbelief.

She seemed to have heard Chinese from the cry of the little wolf, as if it had been translated by some mysterious power. This feeling is indeed wonderful.

"Are you calling me?"

Bai Xiaoxiao bit his ear lightly, watching the little wolf scramble towards her side.

"Yes, you are an old aunt. Mom said you have lived a long, long life."

Xiaolang's mother Bai Xiaoxiao knew that she was the daughter of her sister's son's daughter.In short, she was a junior, when she gave birth to a little white wolf, Bai Xiaoxiao specially observed her for several days out of curiosity, but it was indeed just an ordinary black wolf.

Bai Xiaoxiao couldn't communicate with the wolves precisely, but these little white wolves seemed to be able to.

"I'm not an old aunt, I'm still young."

"But you did live a long, long time."

After arguing with the child for a long time, Bai Xiaoxiao finally got the kid to call him "elder". Although the little wolf didn't know what "elder" meant, he liked to follow Bai Xiaoxiao very much.

"Shall I give you a name?"

The wolves in the wolf pack don't actually have names, but Bai Xiaoxiao named them herself for the convenience of distinguishing them, and these names are often rather sloppy.

The little wolf has no idea about the name, but he is still very happy.

Looking at the little wolf with bright eyes, Bai Xiaoxiao's head suddenly grew dilated.

I have such a bad mouth, did I forget that I was named a waste, why did I harm other people's children.

"Your name is...uh..."

Suddenly, she couldn't think of a good name, but when she met the little wolf's gray blue eyes, Bai Xiaoxiao blurted out a name:



The little wolf looked a little puzzled.

"It means eyes, your eyes are very beautiful."

Bai Xiaoxiao, who was a little guilty, spoke without confidence.

"Oh, so that's how it is. No wonder you call Uncle 'Long Ears'. Is it because Uncle's ears are very long?"

"Uh, it's actually okay..."

Sometimes the little wolf's chirping is very annoying, but Bai Xiaoxiao, who has been alone for too long, likes this little junior very much.

At least some wolves were willing to talk to her, and she was seldom lonely anymore.


The author has something to say:

The little daughter-in-law of the wolf god still hasn't come out today

After school starts, it may be updated every other day or every week, woohoo

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